FCI Assistant General Manager 2025 Notification Out, Exam Date, Eligibility, Apply Online

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    FCI Assistant General Manager Notification 2024

    The recruitment drive for Food Corporation of India Assistant General Manager for the year 2024 is anticipated soon. FCI is conducts a recruitment drive across different departments i.e. General Administration, Technical/Accounts/Law & Medical Officer. The FCI AGM exam notification comprises all the details related to the FCI Assistant General Manager exam i.e. exam pattern, eligibility criteria, vacancies, salary, age limit, and more. It is always advised to ensure your eligibility for whichever post you wish to apply for. The FCI AGM exam for Technical/Accounts/Law & Medical Officer will be held after the notification is out. Aspirants will be able to send in their applications as per the deadline and once they finish their recruitment process will be the result. The final results for FCI AGM after the document verification and Interview will be done after the written exam is done! FCI will release the list of finally selected candidates for the recruitment cycle on its official website. This means that once the FCI AGM 2024 notification is out, you have a busy time ahead.

    FCI Assistant General Manager Notification 2024 

    The Food Corporation of India (FCI) is one of the largest public sector undertakings responsible for ensuring the quality and security of food in India. The FCI recruitment for the post of Assistant General Manager (General Administration, Technical, Accounts, Law, and Medical Officer) for 2024 has not yet begun. However, aspirants who have not participated in the recruitment cycle before can apply once the FCI AGM Notification is released. Working at an organization like FCI, with its numerous offices across the country, is highly lucrative, and many candidates eagerly await the FCI Assistant General Manager Notification. Additionally, the FCI Assistant General Manager notification for the recruitment of Manager posts (General, Depot, Movement, Accounts, Technical, Civil Engineering, Electrical Mechanical Engineering) for 2024 is yet to be announced.

    The recruitment drive for the Food Corporation of India Assistant General Manager for 2024 is expected to start soon. FCI conducts a recruitment drive across various departments, such as General Administration, Technical, Accounts, Law, and Medical Officer. The FCI AGM Exam Notification will provide all the necessary details about the FCI Assistant General Manager exam, like the FCI AGM exam pattern & syllabus. Along with that the FCI AGM notification 2024 will also include details about the FCI AGM Exam Date, vacancies, FCI AGM salary, age limit, and more. It's crucial to ensure your eligibility for the post you wish to apply for. All these details will be mentioned in the FCI AGM Exam Notification .The FCI AGM Exam for Technical, Accounts, Law, and Medical Officer will be held after the FCI AGM Notification is released.

    Aspirants can submit their applications before the deadline after the FCI AGM notification is released. After the recruitment process concludes, the results will be announced. The final results for FCI AGM will be declared after the written exam, document verification, and interview process are completed. FCI will release the list of selected candidates for the recruitment cycle on its official website. This means that once the FCI AGM Exam Notification is out, candidates will have a busy time ahead.

    FCI Assistant General Manager Notification 2024

    The Food Corporation of India (FCI) will soon release the FCI Assistant General Manager Notification for 2024. The FCI AGM Notification 2024 is eagerly awaited by many students, especially those from agriculture, food sciences, and related fields. The Assistant General Manager post is highly coveted due to its excellent career prospects. The FCI AGM Exam Notification will outline all the important details for aspirants.

    The Food Corporation of India (FCI) stands as a key pillar of the Indian economy, safeguarding the nation's food safety for its vast population. It motivates farmers and ensures food gets to those in dire need. The FCI is at the heart of the Public Distribution System (PDS), providing low-cost wheat and rice to fair price shops, helping millions of lower-income families get essential staples at cheap prices. As the organization releases the FCI Assistant General Manager Notification, it continues to seek qualified individuals to uphold these critical functions. Moreover, the FCI plays a vital role in keeping the market steady by managing the grain supply, which helps keep prices stable. This prevents prices from soaring during periods of low supply, thereby protecting people from the risk of not having enough to eat. The upcoming FCI AGM Notification will ensure the recruitment of capable professionals to maintain and enhance these efforts.

