IBPS RRB PO Scale 1 Previous Year Cut Off Marks

    Previous Year Cut-off

    The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) meticulously establishes cut-off marks for every phase of the IBPS RRB PO Exam, releasing them concurrently with the results and scorecards. Advancement to subsequent phases hinges on exceeding the officially declared cut-off scores. An in-depth analysis of IBPS RRB PO Previous Year Cut Offs proves invaluable for aspirants, offering crucial insights into the minimum scores necessary for qualification in various stages of the exam. This comprehensive guide on IBPS RRB PO previous year cut-off marks is indispensable for candidates aspiring to succeed in the exam. It aids in strategic preparation, comprehension of competition levels, and establishing realistic goals.

    Examining IBPS RRB Scale 1 past cut-offs also facilitates the adjustment of study strategies based on the evolving difficulty of the exam. Although not absolute predictors of future cut-offs, previous year cut-offs are invaluable tools for effective exam preparation and strategic planning for the IBPS RRB PO exam. This information particularly benefits prospective IBPS RRB PO candidates seeking a comprehensive understanding of the prior year's exam difficulty.

    With the impending announcement of IBPS RRB exams, the RRB PO notification for 2025 is eagerly anticipated. The notification is the official document to describe the IBPS RRB PO eligibility criteria, salary structure and more info. Detailed information about the IBPS RRB PO previous year cut-off marks, factors influencing cut-offs, and tips to enhance the likelihood of clearing the IBPS RRB PO exam is available on this page. Aspirants are encouraged to delve into this resource for a well-rounded approach to their preparation journey.

    What is IBPS RRB PO Cut Off?

    The IBPS RRB PO cut-offs of previous years can serve as the threshold score that candidates must attain to progress to the subsequent stage of the exam or secure a place in the final merit list. This benchmark varies annually and is influenced by several factors, including the number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the exam, and the overall performance of candidates. By meticulously studying and analyzing the IBPS RRB PO previous year cut-offs, we aim to understand the anticipated IBPS RRB PO cut-off for 2025 comprehensively. These insights are invaluable for candidates in gauging the competitive landscape, setting realistic goals, and refining their preparation strategies to meet the expected standards of the upcoming IBPS RRB PO examination. Aspirants are encouraged to leverage this information as a strategic tool to enhance their chances of success in the highly competitive IBPS RRB PO recruitment process.

    IBPS RRB PO Prelims Cut Off 2024

    Andhra Pradesh 40   40
    Assam 50.75 SC- 46
    OBC- 50.50
    Bihar 47.25    
    Haryana 61.75 OBC- 59.75  
    Himachal Pradesh 59.25    
    Jammu & Kashmir      
    Karnataka 38.50    
    Madhya Pradesh 55.25    
    Maharashtra 55.75    
    Odisha 56.25 OBC- 56.25  
    Punjab 55.50    
    Rajasthan 49 OBC- 49  
    Tamilnadu 40.50 OBC- 40.5  
    Telangana 20.50    
    Uttar Pradesh 51    
    Uttarakhand 59.50 OBC- 52.50  
    West Bengal 57.75 OBC- 53  

    IBPS RRB PO Mains Cut Off 2024

    StateSCSTOBC (NCL)EWSGeneral
    Andhra Pradesh 58.06 54.50 58.06 58.06 58.06
    Arunachal Pradesh 45.13 58.75 58.75 58.75 58.75
    Assam 57.06 50.63 60.50 65.56 68.63
    Bihar 49.31 25.38 68.44 68.44 68.44
    Chhattisgarh 60.44 70.94 70.56 69.06 70.94
    Gujarat 48.88 46.44 48.44 48.44 48.44
    Haryana 60.31 51.56 72.75 77.44 78.44
    Himachal Pradesh 68.44 64.50 68.50 74.31 79.56
    Jammu & Kashmir 62 75.63 64.38 69.13 75.63
    Jharkhand 57.13 56.31 71.31 71.31 71.31
    Karnataka 54.81 52.31 59.25 59.25 59.25
    Kerala 50.50 33.19 72.25 44 72.25
    Madhya Pradesh 63.56 53.06 74.13 74.13 74.13
    Maharashtra 72.94 49.31 72.94 72.94 72.94
    Manipur NA NA NA NA NA
    Meghalaya 35.06 55.63 55.63 55.63 55.63
    Mizoram 31.63 62.25 58.38 62.25 62.25
    Nagaland 59.94 59.94 59.94 NA 59.94
    Odisha 51.31 44.25 71.75 66.19 71.75
    Puducherry 53.50 NA 53.50 42.31 53.50
    Punjab 58 44.56 72.44 74.44 75.63
    Rajasthan 60.81 56.38 71.13 71.13 71.13
    Tamil Nadu 65.13 39.06 65.13 58.75 65.13
    Telangana 38.75 38.75 38.75 38.75 38.75
    Tripura 60.25 57.44 67.25 51.69 71.63
    Uttar Pradesh 67.06 39.38 68.13 71.81 71.81
    Uttarakhand 59.69 55.44 69.38 74.13 77.81
    West Bengal 61.69 52.75 64.88 67.06 75.75

