GIC Assistant Manager Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025 - Check Subject Wise Exam Syllabus

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    GIC Assistant Manager Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2024

    The GIC Assistant Manager Exam is a prestigious examination conducted by the General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) to recruit Assistant Managers for various departments. GIC has finally released GIC Assistant notification in regard to the exam. So, all interested candidates get all the information.

    Now, as the GIC Assistant Manager notification is finally out, candidates can find details about GIC Assistant Manager eligibility criteria. Candidates need to go through it carefully before applying for the exam.

    Once the eligibility criteria are met, candidates can start the application process. GIC Assistant Manager exam pattern and syllabus are some of the major things that a candidate should know before preparing.

    The GIC Assistant Manager Exam follows a three-stage selection process: Online Written Test, Group Discussion, and Interview.

    • The Online Written Test is divided into two parts - Part A, Part B and Part C.
    • Candidates who qualify in the written test move on to the Group Discussion stage, where their communication, analytical and teamwork skills are evaluated.
    • Lastly, the candidates who clear the Group Discussion stage are called for the Interview, which assesses their overall suitability for the role of Assistant Manager.

    Understanding the GIC Assistant Manager Exam Pattern and Syllabus is crucial for candidates to plan their preparation and approach the exam with confidence.

    GIC Assistant Manager Exam Pattern 2024

    Understanding the GIC Assistant General exam pattern will help you plan and organize your preparation effectively. It is important to study the specific syllabus and practice previous year's question papers to get an idea of the exam pattern and question types. It is important to note that Part B and Part C of the GIC Assistant General Examination will be common for candidates from all streams. Make sure to take a look at the table for the GIC Assistant Manager exam pattern.

    For Officers Other than Hindi

    Name of Test Max. Marks Number of Questions Time Allotted
    Part A
    Higher Order Reasoning Ability/Critical Thinking 40 40 30 minutes
    Part B
    Test of Reasoning 20 20 60 minutes
    Test of English Language with special emphasis on grammar and vocabulary. 25 25
    Test of General Awareness 20 20
    Test of Numerical Ability & Computer Literacy 15 15
    Part C
    Test in English Language – Essay, precis and Comprehension 30 03 60 minutes
    Total 150 123 2 hours 30 minutes

    For Hindi Officers

    Name of Test Max. Marks Number of Questions Time Allotted
    Part A (Objective) Technical and Professional Knowledge Test in the relevant discipline 40 40 30 minutes
    Part B
    Test of Reasoning 20 20 60 minutes
    Test of English Language with special emphasis on grammar and vocabulary. 25 25
    Test of General Awareness 20 20
    Test of Numerical Ability & Computer Literacy 15 15
    Part C
    Test in English Language – Essay, precis and Comprehension 30 03 60 minutes
    Total 150 123 2 hours 30 minutes

    GIC Assistant Manager Syllabus 2024

    GIC Assistant Manager recruitment 2024 is one of the most awaited ones and working in such an organization is a matter of great respect. As it is not a small level job, you can expect a rush and high-level questions for the GIC exam.

    To beat the rest and grab a seat, you need to be one step ahead of others. Before you start your preparation for GIC Assistant Manager, you should acquaint yourself with the complete GIC Assistant Manager syllabus. Part B and C in the GIC exam is the same for specialist and general stream so the detailed syllabus is given below for your reference.

    Reasoning Commonsense Reasoning, Coding-Decoding, Coded Inequalities, Coded Blood Relationship, Seating Arrangement, Ranking, Syllogism, Input-Output, Direction and Distance, Puzzles
    Numerical Ability Short Cut Tricks, Approximation, Series, Percentage, Ratio and proportion, Age, Simple and compound interest, Time and distance, Boats and Streams, Permutation and combination, Venn diagram, DI, Number System, Simplification, Surds and indices, Quadratic equation, Profit and loss, Partnership, Alligation, Average, Trains, Time and work and Pipe, Probability, Mensuration, Caselet DI, HCF and LCM
    Computer Literacy Browser, Database Management System, Important Software, Computer Architecture, Software System, Important Computer Questions, Computer paper, Email, Computer Book, Computer Language, Computer Memory, Objective Oriented Programming, Network
    General Awareness & Current Affairs Current Affairs, Banking Awareness, Monthly Quiz General Awareness, Economics,Budget and Economic, Government Schemes
    English Language Tense, Vocabulary, Active passive voice, Phrasal Verbs, Spotting Errors, Cloze Passage, Sentence Connectors, Reading Comprehension, Match the column, Section Test English Language, Parts of Speech, Direct indirect Speech, Subject-Verb Agreement, Rearrangement, Sentence Correction, Fillers, Articles and Determiners, Idioms and Phrases, Homonyms
    Descriptive English Essay Writing, Precis writing, Reading comprehension

    For candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC and PWD categories, pre-recruitment online training will be provided to cover the GIC Assistant syllabus. The details and timing of this training will be communicated to the eligible candidates two to three weeks before the main examination.

