CBSE Superintendent and Junior Assistant Syllabus and Exam Pattern - 2025

    Recently, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) issued a notification regarding two posts that have been placed in the process of recruitment: Superintendent and Junior Assistant. The online application process has been scheduled to be carried out between January 1, 2025, and January 31, 2025. Applicants should submit their applications within the time frame, as late applications will not be entertained.

    The total number of vacancies for the Superintendent position is 142 and for the Junior Assistant position is 70. The total number of vacancies is subject to reservations in different categories, which include Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), and Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD). There are earmarked vacancies for the post of Superintendent for PwBD categories, including those suitable for persons with blindness, low vision, and other disabilities.

    Applicants who apply for these posts must qualify according to the eligibility conditions mentioned in the advertisement. The selection process shall be conducted by a two-tier examination system.

    In the case of the Superintendent, the preliminary screening examination shall consist of MCQs, and after that, there will be a descriptive written main examination. In addition to the above, the typing speed test shall be carried out but it shall be qualifying in nature. The same shall be the case with the Junior Assistant post as well.

    This webpage will present the exam pattern and syllabus of CBSE Recruitment for both the posts. This is intended to give in-depth information regarding the exam structure, type of questions, and topics covered in the syllabus that are important for both posts. Such knowledge will enable candidates to study according to a well-defined strategy for the exams as they are competitive and demanding in terms of selection process performance.

    CBSE Recruitment Exam Pattern

    The examination process of the CBSE recruitment for the posts of Superintendent and Junior Assistant consists of various key steps.

    For the position of Superintendent, the process is three-tiered. First, it has a preliminary screening examination. The preliminary screening examination is an MCQ-based examination. Those candidates who will clear the first tier will go for the second step, which is a descriptive written main examination. Candidates after clearing both the examinations are required to sit for a typing speed test. This typing test requires candidates to type a minimum of 35 words per minute in English and 30 words per minute in Hindi on a computer. Important: This is the typing test qualifying in nature, thus not scoring any, but to pass it; one must complete the test.

    • MCQ Test (Preliminary Screening)
    • Descriptive Exam (Mains)
    • Typing Test

    For the Junior Assistant position, too, the test pattern is alike. Candidates need to appear first for the preliminary screening examination composed of MCQs. Students who qualify thereafter have to take a typing speed test, with a speed also of 35 words per minute on a computer for English and 30 words per minute for Hindi. Similar to the Superintendent's role, a typing test is mandatory but does not count in the student's score, either.

    • MCQ Test (Preliminary Screening)
    • Typing Test

    Both of these positions have requirements that candidates need to fulfill before applying. Knowledge of this examination pattern is a must for candidates as it prepares them for every step of the recruitment process.

    CBSE Superintendent Exam Pattern

    The scheme of examination for the post of Superintendent at CBSE is divided into three main steps: Tier-1 examination, Tier-2 examination, and a Skill Test.

    The first step is that the candidates will be given the Tier-1 examination. The Tier-1 examination will be an objective type test with multiple-choice questions. Questions will be provided in both English and Hindi except for the English comprehension section. In this examination, an OMR sheet is going to be used. Only candidates who perform very well will get selected for the next round. This shortlisting is on a 1:10 ratio, which means that out of ten candidates, one candidate will get the opportunity to move to the further rounds.

    The descriptive written test is Tier-2 exam. In contrast to Tier-1, this exam assesses knowledge and understanding in more minute detail. The performance of the candidates in this tier is quite crucial because it determines who will be taken ahead for the final step of the selection process. Candidates appearing in this Tier are called for Skill Test/Typing Test in the proportion of 1:5. This implies that out of five candidates selected from Tier-2, only one will be invited to take the Skill Test.

    Finally, the Skill Test or the Typing Test is a qualifying test. It tests the typing skills of the candidates. Candidates must be able to type at least 35 words per minute in English or 30 words per minute in Hindi on a computer. This test does not add up to the overall score, but it is necessary to pass it to complete the selection process.

    It must be especially noted that a separate cut off for each of the tiers applies. The EWS and OBC candidates will then be set for cut-off at 5 per cent below of that of unreserved category cut off. Further, for candidates belonging to the SC, ST or PwBD category, their cut-off has been set for 10 percentage below that for unreserved. Additionally, candidates must secure at least 30% of the maximum marks in any tier to be considered for selection.

    This expectation has each tier with unique educational qualifications concerning the knowledge a candidate is to possess for one to conduct such an examination process for the office of Superintendent. For Tier 1, the graduate must have taken Senior Secondary studies. In the case of Tier 2, the education pursued must be that of a college graduate.

    The whole process of the examination ensures that only qualified candidates are selected for the position of Superintendent at CBSE. Every step is a critical assessment of different skills and competencies needed for the job.