    IBPS RRB PO Mains Cut Of 2024 [Section-wise]

    S.No.Name of TestMaximum ScoreQualifying Score
    1 Reasoning 40 3.75 6
    2 Computer Knowledge 40 4.25 7
    3 General Awareness 40 1 1.75
    4 (a) English Language 40 7.50 11
    4 (b) Hindi Language 40 11.25 14.25
    5 Quantitative Aptitude 40 3.50 5.50

    IBPS RRB Scale 1 Previous Year Cut-Off 2023

    The overall IBPS RRB PO previous year cut-off of 2023 given below:

    IBPS RRB PO Mains Cut Off 2023-State Wise

    ANDHRA PRADESH 64.00 59.06 64.00 64.00 64.00 32.63 65.31 40.63 NA
    ARUNACHAL  PRADESH 65.31 55.94 65.31 65.31 65.31 NA NA NA NA
    ASSAM 57.69 57.13 65.69 63.25 69.63 46.00 44.81 35.75 NA
    BIHAR 46.63 24.31 66.00 66.00 66.00 44.13 36.19 29.25 NA
    CHHATTISGARH 55.38 69.50 69.50 69.50 69.50 30.19 44.50 34.81 NA
    GUJARAT 70.69 49.63 70.88 69.69 70.88 NA 50.75 NA NA
    HARYANA 61.06 42.63 71.25 78.50 78.50 36.56 59.13 62.19 57.50
    HIMACHAL PRADESH 63.88 66.75 68.44 80.00 80.00 NA 64.25 NA NA
    JAMMU & KASHMIR 65.38 50.75 69.88 69.88 69.88 48.19 39.38 42.81 NA
    JHARKHAND 56.00 55.00 72.13 72.13 72.13 38.38 53.38 51.19 NA
    KARNATAKA 54.13 54.13 54.13 54.13 54.13 53.31 38.31 54.75 NA
    KERALA 53.88 42.00 72.69 52.81 72.69 31.81 60.75 51.38 66.56
    MADHYA PRADESH 58.75 52.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 30.69 52.50 42.00 56.88
    MAHARASHTRA 67.25 52.75 67.25 67.25 67.25 52.13 67.56 87.38 55.44
    MANIPUR 66.56 68.75 68.75 NA 68.75 NA NA NA NA
    MEGHALAYA 43.31 54.50 54.50 54.50 54.50 NA NA NA NA
    MIZORAM 23.63 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 NA NA NA NA
    NAGALAND NA 39.13 39.13 NA 39.13 NA NA NA NA
    ODISHA 54.19 60.44 78.81 73.81 78.81 31.63 27.69 34.56 32.50
    PUNJAB 58.00 42.00 71.38 77.56 77.56 26.69 54.75 38.44 NA
    RAJASTHAN 62.06 59.75 75.63 75.63 75.63 48.94 31.06 47.63 NA
    TAMIL NADU 73.50 48.56 73.50 73.50 73.50 49.69 27.63 47.56 NA
    TELANGANA 64.19 64.75 64.75 64.75 64.75 20.56 61.69 40.38 NA
    TRIPURA 58.06 49.56 64.75 68.75 68.75 NA 34.25 NA NA
    UTTAR  PRADESH 57.31 46.94 68.63 73.25 73.25 39.94 60.56 75.56 53.00
    UTTARAKHAND 58.31 46.25 65.19 76.94 78.13 47.69 31.38 33.19 NA
    WEST BENGAL 61.81 49.63 65.06 68.63 77.25 38.31 53.50 32.56 39.19

