IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Exam, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Vacancies All Details Here

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    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Exam Highlights

    The much-awaited IBPS SO 2024 Notification has finally been released. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, or the IBPS, is the primary recruiting body that conducts online examinations to recruit eligible candidates for various posts in banking organizations. The IBPS conducts an online examination for the Specialist Officer (SO) post in various streams every year. These specialist posts include- Agriculture Field Officer, IT Officer, Marketing Officer, Law Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari and HR/Personnel Officer. 

    IBPS SO (HR/Personnel) Highlights

    Conducting AuthorityIBPS
    Official Website https://www.ibps.in/
    Name of the Posts Specialist Officer (HR/Personnel)
    Mode of application Online
    Stages of Exam Three Stages-
    • Phase 1- Preliminary Exam
    • Phase 2- Mains Exam
    • Phase 3- Interview
    Maximum marks & Time duration
    • Phase 1 (Preliminary Exam)- 150 marks, 2 hours
    • Phase 2 (Mains Exam)- 60 marks, 45 minutes
    • Phase 3 (Interview)- 100 marks
    Online registration including Edit/Modification of Application August 01, 2024 to August 21, 2024
    Payment of Application Fees/ Intimation Charges (Online) August 01, 2024 to August 21, 2024
    Download of call letters for Online examination – Preliminary November 2024
    Online Examination – Preliminary November 09, 2024
    Result of Online exam – Preliminary December 03, 2024 to December 10, 2024
    Online Examination – Main December 14, 2024 (Tentative)

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Notification 2024

    According to the 2024 IBPS SO Notification, the online registration for the IBPS SO posts will begin from August 1, 2024, and end by August 21, 2024. For completion of the IBPS SO online application process, candidates need to make sure they have also paid the application fee. According to the notification, the 2024 IBPS SO Prelims exam is expected be held on November 09,  2024. The 2024 IBPS SO Mains exam is supposed to take place on December 14,  2024. The final stage of the IBPS SO exam, which is the Interview will be held in February or March of 2025. With only a few months left for exam preparation, candidates can gear up now. The IBPS SO recruitment 2024-25 is an excellent opportunity if you possess the required educational and professional qualifications.

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Vacancies 2024

    The IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) has announced 25 vacancies for the IBPS Specialist Officer Exam in 2024 as per the recently released notification. This prestigious exam aims to recruit candidates for various Specialist Officer posts, including IT Officer, Agricultural Field Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari, Law Officer, HR/ Personnel Officer, and Marketing Officer. The banking sector seeks highly skilled individuals with unwavering dedication to work as Specialist Officers in these specialized roles. With the release of the detailed  notification for 2024, aspirants can begin preparing for the exam even if the actual exam dates have not been disclosed yet. Refer to the detailed category-wise IBPS SO 2024 vacancies for HR/Personnel Officer below. 

    2 BANK OF INDIA 1 0 2 1 6 10 0 0 0 0
    4 CANARA BANK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    7 INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    9 PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK 2 1 4 1 7 15 0 0 0 0
    10 UCO BANK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    TOTAL 3 1 6 2 13 25 0 0 0 0

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Exam Pattern

    IBPS SO (CRP SPL-XIII) has followed a three-phase selection process, which includes Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, and Interviews in the last year. Since the candidates who successfully qualify in the online Preliminary and Main Examinations will be shortlisted and called for the final interview round. The Preliminary Examination will be the initial screening stage, and candidates will have to pass this phase to move on to the Main Examination. After clearing the Main Examination, candidates will be eligible to participate in the interview process. The final selection of candidates will be based on their performance in all three stages: Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, and Interview. The exact dates and other details related to the IBPS SO 2024 (CRP SPL-XIII) will be available on the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) website before the exam. Candidates are advised to keep a close eye on the website for updates and further information. 

    The IBPS announced the IBPS SO Exam Dates in its official calendar, so it is high time you were aware of all the exam-related details. Knowing the IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Exam Pattern & Syllabus is the most important part while preparing for the exam. The IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer for the previous year's exam was conducted in online mode which means that the 2024 exam will also be in the same mode. Now that the IBPS SO notification for 2024 is out, aspirants can refer to the IBPS SO Officer selection process which consists of three phases to know more. The process includes:  

    • Prelims 
    • Mains 
    • Interview 

    Both Prelims & Mains will be conducted online. There will be a negative marking of 1/4th of the marks allotted to each question. No marks will be deducted for an unattempted question. 

