CSIR CASE SO/ASO Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023 - Check Subject Wise Exam Syllabus

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    CSIR Section Officer & Assistant Section Officer Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2025

    Mastering a competitive exam like the CSIR SO/ASO exam 2023-24 relies on grasping the exam pattern and syllabus, a source of anxiety for many hopefuls. To ease your worries, we've furnished a thorough outline of the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam pattern. Acquainting yourself with these specifics will not only dispel uncertainties but also furnish you with the insights necessary to navigate the exam triumphantly. Prepare with confidence, armed with a precise comprehension of the examination structure and syllabic intricacies. The CSIR SO/ASO selection process is as follows-

    • Stage 1- Objective Paper (for both posts)
    • Stage 2- Descriptive Paper English/Hindi (for both posts)
    • Stage 3- Interview (for the post of Section Officer) and Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) (for the post of Assistant Section Officer)

    Successful exam preparation requires careful planning well ahead of time. To accomplish this, it's crucial to have a comprehensive grasp of the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer syllabus. Stay ahead by acquainting yourself with the details of the syllabus, guaranteeing a methodical approach to your study routine. Your triumph depends on strategic preparation and staying updated on the provided guidelines.

    CSIR SO/ASO Paper 1 and Paper 2 Exam Pattern

    CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer Paper 1 consists of two sections: General Awareness and English Language & Comprehension. The exam is worth a total of 150 marks, with a duration of 120 minutes or 2 hours. Aspirants must strategically manage their time to effectively tackle both sections and maximize their performance in this competitive examination.

    The CSIR SO and ASO Paper 2 will also be conducted on the same day after the conclusion of Paper 1. CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer Paper 2 features questions on General Intelligence, Reasoning, and Mental Ability. This section is worth a total of 200 marks, and candidates will have 150 minutes or 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete the exam. Efficient time management and a strategic approach are imperative to excel in this comprehensive evaluation of cognitive abilities.

    Take a look at the CSIR SO/ASO Paper 1 and Paper 2 exam pattern in the table below.

    PaperSubjectMax. MarksTime
    General Awareness and English Language and Comprehension
    General Awareness: 100 Objective Type Questions of one mark each.
    English Language and Comprehension: 50 Objective Type Questions of one mark each.
    150 marks 02.00 Hours (120 Mins)
    General Intelligence, Reasoning, and Mental Ability
    (200 Objective Type Questions of one mark each with
    a negative marking @ 0.33 marks for every wrong answer.)
    200 02:30 Hours (150 Minutes)
    English/Hindi – Descriptive Paper Essay, Precis and Letter/Application Writing
    150 02 Hours (120 Minutes)
    Interview carrying 100 marks for the post of Section Officer (Gen/F&A/S&P) only.
    Computer Proficiency Test carrying 100 marks for the posts of Assistant Section Officer (Gen/F&A/S&P) only. CPT is Qualifying in nature.

    Please Note

    • The final decision regarding whether to conduct Paper 1 and Paper 2 on the same day or separate days, as well as the scheduling of Paper 3, CPT/Interview, and any associated matters, will be made by the Competent Authority. 
    • This decision will be based on factors such as the Mode of Examination, logistical considerations, and other relevant factors.

    CSIR SO & ASO Paper 1 and Paper 2 Syllabus

    The CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer Paper 1 includes General Awareness and English Language & Comprehension sections. In contrast, Paper 2 comprises questions on General Intelligence, Reasoning, and Mental Ability. Dive into the elaborate syllabus for each section, consolidating crucial details into a comprehensive resource. This approach facilitates a deep understanding of the exam's key areas, aiding effective preparation. Take a look at the CSIR SO/ASO Paper 1 and Paper 2 syllabus below.

