IBPS RRB Scale 3 Exam Dates 2025 - Exam Calendar & Exam Centres

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    IBPS RRB Scale 3 Exam Dates 2024 

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 3 2024 is a golden opportunity, if you are eligible then you should not miss it by any means. You need to know the complete exam details especially the dates so that you don’t miss any important exam schedule and prepare accordingly. Therefore, it is very important for the candidates to understand the IBPS RRB Scale 3 Exam dates. The schedule includes important details like start and end dates, release of IBPS RRB Scale 3 Admit Card, declaration of IBPS RRB Scale 3 results, and other related details. The official IBPS RRB Scale 3 notification has been announced, the application window is open from June 7 to June 27, 2024. Moreover, candidates should check the website regularly for updates. Candidates have to be scored through official IBPS channels notify you of any new information or changes.

    It is worth mentioning that IBPS RRB reserves the right to reschedule the exam if any performance requirement arises. During the application process, candidates will be asked to select their preferred examination center. Apart from the IBPS RRB Scale 3 Exam dates, it is also important to know that the IBPS selected various centers across India to facilitate smooth conduct of IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam. Detailed information about IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam dates in 2024 is given below. 

    IBPS RRB (Scale 3) Important Dates

    ActivityTentative Dates
    Online registration including Edit/Modification of Application by candidates To be notified later
    Payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges (Online) To be notified later
    Download of call letters for Pre- Exam Training (PET) To be notified later
    Conduct of Pre-Exam Training (PET) To be notified later
    Download of Call letter for Online exam – Main / Single To be notified later
    Online Examination – Main / Single To be notified later
    Declaration of Result – Main/ Single To be notified later
    Download of call letters for interview To be notified later
    Conduct of interview To be notified later

    Importance of Knowing the IBPS RRB Scale 3 Exam Dates  

    Understanding the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam date is crucial for candidates preparing to start their career journey. Here are some reasons why knowing the exam dates are such a big deal from the examination’s perspective:  

    Knowing the exam dates allows candidates to plan their preparation more efficiently. With a clear timeline in mind, individuals can create a structured study schedule, allowing enough time to cover all important topics thoroughly.  

    Test sleep skills enable candidates to manage their time more efficiently. They can balance their preparation with other commitments, such as work or education, and ensure that they spend enough time studying without feeling overwhelmed or rushed.  

    Knowing exam dates helps reduce anxiety and stress. With a specific date to work on, candidates can approach their preparation with purpose and confidence instead of feeling uncertain about when the exam might be.  

    Candidates may be made aware of any changes or announcements regarding the examination schedule after the examination dates have been notified. This keeps them well prepared and allows them to adjust their lesson plans accordingly if there is any unexpected development.  

    Eventually, knowing the exam dates for the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam empowers candidates to plan, prepare and perform to the best of their abilities, ultimately increasing their chances of success in terms of their career goals is great. 

    IBPS RRB Scale 3 Exam Centres 

    IBPS allocates various centers to conduct the online exam for IBPS RRB Scale 3. You get the option to choose the exam center of your choice but IBPS reserves the right to change these centers at will. The exam will be conducted in different states and cities across India. You cannot change the center you choose at all. You can view all test centers for RRB Scale 3 test from the table below. 

    StateMain Exam Center
    Andhra Pradesh Guntur, Kurnool, Vijaywada
    Arunachal Pradesh Naharlagun
    Assam Guwahati, Silchar
    Bihar Aurangabad, Bhagalpur, Gaya, Muzzafarpur, Patna, Purnea, Samastipur
    Chhattisgarh Raipur
    Gujarat Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar
    Haryana Ambala, Karnal, Kuruksehtra
    Himachal Pradesh Baddi, Hamirpur, Shimla, Solan
    Jammu & Kashmir Jammu, Srinagar
    Jharkhand Dhanbad, Jamshedpur, Ranchi
    Karnataka Bangalore, Belgaum, Davangere, Dharwad, Gulbarga, Hubli, Mandya, Mysore, Shimoga, Udupi
    Kerala Kochi, Kozhikode, Thiruvananthpuram
    Madhya Bhopal, Gwalior, Indore,
    Pradesh Jabalpur
    Maharashtra Aurangabad Mumbai/ Thane/ Navi Mumbai Nagpur, Pune
    Manipur Imphal
    Meghalaya Shillong
    Mizoram Aizawl
    Nagaland Kohima
    Odisha Bhubaneshwar, Rourkela, Sambalpur
    Puducherry Puducherry
    Punjab Jalandhar, Mohali, Patiala
    Rajasthan Ajmer, Jaipur, Jodhpur
    Tamil Nadu Chennai, Madhurai, Thiruchirapalli, Coimbatore, Tirunelvelli
    Telangana Hyderabad, Karimnagar
    Tripura Agartala
    Uttar Pradesh Allahabad, Kanpur, Lucknow
    Uttarakhand Dehradun
    West Bengal Greater Kolkata, Siliguri

    IBPS RRB Scale 3 Free Mock Tests 

    To make sure you stay up to date with the latest questions in exams, ixamBee offers free mock exams to practice with. By registering yourself, you will have access to a wide range of study, learning and testing opportunities. These free IBPS RRB Scale 3 mock tests are valuable tools to help you prepare for the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam, guiding you to success. Use this resource to familiarize yourself with the testing process, sharpen your skills, and boost your confidence, ultimately increasing your chances of getting a good test result. 

    Ibps Rrb Officer Scale Iii Exam Calendar FAQs

    Absolutely! During the IBPS RRB Scale 3 2025 exam application process, you'll be presented with several choices for exam centers. This allows you to select the most convenient and preferable center for yourself. The flexibility in choosing an exam center enhances your convenience and ensures a comfortable environment for appearing in the examination.
    Yes, an admit card will be issued for the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam. Candidates who will successfully submit their application forms once the notification goes live and meet the IBPS RRB Scale 3 eligibility criteria they will be able to download their admit cards from the IBPS's official website. The IBPS RRB Scale 3 admit card will contain important details such as exam date, time, and venue.
    No, you cannot choose the exam date for the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam. The exam date will be decided by the IBPS itself, and candidates will be notified of the same via the official notification. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official IBPS website and their registered email for updates regarding the exam date and other important detail
    Yes, the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam dates can be changed or rescheduled in case of unforeseen circumstances or emergencies. The IBPS will communicate any changes in the exam schedule through its official website or registered email addresses of the candidates, keeping them updated and informed.
    It is crucial for candidates to arrive at the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam venue before the designated reporting time mentioned in the IBPS RRB Scale 3 call letter. Please do so to avoid disqualification, as candidates reporting late will not be allowed to participate in the examination as per the guidelines provided.
    According to the IBPS RRB Notification 2024, the application date timelines is from June 7th 2024, to June 27th, 2024. Please do not wait for the last date to apply for exam, in some cases, there are chances of the website getting crash due to so much traffic and also you might create a mistake due to the last minute rush.
    The admit cards for the online exam will be released few days before the exam dates. For further information, keep visiting this space
    The IBPS RRB Scale 3 notification 2024 has been released on June 06, 2024 and the application timeline is from June 07 to June 27, 2024. Candidates can apply and make the application fee payment for the exam within this time frame. Submitting applications in a timely manner facilitates a smoother process and minimizes potential last-minute iss
    The IBPS RRB notification 2024 does not state the accurate exam date for the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam but mentioned the month in which we can expect the exams. The IBPS RRB Scale 3 single exam is going to be held in the month of September/October 2024.

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