    Given its huge role in national health and its status as a stable and desirable employer, it's clear why the FCI Assistant General Manager (AGM) exam is highly sought after. The promise of job security, the opportunity to impact society positively, and the chance for career advancement within the FCI are major attractions for many hopeful professionals. The FCI AGM Notification is eagerly awaited each year by candidates who aspire to join this prestigious organization. The FCI also offers a good salary package with perks such as health care, provident fund, and pension, making it a secure career choice. Furthermore, the release of the FCI AGM Notification provides candidates with detailed information on the application process and exam requirements, encouraging them to prepare thoroughly for this competitive exam.

    The FCI AGM Exam Notification is highly awaited by students. Aspiring candidates should take note of the FCI Assistant General Manager exam pattern and syllabus and begin their preparations regardless of when the notification comes out. This ensures that candidates have enough time to revise and be prepared for whenever the notification is released.

    FCI had announced a total of 89 vacancies for the post of Assistant General Manager under various departments/posts (this excludes vacancies under the PwBD category) in the previous FCI AGM Exam Notification. Also, the number of vacancies were further divided between general and reserved categories. The vacancies announced also include backlog vacancies in the FCI Assistant General Manager Notification. The detailed information on FCI Assistant General Manager vacancies as per the FCI AGM Exam Notification is provided below.

    FCI Assistant General Manager (General Administration) 03 03 09 03 12 30 01(B,LV)* - - - 01
    Assistant General Manager (Technical) 05 01 04 03 14 27 - 01(HH)* - - 01
    Assistant General Manager (Accounts) 04 01 03 02 12 22 - 01(HH)* - - 01
    Assistant General Manager (Law) 01 01 01 01 04 08 - - 01(OA,OL,BL,OAL
    - 01
    Medical Officer 01 0 0 0 01 02 - - - - -
    Total 14 06 17 09 43 89 01 02 01 - 04

    FCI Assistant General Manager 2024: How to Apply Online 

    Make sure to go through the FCI Assistant General Manager eligibility criteria of the exam in order to avoid any disqualification. You can get the eligibility details from the FCI AGM Notification 2024. You also need to have a valid email-id, working mobile number handy with you while applying for the FCI Assistant General Manager exam. The step-by-step process to fill the application form as per the FCI Assistant General Manager Notification is mentioned below.

    • Visit the official website of FCI and click on the “Apply Online” or Click here for a direct link. 
    • Click on New Registration and Register yourself by filling in the details like name, DOB, email-id and contact details. 
    • A provisional registration number and password will be generated by the system. 
    • Login again using this registration number and password and fill in all other details. 
    • Upload documents like the signature, thumb impression, photograph and hand declaration according to the dimensions. 
    • A recent passport size colour photograph ranging between 20KB-50KB and of dimension 200 x 230 pixels. 
    • Signature in jpg / jpeg format with dimension 140 x 60 pixels and size 10KB-20KB. It should be with black ink on white paper. 
    • Left thumb impression on a white paper with blue or black ink of 240 x 240 pixels and ranging between 20KB-50KB. The file should be in jpg/jpeg format. 
    • Handwritten declaration stating - “I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.” in jpg/jpeg format with dimensions of 800 x 400 pixels and size between 50KB-100 KB. It should be on white paper with blue or black ink. 
    • Signature and handwritten declaration should not be in capital letters. 
    • Pay the required application fee depending upon the category. No other mode is accepted. 

    Important Documents for FCI Assistant General Manager Online Application 2024 

    When it comes to purposes such as job applications, government documents, or other government programs, some documentation is generally required according to the FCI AGM Notification 2024. These documents serve a variety of functions and help establish identity, address, qualifications, and other important information. You will need the following documents to fill the FCI Assistant General Manager Online Application Form.You can check the FCI AGM Exam Notification for any details you need to know