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Prelims Exam Pattern

    The prelims of the IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer selection process is expected to be an online objective test consisting of three sections: English Language, Reasoning & Quantitative Aptitude. Check out the complete details on IBPS SO Prelims exam pattern below. 

    S. No.Name of testMedium of ExamNo.of questionsMaximum MarksDuration
    1 English Language English 50 25 40 Minutes
    2 Reasoning English & Hindi 50 50 40 Minutes
    3 Quantitative Aptitude English & Hindi 50 50 40 Minutes
      Total   1501252 Hours

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Mains Exam Pattern

    All the candidates who clear Prelims should appear for the next phase, i.e IBPS (SO) HR/Personnel Officer Mains exam. This phase is also expected to be conducted in an online mode. There will only be a single-level exam in this phase that will test the ‘Professional Knowledge’ of the candidates. Check the complete details on IBPS SO 2024 Mains exam pattern for HR/ Personnel stream from below. 

    Name of the TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksMedium of ExamDuration
    Professional Knowledge 60 60 English & Hindi 45 minutes

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Interview

    The candidates who can clear IBPS HR/Personnel Officer Mains 2024 will be called for an Interview. The Interview stage will carry 100 marks. The final scores will be obtained by taking both Mains & Interview scores into consideration. The weightage given to the IBPS SO 2024 online exam with respect to the Interview is 80:20. The minimum qualifying marks will be 40% for the general category and 35% for the reserved category. 

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Exam Language 

    You have the choice to attempt the questions in either English or Hindi except for the English Language section which can be attempted in English only.  

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Syllabus

    The IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Syllabus comprises topics from QRE (Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning & English Language) and your professional knowledge domain. A candidate should first know what needs to be covered with respect to each subject. 

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Prelims Exam Syllabus 2024

    Since the Prelims for various streams like IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer consist of the same sections or subjects, the detailed info about the IBPS SO Prelims syllabus is given below. 

    Quantitative Aptitude Time and Work, Mensuration, Average, Average, Mixture and Allegations, Permutation and Combination, Probability, Data Interpretation, Ratio & Proportion, Simplification, Percentages, Set Theory, Approximation, Surds & Indices, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Simple & Compound interest, Partnership, Ages, Quadratic Equations, Number Series
    English Language Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Passage Making, Error Spotting, Jumble Words, Sentence Framing, Fill in the Blanks
    Reasoning Puzzles, Seating Arrangement - Circular, Square and Linear, Data Sufficiency, Directions and Distance, Coding Decoding, Blood Relations, Inequality, Syllogism, Machine Input Output, Verbal Reasoning, Ordering and Ranking, Arrangement and Pattern, Scheduling, Distance and Direction, Ranking

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Mains Exam Syllabus 2024

    In IBPS SO 2024 Mains, professional knowledge in your specialized subject will be tested. Have a look at the IBPS SO HR/ Personnel Officer syllabus 2024 below. 

    HR/Personnel Officer HRM in Banks: Human Resource Management in Banks
    Industrial Relations: Industrial Disputes Ordinance, 1949; Payment of Wages Act, 1936; The Minimum Wages Act, 1948; Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972; Employers Provident Fund Scheme; Miscellaneous Provision Act; Maternity Benefit Act 1961; The Payment of Bonus Act 1965; Equal Remuneration Act, 1976; Industrial Employment Act, 1946.
    Introduction to HRM: Nature and Scope of HRM, Functions of HRM, Models of HRM, Personnel Policies, Principles of HRM
    Human Resource Planning Definition, Objectives and elements, Importance of Human Resource Planning
    Recruitment: Theory and Meaning, Process of Recruitment, Training and Development, Definition, Process and Ideas, Induction and Orientation
    Personnel Related: Employee Socialization and Orientation, Promotion and Demotion in HRM, Transfers in HRM, Separation in HRM, Retirement Compensation and Benefits, Management by Objectives (MOB), Performance Appraisal, Productivity and Morale, Employee Counselling, Turnover, Absenteeism, Employee Welfare, Employee Safety and Health, Disciplinary Procedure, Grievance Procedure, Theories on Motivation, Job Satisfaction
    Union Management: Trade Unionism, Collective Bargaining, Workers Participation in Management
    Job Design, Analysis and Evaluation: Job Design: Definition, Importance and Factors Affecting Job Design, Elements of Job Design; Job Analysis: Process, Importance of Job Analysis; Job Evaluation: Overview

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Books

    The IBPS SO (HR/Personnel Officer) is one of the posts released by IBPS in its yearly recruitment notification. To ensure your success, you need to get hold of the best IBPS SO books as they are the most important aspect of preparing for any exam. It is always essential to ensure you have the best study material to prepare.

