IBPS RRB Scale 2 Previous Year Cut Off Marks

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    Previous Year Cut Off

    While not guaranteeing future cut-off levels, IBPS RRB Scale 2 previous year's cut-offs serve as essential resources for effective exam preparation and strategizing for the IBPS RRB Scale 2 Officer recruitment examination. They help establish achievable objectives for the preparation. To get a clear idea of the exam level and the pattern of selection, knowing RRB Scale 2 previous year cut-off is very important. If you do not want to leave any stone unturned in your RRB Scale 2 exam preparation process, knowing the IBPS RRB Scale 2 previous year's cut-off will help you to a great extent.The cut-off scores are published concurrently with the results and scorecards. Eligibility is determined solely for candidates who exceed the officially set cut-off scores for a specific phase. With the impending notification of IBPS RRB Scale 2 Officer 2025, interested candidates can equip themselves with the knowledge on previous years cut-off in comprehending the evolving difficulty of the exam and adapting study tactics accordingly. Given below is the RRB Scale 2 cutoff for past years. 

    IBPS RRB Scale 2 Online Single Examination 2024 Sectional Cut Off

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II (GBO) Cut off 2024 (Category-wise)

    Cut off Marks 49 46.50 65.56 25 71.69 43.44 36 53.88 25.31

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II (IT) Cut off 2024 (Category-wise)

    Cut off 49.50 48.50 55.75 55.75 55.75 NA 60.25 60 NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II (CA) Cut off 2024 (Category-wise)

    Cut off 34.13 NA 28.75 34.13 34.13 NA NA NA NA

    IBPS RRB Officer  Scale II (Treasury Manager) Cut off 2024 (Category-wise)

    Cut off 26.50 NA 26.50 26.50 26.50 NA NA NA NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale II (Marketing) Cut off 2024 (Category-wise)

    Cut off 52.75 52.75 52.75 52.75 52.75 NA NA NA NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale II (Agricultural) Cut off 2024 (Category-wise)

    Cut off 51.38 51.38 51.38 51.38 51.38 26.63 50.63 56.75 46.38

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (GBO) Cut off 2024 (Subject-wise)

    Name of TestMaximum ScoreQualifying Score
    Reasoning 40 1 1
    Computer Knowledge 40 8.25 11.75
    Financial Awareness 40 1 1
    English Language 40 1 2
    Hindi Language 40 3 7
    Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation 40 1 2.75

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (Agricultural Officer) Cut off 2024 (Subject-wise)

    Name of TestMaximum ScoreQualifying Score
    Professional Knowledge- Agricultural 40 2.75 5.50
    Reasoning 40 1 1.75
    Financial Awareness 40 1 1
    English Language 40 1 3.75
    Hindi Language 40 5 9
    Computer Knwoledge 40 10 13.50
    Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation 40 1 4.75

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (IT, Law and Marketing) Cut off 2024 (Subject-wise)

    Name of TestMaximum ScoreQualifying Score
    Professional Knowledge- IT 40 2.75 5.25
    Professional Knowledge- Law 40 5 8
    Professional Knowledge- Marketing 40 2 5
    Reasoning 40 1 3
    Financial Awareness 40 1 1.50
    English Language 40 2 5.25
    Hindi Language 40 7 11
    Computer Knwoledge 40 11.75 15.25
    Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation 40 2.75 6.50

    IBPS RRB Scale 2 Online Single Examination 2023 Sectional Cut Off

    Maximum Scores and Cutoffs in Each Objective Test for Officer Scale-II (GBO)  

    Name of the TestMaximum ScoreQualifying Score
    Reasoning 40 01.00 01.00
    Computer Knowledge 40 04.25 08.00
    Financial Awareness 40 01.00 01.50
    English Language 40 01.00 04.00
    Hindi Language 40 04.25 07.75
    Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation 40 01.00 01.00

    For Officer Scale-II IT, CA, Law, Treasury, Marketing and Agricultural Officer  
    Name of the TestMaximum Score Qualifying Score
    Professional Knowledge - IT 40 01.00 01.75
    Professional Knowledge - CA 40 12.50 15.75
    Professional Knowledge - Law 40 01.00 02.50
    Professional Knowledge - Treasury 40 01.00 01.00
    Professional Knowledge - Marketing 40 01.00 01.25
    Professional Knowledge - Agricultural 40 01.75 04.75
    Reasoning 40 01.00 01.00
    Financial Awareness 40 01.00 01.50
    English Language 40 01.00 04.00
    Hindi Language 40 04.25 07.75
    Computer Knowledge 40 04.25 08.00
    Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation 40 01.00 01.00