    Please note

    • Minimum qualifying marks in the Online test-60% for General & OBC and 50% for SC/ST.
    • Minimum qualifying marks for overall selection process (Online test, GD and Interview) -60% for
    • General & OBC and 50% for SC /ST. Candidate has to secure the minimum qualifying marks stated above in each stage of the selection process i.e. Online test, GD and Interview separately.

    GIC Assistant Manager Group Discussion

    The candidates for the Group Discussion will be screened based on their total marks gained in the objective and descriptive sections, put together against the full marks of 150. It is essential to qualify well in both the objective and the descriptive sections to have an optimum chance of getting selected for further stages of the selection process.

    GIC Assistant Manager Interview

    Interview Assistant Manager is the last selection phase in which candidates willing to become Assistant Managers with GIC seek recruitment into the General Insurance Corporation of India. At the interview, an understanding regarding their personality, communication, and overall general awareness is tried to be developed.

    The GIC Assistant Manager Interview would contain questions regarding their educational background, work experience, problem-solving abilities, and current affairs. The panel conducting the interview consists of highly experienced professionals who would assess the confidence, clarity of thought, and appropriateness of the candidate for the position of Assistant Manager in GIC.

    GIC Assistant Manager Exam Marking Scheme

    There will be a penalty for wrong answers marked in the objective tests. For every wrong answer, 1/4th of the marks assigned to the question will be deducted from the candidate's score. This highlights the importance of careful and accurate answering during the examination.

    Moving on to the marking scheme, the total test timing for the GIC Assistant General Examination is 150 minutes. Part A - the objective section - will have a time duration of 30 minutes, while Part B - also objective - will have a time duration of 60 minutes. Finally, Part C - the descriptive section - will have a time duration of 60 minutes as well.

    GIC Assistant Manager Exam Final Selection Process

    The Final Selection Process for GIC Assistant Manager Exam is the last part of the journey to becoming the Assistant Manager at General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC). It consists of the Group Discussion and Interview rounds. After clearing the online examination- candidates who have scored the minimum qualifying marks are shortlisted for the Group Discussion and Interview rounds.

    GIC Assistant Manager Syllabus Exam Language

    The GIC Assistant Manager Exam is held in bilingual mode, that is, in both English and Hindi, except for the test on English language. Candidates are provided with an option to decide in which language they prefer to appear for the test. Moreover, candidates may switch over to any other language while appearing for the test, and this facilitates the process of taking up the test without any constraint in their language. It must be noted that the candidates have to grasp both English and Hindi properly to clear the exam. The assistants have to deal with people who belong to various linguistic communities, and both the languages must be grasped to effectively communicate with the masses.

    Preparation Tips and Strategies for GIC Assistant Manager Exam 2024

    A good approach and clear understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus of GIC Assistant Manager help in preparing for the GIC Assistant Manager Exam 2024. Some tips and strategies to prepare for the exams are given below:

    • Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, marking scheme, and GIC Assistant Manager syllabus. This will help in structuring preparation and thereby allocating time accordingly.
    • Create a Study Schedule: Plan your study schedule well in advance, with adequate time to cover all topics. Divide your time effectively between different subjects and pay extra attention to areas that require more attention.
    • Study Material and Resources: Make use of the study material and resources that are available both online and offline. Use books that are relevant, GIC Assistant Manager previous years' question papers, and online practice tests to understand the pattern of the exam and make proper utilization of the GIC Assistant Manager syllabus.
    • Practice Mock Tests: Regularly practice mock tests and sample papers to improve your time management skills and identify areas of weakness. Analyze your performance and work on improving your speed and accuracy.
    • Focus on Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning: These sections of the GIC Assistant Manager syllabus carry significant weightage in the exam. Strengthen your mathematical concepts, practice a variety of problems, and enhance your logical reasoning skills.
    • Improve General Awareness: Stay updated with current affairs, national and international news, and general knowledge. Read newspapers, magazines, take help from Beepedia and watch news channels regularly.
    • Enhance Descriptive Writing Skills: Practice writing essays, letters, and other descriptive pieces. Focus on improving grammar, vocabulary, and coherence in your writing.
    • Group Discussions and Interviews: Prepare for group discussions and interviews by participating in mock sessions, enhancing your communication and presentation skills.
    • Time Management and Revision: Ensure that you manage your time efficiently during the exam. Allocate time for revision, focusing on key concepts and formulas from within the GIC Assistant Manager syllabus.
    • Stay Positive and Confident: Maintain a positive mindset throughout your preparation journey. Believe in your abilities and be confident during exams and interviews.

