FCI Assistant Grade 3 Notification 2025 Out, Exam Date, Eligibility, Apply Online

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    FCI Assistant Grade 3 Notification 2025

    FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification for the posts of Junior Engineer (JE) (Civil Engineering / Electrical Mechanical Engineering), Steno Grade-II and Assistant Grade-III (AG III) (General / Accounts / Technical / Depot/ Hindi) will be released soon by the FCI on their official website. FCI ensures food security across the country through the purchase, storage, and distribution of food grains. Incorporated in 1965, its main task is to ensure a seamless supply chain for the free flow of food grains across the country to the remotest corners, particularly to the underprivileged sections of society. Given that importance in the national framework, a job in FCI, especially in the rank of Assistant Grade 3, is something prestigious. 

    The FCI Assistant Grade 3 Notification ranks is one of the most awaited notifications for the job aspirants each year. No exception will be found regarding the same in FCI Assistant Grade 3 Notification 2025. This notification is very much awaited by the candidates because, after all, this is the inauguration of the recruitment process to get into one of the most desired posts in the public sector. The FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam notification opens doors to a promising career in a reputable government organization with job security, good pay, and various allowances. The role also offers opportunities for growth and advancement within the organization, making it highly sought-after among job seekers. 

    Another factor that makes FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification so eagerly awaited is that under this job profile, employees are provided with job stability and security. Apart from good salaries, FCI employees enjoy several benefit packages similar to, or even better than, those offered by private employers. These include health insurance, pension plans, and other allowances. Additionally, the prestige which comes along with working in an organization of such national importance cannot be overlooked. A chance to serve such a vital cause as food security is also one of the major driving factors for many candidates and hence this FCI Assistant Grade 3 Notification, 2025 is in much demand. 

    Meanwhile, when the students are waiting for FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification 2025, they should not delay their preparation. These posts are highly competitive, and the early bird has an advantage. Familiarity with the FCI Assistant Grade 3 syllabus and exam pattern, salary, and other vital information from the previous FCI Assistant Grade 3 Notification can be critical in guiding your exam strategies. It helps build a strong foundation in the forthcoming FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam notification. The early preparation boosts confidence and allows candidates to recognize their weak areas and thus work on them much in advance. 

    FCI Assistant Grade 3 Vacancy 

    FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam notification can be considered among the most popular government examination notifications, especially for students from food technology and associated fields. FCI or Food Corporation of India is one of the biggest public sector undertakings in India which is responsible for maintaining food security in the country. FCI Assistant Grade 3 Notification 2025 is yet to be released on the FCI official website.  

    When the FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification is out, the vacancies in it will be divided between the general and reserved categories. Candidates should go through the FCI Assistant Grade 3 eligibility criteria to ensure that they will be able to give the exam.  

    The previous breakup of vacancies for various posts and zones covered in the older FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification is given below. 

    PostNorth ZoneSouth ZoneEast ZoneWest ZoneNorth East Zone
    JE (Civil) 22 05 07 05 09
    JE (Electrical Mechanical) 08 02 02 03
    Steno Grade-II 43 08 08 09 05
    AG III (General) 463 155 185 92 53
    AG III (Accounts) 142 107 72 45 40
    AG III (Technical) 611 257 194 296 48
    AG III (Depot) 1063 435 283 258 15
    AG-III (Hindi) 36 22 17 06 12
    Total 2388 989 768 713 185

    How to Apply Online

    To appear in the FCI 2025 exam, you need to start the application process after ensuring your eligibility. A candidate can apply for only one post in any one zone. To apply successfully, you need to follow some simple steps which are listed below.

    • Visit the official website of FCI: http://fci.gov.in/: and click on the ‘Current Recruitment’ section
    • Once you enter the required section, you will be directed to a new page consisting of ‘Apply Online’ section
    • You will be directed to the online registration page where you will have to click on the ‘Click here for new registration’ tab 
    • Enter all the details asked including a valid email id and mobile number
    • After submitting, a provisional registration number and password will be generated by the system which you should save for further activity. You will also receive a mail and message regarding the same
    • Login again using those credentials and enter all other details asked
    • After the registration, you will be required to upload your passport photo, signature, left thumb impression and hand-written declaration
    • The Photograph should be of 200 x 230 pixels and range between 20-50 KB
    • The signature should be 140 x 60 pixels and range between 10-20 KB. It should be with black ink on white paper
    • The left thumb impression should be 240 x 240 pixels and range between 20-50 KB. It should be with blue or black ink on white paper
    • Handwritten declarations should be 800 x 400 pixels and range between 50-100 KB. It should be on white paper with  black ink
    • Handwritten declaration: “I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”
    • Signature and handwritten declaration should not be in capital letters
    • All the documents mentioned above should be in jpg/jpeg format
    • After the completion of this process, you will have to submit your choice of examination centre from the list of your preferred zone
    • As the whole process gets completed you should preview the application form and finally submit it by clicking on ‘Final Submit’ tab
    • After the application process is complete, you are required to make the online payment of the application fee. You will have to choose any one of the online payment methods (Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets/UPI)
    • Take a printout of the application form and fee receipt for future use

    FCI Assistant Grade 3 Application Fee

    The FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification clearly mentions that the application process for FCI Assistant Grade 3 post will not be complete and final unless the online application fee is paid. The FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification also very clearly mentions that candidates can only apply for the FCI Grade 3 recruitment through the online mode. No offline applications will be entertained by the FCI. The FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam notification also mentions the application process and the documents that need to be uploaded for a successful FCI Assistant Grade 3 application submission. Make sure to go through the FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam notification 2025 when it is released for details regarding success submission of the application. The FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam notification also mentions that any bank transaction charges on the FCI recruitment application fee have to be borne by you. The application fee once paid for FCI Assistant Grade 3 2025 exam is non-refundable. The fee details based on the FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam notification are given below.

