IBPS PO Previous Year Cut Off 2025- Prelims and Mains Cut Off

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    IBPS PO Previous Year Cut Off 2024- Prelims and Mains Cut Off 

    To gain a comprehensive understanding of the IBPS PO exam level, it is highly beneficial to analyze the IBPS PO previous year cutoff set by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). These cutoffs serve as reliable benchmarks that can provide valuable insights into the exam's difficulty level and help applicants gauge the amount of preparation required. 

    The IBPS PO examination is conducted in three phases, making it crucial to familiarize oneself with the cutoff scores for each phase. These cutoffs can be categorized into two types, namely: 

    IBPS PO Sectional Cut-off: This type of cut-off refers to the minimum score that candidates must achieve in each individual section of the exam. The IBPS PO exam typically consists of sections such as English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, General Awareness, and Computer Knowledge. Analyzing the sectional cut-offs can provide a clear understanding of the minimum competency required in each section. 

    IBPS PO Overall Cut-off: The overall cut-off score is the cumulative minimum score that candidates must obtain across all sections combined. It represents the total marks required to qualify for the subsequent stages of the selection process. Understanding the overall cut-off allows candidates to ascertain the minimum aggregate score they need to secure in order to move forward in the examination. 

    Importance of Understanding IBPS PO Previous Year Cut Off 

    By studying the IBPS PO cut-offs from previous years, aspiring candidates can obtain a realistic and accurate picture of the exam's difficulty level. This information can guide them in devising a well-rounded preparation strategy, focusing on the areas where they need improvement. Also, analyzing the IBPS PO cutoffs can also help candidates set realistic goals and assess their readiness for the exam. 

    It is worth noting that while the previous year IBPS PO cutoffs provide valuable insights, they should not be considered as the sole determinant of the current year's cut-offs. The difficulty level of the exam may vary each year, and several factors can influence the cutoff scores, including the number of vacancies, the performance of candidates, and the normalization process implemented by the conducting body. 

    Therefore, while referring to the IBPS PO previous year cutoffs is indeed a good starting point, candidates should also stay updated with the latest exam pattern, syllabus, and any official announcements made by the IBPS to ensure they are well-prepared for the examination. 

    Factors Affecting IBPS PO Cut-off 

    The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts the Probationary Officer (PO) exam every year to recruit candidates for various public sector banks in India. The IBPS PO cutoff is the minimum score that a candidate needs to achieve in order to qualify for the next stage of the selection process, such as the interview or the mains examination. 

    The IBPS PO cutoff score is determined based on several factors, which are outlined below: 

    Number of Vacancies: The number of vacancies plays a crucial role in determining the IBPS PO cutoff. If there are a limited number of vacancies, the competition among candidates increases, leading to a higher cut-off score. On the other hand, if the number of vacancies is higher, the cut-off score tends to be relatively lower. 

    Difficulty Level of the Exam: The difficulty level of the IBPS PO exam can vary from year to year. If the question paper is challenging, the IBPS PO cutoff score may be lower as it is expected that the overall performance of candidates would be affected. Conversely, if the exam is relatively easier, the cut-off score may be higher as more candidates are likely to score well. 

    Reservation Quotas: The IBPS PO exam 2023 follows reservation policies mandated by the government, which allocate a certain percentage of vacancies for specific categories such as Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS). The IBPS PO cutoff scores are determined separately for each category, taking into account the number of vacancies and the performance of candidates in each category. 

    Previous Year Cut-off Trends: The cut-off scores of previous years can also influence the current year's cut-off. Analyzing past trends helps in estimating the range of scores required to qualify for the next stage. If the previous year's cut-off was high, it indicates tough competition, and candidates need to score higher to secure a place. 

    Total Number of Candidates Appearing: The total number of candidates appearing for the IBPS PO exam also affects the cut-off score. If the number of candidates is significantly higher, the IBPS PO cutoff score tends to be higher as well, considering the intense competition. Conversely, if fewer candidates appear for the exam, the cut-off score may be lower. 

    Overall Performance of Candidates: The collective performance of candidates in the IBPS PO exam determines the cut-off score. If the majority of candidates perform exceptionally well, the cut-off score is likely to be higher. If the overall performance is relatively lower, the cut-off score may be lower as well. 

    IBPS PO Cut Off Trend 

    While the cut-off scores can vary from year to year based on various factors, analyzing the trends of previous years can help candidates understand the level of competition and set realistic expectations. 

    Here is a general overview of the IBPS PO cut-off trends: 

    Overall Trend: The IBPS PO cutoff scores have generally shown a slight increase over the years. This can be attributed to factors such as increased competition, changes in the exam pattern, and the performance of candidates. 