    IBPS RRB PO Mains Cut Off 2023- Section Wise

    S.noName of the TestMaximum MarksCut off
    SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWBDEWS/ General
    1 Reasoning 40 6.75 10
    2 Computer Knowledge 40 2.75 5.50
    3 General Awareness 40 1 2
    4 (a) English Language 40 3 6.75
    4 (b) Hindi Language 40 2.50 5.75
    5 Quantitative Aptitude 40 2.75 4.75

    IBPS RRB PO Prelims Cut Off 2023

    Andhra Pradesh 39 39 - - 39
    Arunachal Pradesh - - - 33.50 -
    Assam 50 - - 44.75 -
    Bihar 45 45 37.50 - 45
    Chhattisgarh 49.75 49.75 - - 49.75
    Gujarat 52.75 - - 44.25 -
    Haryana 54.75 - - - 54.50
    Himachal Pradesh 55  48.25 51.50 - 55
    Jammu & Kashmir 46 - - - -
    Jharkhand 51.50 51.50 - - -
    Karnataka 35 35 35 - 35
    Kerala 48.75 48.75 - - -
    Madhya Pradesh 50 50 45.75 - 50
    Maharashtra 46 46 - - -
    Mizoram 37 - - 24 -
    Meghalaya 35 - - - -
    Odisha 59.75 - 53 - -
    Punjab 52.50 52.50 - - 52.75
    Rajasthan 54.50 - - - 49.75
    Tamil Nadu 50.75 - - - -
    Telangana 39 39 - - 39
    Uttar Pradesh 53.75 52.75 48 - -
    Uttarakhand 55.50 47 - - -
    West Bengal 53.25 49.75 - - 49.75
    Tripura - - 44.25 - -
    Nagaland - - - - -

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1) Final Cut-off 2022

    The overall IBPS RRB PO cut-off for the year 2022 given below:

    ANDHRA PRADESH 54.95 49.30 55.85 54.38 65.75
    ARUNACHAL PRADESH NA 35.48 48.95 NA 52.50
    ASSAM 51.50 51.28 53.30 53.08 62.78
    BIHAR 53.85 52.00 60.42 60.82 69.08
    CHHATTISGARH 52.10 NA 54.35 53.88 65.50
    GUJARAT 50.12 49.88 52.90 52.28 57.80
    HARYANA 54.50 45.82 60.98 57.55 64.95
    HIMACHAL PRADESH 61.90 55.35 57.48 59.20 65.42
    JAMMU & KASHMIR 53.25 51.48 58.30 57.02 63.92
    JHARKHAND 50.65 54.05 54.38 52.20 62.02
    KARNATAKA 52.88 52.45 58.10 52.68 63.05
    KERALA 51.82 47.50 56.98 53.52 62.98
    MADHYA PRADESH 56.75 55.15 56.88 55.28 63.78
    MAHARASHTRA 54.10 49.32 55.68 55.42 62.50
    MANIPUR NA NA 53.50 NA 54.62
    MEGHALAYA 39.78 NA 44.90 NA 51.05
    MIZORAM 40.22 NA 47.88 NA NA
    ODISHA 51.72 55.80 55.98 55.05 65.50
    PUDUCHERRY NA NA 59.75 NA 57.35
    PUNJAB 58.05 NA 54.95 56.22 68.18
    RAJASTHAN 58.10 59.40 60.30 60.28 66.90
    TELANGANA 53.82 55.20 58.18 55.48 63.42
    TRIPURA 52.82 48.85 53.82 51.60 58.95
    UTTAR PRADESH 60.80 50.80 57.88 58.75 65.75
    UTTARAKHAND 52.60 58.62 56.18 60.02 65.98
    WEST BENGAL 58.05 53.65 62.38 57.68 67.30

