AFCAT Exam Notification 2025

    AFCAT Notification 2025 

    AFCAT-2 notification –cy– has been released by the Indian Air Force on its official website. The application window will be active from May 30 to June 28, 2024. Furthermore, the recruitment will take place for filling 304 vacancies for the post of Flying Officers, Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical) Gazetted Officers. The AFCAT Exam 2024 is going to be held on August, 9th, 10th and 11th, 2024, so this is high time you should pull up your socks and get into preparing for the IAF AFCAT Exam 2024. The training of the selected candidates from this recruitment drive will start in July 2025. 

    Let's check out more details on the AFCAT-2 2024 exam notification below. 

    IAF AFCAT Vacancy 2025 

    The Indian Air Force releases an AFCAT exam notification two times a year to give aspirants an opportunity to be a part of this esteemed organization. AFCAT releases vacancies based on the availability of the different posts and commissions. Indian Air Force has finally released the number of AFCAT-2 2024 vacancies, so the exact number is now known i.e. 304. Take a look at the AFCAT 2024 vacancies in the table below. 

    EntryBranchCourse NumberVacancies
    Men (SSC)Women (SSC)
    AFCAT Entry Flying 215/24F/SSC/M & W 05 05
    Ground Duty (Technical) 214/24T/SSC/104AEC/ M & W
    • AE(L): 87
    • AE(M): 30
    • AE(L): 10
    • AE(M): 03
    Ground Duty Non- Technical) 214/24G/SSC/M & W
    • Weapon Systems (WS) Branch: 15
    • Admin: 43
    • LGS: 19
    • Accts: 11
    • Edn: 08
    • Met: 07
    • Weapon Systems (WS) Branch: 02
    • Admin: 05
    • LGS: 02
    • Accts: 02
    • Edn: 02
    • Met: 02
    NCC Special Entry Flying 215/24F/PC/M and 215/24F/SSC/M & W 10% seats out of CDSE vacancies for PC and 10% seats out of AFCAT vacancies for SSC

    AFCAT Admit Card 2025 

    The IAF AFCAT Admit Card 2025 will release a few days before the exam in July end or August beginning 2024. The IAF AFCAT Admit Card will be released through the official website of AFCAT at You can follow the link provided above to download your AFCAT call letter 2025 directly. You are required to log in from your respective Login ID and password and click on the “DOWNLOAD ADMIT CARD” link to download the AFCAT exam admit card from the website. The admit card will have all the details regarding the examination date along with the examination time and examination center. We wish all exam-takers the very best. 

    Type of Commission in Indian Air Force 

    You can join the Indian Air force through Permanent Commission (PC) and Short Service Commission (SSC). Short Service Commission (SSC) is for both men and women officers whereas Permanent Commission (PC) is only allotted to men. Further details are below. 

    (a) Permanent Commission (PC) for Men- PC officers that are generally men would continue to serve till the age of superannuation in their respective branches as per their rank. 

    (b) Short Service Commission (SSC) for Men & Women- SSC Officers for Flying Branch (Men and Women) can serve the Indian Air Force for 14 years from the date of Commissioning (Non-extendable). Furthermore, SSC Officers are not entitled to grant of pension. 

    Please note that the initial tenure for Ground Duty (Technical & Non-Technical) SSC Officers would be for a period of ten years. An extension of four years may be granted subject to service requirements, availability of vacancies, willingness, suitability, and merit. 

    How to Apply for AFCAT 2025 

    To apply for the AFCAT-2 2024 exam, you need to follow the given instructions step by step. Be very careful while filling out your application form. In case you fail to fulfill any of the requirements prescribed by the IAF in the AFCAT-2 2024 notification, your candidature will be rejected. 

    Note: Please note that you need to have your Aadhaar card with you during online registration for AFCAT 2024 exam. 