    IBPS RRB Scale 2 Online Single Examination 2023 Cut Off

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 2023

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 GBO Cut Off

    Cut Off Marks 49.94 41.38 59.44 39.25 66.38 44.38 52.38 30.38 50.88

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (IT) Cut Off

    Cut Off Marks 35.75 27.75 48.75 45 49.75 NA 31.88 64 NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (CA) Cut Off

    Cut Off Marks 46.88 NA 38.63 NA 46.88 NA NA NA NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (Law) Cut Off

    Cut Off Marks 23.75 21.88 36.63 36.63 36.63 34.50 34.38 26.13 39.75

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (Treasury Manager) Cut Off

    Cut Off Marks 19 27.88 27.63 32.88 32.88 NA NA NA NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (Marketing) Cut Off

    Cut Off Marks 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 NA 35.13 NA NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (Agricultural) Cut Off

    Cut Off Marks 26.88 26.88 26.88 26.88 26.88 26.88 47.63 51.13 35.13

    IBPS RRB Scale 2 Online Single Examination 2022 Cut Off

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II (GBO) Cut off

    Cut off Marks 41.13 36.25 54.25 36 54.25 31.31 39.88 22.69 25.88

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II (IT) Cut off

    Cut off 52 29.75 61.25 62.38 62.38 75.25 25.50 35.88 NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II (CA) Cut off

    Cut off 30.25 NA 30.25 NA 30.25 NA NA NA NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II (Law) Cut off

    Cut off 60 60 60 60 60 28.25 35.13 24.13 NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale II (Treasury Manager) Cut off

    Cut off 26.63 NA 26.63 26.63 26.63 NA 58.75 NA NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale II (Agricultural) Cut Off

    Cut off 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 33.50 45.25 34.25 70

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale II (Marketing) Cut Off

    Cut off 58.38 58.38 48.75 58.38 58.38 NA 30.75 NA NA

    IBPS RRB Scale 2 Online Single Examination 2021 Cut Off: Maximum Scores

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2  (GBO) Cut off

    The overall previous year cut-offs for all the categories for IBPS RRB Scale 2 - General Banking Officer is given below.

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II (GBO) Cut off
    Cut off Marks 54.50 51.30 68.13 54.38 70.19 38.38 61.44 69.06 45.19

    IBPS RRB Scale 2 SO (IT) cut off 2021

    Refer to the table below to check out the overall previous year cut-off for all the categories for the post of RRB Officer Scale 2- Information Technology Officer.

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale II (IT) Cut Off
    Cut off 66 53.25 68.75 68.75 68.75 31.88 21.25 34.75 NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (CA) cut off 2021

    The table given below indicates the IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2- Chartered Accountant overall previous year cut-off for all the categories.

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale II (CA) Cut Off
    Cut off 35.38 28 34 51.75 57.15 NA NA NA NA

    IBPS RRB Specialist Officer Scale 2 (LAW) cut off 2021

    Check out the category wise overall cut-off for the post of RRB Scale 2- Law Officer from the table given below.

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale II (Law) Cut Off
    Cut off 45.13 27.25 45.38 49.63 49.63 26.13 47.88 48.25 NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (Treasury Manager) cut off 2021

    The table below indicates the overall cut-off for all categories for the post of RRB Officer Scale 2- Treasury Manager.

    IBPS RRB Officer  Scale II (Treasury Manager) Cut off
    Cut off 16.38 16.38 16.38 16.38 16.38 NA 18.50 NA NA

    IBPS RRB SO Scale 2 (Marketing) cut off 2021

    The overall cut-off for IBPS RRB Scale 2- Marketing Officer post for all categories is given below.

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale II (Marketing) Cut Off
    Cut off 60.25 64.88 64.88 64.88 64.88 NA 45.13 NA NA

    IBPS RRB SO Scale 2 (Agriculture) cut off 2021

    Agriculture Officer under IBPS RRB SO Scale 2 also consists of an overall previous year cut-off along with a sectional cut-off. The complete details of the 2021 overall cut-off for all categories is given below.