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1) State wise Cut-off 2022

    Andhra Pradesh 83.13 68.69 88.19 88.19 88.19
    Arunachal Pradesh 82.06 56.19 82.06 82.06 82.06
    Assam 75.13 76.56 81.63 85.63 85.63
    Bihar 73.31 59.63 92.69 92.69 92.69
    Chhattisgarh 73.88 89.31 88.56 89.31 89.31
    Gujarat 82.25 64.44 88.63 88.63 88.63
    Haryana 83.94 65.19 92.25 99.94 99.94
    Himachal Pradesh 97.50 94.13 97.63 105.94 107.44
    Jammu & Kashmir 74.56 78.88 84.75 86.75 89.31
    Jharkhand 74.94 78.44 93.13 92.19 95.81
    Karnataka 65.19 65.19 65.19 65.19 65.19
    Kerala 67.94 47.31 91.94 76.25 91.94
    Madhya Pradesh 77.81 70.94 93.13 93.13 93.13
    Maharashtra 86.00 69.63 86 86 86
    Manipur 60.50 60.50 60.50 NA 60.50
    Meghalaya 57.38 86.06 82.69 86.06 86.06
    Mizoram 59.13 NA 69.44 NA NA
    Nagaland NA 82.88 NA NA NA
    Odisha 74.38 58.25 89.50 89.50 89.50
    Puducherry 89.75 89.75 89.75 89.75 89.75
    Punjab 77.56 96.75 87.81 96.75 96.75
    Rajasthan 81.56 78.56 96.94 96.94 96.94
    Telangana 81.50 81.56 82.88 82.88 82.88
    Tripura 78.19 77.25 82.81 76.63 88.69
    Uttar Pradesh 81.94 62.44 91.25 96.31 96.31
    Uttarakhand 81.13 74.63 82.38 99.06 103.44
    West Bengal 80.75 63.81 83.56 88.50 95.06

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1) Section wise Cut-off 2022

    S NoName of TestMax. MarksQualifying Scores
    SC/ST/OBC/PWD EWS/General
    1 Reasoning 40 16 18.50
    2 Computer Knowledge 40 3.50 06
    3 General Awareness 40 01 2.50
    4 (a) English Language 40 5.75 9.50
    4 (b) Hindi Language 40 10.25 13.25
    5 Quantitative Aptitude 40 5.75 8.50

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1) Mains Cut-off 2021

    Andhra Pradesh 82.81 72.31 63.81 82.81 82.81
    Arunachal Pradesh 61.31 NA 54.00 61.31 NA
    Assam 73.88  61.56 60.81 68.88 73.75
    Bihar 82.19  57.25 45.63 82.19 82.19
    Chhattisgarh 76.94 56.94 61.19 71.25 61.25
    Gujarat 81.81  67.44 59.06 80 81.81
    Haryana 91.81  67.81 43.81 82.69 91.81
    Himachal Pradesh 92 72.94 72.81 73.81 86.25
    Jammu & Kashmir 79.25  65.40 45.81 59.44 66.56
    Jharkhand 84.31 54.06 61.75 77.19 80.25
    Karnataka 68.63 68.63 56.44 68.63 68.63
    Kerala 91.13  68.31 39.50 88.88 72.50
    Madhya Pradesh 82.94  65.13 55.81 79.81 82.94
    Maharashtra 80.13 80.13 55.13 80.13 80.13
    Manipur NA NA      
    Meghalaya 57.75  53.50 57.75 54.19 57.75
    Mizoram NA NA 94.44 52 59.69
    Nagaland NA NA 66.75 NA Na
    Odisha 81.88 62.94 49.19 81.88 81.88
    Puducherry 87.63  87.63 NA 87.63 NA
    Punjab 93.88 69.50 93.88 78.81 93.88
    Rajasthan 89.31 68.13 68.19 86.94 89.31
    Tamil Nadu 83.25 80.38 38.94 83.25 81.06
    Telangana 80 74.81 71.50 80 80
    Tripura 78  66.31 51.81 71 58.81
    Uttar Pradesh 82.38  62.06 59.81 75.38 82.38
    Uttarakhand 94.81 62.19 65.13 76.06 82.31
    West Bengal 84.56 69.00 47.75 71.50 76.94

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1) Mains Section Wise Cut-off 2021

    S NoName of TestMax. MarksQualifying Scores
    1 Reasoning 40 11.50 14.50
    2 Computer Knowledge 40 03.50 06
    3 General Awareness 40 02.50 04.50
    4 (a) English Language 40 08.25 11.25
    4 (b) Hindi Language 40 05.50 08.25
    5 Quantitative Aptitude 40 02.00 04.75

