IBPS RA and Hindi Officer Salary


    IBPS RA and Hindi Officer

    Salary in any job is one of the most important aspects while applying to a suitable job. 

    As an IBPS Research Associate/Hindi Officer, you will not only receive a handsome salary but also numerous allowances, benefits, and perks. The basic pay of an IBPS Research Associate & Hindi Officer (Grade E) is Rs 44,900/-. As you progress through, you can expect to earn handsome appreciation in your career. Check out the details of the compensation you will receive as a Research Associate & Hindi Officer.

    Research Associate Salary

    Name of PostGrade Basic PayTotal emolument at the beginning of the scale per Month (approximately) in Rs.
    Research Associate E  44,900  74,203

    Hindi Officer Salary

    Name of PostGrade Basic PayTotal emolument at the beginning of the scale per Month (approximately) in Rs.
    Hindi Officer E  44,900   74,203

    Job Profile: Roles and Responsibilities

    Irrespective of the post that you have applied for, the postings will be done only in Mumbai. Both the posts of Research Associate and Hindi Officer will require you to appear for various stages in the selection process. Both these positions also require you to perform different responsibilities. Let’s look into the details of the roles and responsibilities that one has to take up while being in any one of these positions.

    Research Associate

    • The development of objective-type aptitude & achievement tests that are moulded to test mainly the cognitive ability and research in the area of Psychometrics/ Psychological measurement.
    • Negotiating with and managing clients (organizations) for completing all details of the project cycle.
    • Inter-departmental liaison for smooth coordination. 

    Hindi Officer

    • Translating confidential exam questions into either English or Hindi, as per the requirements.
    • Developing Objective type/ Descriptive tests to test one’s proficiency in Hindi language.

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