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale II (Agricultural) Cut Off
    Cut off 58.00 58.00 58.00 58.00 58.00 24.13 45.00 75.25 59.63

    IBPS RRB Scale 2 Online Single Examination and Interview 2020 Cut Off (out of 100): Maximum Scores

    Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer) 51.72 44.25 55.45 52.42 66.35 33.38 53.22 NA NA
    Officer Scale-II (IT) 46.95 41.50 54.25 49.60 57.50 NA 41.45 NA NA
    Officer Scale-II (CA) 36.10 NA 39.70 NA 56.55 NA NA NA NA
    Officer Scale-II (Law) NA NA NA NA 56.20 NA NA NA NA
    Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager) NA NA NA NA 42.25 NA NA NA NA
    Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer) NA NA NA NA 56.70 NA NA NA NA
    Officer Scale-II (Agricultural Officer) 38.45 34.55 47.25 NA 51.55 NA NA NA NA

    IBPS RRB Scale 2 Online Single Examination and Interview 2020 Cut Off (out of 100): Minimum Scores

    GBO 38.65 36.42 43.45 35.68 47.82 29.72 42.32 NA NA
    01/07/95 16/01/94 20/06/94 19/05/88 25/08/90
    IT 41.90 38.05 45.00 47.05 50.00 NA 41.45 NA NA
    27/04/94 23/05/96 23/11/91 10/10/92
    CA 36.10 NA 39.50 NA 44.75 NA NA NA NA
    25/06/93 29/05/94 14/08/97
    Treasury Manager NA NA NA NA 33.85 NA NA NA NA
    Marketing Officer NA NA NA NA 48.55 NA NA NA NA
    Agricultural Officer 36.90 34.55 40.80 NA 41.80 NA NA NA NA
    18/04/93 04/05/94

    IBPS RRB Scale 2 2020 Cut Off: Reserve List (Subject to vacancies provided by RRBs & availability of candidates)

    Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer) 37.50 35.62 43.62 42.58 46.22 NA 41.98 32.90 20.50
    Officer Scale-II (IT) 41.35 35.50 44.65 44.05 49.70 28.35 33.75 30.20 17.40
    Officer Scale-II (CA) 30.75 NA 38.45 35.05 41.60 NA NA NA NA
    Officer Scale-II (Law) 37.00 28.90 41.20 37.00 43.80 NA 21.60 NA NA
    Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager) NA NA 26.55 NA 30.00 NA NA NA NA
    Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer) 32.05 NA 38.45 39.15 45.55 NA NA NA NA
    Officer Scale-II (Agricultural Officer) 36.75 32.10 40.45 40.55 40.60 25.30 32.20 37.70 NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 2019 Cut off

    One major information that you need to know while you prepare is ‘previous year cut-off’. RRB Scale 2 cutoff will give a clear idea of the exam level and the pattern of selection. Here is the RRB Scale 2 cutoff 2019.

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (GBO) 2019 Cut off

    Check out the sectional IBPS RRB General Banking Officer 2019 previous year cutoff from the table below.

    Name of TestMaximum ScoreQualifying Score
    Reasoning 40 1.00 2.50
    Computer Knowledge 40 11.25 15.00
    Financial Awareness 40 3.25 6.00
    English Language 40 3.00 5.75
    Hindi Language 40 3.00 6.75
    Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation 40 1.00 2.75

    IBPS RRB Scale 2 SO (IT, CA, LAW, Treasury, Marketing & Agricultural Officer) 2019 cut off

    The complete details of the previous year sectional cut-offs for all the posts under Specialist Officers are given in the table below.

    Name of TestMaximum ScoreQualifying Score
    Professional Knowledge - IT 40 2.50 5.50
    Professional Knowledge - CA 40 9.25 11.50
    Professional Knowledge - LAW 40 1.00 3.75
    Professional Knowledge - Treasury 40 1.00 1.25
    Professional Knowledge - Marketing 40 3.50 6.75
    Professional Knowledge - Agriculture 40 1.00 2.00
    Reasoning 40 1.00 2.50
    Financial Awareness 40 3.00 5.75
    English Language 40 3.00 7.25
    Hindi Language 40 3.50 6.75
    Computer Knowledge 40 11.25 15.00
    Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation 40 1.00 2.75

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 Overall Cut off 2019

    Apart from the sectional cut-off, there is an overall cut-off in the IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 exam. You are required to clear both cut-offs for qualifying for the exam. Check out the RRB Scale 2 previous year's cutoff given below.

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 Overall (GBO) cut off

    The overall cut-offs for all the categories for IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 - General Banking Officer is given below.