    CategoryApplication Fees
    SC/ ST/ PwBD & Women Candidates NIL
    Others Rs. 500/-

    FCI Assistant Grade 3 Admit card

    According to the FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam notification, the admit card for FCI 2025 exam will be available on the official website 10 days prior to the online exam. The admit card can be downloaded by entering your registration/roll number and date of birth/ password. The FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam admit cards contain all details related to the exam venue, date and time. The FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification mentions that you need to produce this admit card along with valid identity proof at the examination center. No hard copy of the admit card will be sent to any individual by post. 

    Importance of Knowing the FCI Assistant Grade 3 Notification 

    Any aspirant who wants to get recruited by the Food Corporation of India needs to stay updated with the FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification. FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification 2025 would be the official notice stating the opening of the recruitment process and mentioning in detail vital information such as vacancy details, eligibility criteria, dates of submission of online application, and dates of the exam. These details will help the candidates in the proper planning of their preparation, without missing the important deadlines. The candidates cannot afford to miss the FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam notification since they would be losing an opportunity to apply, which may be a huge setback to committed aspirants. 

    The pattern of the exam and comprehensive syllabus, including the selection process, can also be availed from the FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification 2025. Understanding these aspects from an early stage will enable candidates to plan their studies accordingly and align with the exact requirements of the examination. The competition for the post of FCI Assistant Grade 3 is so heavy that proper understanding of the FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam notification will give strategic leverage to the candidates for focusing their efforts on the most important topics and practice areas. 

    The changes, if any, in the recruitment procedure are also added to the FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification. These might include changes in the pattern of the examination, the inclusion of more sections in the curriculum, or even certain changes introduced in the selection procedure. Getting these updates from day one will definitely save the candidates from preparing obsolete data. 

    Accordingly, keeping in touch with the issuance of FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification is imperative. This is the starting point for a candidate in pursuit of a position in FCI, and informed preparation makes all the difference. The aspirants should, therefore, look forward to the issuance of FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification 2025 and take immediate action in order to make sure that their preparation aligns with the recent recommendations and specifications.  

    Fci Exam Notification FAQs

    No. The official recruitment notification for 2024 FCI Assistant Grade B has not been released by the FCI yet. The notification is however expected in a few weeks' time and candidates should gear up for their exam preparation and create study plans for whenever the notification is released.
    The admit card for the FCI Assistant Grade 3 will be released a few days before the Phase 1 and Phase 2 exams. The admit cards will be available for download on the student's login portals on the FCI portal. They will not be sent by post to any applicant either. It is mandatory for students to carry the admit card to the venue of the exam.
    The window for applying for the FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam is usually a month or two months long. Since the official 2024 FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification has not been announced, there is no information so far regarding the last date for the online application of the FCI Grade 3 exam. Candidates can check ixamBee for regular updates.
    There is no limit as such on the number of attempts for the FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam. Candidates however have to be mindful about their age-related eligibility criteria over the years of their attempts. Candidates can check out ixamBee FCI Assistant Grade 3 eligibility criteria pages for detailed information on this.
    For SC/ ST/ PwBD and women candidates, the FCI Assistant Grade 3 application fee is free of cost. However for other categories, there is a charge of Rs, 500 per application. The application fee once paid will not be refunded.
    The FCI conducts two online exams to gauge the suitability of candidates for their Assistant Grade 3 posts. The Phase 1 exam is qualifying in nature and its only purpose is to shortlist candidates for the next stage which is the Phase 2 exam. The results of the Phase 2 exam determine which candidates will be appointed for the posts of FCI Assistant Grade 3 officers.
    The 2024 FCI Grade 3 notification will be released on the official FCI website in the coming weeks. The notification will mention the official dates for the commencement of the online application forms for the FCI Assistant Grade 3. Candidates are advised to fill the online form very carefully. You are advised to fill the application form as early as possible.
    No. Candidates can only apply for one post in one zone for the FCI Assistant Grade 3 recruitment of posts. They are advised to carefully select their preferred post out of the different posts in their zone.
    Once candidates have submitted their online applications for FCI Assistant Grade 2024 on the online FCI portal, they will not be allowed to make any changes. The application submitted with the incorrect details will be the only one that will be considered but due to the incorrectness of the candidate details, the application will eventually be rejected.
    When the 2024 FCI Assistant Grade 3 notification will be released, it will mention the vacancies for the FCI Assistant Grade 3 posts for 2024. So far there is no such information from the FCI. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official FCI website for updates regarding this.

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