IBPS RRB Scale 3 Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025- Check Subject Wise Exam Syllabus

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    IBPS RRB Scale 3 Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2025

    Before starting your preparation, it is important to know the IBPS RRB Scale 3 Syllabus and exam pattern. This will give you valuable insight into the importance of each section and the mark allocation. The RRB scale exam pattern contains 2024 one phase online exam, with each level carrying a different weight.

    To clear the exam, you need to know the complete IBPS RRB Scale 3 syllabus 2024 so that you can start your preparation in a systematic manner. Moreover, a thorough understanding of the detailed IBPS RRB Scale 3 syllabus 2024 will improve your scoring potential and enhance your ability to perform effectively.

    Therefore, in highly competitive environments, it is important to have complete information about the tests you intend to conduct. To be successful in IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam 2024, you will have to dedicate yourself to hard work and determination.

    IBPS RRB Scale 3 Online Exam Pattern

    The IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam pattern consists of a single-phase online exam followed by a final interview. The test will have 5 sections: Reasoning, Computer Awareness, Economic Awareness, English/Hindi Language, and Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation. The duration of the exam will be 2 hours.The detailed IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam pattern is given below.

    Name of the TestsMedium of ExamNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
    Reasoning Hindi/ English 40 50 Composite Time of 2 hours
    Computer Knowledge Hindi/ English 40 20
    Financial Awareness Hindi/ English 40 40
    English/ Hindi language* English/ Hindi 40 40
    Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation Hindi/English 40 50
    Total 200 200  
    * Candidates can opt either English or Hindi language

    IBPS RRB Scale 3 Syllabus

    To achieve outstanding results in the exam, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the entire IBPS RRB Scale 3 syllabus. This will allow you to begin your preparation in a systematic manner. Below, you will find the complete IBPS RRB Scale 3 Syllabus 2024.

    English Language Homonyms, Antonyms, Spelling, Word Formation, Idioms and Phrases, Fill In the Suitable Words, Grammar, Spotting Errors, Sentence Correction, Active/ Passive Voice, Phrases and Idioms, Direct and Indirect Speech, Reading Comprehension, Passage Completion, Theme Detection, Deriving Conclusion, Rearrangement of Passage
    Quantitative Aptitude Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Mixture and Allegation, Time and Work, Speed, Distance and Time, Stocks and Shares, Partnership, Clocks, Volume and Surface Area, Height and Distances, Logarithms, Permutation and Combinations, Simple and Compound Interest, Equations, Probability, Trigonometry, Profit, Loss and Discount, Mensuration, Elements of Algebra, Data Interpretation
    Reasoning Ability Analogy, Classification, Word Formation, Statement and Conclusions, Syllogism, Statement and Assumptions, Statement and Arguments, Coding Decoding, Blood Relations, Passage and Conclusions, Alphabet Test, Series Test, Number, Ranking and Time Sequence, Direction Sense Test, Decision-Making Test, Figure Series, Input/output, Assertion and Reasoning, Sitting Arrangement, Odd Figure Out, Analogy, Series Test, Miscellaneous Test
    Financial Awareness Break-even Analysis, Time Value of Money, Mutual Funds, Basel Norms, Factoring, World Monetary Policy, Budget and Economic Survey, Overview of Banking and, Banking Reforms in India Bank, Financial Regulations, Rule 72, 114 and 144, Working Capital and Banking Policy, Regulatory organizations: SEBI/NABARD/RBI, Accounts of Special Individuals Organisations, Deposits, Credit Loans, Advanced Non Performing Assets, Asset Reconstruction Companies NPAs
    Computer knowledge Computer Fundamentals, Computer Abbreviations, Software and Hardware, Fundamentals Shortcut Keys, Networking, Basic Knowledge of Internet, MS Office, History of Computers, Database Security Tools, History and Future of Computers, Virus, Hacking
    Hindi Language

    भाषा, लिपि, बोली और व्याकरण

    वर्ण विचार

    • हिन्दी वर्णमाला
    • स्वर
    • व्यंजन
    • संयुक्त व्यंजन

    शब्द विचार \ शब्द भंडार

    • सार्थक , निरर्थक शब्द
    • एकार्थी शब्द
    • अनेकार्थी शब्द
    • पर्यायवाची शब्द / समानार्थी शब्द
    • विलोम शब्द
    • वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द
    • समूहवाची शब्द
    • बहु अर्थिय शब्द 


