AFCAT Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme 2025

    Exam Pattern

    AFCAT Exam Pattern

    The very first thing you must do after looking at the eligibility criteria is to go through the AFCAT exam pattern. This will give you a clear understanding of the exam. With a clear idea about the exam pattern, you can make a strategy accordingly.

    AFCAT will be a one-day exam followed by an SSB (Interview). The AFCAT exam pattern consists of four sections. Furthermore, candidates who will apply for the technical posts on Ground Duty have to attempt an additional test named EKT (Engineering Knowledge Test).

    Note: The AFCAT and EKT exams will be conducted in English only.

    ExamSubjectsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
    AFCAT General Awareness 100 300 2 hours (120 Minutes)
    Verbal Ability in English
    Numerical Ability
    Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test
    EKT [For Candidates with one of the choices as (Technical) Branch] Mechanical 50 150 45 Minutes
    Computer Science
    Electrical & Electronics

    Marking Scheme

    Apart from the AFCAT exam pattern, you must also be aware of the AFCAT marking scheme. There will be a penalty for wrong answers. The details of the AFCAT marking scheme and penalty for wrong answers is given in the table below.

    AFCAT Exam Marking Scheme

    AFCAT Exam 2025 Marking SchemeConsidered Marks
    For correct answers 3 mark
    For wrong answers 1 mark
    For not attempted 0 (no marks)

    Exam Language

    The AFCAT-1 –cy– exam will consist of online tests which will consist of objective-type questions. The questions will only be available in the English Language only. The candidates will not have any option to choose their medium of the exam.

    Air Force Selection Board (AFSB)

    After obtaining the minimum qualifying marks in the online AFCAT exam as fixed by the IAF, you will be called for further process i.e. Air Force Selection Board (AFSB). You will be called at one of the Air Force Selection Boards.

    NCC Special Entry/Meteorology aspirants will be directly called for AFSB testing at one of the AFSB centres. The AFSB centres are at-

    • Dehradun (1 AFSB)
    • Mysore (2 AFSB)
    • Gandhinagar (3 AFSB)
    • Varanasi (4 AFSB)

    Note: If you have opted for a flying branch, you can only opt for Dehradun, Mysore, and Varanasi. Other candidates are required to choose the AFSB date and venue by themselves on the website or in order to generate a call-up letter for AFSB interview.

    You have to be physically fit when you report for SSB in order to be able to undergo various tests at AFSB. You should aim to achieve an ability to-

    • Run 01 mile (1.6 km) in 10 minutes
    • 10 push-ups and 3 chin-ups

    Any presence of narcotics or drugs in the body will lead to your debarment from further process. To read about this in detail you can read the AFCAT official notification. Also, Permanent body tattoos are strictly prohibited.

    Free Mock Tests

    Whenever you apply for any examination, you need to make sure that you leave no stone unturned. To evaluate your preparation level, the best way is to attempt mock tests as much as possible. It not only increases your speed but also improves your overall score in the exam. Thus, we at ixamBee are providing practice tests for AFCAT absolutely free of cost. You can attempt AFCAT free mock tests by just logging in to the website. These tests will give you enough chances to practice and improve upon your weak areas.

    Afcat Exam Pattern FAQs

    For the AFCAT 2023 exam, you need to cover four sections- General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, Numerical Ability, Reasoning & Military Aptitude Test. Furthermore, candidates applying for the technical posts on Ground Duty will have to attempt an additional test named EKT (Engineering Knowledge Test). You can refer to our AFCAT exam pattern page for more details.
    Yes, the AFCAT exam carries a negative marking of 1 mark for wrong answers.
    No. Only the candidates who have applied for the technical posts in Ground duty are supposed to appear for the EKT (Engineering Knowledge Test) along with AFCAT.
    No, there will be no sectional timing in the AFCAT exam. You will be given a composite time of 2 hours and 45 minutes to solve the AFCAT and EKT paper.
    The AFCAT exam will consist of 2 stages- Online Exam (AFCAT & EKT) followed by an SSB (Interview).
    No, the AFCAT exam will be held in the English language only.
    The AFCAT exam will be in online mode.

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