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1) Prelims Cut-off 2021

    State NameUROBCEWSST
    Andhra Pradesh 52.50 - - -
    Arunachal Pradesh - - - -
    Assam 45.75 45.75 - -
    Bihar 56.25 56.25 56.25 -
    Chhattisgarh 48.50 48 - -
    Gujarat 57.25 57.25 - -
    Haryana 59.50 - - -
    Himachal Pradesh 57.50 48.75 56.25 -
    Jammu & Kashmir 47 - - -
    Jharkhand 55 55 - -
    Karnataka 44.75 44.75 - -
    Kerala 57.75 - 47 -
    Madhya Pradesh 54.25 54.25 - 41.50
    Maharashtra 53.75 53.75 - 49.25
    Mizoram - - - 30
    Punjab 60.25 54 - -
    Odisha 58.50 - - -
    Rajasthan 60.75 - 60.75 53.50
    Tamil Nadu 50.50 50.50 - -
    Tripura 48 - - -
    Telangana 51 51 - -
    Uttar Pradesh 54.50 54.50 54.50 45.75
    Uttarakhand 60.75 - - -
    West Bengal 56.50 51 53. 25 -

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1) Final Cut-off 2020-21

    The overall and final IBPS RRB Scale 1 cut-off for the year 2020-21 given below: 

    Andhra Pradesh 50.25 53.55 56 52.20 70.10
    Arunachal Pradesh NA NA NA NA 46.65
    Assam 46.92 46.32 49.18 47.92 62.25
    Bihar 52.45 47.82 62.72 52.75 64.75
    Chhattisgarh 48.18 39.65 49.30 49.22 62.85
    Gujarat 49.08 44 47.60 42.48 69.50
    Haryana 57.48 37.88 58.08 58.10 72.48
    Himachal Pradesh 48.72 48.18 57 54.68 62.80
    Jammu & Kashmir 61.48 52.05 56.08 59.12 72.82
    Jharkhand 55.72 41.12 55.28 52.50 63.25
    Karnataka NA NA NA NA NA
    Kerala NA NA NA NA NA
    Madhya Pradesh 51.88 49.55 54.75 53.55 69.58
    Maharashtra 53.42 46.08 59.92 50.42 69.62
    Manipur 41.95 40.02 48.95 NA 54.35
    Meghalaya 33.02 39.32 43.62 NA 45.60
    Mizoram NA 41.58 39.48 NA 40.48
    Nagaland Na 50.30 NA NA NA
    Odisha 43.85 54.50 52.10 51.25 71.52
    Puducherry 43.42 NA NA NA NA
    Punjab 52.40 39.92 61.15 58.60 70.35
    Rajasthan 56.95 55.45 53.58 55.75 75.55
    Tamil Nadu 51 45.95 66.05 52.18 64.82
    Telangana 53.80 49.28 58.22 49.60 64.32
    Tripura 47.52 36.62 50.02 35 53.48
    Uttar Pradesh 52.15 46.68 52.70 51.02 72.55
    Uttarakhand NA 40.12 NA NA 66.12
    West Bengal 53.42 56.68 50.38 49.70 64.18

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1) Prelims Cut-offs 2020

    State NameCut-off
    UP 47 46.75
    J& K 52
    Rajasthan 66 66
    Gujarat 59.75 59.77
    Andhra Pradesh 52.75
    Odisha 62.75
    Jharkhand 54 .25
    Haryana 60.50
    Bihar 48
    Maharashtra 47.25
    Tamil Nadu 54
    Chhattisgarh 43.25
    West Bengal 52

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1) State wise Mains Cut-off 2020