    • वर्तमान काल
    • भूत काल
    • भविष्य काल
    • क्रियाओं का उचित काल





    वाक्य के भेद

    • निषेधात्मक वाक्य ,
    • प्रश्न वाचक
    • विस्मयादिबोधक ,
    • आज्ञा वाचक 





    • समुच्चयबोधक
    • क्रियाविशेषण
    • संबंध बोधक


    • अर्थ एवं प्रयोग

    वाक्य शोधन

    • शुद्ध /अशुद्ध वर्तनी
    • वाक्यों की अशुद्धियाँ
    • शब्दों की अशुद्धियाँ 
    • मात्राओं की अशुद्धियाँ

    अपठित गदयांश

    वाक्य क्रमबद्धता

    अनुच्छेद क्रमबद्धता

    रिक्त स्थानो की पूर्ति

    परीक्षा मे विशेष रूप से पूछे गए प्रश्न -

    • गद्यांश
    • रिक्त स्थान पूर्ति
    • अनुच्छेद क्रमबद्धता
    • गद्यांश रिक्त स्थान पूर्ति
    • त्रुटि खोजना
    • मुहावरे/लोकोक्तियां (अर्थ /रिक्त स्थान)
    • पर्यायवाची/समनार्थी
    • विलोम
    • बहुअर्थीय शब्द
    • वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द
    • शुद्ध /अशुद्ध वर्तनी

    IBPS RRB Scale 3 Interview

    If you are able to achieve the required cut-off marks, you will be shortlisted for the interview and a final score sheet will be prepared indicating the marks obtained in the online test and interview. Also, the RRB Scale 3 interview will all carry 100 marks, and the weightage between the online test and the interview will be 80:20.

    While appearing for IBPS RRB Scale 3 Interview, you have to bring the required valid documents. If you don’t, you won’t be considered for an interview.

    Marking Scheme

    The penalty for any wrong answer shall be to mark in the objective test of IBPS RRB Scale 3. One quarter of the marks allotted for that question shall be deducted as penalty and unmarked question shall not attract any penalty.

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 3 Marking Scheme

    IBPS RRB Officer Scale 3 Marking SchemeConsidered Marks
    For correct answers 1 mark each
    For wrong answers -1/4 marks
    For not attempted 0 (no marks)

    IBPS RRB Scale 3 Exam Language

    The IBPS RRB Scale 3 2024 examination will be a one-part exam. There are five topics in which test questions will be asked. The exam will be conducted online and you will choose either English or Hindi as your exam language to be used. This option will not work in the English/Hindi exam. Whichever language you choose, the language test only has questions in the same language.

    IBPS RRB Scale 3 Books 2025

    Good study materials and a repository for success in any exam. Good books can make or break your RRB Scale 3 exam preparation, so it is very important to choose books that are likely to help in the exam. The list of RRB Scale 3 books below will surely help you expand your knowledge.

    Reasoning A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal
    Analytical Reasoning MK Pandey
    How to Crack Test of Reasoning: In All Competitive Exam Arihant Publication
    A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal B.S. Sijwali & Indu Sijwali
    Quantitative Aptitude Magical book on Quicker Maths M Tyra
    Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams R.S. Aggarwal
    Fast Track Objective Arithmetic Rajesh Verma
    Class Notes SS Bharti
    General Awareness Banking Awareness Arihant Publication
    Static General Knowledge Arihant Publication
    General Knowledge Lucent
    Banking Awareness Handbook of Banking Information N.S Toor
    English Language High School English Grammar and Composition Wren and Martin
    Objective General English SP Bakshi
    Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
    Daily News Paper and Vocabulary Preferable The Hindu
    Hindi Language IBPS RRBs Objective General Hindi Kiran Editorial
    Computer Awareness Objective Computer Awareness S.N. Prasad/Kiran Publication
    Objective Computer Awareness for General Competitive Exams Pillai/Arihant Publication

    IBPS RRB Scale 3 Preparation Tips & Strategies

    Crafting a meticulous strategy is imperative for excelling in a competitive examination such as the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam. It requires a combination of committed and astute efforts to effectively cover the IBPS RRB Scale 3 syllabus within the allotted time frame. Presented below are invaluable tips and strategies that will greatly assist you in preparing for the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam.