    SubjectCSIR ASO Syllabus
    General Awareness
    • History of India & Indian National Movement
    • Constitution of India, Polity, Governance, Social Justice
    • Current events of National and International importance
    English Language & Comprehension
    • Comprehension
    • Do as directed (Active-Passive; Direct-Indirect etc.)
    • Prepositions, fill in the blanks,
    • Synonyms/Antonyms
    • Sentence Correction; common errors
    • Punctuation, Idioms & Phrases etc.
    General Intelligence, Reasoning and Mental Ability
    • General Intelligence, Reasoning and Mental Ability
    • Arithmetical and Numerical Ability
    • General Science
    • Economic & Social Development and General issues on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change
    • Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude
    • Decision Making and Problem solving
    • Management Principles & Practices
    • National Geography
    Paper - III (Descriptive Paper)
    English/ Hindi
    • Essay writing
    • Precis writing
    • Letter/Application writing

    CSIR SO/ASO Paper 3 Exam Pattern

    The CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer Paper 3 will explore Descriptive English/Hindi, providing a platform to exhibit linguistic proficiency and expressive abilities. This section will encompass Essay Writing, Precis Writing, and Letter/Application Writing, evaluating candidates' written communication skills. Aspirants should hone their articulation and composition skills to excel in this segment, showcasing a comprehensive command over the chosen language for successful performance in the examination. 

    Interview (for the post of Section Officer)

    A crucial aspect of the CSIR Section Officer recruitment process involves a comprehensive interview, carrying a weightage of 100 marks. This interview serves as a significant evaluation tool to assess candidates' suitability for the role, encompassing various facets of their knowledge, skills, and suitability for the position.

    Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) (for the post of Assistant Section Officer)

    For the CSIR Assistant Section Officer position, a Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) is an integral component, weighted at 100 marks. While it is qualifying in nature, the CPT assesses candidates' proficiency in computer-related tasks, ensuring they possess the requisite skills for the role, thereby enhancing the selection process.

    Qualifying Criteria for CSIR SO and ASO

    CSIR Section Officer (Gen/F&A/S&P)

    • Candidates achieving the minimum aggregate marks out of 350 (Paper 1 and Paper 2) will advance to Paper 3 (Descriptive Paper).
    • Those securing the minimum marks in Paper 1, Paper 2, and Paper 3 (out of 500) will proceed to the Interview phase, carrying 100 marks.
    • The Section Officer's total marks (Gen/F&A/S&P) will be 600.
    • The Final Select/Wait List will be formulated based on vacancies and candidates' total marks, contingent on meeting the minimum threshold marks.

    CSIR Assistant Section Officer (Gen/F&A/S&P)

    • Candidates meeting the minimum aggregate marks out of 350 (Paper 1 and Paper 2) proceed to Paper 3 (Descriptive Paper) and the qualifying Computer Proficiency Test (CPT). Marks in CPT are not included in the final tally.
    • The total marks for the Assistant Section Officer (Gen/F&A/S&P) position amount to 500, excluding CPT.
    • The Final Select/Wait List considers vacancies, total marks, meeting the minimum threshold, and qualifying marks in CPT.

    Marking Scheme

    Like several exams, the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exams implement a negative marking system. In case of an incorrect response, a penalty is imposed—specifically, deducting 0.33 or 1/3rd of the marks assigned to the question. It's vital to respond with caution and precision to avoid such deductions. Notably, unanswered questions entail no negative marks, presenting a strategic advantage for thoughtful consideration and omission when uncertain. Being aware of this marking scheme is crucial for maximizing your performance in the examination.

    Exam Language

    In the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam 2025, all papers will be presented in bilingual format, allowing candidates to choose between English and Hindi—except for the English Language Part of Paper 1, which will be exclusively in English. This linguistic flexibility aims to cater to candidates' proficiency and comfort, ensuring equitable opportunities for expression and comprehension throughout the examination.

    CSIR SO/ASO Books

    Achieving success in the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam demands access to high-quality study materials. The right books can offer genuine guidance and knowledge, significantly increasing your likelihood of excelling. An essential element of exam preparation, these resources play a pivotal role in shaping your understanding and approach. Explore the following table for a curated selection of valuable books tailored for the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam. These recommended readings aim to enrich your preparation, providing comprehensive insights and content alignment that corresponds to the exam's requirements. Make wise investments in these resources to optimize your study routine and elevate your performance.