    Subject-Specific Study Techniques & Resources for GIC 2024 Exam

    To perform well in the subject-specific sections of the GIC Assistant Manager Exam 2024, it is essential to adopt effective study techniques and utilize appropriate resources. Here are some tips and resources for each subject from the GIC Assistant Manager syllabus:

    1. Quantitative Aptitude:

    • Understand the basic concepts and formulas thoroughly.
    • Practice a wide range of numerical problems from various sources such as study guides and online resources.
    • Utilize books like "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations" by R.S. Aggarwal or "Fast Track Objective Arithmetic" by Rajesh Verma.

    2. Reasoning:

    • Familiarize yourself with different types of reasoning questions, such as verbal and non-verbal reasoning, analytical reasoning, and logical reasoning as part of GIC Assistant Manager syllabus.
    • Practice solving reasoning problems from books like "A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning" by R.S. Aggarwal or "Analytical Reasoning" by M.K. Pandey.

    3. English Language:

    • Improve your grammar and vocabulary by referring to books like "Objective General English" by S.P. Bakshi or "Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis.
    • Practice reading comprehension passages and work on enhancing your reading speed and comprehension abilities.

    4. General Awareness:

    • Stay updated with current affairs by reading newspapers, magazines, and watching news channels regularly.
    • Refer to monthly or yearly current affairs magazines like Beepedia Darpan, Manorama Year Book, or Lucent's General Knowledge for a comprehensive overview.

    By applying these subject-specific study techniques and utilizing the recommended resources, you will be able to strengthen your knowledge and skills in each area. Remember to practice regularly, solve previous years' question papers, and analyze your performance to identify areas for improvement.

    Time Management Strategies for Covering the GIC Assistant Manager Syllabus Effectively

    Time management is crucial when preparing for the GIC Assistant Manager Exam 2024 to ensure effective coverage of the syllabus. Here are some strategies to help you manage your time efficiently:

    • Create a Study Schedule: Plan a study schedule that covers all the topics in the syllabus. Allocate specific time slots for each subject, making sure to balance your time appropriately based on the weightage of each subject.
    • Prioritize Topics: Identify the topics that hold more weightage or are more challenging for you. Prioritize these topics and allocate more time to study them thoroughly.
    • Break it Down: Divide your study material into smaller, manageable chunks. Set goals for each study session, focusing on completing a certain number of chapters or topics within a specified time frame.
    • Set Realistic Targets: Set realistic and achievable targets for each study session. Avoid overwhelming yourself by setting unrealistic goals, as it can demotivate you and hinder your progress.
    • Practice Time-bound Tests: Take regular mock tests and practice previous years' question papers within the allocated time limit. This will help you improve your speed and accuracy, preparing you for the time constraints during the actual exam.
    • Use Productive Study Techniques: Adopt effective study techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique (studying in short, focused bursts with breaks in between) or the Feynman Technique (explaining concepts in simple terms to reinforce your understanding).
    • Minimize Distractions: Create a conducive study environment by minimizing distractions like social media notifications, phone calls, or noisy surroundings. Use productivity tools or apps to stay focused.
    • Take Regular Breaks: Avoid studying for long hours continuously. Take short breaks every hour or so to refresh your mind. Engage in physical activities or relaxation techniques during these breaks to recharge.
    • Revise and Review: Allocate dedicated time for revision and review of previously covered topics. This will help reinforce your learning and retain information for a longer duration.
    • Stay Consistent: Consistency is key to effective time management. Stick to your study schedule and avoid procrastination. Even short study sessions regularly can yield better results than cramming all at once.