    CBSE Superintendent Tier 1 Exam Pattern

    PartSubjectsTotal No. of QuestionsTotal MarksTime Duration
    Part-IV GENERAL HINDI & GENERAL ENGLISH 15 + 15 = 30 90
    TOTAL 150 450  

    CBSE Superintendent Tier 2 Exam Pattern

    SubjectsObjective TypeDescriptive Type
    Total No. of QuestionsTotal MarksTotal No. of QuestionsTotal Marks
    CURRENT AFFAIRS 10 30 04 20
    INDIAN ECONOMY 04 12 04 20
    INDIAN GEOGRAPHY 04 12 04 20
    SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 04 12 04 20
    TOTAL 50 150 30 150

    CBSE Superintendent Syllabus

    There are two primary levels to the CBSE Superintendent syllabus: it comprises a particular section for the specific syllabus covered, that which candidates have to acquire in each section.

    This examination would be objective in nature, in the form of MCQs, and a part of Tier-1. The topics would include General Awareness, which encompasses knowledge of recent events and general knowledge in many fields. A special focus on Reasoning Ability, which requires logical thinking, would also be present. Further, questions relating to Numerical Ability are also there; it would relate to basic arithmetic and mathematical skills. It's the English Language section, whereby candidates' competencies in grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension shall be tested. This tier looks to assess completely the general knowledge and analytical competence of the candidate.

    Tier-2 syllabus of CBSE Superintendent consists of objective as well as descriptive parts. In the objective section, multiple choice questions are used, and that question paper comprises different broad headings. Current affairs covers national as well as international issues, sports, and remarkable science and technological development. Indian history and culture questions ancient and medieval periods, main dynasties, and the struggle for freedom. The Indian Economy topic addresses basic economic concepts, budgeting, inflation, and major sectors of the economy.

    There is coverage of Indian Geography with emphasis on physical features and natural resources, patterns of climate, and environmental issues. The Science & Technology part tests knowledge in electronics, health care, and environmental changes. Candidates will also cover Public Administration and Management, which will include theories of administration and management functions. Lastly, the syllabus covers Indian Constitution, Polity, and Governance-the structure of government and local self-government.

    The detailed CBSE Superintendent syllabus is as below in a table:

    • GENERAL HINDI (िहȽी वणŊमाला, िवराम िचɎ, शɨ रचना, वाƐ रचना, अथŊ, शɨ ŝप, संिध, समास, िŢयाएँ , अनेकाथŎ, शɨ, िवलोम शɨ, पयाŊयवाची शɨ, मुहावरे एवं लोकोİƅयाँ, तȖम एवं तȥव, देशज, िवदेशी (शɨ भंडार), वतŊनी, अथŊबोध, िहȽी भाषा के Ůयोग मŐ होने वाली अशुİȠयाँ, िहȽी की मुƥ बोिलयाँ)
    • GENERAL ENGLISH (Active Voice and Passive Voice, Parts of Speech, Transformation of Sentences, Direct and Indirect Speech, Punctuation and Spellings, Words meanings, Vocabulary & Usage, Idioms and Phrases, Fill in the Blanks), , Hindi & English Comprehension, , Communication Skill


    • COMPUTER BASICS: Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), input/ output devices, computer memory, memory organization, back- up devices, PORTs, Windows Explorer. Keyboard shortcuts.
    • SOFTWARE: Windows Operating system including basics of Microsoft Office like MS word, MS Excel and Power Point etc.
    • WORKING WITH INTERNET AND E-MAILS: Web Browsing & Searching, Downloading & Uploading, Managing an E-mail Account, e-Banking.
    • BASICS OF NETWORKING AND CYBER SECURITY: Networking devices and protocols, Network and information security threats (like hacking, virus, worms, Trojan etc.) and preventive measures.