    • Familiarize Yourself with the Exam Pattern: Begin by thoroughly understanding the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam pattern, including the number of sections, marking scheme, and duration. This lays the groundwork for your preparation strategy.
    • Analyze the Syllabus in Depth: Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the IBPS RRB Scale 3 syllabus. Identify your strengths and weaknesses within each section to plan your study approach effectively.
    • Develop a Realistic Study Schedule: Create a feasible study schedule that allows for balanced coverage of all sections. Allocate time based on the importance of topics and your proficiency level in each.
    • Utilize High-Quality Study Resources: Invest in reputable IBPS RRB Scale 3 study materials or courses that offer accurate content and practice questions aligned with the exam pattern and syllabus.
    • Practice Regularly with Mock Tests: Regularly take IBPS RRB Scale 3 mock tests to acquaint yourself with the exam environment, evaluate your progress, and pinpoint areas needing improvement.
    • Master Time Management: Hone your time-management skills by practicing solving questions within the allotted time frame. This is crucial for completing the exam within the specified duration.
    • Maintain Consistent Revision: Establish a revision schedule to revisit important concepts and formulas regularly. Regular revision reinforces your understanding and retention of key information.
    • Stay Updated with Current Affairs: Keep abreast of current affairs, particularly in the General Knowledge/General Awareness section. Stay informed by reading newspapers, magazines, and online sources.
    • Prioritize a Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a balanced lifestyle with sufficient sleep, proper nutrition, and regular exercise. A healthy mind and body significantly contribute to effective learning and retention.
    • Cultivate Positivity and Confidence: Foster a positive mindset and confidence in your preparation. Trust in your capabilities, remain focused, and approach the exam with a composed and confident demeanor.

    IBPS RRB Scale 3 Free Mock Tests

    To keep pace with the trending questions in exams, ixamBee offers free mock exams for practice. When you enroll, you open up a wide range of study, learning, and testing opportunities. These IBPS RRB Scale 3 mock tests are an invaluable help in preparing for the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam, and guide you towards success. Take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with the exam process, hone your skills and improve your confidence, thereby improving your chances of getting a good exam result.

    IBPS RRB Scale 3 Online Course

    The upcoming IBPS RRB Scale 3 notification 2024 presents an opportunity to start your main exam career. However, the daunting task still lies in navigating the vast collection of textbooks. To reduce this confusion, ixamBee offers IBPS RRB Scale 2 and Scale 3 Online Course - comprehensive solution that is well-equipped to provide you with rich study materials. Conducted by our experienced experts through in-depth research into the pre-test and thorough analysis of the IBPS RRB Scale 3 syllabus, it ensures preparation most appropriate and effective resources. With ixamBee’s unwavering commitment to excellence, you can confidently journey to success in the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam, knowing that you are backed by a well-designed and expertly backed learning asset.

    Ibps Rrb Officer Scale Iii Exam Syllabus FAQs

    The IBPS RRB Scale 3 syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation covers number systems, data interpretation (tables, graphs, charts), arithmetic problems (profit and loss, percentage, ratio and proportion, time and work), algebra, and geometry. It focuses on both basic and advanced level questions.
    The Financial Awareness section of the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam includes questions on current financial events, banking terms, RBI functions, monetary policies, budget, economic survey, international finance, and financial institutions. It requires staying updated with the latest financial news and developments.
    The IBPS RRB Scale 3 syllabus for the Computer Knowledge section includes basics of computers, hardware and software, operating systems, networking, internet, MS Office, databases, and security concepts. It focuses on practical knowledge and application of computer concepts.
    The General Awareness section in the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam covers current affairs, banking awareness, and general knowledge. To prepare, regularly read newspapers, follow financial news, use monthly current affairs magazines, and practice with online quizzes that focus on recent events and static GK.
    The IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam pattern includes a total of 200 marks divided among the five sections. Each correct answer awards one mark, and there is a penalty of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. There is no penalty for unanswered questions. The detailed distribution of marks varies slightly each year but generally follows this structure.
    There will be 5 sections in the IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam i.e. Quantitative Aptitude, Test of Reasoning, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness and English/Hindi Language*.
    The IBPS RRB Scale 3 exam pattern includes a single online exam with objective-type questions. The exam consists of five sections: Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation, Financial Awareness, English/Hindi Language, and Computer Knowledge. Each section has specific marks and time allocations, typically totaling 200 marks to be completed in 120 minutes.
    The IBPS RRB Scale 3 syllabus for the Reasoning section includes topics like puzzles, seating arrangements, coding-decoding, inequalities, syllogisms, input-output, logical reasoning, data sufficiency, and miscellaneous questions on blood relations, direction sense, and order & ranking.

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