    GIC Assistant Manager Books 2024

    Before starting your GIC Assistant Manager preparation, you must have efficient study material and should know which books to follow. This will not only save your precious time but will also prevent your mind from getting confused with the vast study material available. The time saved can be used for practicing mock tests and working on your speed and accuracy. A detailed list of books is given below.

    GIC Assistant Manager SubjectsUseful Books for GIC Assistant ManagerGIC Assistant Manager Exam Book’s Author
    Reasoning Ability A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal B.S. Sijwali and Indu Sijwali
    Analytical Reasoning MK Pandey (For the chapters required for analytical reasoning)
    A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal
    English Language Objective General English SP Bakshi
    Descriptive General English SP Bakshi and Richa Sharma
    High School English Grammar and Composition Wren and Martin
    Word Power Made Easy Normal Lewis
    Computer Awareness Objective Computer Awareness S.N. Prasad/Kiran Publication
    Objective Computer Awareness for General Competitive Exams Pillai/Arihant Publication
    General Awareness Banking Awareness Arihant Publication
    Static General Knowledge Arihant Publication
    General Knowledge Lucent
    Banking Awareness Handbook of Banking Information N.S Toor

    GIC Assistant Manager Free Mock Test

    GIC Assistant Manager Free Mock Test provides aspiring candidates with the opportunity to practice and assess their level of preparation for the actual exam. This mock test consists of question papers that resemble the actual GIC Assistant Manager Exam pattern and is available for free. Candidates can take these tests multiple times to track their progress and identify areas of improvement.

    GIC Assistant Manager Online Course

    GIC Assistant Manager Online Course is designed to provide comprehensive study material for GIC Assistant Manager Exam 2024. This course consists of video lectures, study notes, practice questions, mock tests, and doubt solving sessions, among other features. Candidates can access the course material online, anytime and from anywhere, making it convenient for them to study at their own pace and time. This online course has been created by industry experts and experienced faculty to offer quality education and enhance the learning experience for learners.

    Gic Assistant Manager Syllabus FAQs

    The exam carries 150 marks in total. Both streams (General and Specialist) have objective sections worth 120 marks combined (Parts A and B) and a descriptive section (Part C) worth 30 marks. This ensures a balanced evaluation of both technical and language abilities.
    The total duration of the exam is 150 minutes. This time is divided between Parts A and B (objective sections) and Part C (descriptive section). This applies to both the General Stream and Specialist Stream, with time allocated for each section based on its difficulty.
    In the General Stream paper, Part A covers Higher-Order Reasoning Ability and Critical Thinking. In the Specialist Stream paper, it focuses on Technical and Professional Knowledge relevant to the candidate's discipline. Both streams have 40 questions worth 40 marks, to be completed in 30 minutes.
    Part B in both papers includes Reasoning, English Language (grammar and vocabulary), General Awareness, and Numerical Ability with Computer Literacy. It has 80 questions worth 80 marks. The same subjects are tested in both streams, and this section must be completed in 60 minutes.
    Part C is the descriptive section for both Generalist and Specialist papers. It evaluates English writing skills through an essay, précis, and comprehension. This section has 3 questions worth 30 marks and must be completed in 60 minutes. It tests a candidate's clarity, language, and structured writing ability.
    For both papers, Part A has a duration of 30 minutes. In the General Stream paper, it tests critical thinking, while in the Specialist Stream paper, it evaluates technical knowledge in the candidate's discipline. Candidates must answer 40 questions in this time.
    In both papers, Part B has a total duration of 60 minutes. It includes Reasoning, English Language, General Awareness, and Numerical Ability with Computer Literacy. Candidates must solve 80 questions in this time, requiring strong analytical and time-management skills.
    The primary difference is in Part A. The Generalist paper focuses on Higher-Order Reasoning and Critical Thinking, while the Specialist paper tests Technical and Professional Knowledge in the candidate's field. Parts B and C are identical for both streams, covering reasoning, English, numerical ability, and writing skills.
    In both Generalist and Specialist papers, the Numerical Ability and Computer Literacy section is part of Part B. It has 15 questions worth 15 marks. This section evaluates candidates' basic numerical skills and computer knowledge essential for professional tasks.
    The GIC Assistant Manager exam includes 123 questions in total for both General and Specialist Streams. It consists of objective sections (Parts A and B) and a descriptive section (Part C), providing a comprehensive assessment of candidates’ skills and knowledge.

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