    Andhra Pradesh 61.94 52 76.38 76.38 76.38
    Arunachal Pradesh NA 43.44 43.44 NA NA
    Assam 56.06 51.56 66.88 70.31 72.44
    Bihar 52.25 46.25 77.31 77.31 77.31
    Chhattisgarh 56.56 45.69 75.50 71 75.50
    Gujarat 41.94 50.94 50.94 52.19 56.75
    Haryana 67.38 40.31 79.88 90.50 91.81
    Himachal Pradesh 65.63 68.56 69.31 83.25 88.38
    Jammu & Kashmir 70.50 51.25 65.06 80.81 89.88
    Jharkhand 53.13 53.75 74.88 80.25 82.25
    Karnataka NA NA NA NA NA
    Kerala NA NA NA NA NA
    Madhya Pradesh 58 44.31 74.44 77.13 77.13
    Maharashtra 71 48.94 73.56 73.56 73.56
    Manipur 65.06 63.31 65.06 65.06 65.06
    Meghalaya 46.19 58.50 58.50 58.50 58.50
    Mizoram 54.44 64.06 40.63 NA 64.06
    Nagaland NA 44.75 NA NA NA
    Odisha 63.25 57.94 85.63 85.63 85.63
    Puducherry 67.69 NA 63.56 NA NA
    Punjab 66.88 34 73 81.81 92.38
    Rajasthan 39.13 47.63 36.75 47.63 47.63
    Tamil Nadu 72.88 33.44 81.06 57.56 81.06
    Telangana 64.31 60.88 70.81 70.81 70.81
    Tripura 65.50 59.69 72.19 65 80.44
    Uttar Pradesh 52.56 29.50 64.19 70.56 70.56
    Uttarakhand 100.38 59.63 82.75 100.38 100.38
    West Bengal 62.75 47.56 63.56 69 80.94

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1) Subject-wise Maximum Scores & Cut-off

    S.No.Name of TestMax. MarksQualifying Scores
    1 Reasoning 40 08.75 12
    2 Computer Knowledge 40 05.75 08.75
    3 General Awareness 40 02.25 04.50
    4 (a) English Language 40 03.50 07.25
    4 (b) Hindi Language 40 03.50 06.25
    5 Quantitative Aptitude 40 02.25 05.25

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1) Maximum Scores Cut-off in each Objective test

    Name of TestMaximum ScoreQualifying Score
    Reasoning 40 10.50 13.75
    Computer Knowledge 40 6.00 8.75
    General Awareness 40 6.75 10.00
    English Language 40 7.50 11.75
    Hindi Language 40 6.50 9.50
    Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation 40 1.00 3.25

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1) 2019 Cut-off

    Refer to the table below for the RRB Officer Scale 1 Prelims cut-off for 2019.

    ANDHRA PRADESH 71.56 46.81 79.81 79.81 79.81 49.25 84.00 50.25 60.25
    ARUNACHAL PRADESH NA 66.56 51.06 NA 66.56 NA NA NA NA
    ASSAM 46.06 56.00 67.13 59.06 74.56 NA 49.81 55.81 NA
    BIHAR 60.06 40.88 84.69 86.25 86.25 49.31 82.63 87.88 75.56
    CHHATTISGARH 66.31 58.06 84.94 64.13 84.94 NA 53.25 NA NA
    GUJARAT 55.19 36.75 55.19 55.19 55.19 NA 63.25 68.13 NA
    HARYANA 67.38 44.81 87.75 92.19 92.19 NA 60.25 111.69 57.56
    HIMACHAL PRADESH 71.13 67.75 76.69 91.06 91.06 44.69 70.38 NA NA
    JAMMU & KASHMIR 71.88 43.63 74.06 69.88 93.88 NA 44.19 95.56 74.50
    JHARKHAND 55.88 58.56 78.88 91.13 91.13 NA 68.31 69.44 55.63
    KARNATAKA 57.44 41.69 57.44 57.44 57.44 NA 72.25 59.88 NA
    KERALA 72.63 49.75 95.69 82.00 95.69 68.44 80.38 85.31 64.19
    MADHYA PRADESH 60.13 47.00 77.75 81.44 82.56 69.88 38.56 44.94 56.44
    MAHARASHTRA 54.75 48.19 54.75 54.75 54.75 57.06 67.06 47.38 NA
    MANIPUR 68.63 68.63 68.63 NA 68.63 NA NA NA NA
    MEGHALAYA 63.94 63.94 56.31 63.94 63.94 NA NA NA NA
    MIZORAM 79.44 53.13 66.13 NA 92.94 NA NA NA NA
    ODISHA 56.38 37.94 80.13 80.13 80.13 46.06 60.81 76.13 77.06
    PUOUCHERRY 91.19 91.19 91.19 NA 91.19 NA NA NA NA
    PUNJAB 73.94 44.44 86.31 95.63 99.19 NA 67.69 55.38 56.75
    RAJASTHAN 65.19 63.44 88.69 88.69 88.69 53.75 77.63 71.69 78.94
    TAMILNADU 82.56 50.50 86.00 86.00 86.00 60.44 92.25 93.44 72.56
    TELANGANA 71.56 63.75 71.56 71.56 71.56 57.31 53.88 130.56 NA
    TRIPURA 44.63 44.13 60.44 60.44 60.44 NA 75.69 NA NA
    UTTAR PRADESH 64.63 37.38 78.81 87.81 87.81 44.56 72.06 85.50 53.38
    UTTARAKHAND 70.88 102.81 89.31 102.81 102.81 60.88 66.63 70.38 80.31
    WEST BENGAL 63.88 44.63 69.13 56.88 87.44 57.94 47.25 69.31 65.13