    CSIR SO/ASO Free Mock Tests

    For effective preparation for any crucial exam, thorough readiness is paramount. ixamBee recognizes this imperative and offers a valuable resource in the form of CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer mock tests. Carefully crafted to align with the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam's level and pattern, these tests serve as indispensable tools for analyzing your performance and refining your preparation strategy. Tailored with precision, these mock tests from ixamBee cater to your needs without incurring any cost. Take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your exam readiness, ensuring you enter the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam well-equipped and confident in your abilities.

    CSIR SO/ASO Previous Year Question papers 

    To gain an advantage in the CSIR CASE exam 2025-24, it is recommended that candidates tackle the previous year's question papers. This aids in understanding the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam pattern, syllabus, and question types. At ixamBee, recognizing the significance of solving past papers in exam preparation, we offer CSIR SO/ASO previous year question papers at no additional cost. This facilitates candidates in identifying their strengths and weaknesses for a more effective preparation approach.

    CSIR SO/ASO Online Course 

    The announcement of the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer notification 2025 has sparked determination among aspirants to seize this opportunity. However, the challenge lies in navigating the vast sea of study materials. To alleviate this confusion, ixamBee presents the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer Online Course—a comprehensive solution designed to equip you with top-notch study material. Crafted by our experts through meticulous research of previous exam patterns and an in-depth analysis of the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer syllabus, this course ensures you receive the most relevant and effective preparation. With ixamBee's commitment to excellence, you can embark on your journey towards success in the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam with confidence, knowing you have access to a well-crafted and expert-approved study resource.

    Csir Case So Aso Syllabus FAQs

    The CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer selection process consists of three stages: Phase 1 includes Paper 1 and Paper 2, Phase 2 involves Paper 3 (Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi), and Interview (for the post of Section Officer), and Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) (for the post of Assistant Section Officer). These comprehensive stages assess candidates' abilities and skills for successful placement in their respective roles.
    There will be a negative marking system in the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam, which comprises objective-type questions. For each incorrect response, 1/3rd or 0.33 marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty. Candidates should be cautious while answering to avoid unnecessary deductions.
    In the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam, there is no sectional timing. Candidates are provided with a composite time of 2 hours to complete the entire examination. This allows candidates to manage their time strategically across different sections, emphasizing overall performance rather than imposing specific time constraints on individual sections.
    There will be the following sections in the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer 2023-24 exam, i.e., General Awareness and English Language & Comprehension, General Intelligence, Reasoning, and Mental Ability. By encompassing these diverse sections, the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam aims to comprehensively evaluate your aptitude, reasoning, language, and awareness, providing a holistic assessment of your suitability for a role in the banking sector. Therefore, dedicating time and effort to each section is crucial to ensure a well-rounded preparation strategy.
    For the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam 2025, all papers will be provided in a bilingual format, granting candidates the option to select between English and Hindi—except for the English Language Part of Paper 1, which will be exclusively in English.
    For a comprehensive list of recommended books for the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer 2025 exam, visit the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer syllabus page within the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam section tab. This resource will provide valuable insights into the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer study materials that align with the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer syllabus, aiding you in effective exam preparation.
    Certainly, ixamBee offers a dedicated and comprehensive CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer online course tailor-made to guide aspirants toward their career aspirations. This course provides structured guidance, preventing distractions and ensuring focused preparation. With ixamBee's CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer Online Course, you can navigate your journey efficiently and enhance your chances of success in the examination.
    On ixamBee, you can avail yourself of free CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer mock tests for Paper 1 and 2. Our platform provides extensive and top-notch mock tests designed to replicate the actual exam conditions. These mock tests serve as valuable tools to evaluate your preparedness, pinpoint areas of improvement, and enhance your confidence in preparation for the CSIR Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer exam.

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