Exam Pattern

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    Exam Pattern

    FSSAI Exam Pattern 2021

    FSSAI Exam Pattern 2025 for the post of Technical Officer and Central Food Safety Officer (CFSO) will be held in two stages. There will be no interview for both the posts. The weightage assigned for Stage 1 and 2 is 50% each. Based on the score on both stages, a final merit list will be prepared. For Stage 2, candidates in the ratio of 1:20 will be shortlisted. Exam Pattern for CBT Stage 2 will be released after the commencement of CBT Stage 1 (as mentioned in the official website). Please refer to the FSSAI exam pattern 2025 below for further details.

    FSSAI CBT Stage 1 Exam Pattern 2025 - Technical Officer and Central Food Safety Officer

    FSSAI Computer Based Test (Stage-1) for both Technical Officer and Central Food Safety Officer exam will be of one and a half hour duration. A total of 120 multiple-choice questions will be asked. The exam format is divided into two parts i.e. Part A and Part B. Part A consists of General Aptitude and Computer Literacy whereas in Part B, questions from Functional Knowledge will be asked. Detailed FSSAI CBT Stage 1 exam pattern can be deduced from the table below.

    Nature of TestTest NameNo. Of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime Duration
    Part A – General Aptitude and Computer literacy
    General Aptitude General Intelligence 10 40 Composite time of 120 minutes
    General Awareness 10 40
    English language Comprehensio 10 40
    Computer Literacy Computer 10 40
    Part B – Functional Knowledge Test
    Indian and International Food Laws (An Overview) 20 80
    FSSAI - Role, Functions, Initiatives ( A General Understanding) 20 80
    Subject Matter Knowledge 40 160
    Total 120 480 2 Hours

    FSSAI CBT Stage 2 Exam Pattern 2025 - Technical Officer and Central Food Safety Officer

    FSSAI Exam Pattern for CBT Stage 2 has been released. There will be total 6 sections with an overall time limit of 180 minutes. Each section will have different maximum marks and accordingly, marks will be given for correct answers. Further details on the FSSAI CBT -2 online exam pattern is given below.

    Marking Scheme

    FSSAI follows certain criteria when it comes to the marks allotment. You will be given 4/2 marks for every correct answer, depending upon the maximum marks allotted to that section. 1/0.5  mark will be deducted for each wrong answer marked. This will again depend on the maximum marks allotted to that section. There will not be any deduction for an answer not attempted in the FSSAI exam 2025.

    SectionQuestion typeTotal No. of QuestionsFull marksZero marksNegative marksMax marks
    1 Single correct option 30 +2 if only the correct answer is selected 0 if none of the option is chosen -0.5 if wrong answer option chosen 60
    2 Multiple correct option 20 +4 if the correct option(s) is selected No marks will be awarded if no attempt is made -1 In all other cases 80
    3 Fill in the blanks ( 2 blanks) 5 +4 if only the correct answer is selected 0 if none of the option is chosen -1 if wrong answer option chosen 20
    4 Fill in the blanks ( 1 blanks) 10 +4 if only the correct answer is selected 0 if none of the option is chosen -1 if wrong answer option chosen 40
    5 Comprehension 10 +2 if only the correct answer is selected 0 if none of the option is chosen -0.5 if wrong answer option chosen 20
    6 Matching list 5 +4 if only the correct answer is selected 0 if none of the option is chosen -1 if wrong answer option chosen 20
      Total 80       240

    Exam Language

    No mention regarding the number of languages is there in the FSSAI official notification. However, as per the FSSAI previous papers of the FSSAI, the exam is more likely to be conducted in English Language only.

    Free Mock Test

    Besides preparing a good strategy for your FSSAI exam, it is equally important to practice online tests. Practicing FSSAI online mock tests will provide a detailed idea of the exam and also helps in analyzing your knowledge and performance. ixamBee provides free online mock tests for FSSAI exam 2021. It is advised to practice so that you can perform well on the D-day.

    Fssai Exam Pattern FAQs

    There is no such information available in the official notification of FSSAI.
    The FSSAI 2021 exam will be in ONLINE mode.
    No, there is no such limit on the number of attempts for the FSSAI exam 2021. A candidate can apply for the exam until he reaches the maximum age limit.
    There will be two phases:Stage 1 and Stage 2 in the FSSAI recruitment process for Technical Officer and Central Food Safety  Officer (CFSO).
    No, there will not be any interviews in the FSSAI Technical Officer and Central Food Safety  Officer (CFSO) exam. However, in other posts interviews will be conducted.

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