IBPS RA and Hindi Officer

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    Basic Information Notification Exam Pattern Syllabus Eligibility Criteria Salary Exam Dates Free Mock Test


    The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released a new notification inviting applications from eligible and interested candidates for various positions such as Research Associates, Hindi Officers, Assistant Professors, Faculty Research Associates, IT Engineers (Data Centre), IT Database Administrators and Software Developers and Testers (Frontend, Backend). All the candidates who are interested in applying to any one of the posts can do so through online mode. The online registration process has already commenced on October 01, 2021. The online exam will be held sometime in October / November 2021.

    IBPS Research Associate / Hindi Officer Highlights 2021

    Conducting AuthorityIBPS
    Official Website https://www.ibps.in/
    Name of the Posts Research Associate, Hindi Officer
    Mode of application Online
    Stages of Exam Two Stages-
    • Phase 1- Online Exam
    • Phase 2- Interview & Document Verification
    Opening Date for Submission of Online
    October 01, 2021
    Closing Date for Submission of Online
    October 14, 2021
    Online Examination October / November 2021
    Official Notification PDF Click Here


    IBPS is the conducting authority for almost all of the banking exams. It has now announced vacancies for other posts such as Research Associates, Hindi Officers, Assistant Professors, Faculty Research Associates, IT Engineers (Data Centre), IT Database Administrators, and Software Developers and Testers (Frontend, Backend). IBPS has released a notification PDF containing all the details regarding the IBPS vacancies and other details for Research Associates, Hindi Officers, and others. Interested candidates can register online to take part in the selection process. Before you apply, you should also first go through the complete steps of the IBPS RA/HO application process 2025

    Note: Candidates can apply only for one post. 

    Exam Pattern

    While you move on with filling up the application form, you should be well aware of the selection process. There will be different stages in the process depending on the post for which you will be applying. Generally, all the posts will require you to appear for an online exam and interview with other stages like Item Writing Exercise, Group Exercise, etc. Before moving on with the preparation, you should be well aware of the complete IBPS RA & HO exam pattern 2025. This will let you chalk out a feasible preparation plan for yourself well in time. While checking out the exam pattern, you should also properly check the marking scheme and the exam language which will play an important role while sitting for the exam.


    IBPS has released a notification mentioning various kinds of posts. This is a great opportunity for those who possess the required qualifications and wish to work with the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). The first step in your exam preparation is getting to know all about the exam and making sure that you are fully equipped with all the necessary information such as the IBPS Hindi Officer & Research Associate exam syllabus

    Apart from the syllabus, one should also have good study material along with you. You can check out the complete list of IBPS Research Associate & Hindi Officer books that might be useful in exam preparation.

    Eligibility Criteria

    The recent recruitment notification released by IBPS is an important one and can be a golden opportunity for all the job aspirants who have the requisite qualifications. While applying for any important exam such as this one, checking the complete IBPS exam eligibility criteria is an important step. The basic IBPS Hindi Officer eligibility 2021 required is a Master’s degree in the concerned subject which is on similar lines as IBPS Research Associate eligibility criteria 2021. Apart from this, you should also be well aware of the IBPS exam age limit which is an important aspect while ensuring your eligibility.


    IBPS is the conducting authority for all the major banking examinations that are held in the country. Now IBPS has announced vacancies to be filled in for various positions in IBPS itself. Undoubtedly, this can be an excellent opportunity for all job seekers. There should not be any doubt regarding the IBPS Research Associate salary or IBPS Hindi Officer salary structure. The basic pay of an IBPS Research Associate & Hindi Officer (Grade E) is Rs 44,900/-. Except that the IBPS pays well, provides enough perks & benefits, it also provides decent & varied roles, responsibilities & job profile

    Exam Calendar

    The IBPS Recruitment 2025 that has been released recently by IBPS contains various posts such as Research Associates, Hindi Officers, Assistant Professors, Faculty Research Associates, IT Engineers (Data Centre), IT Database Administrators, and Software Developers and Testers (Frontend, Backend). The candidates who are interested in applying to any one of these posts can do so now. It is very important to stay updated and know about the IBPS Recruitment exam calendar 2025. The online application window is open from October 01, 2021, and will close on Oct 14, 2021. While applying for the exam, you will also be given a choice of exam centres. IBPS has also listed the centres in its official notification. The online exam for whichever post is applicable will be held tentatively in October/November 2021. 

    IBPS Research Associate and Hindi Officer 2025 Exam Dates

    ActivityTentative Dates
    IBPS Research Associate and Hindi OfficerOnline registration dates October 01, 2021
    IBPS Research Associate and Hindi OfficerClosing registration dates October 14, 2021
    Payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges (Online) To be notified soon
    Download of call letters for Pre- Exam Training To be notified soon
    Conduct of Pre-Exam Training To be notified soon
    Download of call letters for IBPS Research Associate and Hindi Officer Online Exam To be notified soon
    IBPS Research Associate and Hindi Officer Online Exam October/November 2021
    IBPS Research Associate and Hindi OfficerOnline Exam Result To be notified later
    Conduct of IBPS interview To be notified later
    IBPS Research Associate and Hindi Officer Provisional Allotment To be notified later

    Free Mock Test

    To gear up for your preparation you need a lot of practice. ixamBee is here to give you that right guidance and prepare you for the best. Practice IBPS Research Associate & Hindi Officer free mock test 2025 as much as you can so that you are familiar with every changing pattern of the exam. IBPS Hindi Officer free mock tests will help you gain an edge over your competitors and come out with flying colours on the final day. IBPS Research Associate online mock tests will not only improve your calculation speed but also at the same time give you the real-time exam-like feel so that you can outdo others.

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