

    HPSSC Exam Syllabus

    To prepare for the HPSSC Stenographer exam, you need to have complete information about the syllabus. Knowing the HPSSC exam syllabus will help you to get aware of the syllabus structure and what needs to be modified in the study plan. Check the complete HPSSC Stenographer syllabus below.

    General English Grammar, Para Completion, Error Correction (Underlined Part), Spelling Test, Passage Completion, Sentence Arrangement, Fill in the blanks, Transformation, Sentence Improvement, Joining Sentences, Error Correction (Phrase in Bold), Articles, Gerunds, Identify the Errors, Tense, Synonyms, Prepositions, Active and Passive Voice, Spotting Errors, Substitution, Adjectives, Homophones, Identify the Sentences, Nouns, Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Completion, Prefix, Sentence Pattern, Tag Questions, Plural Forms, Odd Words, Prepositions, Suffix, Idioms and Phrases
    General Hindi अलंकार, रस, समास, पर्यायवाची, विलोम, तत्सम एवं तदभव, सन्धियां, वाक्यांशों के लिए शब्द निर्माण, लोकोक्तियाँ एवं मुहावरे, वाक्य संशोधन – लिंग, वचन, कारक, वर्तनी, त्रुटि से सम्बंधित अनेकार्थी शब्द।
    General Knowledge
    • General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh
    • Social Science: Famous Personalities, States & Capitals, Current GK, Daily News, Countries and Capitals, Culture, Scientific Research, Sports, History, Economic Scene, Geography, Countries & Currencies, Sports & Games, National & International affairs, Indian Constitution, Art & Culture
    • Current affairs [BeePedia]
    Everyday Science
    • • Biology: Introduction, Classification of Organisms, Cytology, Genetics, Structure of Plant and Animal Cell, Classification of Plant Kingdom, Plant Morphology, Plant tissue, Photosynthesis, Plant Hormones, Plant Diseases, Mode of Nutrition in Plants, Control and Coordination in Plant, Sexual Reproduction in a Flowering Plant, Asexual Reproduction in Plants, The transport system in Plant, Respiration and Excretion in plants, The Cell: The foundation of all living things, Cell: Structure and Functions, Control and Coordination in Humans, Human Reproductive system, Excretory system in Humans, Respiratory system in Humans, Human Circulatory system, The Heart, Composition of Blood, Functions of Blood, Human Digestive system, Cell Division, Food and Nutrition, Food & Nutrition MCQ-1: Carbohydrates, Food & Nutrition MCQ-2: Proteins, Human Diseases, Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, Classification of Animal Kingdom, The five kingdoms of life, Mode of Nutrition in Animals, Nutrition in Animals, Sexual Reproduction in Animals, Respiration in Animals, Miscellaneous
    • • Physics: Measurements and Error Analysis, Kinematics, Dynamics, Circular Motion, Energy and Momentum, Gravity, Fluid Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves, Thermo Dynamics, Laws of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Electric Field, Forces and Potential, Capacitance, Circuit Elements and DC Circuits, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, General Wave Properties, Reflection and Refraction, Ray Optics, Physical Optics, Quantum Phenomenon, Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Relativity, General, Analytical Skills, Contemporary Physics
    • • Chemistry: Matter and its State, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Periodic Classification of Elements, Oxidation and Reduction, Acids, Bases, and Salts, Behaviour of Gases, Electrolysis, Carbon and its Compounds, Fuels, Metallurgy, Metals and Non-metals, Chemical Reactions, Radioactivity, Electrochemistry, Catalysts, Hydrocarbons, List of Important Drugs and Chemicals, Fertilisers, Concepts of pH scale
    Word Processing Create letters, Reports, Newsletters, Tables, Form Letters, Brochures, Web Pages
    Logical Reasoning Alphabet Series, Data Interpretation, Analogy, Statements & Arguments, Directions, Number Ranking, Non-Verbal Series, Arithmetical Reasoning, Decision Making, Clocks & Calendars, Statements & Conclusions, Number Series, Mirror Images, Blood Relations, Cubes and Dice, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding, Embedded Figures


    To clear the HPSSC Stenographer exam 2025, you should be able to get hold of good books that enhance the quality of your Himachal Pradesh SSC exam preparation. Before choosing study material for HPSSC Stenographer you should do a lot of research. So that you do not waste your time in searching for resources, we have mentioned below some HPSSC Stenographer exam books.

    General Knowledge Lucent’s G.K Dr Binay Karna and Manwendra Mukul
    The yearly current affairs by Disha Experts Disha publication
    General Knowledge 2021 Manohar Pandey / Arihant
    Current Affairs [BeePedia] -
    General English English Grammar & Composition S C Gupta
    High School English Grammar & Composition Wren and Martin / S Chand
    Objective General English S P Bakshi / Arihant Publications
    General Hindi संपूर्ण हिन्दी व्याकरण और रचना Lucent
    सामान्य हिन्दी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए lucent पब्लिकैशन
    सामान्य हिन्दी अग्रवाल ग्रुप ऑफ पब्लिकैशन
    सरल हिन्दी व्याकरण साहित्य भवन / पुष्पलता सिंह
    मानक हिन्दी व्याकरण एवं रचना सरस्वती पब्लिकैशन / कमल सत्यर्थी
    राजभाषा हिन्दी डॉ भोलानाथ तिवारी
    हिन्दी साहित्य का इतिहास आचार्य रामचन्द्र शुक्ल
    हिन्दी शब्द सामर्थ्य कैलाश चंद्र भाटिया
    हिन्दी मासिक पत्र पत्रिकाएं
    • हँस ( अक्षर प्रकाशन )
    • संस्कृति ( प्रभात पब्लिकैशन )
    • साहित्य अमृत ( प्रभात पब्लिकैशन )
    Logical Reasoning A modern approach to verbal & Non-verbal reasoning R.S. Aggarwal
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning S.Chand
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Arihant Publication
    Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (Hpssc) Recruitment Exam Guide - (HPSSC) 2021 Edition  - Ramesh Publishing House
    Himachal Pradesh GK  - Suresh Jokta & Vikash Kumar
    Pitman Shorthand Instructor & Key  - Pearson

    Hpssc Syllabus FAQs

    ixamBee provides BeePedia, which is a complete storage of all current and global issues across the world. You can refer to it.
    The question asked will be of 10+2 level for English, 10th standard for Hindi. For all other sections, the question level will be a bit higher in the HPSSC Stenographer exam.

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