Bank Of Baroda PO Exam

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    Basic Information Notification Exam Pattern Syllabus Exam Dates Vacancy Eligibility Criteria Apply Now

    Deepesh demo

      BOB PO Exam Highlights

      BOB or Bank Of Baroda is a Public Sector Bank that was established in 1908 at the Princely State Of Baroda.It was nationalized on 19th July 1969 along with 13 other major commercial banks.BOB has its headquarters in Vadodara, Gujarat.The tagline of BOB is -India’s International Bank.

      Every year BOB recruits staff in the Specialist, Probationary and Clerical cadre. So the BOB PO notification will be a good opportunity for all aspiring candidates who want to make their career in the banking sector.This article will have all the details about the BOB PO recruitment and its exam.

      BOB PO Exam Highlights 2025

      Conducting BodyIBPS
      Name of Exam BOB Recruitment Exam
      Application mode Online
      Phases 2 (Written Exam and Interview)
      Official website
      Time Duration 2 Hours 30 minutes

      BOB PO Exam Notification

      Bank of Baroda or BOB is expected to release the notification for the recruitment of Probationary Officer in Junior Management Grade / Scale-I.This recruitment drive of Bank of Baroda PO will give a chance to all the selected candidates to go through a nine months Post Graduate Certificate in Banking and Finance course in Baroda Manipal School of Banking. On successful completion of the course, the candidate will be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Banking & Finance and will be appointed as a Probationary Officer in Junior Management Grade / Scale-I in BOB.

      BOB PO Exam Pattern

      BOB gives opportunities to young,energetic and innovative minds through its Post-Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance Admission Programme by Manipal Academy Of Higher Education.The BOB PO exam is conducted in two stages-written online exam followed by Interview/Group Discussion/Psychometric Test as decided by the bank and will be intimated at a later stage.

      BOB PO Phase I Exam Pattern

      BOB PO Phase I consists of an objective type online mode of examination.The BOB PO online exam consists of four sections namely- Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, General/Economy/Banking/ Awareness,Quantitative Aptitude and English Language which will be followed by a descriptive English Language paper.Each section comprises of a different number of questions.The composite time limit for BOB PO exam is 2 hours 30 minutes for 165 questions. For every wrong answer, 1/4th marks or 0.25 of the marks assigned will be deducted as a penalty. Further details are given in the table:

      SubjectNo. of QuestionsMarksMedium of ExamTime
      Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 50 75 English & Hindi 2 Hours 30 minutes
      General/Economy/Banking Awareness 40 40
      Quantitative Aptitude 40 50
      English Language 35 35 English
      Total 165 200  
      English Language (Letter & Essay Writing) 2 50 English 30 minutes

      BOB PO Exam Group Discussion / Psychometric Test / Personal Interview

      Those who qualify the BOB PO online written exam will be called for Personal Interview/Group Discussion/Psychometric Test subjected to 4 times the number of intake in each category, as decided by the bank.Those who qualify in both stages of the BOB PO Exam and are sufficiently high in the merit will be appointed as a BOB PO. A candidate should produce all the original documents and its photostat while appearing for the BOB PO GD/PI.

      BOB PO Exam Syllabus

      While preparing for BOB PO Exam, aspirants must be well versed with topics and the detailed syllabus. If a candidate is aware of the BOB PO syllabus then her/his preparation becomes easy and effective. BOB PO exam will have objective type questions from Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language and General/Economy/Banking Awareness. A candidate must go through the detailed syllabus given below:

      Quantitative Aptitude Percentages, Ratio and proportion, Average, Mixture and Allegation, Time and Work, Speed, distance and time, Stocks and shares, Partnership, Blood relations, Volume and Surface Area, Height and Distances, Logarithms Permutation and combinations, Simple and compound interest, Equations, Probability, Trigonometry, Profit, loss, and discount, Mensuration
      English Language Synonyms, Homonyms, Antonyms, Spelling, Word formation, Idioms and Phrases, Fill in the suitable words, Grammar, Spotting errors, Sentence correction, Active/ passive voice, Phrases and idioms, Direct and indirect, Speech Reading, Comprehension Passage completion, Theme detection, Deriving conclusion, Rearrangement of passage
      General Awareness Monetary Policies, Banking & Financial Awareness, Economic Terms, Current Affairs, Static GK, Financial & Economic News, Government Schemes, Agreement & Deals, Banking terms, rates, processes, National Institution
      Reasoning Puzzles, Seating Arrangement - Circular, Square, and Linear, Data Sufficiency, Directions and Distance, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Inequality, Syllogism, Machine Input Output, Verbal Reasoning, Ordering and Ranking, Arrangement and Pattern, Scheduling, Distance and Direction, Ranking
      Computer knowledge History of computers, Basics of hardware and software, Windows operating system Basics, Internet Terms and services, Basic functionalities of MS-Office (MS-word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint), Networking and communication, Database basics Basics of hacking, Security tools and viruses