    • Aadhar Card: The Aadhar Card is a widely accepted document that serves as proof of identity and address. It is often required for various purposes, including government forms, official verifications, etc.  
    • Email ID: An active email address is essential for communication and documentation purposes, particularly for online applications, notifications, and correspondence with employers or authorities.  
    • Phone Number: A valid and reachable phone number is necessary for effective communication during the application process. It is often required for verification purposes and may serve as a point of contact for employers or organizations.  
    • Marksheet: Academic mark sheets or transcripts are frequently requested to verify educational qualifications and academic performance. These documents validate the completion of specific courses or programs.  
    • Age Proof: Documents such as a birth certificate, passport, or any government-issued identification card can serve as proof of age. These documents help establish an individual's age for eligibility purposes.  
    • Graduation Certificate: A graduation certificate or degree is essential to validate the completion of higher education. It demonstrates the candidate's educational achievements and is often required for job applications or further studies.  
    • Candidate’s Photo: A recent passport-size photograph is typically required for identification purposes. It is often requested for identity verification, official documentation, and application forms.  
    • Candidate’s Signature: A clear and valid signature of the candidate is necessary for authentication purposes. It is often required on various forms, agreements, and official documents to confirm the individual's consent and authenticity.  

    It is important to keep them updated, readily available, and in good condition for various applications and procedures as these documents play a vital role in ensuring accuracy, authenticity, and verification during official processes. You can get all the important information from the FCI AGM Notification.

    FCI Assistant General Manager Application Fee

    After filling the FCI Assistant General Manager application form according to the FCI Assistant General Manager Notification, you will be redirected to the application fee page. Please note that SC /ST / PwBD and Women candidates are exempted from payment of the FCI Assistant General Manager application fee as per the FCI AGM Exam Notification. Unreserved candidates have to pay 1000 rupees. Details can be inferred from the table below.

    Category of ApplicantAmount of Fee (Non-refundable)
    SC/ST/PwBD and Women NIL
    Others Rs. 1000/-

    FCI Assistant General Manager Admit Card 

    Admit cards of the FCI Assistant General Manager exam will be released a few days before the FCI Assistant General Manager online exam. You can download your admit card by entering your registration number and password. The FCI Assistant General Manager admit card will have all the information related to the exam like exam center, exam time and other details. A print of the admit card along with a valid ID card (original) and its photocopy is required at the time of the examination according to the FCI AGM Notification. Without the admit card, no candidate will be allowed to enter the venue of the exam and thus will not be able to give the exam. Therefore, the admit card and valid id proof must be carried on the day of the exam without fail.

    Fci Assistant General Manager Notification FAQs

    The FCI Assistant General Manager recruitment exclusively acknowledges applications submitted via the designated online mode. Any submissions received through alternative methods such as postal services, hand delivery, email, or any other means will be invalid and disregarded. It is of paramount importance that candidates strictly adhere to the online application process to guarantee the inclusion of their applications in the recruitment proceedings.
    The FCI will release the FCI Assistant General Manager Admit Card 2024 a few days before the exam. The FCI Assistant General Manager admit card will include essential details such as the exam center, reporting time, roll number, and instructions for the exam day. It is mandatory to carry a copy of a valid identity proof along with the admit card to the exam venue. Please note that hard copies of the admit cards will not be sent to individuals.
    The FCI Assistant General Manager recruitment will take place in two phases. These will include the online exam and interview. Candidates who perform well in the Online Test will be called for the interview. The weightage of Online Test and interview are 90% and 10% respectively.
    The minimum age is 21 and maximum is 35 years to be eligible for FCI Assistant General Manager recruitment. Further the maximum age limit also varies depending upon the stream you are applying for. There are also age relaxations in place for certain reserved category candidates.
    No. There will be no negative marking in FCI Assistant General Manager exam. This means that for questions that students are unsure what the answer may be, they can still at least attempt the question without the fear of losing marks in case the answer they chose is incorrect.
    The 2024 FCI Assistant General Manager notification is yet to be released. Students are advised to keep checking the FCI official website for any new updates regarding the notification or the FCI AGM exam dates 2024. They can also check with ixamBee for any new updates regarding the FCI AGM exam calendar.
    The FCI Assistant General Manager Exam will be conducted in online mode. Candidates will have to give the FCI Assistant General Manager exam through a computer which will record their responses at the FCI AGM exam centres that they have chosen during their application.
    The FCI Assistant General Manager notification 2024 is not yet released and hence neither are the FCI AGM exam dates. All the details regarding the FCI AGM exam calendar will be mentioned there in the notification. However, it is recommended that you apply for the FCI Assistant General Manager exam as soon as possible to avoid the last-minute rush as soon as the notification gets released.

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