    Factors Affecting IBPS RRB PO Cut Off

    • Number of vacancies: The total number of vacancies in the RRB PO exam is a crucial determinant of the IBPS RRB Scale 1 cutoff for the year. Higher vacancies may lead to a lower cutoff, while lower vacancies could result in a higher cutoff.
    • Difficulty level of the exam: The complexity of the IBPS RRB PO exam directly influences the cutoff marks. If the exam is more challenging, the cutoff may be lower; conversely, if it is less difficult, the cutoff may be higher.
    • Candidate performance: The overall performance of candidates in a particular year impacts the cutoff. The IBPS RRB PO previous year cut-offs show that, if most candidates perform exceptionally well, the cutoff may rise, whereas average performance may lead to a lower cutoff.

    How to Improve Your Chances of Clearing the IBPS RRB 2025 Exam?

    • Understand the IBPS RRB PO exam pattern and syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the syllabus to identify the important topics and allocate your preparation time accordingly.
    • Create an IBPS RRB PO study plan: Develop a structured study plan that covers all the exam sections. Set specific goals and allocate sufficient time for each subject.
    • Practice IBPS RRB PO mock tests: Regularly practice mock tests and the previous year's question papers to improve your time management skills and get acquainted with the exam's format.
    • Analyze your performance: After each mock test, analyze your performance, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and work on improving the areas where you are struggling.
    • Stay updated with current affairs: Keep yourself updated with the latest current affairs, especially in the banking and economic sectors, as they can significantly impact the IBPS RRB PO 2025 exam. Stay updated through newspapers, online news portals, and relevant magazines.
    • Enhance your quantitative aptitude and reasoning skills: These sections hold substantial weightage in the IBPS RRB PO exam 2025. Practice solving mathematical problems and logical reasoning questions to improve accuracy and speed.
    • Improve your English language proficiency: Enhance your vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension skills. Read newspapers, books, and articles to develop a strong command of the English language.
    • Stay focused and maintain a positive mindset: Exam preparation can be challenging, but it's crucial to stay focused motivated, and maintain a positive mindset throughout the process. Believe in your abilities and persevere.

    Ibps Rrb Officer Scale 1 Previous Year Cut Off FAQs

    Certainly, clearing any stage of the IBPS RRB PO requires candidates to meet both the overall and sectional cut-offs. Achieving the minimum qualifying scores in each section and obtaining an overall score above the specified cut-off are essential for progressing to the next stage or securing a position in the final merit list. Candidates should focus on performing well in each section to meet these cut-off criteria and enhance their chances of success in the IBPS RRB PO exam.
    Understanding the previous year cut-off for your specific category is crucial for assessing the competition and formulating an effective study plan. It provides valuable insights into the minimum scores required to qualify for different IBPS RRB PO exam stages. By analyzing past cut-offs, candidates can identify trends, prioritize their preparation, and set realistic goals. This information aids in creating a focused study strategy, ensuring candidates are well-prepared to meet or exceed the anticipated cut-off scores for their category in the upcoming IBPS RRB PO examination.
    The ixamBee IBPS RRB PO mock test series is a comprehensive solution for refining your banking exam skills. Engaging with the free mock test series for IBPS RRB PO improves your speed and accuracy and boosts your confidence. These mock tests are designed to simulate the actual exam environment, providing valuable practice and insights into your performance. With a focus on enhancing your test-taking abilities, ixamBee's mock test series for IBPS RRB PO ensures you are well-prepared and confident when facing the challenges of the actual examination.

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