    Preliminary Examination: The IBPS PO exam consists of a Preliminary examination followed by the Mains examination and an Interview. The IBPS PO Prelims exam serves as a screening test, and the Prelims IBPS PO cutoff scores are generally lower compared to the mains examination. However, the cut-off scores for the IBPS PO Prelims exam have been gradually increasing over the years. 

    Mains Examination: The Mains examination of IBPS PO is considered the most crucial stage. The IBPS PO Mains cutoff scores are typically higher compared to the Preliminary exam. The Mains exam consists of various sections, including Reasoning, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, and Computer Knowledge. Candidates need to score well in each section to secure a place. 

    Overall Cut-off: The overall IBPS PO cutoff score is the combined score of the various sections in the mains examination. It is important for candidates to perform well in all sections to meet the overall cut-off requirements. The overall cut-off score is usually higher compared to the individual section-wise cut-off scores. 

    Normalization Process: IBPS follows a normalization process to calculate scores across different sessions. This process takes into account the difficulty level of the exam and ensures fairness in the evaluation process. The normalization process helps in maintaining consistency in the IBPS PO cutoff scores across different sessions. 

    IBPS PO Mains Cut Off 2024 (Section Wise)

    S.No.SectionMaximum MarksGeneral/EWSSC/ST/OBC/PWBD
    1. Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 60 05.75 02.75
    2. General/Economy/ Banking Awareness 40 02.00 01.00
    3. English Language 40 07.75 04.75
    4. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 02.25 01.00
    5. English Language(Letter Writing & Essay) 25 10.00 08.75

    IBPS PO Mains Cut Off 2024 (Category-Wise)

    CategoryCut off Marks
    GEN 66.50
    SC 54.25
    ST 47.50
    OBC 66.00
    EWS 64.75
    HI 23.50
    OC 46.00
    VI 37.75
    ID 35.25

    IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2024 (Category-Wise)

    CategoryCut-Off Marks
    GEN 48.50
    SC 48
    ST 41
    OBC-NCL 48.50
    EWS 48.50
    HI 16
    OC 35
    VI 15.75
    ID 15.50

    IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2024 (Section-Wise)

    Subject NameMaximum MarksCut-Off Marks (Gen)Cut Off (SC/ST/OBC/ PwD)
    Quantitative Aptitude 35 7 3.50
    Reasoning Ability 35 6.75 2.50
    English Language 30 10 6.75

    IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2023 (Category-Wise)

    CategoryCut-Off Marks
    GEN 54.25
    SC 49.50
    ST 43
    OBC-NCL 54.25
    EWS 54.25
    HI 21.75
    OC 42.50
    VI 39
    ID 20.25

    IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2023 (Section-Wise)

    Subject NameMaximum MarksCut Off Marks (General)Cut Off Marks(SC/ ST/ OBC/ PwD)
    Quantitative Aptitude 35 7 4.25
    Reasoning Ability 35 10 5.75
    English Language 30 11. 50 8.25

    IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2022- Category-wise

    The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) recently released the latest IBPS PO Mains cut-off for the year 2022, which serves as a valuable reference for aspiring candidates planning to appear for the IBPS PO exam 2023. Released on January 12, 2023, these category-wise cut-off scores provide a comprehensive overview of the benchmark scores required to qualify for the Mains phase of the examination.

    Analyzing the category-wise IBPS PO Mains cut-off is essential for candidates to understand the level of performance they need to achieve in order to secure a favorable position. By taking into account factors such as the difficulty level of the exam, the number of vacancies, and the performance of candidates in different categories, the cut-off scores offer crucial insights into the competitive landscape of the IBPS PO exam.

    CategoryCut Off Marks (Out of 225)
    General 71.25
    OBC 69.75
    SC 59.25
    ST 53.25
    EWS 70.50
    HI 37.75
    OC 50.50
    VI 66.25
    ID 36

    IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2022- Section-wise

    IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2022- Category-wise

    The IBPS has released the latest IBPS PO Mains cut-off 2022 on January 12, 2023. Take a look at the section-wise IBPS PO Mains cut-off to get an idea of the kind of score you need to achieve if you are planning to take the IBPS PO exam.