    S. NoDescription
    1. Sign up Format
    (a) Full Name As per 10th Matriculation Passing Certificate- all in alphabet of max 50 characters
    (b) Fathers Name In alphabet of maximum 50 characters
    (c) Mothers Name In alphabet of maximum 50 characters
    (d) Email id email id (to be used for Sign-in)
    (e) Nationality Indian
    (f) Mobile Number 10 digits
    (g) Secret Question Select one from options
    (h) Secret Answer In alphabet of maximum 50 characters
    (i) CAPTCHA Enter alphanumeric text shown
    2. Personal Information
    (a) Type of Entry Applicant has to choose entry to IAF through one of the options (i) AFCAT (ii) NCC Special Entry (iii) Meteorology Entry
    (b) Candidate’s Name (As per 10th/matriculation passing certificate) These fields will be auto filled from the signup data entered by the applicant.
    (c) Candidate’s Fathers Name (As per 10th/matriculation passing certificate)
    (d) Candidate’s Mothers Name (As per 10th/matriculation passing certificate)
    (e) Email Address  
    (f) Secondary Email Address Email id other than which the applicant has signed- up with
    (g) Nationality  
    (h) Mobile Number  
    (i) Candidate’s Visible Identification Mark In alphabet of maximum 50 characters
    (j) CPSS/PABT Status Applicant has to choose Passed/ Failed/ Not appeared; If passed fill the details from (i) to (iv)
    (i) CPSS/PABT Batch Number Numeric Value
    (ii) CPSS/PABT Date of Passing DD/MMM/YYYY
    (iii) CPSS/PABT Chest No. Numeric Value
    (iv) CPSS/PABT attended at which Air Force Selection Board Choose one from the list Dehradun, Gandhinagar, Mysore, Varanasi
    (k) Do you have a current valid Commercial Pilot License issued by DGCA? Select Yesor No
    (l) Are you serving Airman of IAF? Select Yesor No If Yes, fill the details from (i) to (iv)
    (i) Select Rank in IAF Choose one from the list
    (ii) Service Number Alphanumeric
    (iii) Current Posted Unit Alphanumeric
    (iv) Select Command Choose one from the list
    (m) Select Gender Male or Female
    (n) Select Marital Status Married or Unmarried
    (o) Date of Birth DD/MMM/YYYY
    (p) Confirm your Date of Birth DD/MMM/YYYY
    3. Qualification Details
    (a) Education Level Choose one from the list 10 + 2 + Graduation 10 + 2 + Graduation + Post Graduation 10 + 2 + Integrated Post Graduation
    (b) Select Graduation Level Choose one from the list, based on above selection Graduate Options A Graduate Options B Graduate Options C Graduate Options D
    (c) Select Qualification Degree For Group A, B, DChoose from - AMIE / ASI / IETE - Bachelor of Engineering - Bachelor of Technology For Option Center B.Com etc.
    (d) Course Duration (in years) Numeric (4) four years for A, B, D Numeric (3) three years for C
    (e) Name of College/ Institute In alphabet of maximum 50 characters
    (f) Name of University In alphabet of maximum 50 characters
    (g) Date/ Expected date of obtaining the Graduation DD/MMM/YYYY
    (h) Enter Aggregate/ Gross Percentage Numeric 2 digit
    (i) Do you have Current backlog? Select Yesor No
    (j) 10+2 / Higher Secondary School Details
    (i) Enter Aggregate/ Gross Percentage as per your 10+2 / Higher Secondary School Mark Sheet Numeric 2 digit
    (ii) Enter Physics Percentage as per your 10+2/ Higher Secondary School Mark Sheet. Enter 0 (Zero), if not applicable. Numeric 2 digit
    (iii) Enter Mathematics Percentage as per your 10+2/ Higher Secondary School Mark Sheet. Enter 0 (Zero), if not applicable. Numeric 2 digit
    4. Course Preference
    (a) Courses Applicant to select from the list of courses - Flying - Ground Duty (Technical) - Ground Duty (Non-Technical) A list of courses would be displayed for which a candidate is eligible as per the education qualification and age. Candidates are to mandatorily choose all courses as per their own preference. The registration process would not proceed further till the time all courses have been selected by the candidate. Candidates eligible for technical branch have to additionally select EKT paper as per their preference.
    5. NCC
    (a) NCC Air Wing C Certificate If applicant is joining through NCC
    (i) Serial No. Number
    (ii) Name of NCC Unit In alphabet of maximum 50 characters
    (iii) Year Numeric 4 digit (YYYY)
    6. AFSB/ SSB appeared Candidates Applicant has to choose Passed/ Failed/ Not appeared; If Passed fill details from (a) to (e)
    (a) Batch No. Number
    (b) Enter Place Of Appearing Alphabets
    (c) No of Days at AFSB From (DD/MMM/YYYY) to (DD/MMM/YYYY)
    7. Source of AFCAT information
    (a) Source List of information Newspaper, Employment News
    8. GATE
    (a) Year of appearing Numeric 4 digit
    (b) GATE Score Numeric 2 digit
    9. Communication Details
    (a) Permanent Address
    (i) Enter Full Address Alphabet and Numbers of maximum 100 characters
    (ii) Select State/Union Territories Choose any one from list of states displayed
    (iii) Select City Choose any one from list of cities displayed
    (iv) Pin Code Numeric 6 digits
    (v) Nearest Railway Station Alphabet of maximum 50 characters
    (vi) Landline Number STD code and Landline Numeric 11 digit
    (vii) Aadhaar Card Number 12 digit numeric number of the applicant as appearing in Aadhaar card issued by UIDAI.
    (viii) Check if Permanent Address is same as Correspondence Address. If ticked, the Permanent address details are populated in the Correspondence address.
    (b) Correspondence Address
    (i) Full Address In alphabet and numbers of maximum 250 characters
    (ii) State Choose any one from list displayed
    (iii) City Choose any one from list displayed
    (iv) Pin Code Numeric 6 digits
    (v) Nearest Railway Station In alphabet of maximum 50 characters
    10. Upload Documents Size of each file is to be between 10 KB and 50KB
    (a) Photograph Upload un-attested recent passport size colour photograph (front portrait without headgear, except for Sikhs)
    (b) Signature Upload scanned image of own signature in JPEG/ JPG format
    (c) Thumb Impression Upload scanned impression of the thumb in JPEG/ JPG format
    (d) Declaration by the candidate Check
    11. Select Exam City 5 choices based on preference from the list of exam cities