    47.25 25.88 63.19 34.44 64.13 39.31 53.81 51.44 NA

    IBPS RRB Specialist Officer Scale 2 Overall (IT) cut off

    Refer to the table below to check out the overall previous year cut-off for all the categories for the post of RRB Officer Scale 2- Information Technology Officer.

    79.38 58.25 88.25 85.75 91.75 36.88 63.00 46.50 54.88

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 Overall (CA) cut off

    The table given below indicates the overall RRB Officer Scale 2- Chartered Accountant previous year cut-off for all the categories.

    79.38 58.25 88.25 85.75 91.75 36.88 63.00 46.50 54.88

    IBPS RRB Specialist Officer Scale 2 Overall (Law) cut off

    Check out the category wise overall previous year cut-off for the post of RRB  Scale 2- Law Officer from the table given below.

    48.88 44.38 58.25 65.00 65.00 NA 42.13 27.25 NA

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 Overall (Treasury Manager) cut off

    The table below indicates the overall RRB Scale 2 previous year cut-off for all categories for the post of Treasury Manager.

    49.00 43.25 49.00 NA 49.00 47.88 NA NA NA

    IBPS RRB Specialist Officer Scale 2 Overall (Marketing) cut off

    The overall cut-off for IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2- Marketing post for all categories is given below.

    60.63 49.13 71.50 54.38 74.13 NA 33.13 NA NA

    IBPS RRB Specialist Officer Scale 2 Overall (Agricultural) cut off

    The overall IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 Agriculture Officer previous year cut-off for all categories is given below.

    35.13 30.63 35.13 35.13 35.13 52.75 75.63 NA NA

    IBPS RRB Scale 2 Minimum Scores Online Single Examination and Interview (Out of 100)

    GBO 37.95 35.20 43.45 35.68 47.82 29.72 42.32 45.75 NA
    01/05/87 06/04/90 10/08/93 03/10/91 27/01/93 28/10/86 01/07/91 15/06/86
    IT 47.20 41.95 52.20 52.25 54.94 NA NA NA NA
    27/06/89 20/05/93 01/06/94 08/04/93 11/09/93
    CA NA NA 33.80 NA 41.20 NA NA NA NA
    01/08/93 27/07/95
    LAW 37.30 27.75 39.25 42.85 43.60 NA NA NA NA
    11/04/88 26/01/86 26/05/94 10/03/90 22/06/94
    Treasury Manager NA NA 37.00 NA 36.70 NA NA NA NA
    06/11/84 30/09/92
    Marketing Officer 42.05 28.65 45.35 37.30 49.65 NA NA NA NA
    16/06/89 10/07/88 12/05/89 02/07/90 17/09/88
    Agricultural Officer 35.50 22.60 38.65 38.60 39.90 32.10 43.05 NA NA
    05/06/93 11/05/90 26/10/89 01/06/93 04/07/93 01/06/89 03/10/91

    Ibps Rrb Officer Scale Ii Previous Year Cut Off FAQs

    The IBPS RRB Scale 2 (SO) cut-off is calculated on the basis of a few key factors such as:
    • The number of vacancies released for IBPS RRB Specialist Officer
    • The number of applications, and,
    • The level of difficulty
    The IBPS RRB cut-off for Specialist Officers - Scale 2 is released in two stages of the recruitment process- the online examination which is conducted only at a single level followed by the final selection list post Interview.
    Yes. The IBPS RRB cut-off for Scale 1 and the IBPS RRB cut-off for Scale 3 is available on ixamBee in detail. You can easily check the same and other useful information as well from the IBPS RRB Scale 1 & Scale 3 exam pages.
    Yes. There are sectional cut-offs available in all the IBPS RRB Scale 1, Scale 2 & Scale 3 exams. Check detailed exam pattern for the IBPS RRB Scale 1 & IBPS RRB Scale 3 as well.
    You will be able to gauge the competition of your respective category and can structure a study plan if you are aware of the previous year cutoff.
    ixamBee RRB Scale 2 mock test series are the one-stop solution for all your banking queries. Attempting free mock test series of IBPS RRB Scale 2 will enhance your speed, accuracy besides boosting your confidence.
     To check the IBPS RRB Scale 2 cut-off the candidates can follow a few simple steps as follows:
    • Visit the official website of IBPS- ibps.in
    • Click on the cut-off link on the home page
    • The state-wise and category-wise IBPS RRB cut-off PDF opens on a new page
    • Check the cut-off marks and save it
    Apart from this, you also have another simple option to log in to ixamBee and check the previous year cut-off mentioned on the IBPS RRB SO (Scale 2) exam page.

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