    CBSE Superintendent Tier 2 Exam Syllabus

    CURRENT AFFAIRS National and International issues and events , Sports , Awards , Persons in recent news , Latest developments in Science and Technology , Committee, Reports and Task Forces , UN & International Agencies, , Role of World Bank, IMF and WTO , Trade Blocs viz; EU, EFTA, NAFTA, ASEAN, SAFTA etc. , India in Global Scenario
    INDIAN HISTORY AND CULTURE Ancient & Medieval Period , Salient features and Major Landmarks of Ancient and Medieval India Art , History of Indian Culture covering the salient aspects of Arts Forms, Literature and Architecture from ancient to modern times. , Major Dynasties and their Administrative System. Socio-Economic Conditions , The Freedom struggle- its various stages and important contributors/contributions from different parts of the country. , Modern Indian history (from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present)- significant events, personalities, and issues , Social and Religious Reform movements in the 19th and 20th centuries , Growth of Indian Education System and School Boards.
    INDIAN ECONOMY Basic Concepts of Economics , Basic Knowledge of Budgeting, Banking, Public Finance, National Income, Stock Exchange and Share Market, Fiscal and Monetary Policies, Subsidies, Public Distribution System, e-Commerce , Inflation- Concept, Impact and Control , Major Sectors of Economy- Agriculture, Industry, Service, and Trade- Current Status, Issues & initiatives , Major Economic Problems and Government Initiatives. Economic Reforms and Liberalization , Meaning of liberalization, Privatization and globalization and their effects on economy, polity and social structure
    INDIAN GEOGRAPHY Broad physical features and Major physiographic divisions , Natural Resources: Water, Forest, Soil , Climate- Origin of Monsoon, Seasonal Climatic conditions, Distribution of rainfall and climatic regions , Minerals – Iron, Manganese, Coal, Oil & Gas, Atomic minerals , Major Industries and Industrial development , Transportation– major transport corridors , Environmental Problems and Ecological Issues , Agriculture and Agro-based Activities , Population: Growth, Distribution and Density, Sexratio, Literacy, urban and Rural Popula
    SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Electronics, Computers, Information and Communication Technology , Space Technology including Satellites, Defence Technology, Nanotechnology , The human body, Food and Nutrition, Health care , Environmental and Ecological Changes and their Impacts , Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering , Characteristics feature of life
    CONCEPTS, ISSUED AND DYNAMICS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT SYLLABUS Administration and management: Meaning, nature, and significance, its role in developed & developing societies. Theories of public administration. , Concepts of power, authority, legitimacy, responsibility and delegation , Principles of organization: Hierarchy, Span of control and unity of command , Functions of management, Corporate governance and social responsibility , New dimensions of public management, management of change , Attitude and foundational values of civil services: integrity, impartiality and non-partisanship, dedication to public service , Legislative & Judicial control over administration: various methods and techniques of legislative & judicial control , Administrative Ethics, Motivation and Moral.
    CONSTITUTION OF INDIA, POLITY, GOVERNANCE Development & Indian Constitution: Government of India Act: 1919 and 1935, Constituent Assembly, Nature of Indian Constitution, Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State, Fundamental Duties, Federal Structure, Constitutional Amendments, Emergency Provisions, Public Interest Litigation (P.I.L) and Judicial Review , Union and State Executive; Union and State Legislative, Judiciary , President, Parliament, Supreme Court, Election Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General, Planning Commission, National Development Council, Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), Central Information Commission, Lokpal, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). , Local Self-Government & Panchayati Raj

    CBSE Junior Assistant Exam Pattern

    The process is two-step with the CBSE Junior Assistant exam. Candidates will need to sit the Tier-1 examination that forms an objective-type test through multiple choice questions. Candidates are judged according to general knowledge and other general skills which go with the designation. On basis of their performances in the Tier-1 test, selected candidates will be issued a Skill Test, which happens to be a qualifying nature. The selection made for this exam is done in 1:5 ratio, such that for the five candidates in a group, one will get selected based on his performance through Tier-1.

    The cut-off marks for Tier-1 are kept 5% below the Unreserved (UR) category cut-off marks for OBC and Economically Weaker Section (EWS) candidates. For Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD), the cut-off is 10% below that of the UR category. The candidate must obtain at least 30% of the maximum marks in Tier-1 to qualify for selection.

    The knowledge expected from the candidate applying for the Junior Assistant post is Senior Secondary education. It ensures that candidates have a basic level of education suitable for the responsibilities of the role. In general, the examination process aims to identify qualified candidates who can effectively fulfill the duties of a Junior Assistant at CBSE.

    CBSE Junior Assistant Exam Pattern

    PartSubjectsTotal No. of QuestionsTotal MarksTime Duration
    Part-I General Knowledge, Current Affairs and General Awareness about the Environment (Bilingual). 30 90 2 hrs
    Part-II Reasoning and Mathematical Ability (Bilingual) 25 75
    Part-III General Hindi and English 25 75
    Part-IV Basic Knowledge of Computer Operation 10 30
    Part-V Awareness about School Education, Examination Board and its Administration etc. 10 30
    TOTAL 100 300  

    CBSE Junior Assistant Syllabus

    The syllabus for the Tier-1 examination for CBSE Junior Assistant includes various types of components. These are planned to check candidates' knowledge and skills. The examination is conducted in an objective type format using multiple-choice questions and takes a total time of 2 hours.

    General Knowledge, Current Affairs, and General Awareness about the Environment will be covered with 30 questions amounting to a total of 90 marks. The section aims to test awareness about current events, environmental issues, and general knowledge. Reasoning and Mathematical Ability will include 25 questions amounting to a total of 75 marks. This will evaluate logical reasoning and basic mathematical skills.

    General Hindi and English are covered in the third part of the examination. It is made up of 25 questions totaling 75 marks. It assesses a candidate's ability in the two languages. The fourth part includes Basic Knowledge of Computer Operation with 10 questions for 30 marks. This tests candidates' understanding of computer operations and applications. Finally, Awareness about School Education, Examination Board, and its Administration is the fifth part, and it has 10 questions for 30 marks in total.

    Overall, the Tier-1 syllabus is designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of candidates' knowledge across various relevant areas. The medium of the examination will be bilingual, available in both Hindi and English, ensuring accessibility for all candidates.

    CBSE Superintendent Exam - Free Mock Tests

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