    Given below is the process of filling out the online application for the AFCAT-2 2024 exam. 

    • Visit the official website of the Indian Air Force i.e. AFCAT 
    • Click on the (Candidate Login) given on the homepage of AFCAT. 
    • Now click on the “NOT REGISTERED? REGISTER HERE” link. 
    • Create a login ID and once created you will receive a system-generated password. 
    • Sign in with login details and a system-generated password. 
    • Click on Selection entry: a candidate needs to choose between the two (a) AFCAT (b) NCC special entry (c) “Meteorology Entry”. 
    • Now click on “Application form filling” and start filling out the form. 
    • First, fill in your personal details and then “Save and Continue”. 
    • Now you need to fill in your Qualification Details” again save and continue. 
    • Now comes Course preference, in this, you need to choose the course you want to pursue. 
    • Communication details need to be filled in for any further communication purposes. 
    • You have to upload documents like Recent Picture, Signs and thumb impressions (size of each jpg/jpeg must be between 10KB and 50KB) 
    • You also need to choose the examination center. 
    • Click on the “Declaration” and then click on Save and Continue. 
    • After successful payment, a registration number will be displayed. Save it for further processing. 
    • Serving Airmen can also apply for the AFCAT exam. He needs to apply as per the service format given through the service channel. 
    • Aspirants that are already serving in Government organizations including in the Armed Forces, Government-owned industrial undertakings, or other similar organizations also need to apply only after obtaining the necessary permission from their departments concerned. Also, they have to produce a No Objection Certificate at the time of AFSB testing. 
    • In case you fail to produce the NOC, your candidature will be rejected. 

    AFCAT Application Fee 

    After a successful online application, you need to pay the application fee through online mode. This fee will be applicable to candidates other than NCC Special Entry and Meteorology entry. 

    For All Posts Rs. 250/- (non-refundable)

    AFCAT Admit Card 2025 

    The IAF AFCAT Admit Card 2025 was released on February 10, 2023, through the official website of AFCAT at You can follow the link provided above to download your AFCAT call letter 2025 directly. You are required to log in from your respective Login ID and password and click on the “DOWNLOAD ADMIT CARD” link to download the AFCAT exam admit card from the website. The admit card will have all the details regarding the examination date along with the examination time and examination center. 

    We wish all exam-takers the very best! 

    Afcat Exam Notification FAQs

    The AFCAT 2024 notification has been released recently in May 2024. Furthermore, the application link will remain active between May 30 to June 28, 2024.
    The Indian Air Force has announced 304 vacancies for the post of Flying Officers, Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical) Gazetted Officers.
    The online application process for the AFCAT exam will commence on May 30 and close on June 28, 2024.
    The AFCAT age limit varies for different posts. If you are applying for the Flying branch, you must be between the ages of 20 to 24 years as on July 01, 2025. On the other hand, if you are applying under the Ground Duty (Technical/Non-technical), you must be between the ages of 20 to 26 years as on July 01, 2025.
    The AFCAT 2024 Admit Card will be released on the official website a few days before the exam.

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