IB Security Assistant Exam Syllabus

    IB Security Assistant and MTS Syllabus

    The IB recruitment 2025 syllabus is essential to look at before starting your preparation. A syllabus works like a road map in any competitive exam preparation. The IB Security Assistant and MTS exam syllabus have topics from subjects like General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, Numerical/Logical/Analytical Ability and Reasoning, English Language and General Studies. A detailed syllabus of the IB recruitment for Security Assistant and MTS posts has been provided below.

    General Awareness National & International Current Affairs, Important Books & Authors, Capital and currency of countries, Important schemes and projects , National parks & wildlife sanctuaries, Rivers and dams, Awards & Honors, Temples and Monuments
    Quantitative Aptitude Simplification, Numbers, Percentage, Average, Algebra, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Interest, Geometry, Permutation and Combination, Number System, Ratio & Proportion, Mixture and Allegation, Partnership, Time, Speed, and Distance, Time & Work, Boats & Stream, SI & CI, Probability, Profit & Loss
    Numeric/ Analytical/ Logical Ability/ Reasoning Sitting Arrangement, Direction & Distance, Coding and Decoding, Venn Diagram, Input-Output, Statements & Assumptions, Order & Ranking, Odd One Out, Alphanumeric Series, Reasoning Analogies, Blood Relations, Calendars, Artificial Language, Clocks, Data Sufficiency
    English Language Error Spotting, Fill in the Blanks, Phrases, Spellings, Idioms, Jumbled Sentences and Phrases, Synonyms and Antonyms, One-word Substitution, Single/ Double Fillers, Para-Jumble Sentences
    General Studies Indian Polity, Modern History, Ancient History, Medieval History, Indian Geography, World Geography, Indian Economy, Science and Technology, Indian Economy, Indian Culture, Current Affairs (Beepeedia)

    IB Security Assistant and MTS Books

    To succeed in the IB recruitment exam you need good quality books which not only help in clearing your basics but also diversify your knowledge through the different types of questions it contains. IB Security Assistant and MTS notification 2025 is a golden opportunity and therefore you should not make any mistake in gathering the reference material for the same. Given below is the list of books for all the subjects covered under IB recruitment 2025.

    SubjectsUseful BooksAuthor/Publisher
    Quantitative Aptitude Quicker Mathematics BSC Publications
    Quantitative Aptitude RS Agarwal
    Class Notes SS Bharti
    General Awareness Lucent General Science Lucent Publication
    General Knowledge Arihant Publication
    General Science Kiran Publications
    General Intelligence A modern approach to verbal & Non-verbal reasoning R.S. Agarwal
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning S.Chand
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Arihant Publication
    English Language English Comprehension Wren & Martin
    Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis

    Ib Security Assistant Exam Syllabus FAQs

    You can check the list of books mentioned in the books section above. The list has been prepared by our experts.
    For general awareness, you can refer to our Beepeidia section. BeePedia is a comprehensive document to address the General Awareness (GA) content requirement of students preparing for various competitive exams.

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