    S. NoSubjectMaximum MarksCut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD)Cut Off (General/ EWS)
    1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 60 04.75  07
    2. English Language 40 12.25 15.50
    3. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 01 02.25
    4. General, Economy & Banking Awareness 40 02 04.50
    5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 08.75  10

    IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2022- Category-wise

    CategoriesCut-Off Marks
    GEN 49.75
    SC 46.75
    ST 40.75
    OBC 49.75
    EWS 49.75
    HI 17.50
    OC 32.75
    VI 24.75
    ID 19.75

    IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2022- Section-wise

    SubjectsEnglish LanguageQuantitative AptitudeReasoning Ability
    Maximum Score 30 35 35
    Cut Off Score UR/EWS 09.75 08.75 09.25
    Cut Off Score SC/ST/PWBD 06.50 05.50 05.00
    Cut Off Score OBC 06.50 05.50 05.00

    Maximum and Minimum scores (combined scores in Online Main Examination and Interview out of 100) – CRP-PO/MT-XI -2021-22

    Maximum Scores 60.30 49.87 58.04 52.58 68.76 52.27 53.04 43.00 54.09
    Minimum Scores 40.18 37.89 44 45.20 47 40.98 44.27 26 26.36

    IBPS PO Reserve List Cut-Off 2021 - 22

    39.87 37.49 43.71 44.89 46.67 NA 40.58 44.09 NA

    IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2021 -22 Category Wise

    CategoryCut Off Marks (Out of 225)
    General 80.75
    OBC 75.75
    SC 65.5
    ST 57.75
    EWS 77.25
    HI 42.50
    OC 62.50
    VI 77.75
    ID 46

    IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2021-22 Section Wise

    S. No.SubjectMaximum MarksCut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD)Cut Off (General/ EWS)
    1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 60 4.50 7.25
    2. English Language 40 10 13.25
    3. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 6.5 9.25
    4. General, Economy & Banking Awareness 40 1.75 3.75
    5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 8.75 10

    IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2021-22 Category Wise

    CategoryCut-Off Marks
    GEN 50.5
    SC 44.50
    ST 38
    OBC 50.5
    EWS 50.5
    HI 20.75
    OC 42
    VI 37
    ID 20.75

    IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2021-22 Section Wise

    SubjectsEnglish LanguageQuantitative AptitudeReasoning Ability
    Maximum Score 30 35 35
    UR 10 9 10
    EWS/SC/ST/PWBD 6.75 6.25 6.25
    OBC 6.75 6.25 6.25

    Final Cut-Off 2020-21

    IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2020-21 as released by IBPS.

    Maximum Scores 52.20 52.11 52.82 52.40 62.98 53.78 64.16 42.16 54.31
    Minimum Scores 39.73 35.56 43.96 42.98 47.89 38.84 45.89 27.20 28.44
    10/06/99 08/06/97 03/11/94 25/10/95 13/01/97 09/08/90 18/05/95 20/07/93 20/09/98

    Reserve List (Subject to vacancy for 2020-2021 and availability of candidates)

    Minimum Scores 39.31 35.20 43.60 42.58 47.42 38.22 45.51 NA NA

    Check out the IBPS PO Previous Years' Papers to know more about the exam in detail.

    Mains Cut-Off 2020-21: Category-wise

    IBPS PO 2025 is a job notification that opens the gates to enter into the banking industry and serve in various banks of the country. Thus, the exam level cannot be taken too lightly. To get an idea of the exam, you can refer to the IBPS PO previous year cut-off that will help you understand the IBPS PO 2025 exam pattern and will give some clarity regarding what to expect from IBPS in the upcoming exam.

    CategoryCut Off Marks(Out of 225)
    General 83.50
    OBC 78.63
    SC 66.38
    ST 52.25
    EWS 75.75
    HI 38.25
    OC 61.25
    VI 84.88
    ID 53.00

    Mains Cut-Off 2020-21: Section-wise

    Given below is the detailed IBPS PO exam cut off section wise. You can go through the IBPS PO Cut off 2020 to understand the level of the exam and how much it evolved during the years.

    S. No.Name of the TestMaximum MarksCut off marks
    General/EWSSC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD
    1. English Language 40 09.75 06.25
    2. Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 60 06.00 03.75
    3. Banking/Economy/General Awareness 40 08.75 05.75
    4. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 11.75 08.50
    5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 10.00 08.75

    Prelims Cut-Off 2020-21: Category-wise

    CategoryCut Off Marks
    General 58.75
    OBC 58.50
    SC 51
    ST 43.5
    EWS 57.75
    HI 19.75
    OC 46
    VI 54.25
    ID 21.75

    Prelims Cut Off 2019: Subject wise

    Besides having an overall cut off you need to qualify each section. The IBPS PO exam cut off for each section is given below.

    S. No.Name of the TestMaximum MarksCut off marks
    General/EWSSC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD
    1. English Language 30 10.50 6.5
    2. Reasoning Ability 35 10.25 6.5
    3. Quantitative Aptitude 35 8.75 5.25

    Prelims Cut Off 2019: Category wise

    Prelims is the first stage to qualify and reach the next level. So the cut off for IBPS PO Prelims 2019 is given below.

    CategoryCut Off Marks
    General 59.75
    OBC 59.75
    SC 53.50
    ST 46.25
    EWS 59.75
    HI 21.25
    OC 44.50
    VI 52.25
    ID 20.75

    Mains Cut Off 2019: Subject wise

    Besides having an overall cut off you need to qualify each section. The cut off for each section is given below.