      BOB PO Exam Dates

      Bank of Baroda PO Recruitment is a golden opportunity for all those aspirants who are interested in making a career in banking. BOB PO is a rewarding job as it is the gateway to India’s International Bank.The official notification for BOB PO is not out but a candidate is advised to keep his/her preparation up to the mark.The BOB PO official notification will contain all the details regarding the exam dates and a candidate must go through it carefully to avoid any confusion later.

      BOB PO Exam Dates

      Registration Open on designated online portal To be notified later
      Registration Closes To be notified later
      Date of Written Test (Tentative) To be notified later

      BOB PO Exam Vacancy

      Since the official notification of BOB PO is not out so the exact number of vacancies cannot be told right now. BOB PO vacancies will be pan India and not state-wise or zone wise.The BOB PO official notification will contain all the details regarding the number of vacancies for general and reserved categories.Each category will have a different number of vacancies.We will also update you once the official notification of BOB PO is out.

      Participating OrganizationSCSTOBCUR
      Bank of Baroda 90 45 162 303

      BOB PO Exam Eligibility Criteria

      Bank of Baroda PO exam has some criteria that is necessary to follow. A candidate eligible for filling the BOB PO online application form should go through the official notification carefully. The eligibility criteria - education qualification, age and other details mentioned in the BOB PO official notification is mentioned below-

      BOB PO Exam Educational Criteria

      A candidate must check his/her eligibility before applying for the BOB PO Exam so that the online application form is not rejected. A candidate should possess a graduation degree in any discipline from a recognized university with a minimum of 55% marks for general category and 50% for reserved category. Detailed information can be deduced from the table below-

      PostEducational Qualification
      Probationary officer Graduate in any discipline with 55% marks from a recognized university.

      BOB PO Exam Age Criteria

      For filling BOB PO application form a candidate should lie in the age limit of 20 to 28 years as on the date that is mentioned in the BOB PO official notification.These age limits are for the general category. A candidate applying for the BOB PO Exam should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility criteria.The candidate can refer to the table given below:

      PostAge Criteria
      Probationary officer Minimum Age – 20 years/Maximum Age– 28 years

      BOB PO Exam Age Relaxation

      BOB PO also provides age relaxation to some reserved categories. This relaxation is on the upper age limit of the candidate. A candidate should be able to produce a valid age relaxation certificate while claiming age relaxation for BOB PO exam.The table provides every minute details of age relaxation for different categories.

      CategoryAge Relaxation
      SC/ ST 5 years
      OBC 3 years
      Ex-servicemen, Commissioned Officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) who have rendered at least 5 years military service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from the last date of receipt of application) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or physical disability attributable to military service or invalidment 5 years
      Persons ordinarily domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 5 years
      Persons affected by 1984 riots 5 years
      Persons with Disabilities (PWD)
      Persons with Disabilities – SC / ST 15 years
      Persons with Disabilities – OBC 13 years
      Persons with Disabilities – General 10 years

      BOB PO Exam : How To Apply

      The procedure for the BOB PO online application form is easy.The steps are mentioned below and you can go through it.

      • Candidates are required to apply online through the official link and no other mode of application will be accepted.
      • Candidates should have a valid email ID and contact number which should be kept active till the completion of the BOB PO selection process.
      • Candidates should scan their photograph and signature as per the dimensions mentioned in the official BOB PO notification.
      • Signature in the capital letter will not be accepted.
      • Candidates are advised to carefully fill the BOB PO online application form as no change in any of the data filled in the online application will be permitted after final submit.
      • There is a provision to modify the BOB PO online application before final submission and a candidate should make use of this facility to correct the details in the online application if any.
      • After the filling of the BOB PO application form, candidates will be redirected to the payment system.
      • Once the BOB PO application fee payment is done online an email/ SMS intimation with the Registration Number and Password generated on successful registration of the application will be sent to the candidate’s email ID/ Mobile Number mentioned in the BOB PO online application form.

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