    S. No.Name of the TestMaximum MarksCut off marks
    General/EWSSC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD
    1. English Language 40 14.25 10.75
    2. Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 60 07.75 05.50
    3. Banking/Economy/General Awareness 40 8.00 05.50
    4. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 05.25 02.50
    5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 10.00 08.75

    Mains Cut Off 2019: Category wise

    CategoryCut Off Marks(Out of 225)
    General 71.50
    OBC 70.25
    SC 55.63
    ST 38.13
    EWS 65.88
    HI 41.00
    OC 46.13
    VI 70.50
    ID 45.88

    Final Cut off 2019

    Maximum Scores 47.07 50.80 50.22 48.98 60.58 46.38 53.16 42.33 42.04
    Minimum Scores 36.02 33.24 40.27 40.82 44.44 36.00 42.18 26.36 28.80
    15/01/88 22/07/98 28/07/94 19/01/96 19/01/96 30/09/95 06/08/96 05/07/92 01/03/88

    Reserve List (Subject to vacancy for 2019 and availability of candidates)

    Minimum Scores 35.74 32.76 39.96 40.45 44.02 35.56 41.45 NA NA

    Mains Cut-Off 2018: Category-wise

    The cut off for IBPS PO Mains 2018 varies from one category to another and the information related to the same is given below in the table.

    Cut Off Marks 74.50 68.38 56.38 35.75 42.63 53.25 66.88 37.00

    Mains Cut-Off 2018: Section-wise

    Besides the overall cut off you should also qualify section wise cut off to qualify for the next round. The IBPS PO exam cut off is given below.

    Serial No.SubjectMaximum MarksCut Off (SC/ST/OBC/PwD)Cut Off (General)
    1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 60 7.50 10.25
    2. English Language 40 7.50 11.25
    3. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 2.25 4.50
    4. General Economy & Banking Awareness 40 5.00 8.00
    5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 8.75 10.00

    Prelims Cut-Off 2018: Overall

    There are two types of cut-offs that are released during the IBPS PO exam process based on various categories. The table given below specifies the overall cut-off for the year 2018.

    Marks 56.75 55.50 49.25 41.75

    Prelims Cut-Off 2018: Section Wise

    The table given below indicates the sectional cut-offs in the three different sections according to the different categories.

    Cut-off Marks for SectionsReasoningQuantitative AptitudeEnglish Language
    General 9 7.75 8.75
    OBC/SC/ST/PWD 5.25 4.75 5.50

    Exam Analysis

    Cracking an exam of any level is not an easy nut to crack. Success in any examination is preceded by determination, hard work and a proper preparation plan. A proper plan should not only consist of how to cover the syllabus but should also contain the analysis of all the exams that were held in previous years. It will not only give you a clear picture of what to expect in the IBPS PO 2023 exam, but also the patterns that any organization like IBPS tends to follow in its every exam. There is always a set pattern of any exam and IBPS PO previous exam analysis will help you find one.

    IBPS PO 2020 exam analysis

    Previous Year Paper

    To clear IBPS PO exam 2023, you need to work on your speed and accuracy. For that, you need to know the exam details as well as get aware of the IBPS PO previous year papers so that you come out with flying colours in the upcoming IBPS exam.  IBPS PO exam previous year question paper gives you an idea of last year exam and question-level difficulty.

    Ibps Po Previous Year Cut Off FAQs

    For 2024, there are a total of 4455 vacancies for IBPS PO officers under the IBPS Probationary Officer recruitment cycle. Out of the 11 participating banks in the IBPS PO recruitment, 5 banks have not reported the number of vacancies for Probationary Officers yet. The 4455 IBPS PO vacancies are divided across different reserved and unreserved categories and across the 6 banks who have reported vacancies for Probationary Officers.
    The IBPS PO Admit Card or Call Letter will be released 7 to 12 days before the actual exam and interview dates. The center, venue address, date, and time for both the Online Preliminary and Online Main examinations, as well as the interview, will be provided in the respective Call Letter. Eligible candidates should download their call letter from the official IBPS website by entering their Registration Number and Password/Date of Birth. No hard copy of the call letter or Information Handout will be sent by post or courier.
    Yes, IBPS will conduct Pre-Exam Training sessions for candidates. The IBPS Pre-Exam Training will be available for a limited number of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes/ Other Backward Classes/ Minority Communities at certain centers. Those candidates who wish to opt for the IBPS PO Pre-Exam Training should opt for the option in their online applications while registering for the exam itself.
    Yes, IBPS PO exam will have sectional cut-off along with the overall cut-off.
    IBPS PO exam previous year cutoff will help you in getting aware of the question level difficulty and getting aware of what strategy you need to follow and plan.

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