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Eligibility Criteria 2024 

    Before you move on with the IBPS SO online application, you need to know whether you are eligible for the post or not. To ensure successful completion, you need to know the complete IBPS SO Eligibility Criteria. Since the notification for 2024 is out, candidates can get an idea on the eligibility criteria from the notification.  

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Educational Criteria 

    All the candidates willing to apply for the post of IBPS Specialist Officer should possess the requisite educational qualification/s to be eligible for the post. For further details on eligibility for the IBPS SO HR/Personnel Scale I Officer recruitment, check out the table given below. 

    Post CodeName of the PostEducational Qualification
    05 HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) Graduate and Two Years Full time Post Graduate degree or Two Years Full time Post Graduate diploma in Personnel Management / Industrial Relations / HR / HRD/ Social Work / Labour Law.

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Age Criteria 

    Apart from possessing the required educational qualification, all candidates also need to adhere to the IBPS SO age criteria. To know the complete IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer age limit, refer to the table below. 

    Post CodeName of the PostAge
    05 HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) Min- 20 years / Max- 30 years

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Age Relaxation 

    IBPS provides certain age relaxation to reserved category candidates like SC/ST/OBC/ex-servicemen. The relaxation in age will vary depending on the category. The relaxation is provided on a cumulative basis only. If you are eligible for age relaxation, you should ensure that you have the necessary documents related to it when asked for verification. Complete details related to IBPS SO (HR/Personnel Officer) age relaxation is provided below. 

    CategoryAge Relaxation
    Other Backward Classes (OBC) (Non- creamy layer)  3 years
    Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe 5 years
    Ex - Servicemen 5 years
    Persons affected by 1984 riots 5 years

    Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWBD) 10 years

    IBPS SO HR/ Personnel Exam Dates 2024

    The recruitment notification for IBPS SO (CRP SPL-XIII) was issued by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) in July  2024 and the online application process began on August 01, 2024. The preliminary examination for IBPS SO 2024 is expected to take place on November  09, 2024. IBPS SO Prelims Results will be announced after that. Subsequently, the main examination is expected to be conducted on December 14, 2024. The recruitment process is conducted in three phases: Prelims, Mains, and Interviews. Those who qualify for the online examinations will be shortlisted for the final interview process. Aspirants are advised to keep an eye on the official IBPS website for further updates and details regarding the IBPS SO Exam Dates for 2024. For more details refer below. 

    IBPS SO Important Dates 2025 

    EventsTentative Dates
    Online registration including Edit/Modification of Application To be notified later
    Payment of Application Fees/ Intimation Charges (Online) To be notified later
    Download of call letters for Online examination – Preliminary November 2025
    Online Examination – Preliminary November 22, 23, 2025

    How To Apply Online for IBPS SO 2024?

    The applications for IBPS SO (HR/Personnel Officer) will be accepted online only. No other mode of application will be accepted by IBPS. Therefore it is of utmost importance to carefully fill in all the details in order to complete the process. To ensure a successful application, you should follow the steps mentioned below. 

    • Visit the official website of IBPS- www.ibps.in to apply for the exam. 
    • Click on the ‘Click here for New Registration’ link. 
    • Fill in details like name, date of birth, contact details, and valid email ID, and click on ‘Register’. 
    • A Provisional Registration Number and Password will be generated. 
    • An email and SMS on your registered email ID and a mobile number indicating the same will be sent. 
    • Login again using these credentials to proceed with the IBPS SO recruitment application process. 
    • Fill in other details like academic qualification, work experience, preference exam center and others as asked. 
    • Upload scanned images of your recent photograph, signature, thumb impression and handwritten declaration as per the specifications mentioned. 
    • Go through all the details carefully and click on ‘Final Submit’ to proceed to the IBPS SO application fees. 
    • Pay the application fee as per your category using a Credit/ Debit card, Net banking, Cash Card, Wallet, and IMPS option. 
    • Take a print of the e-receipt of the online transaction and application form for future reference. 

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Exam Previous Year Cut-off

    To get a fair idea of the previous exam/s, it is always beneficial to have a good look at the previous years’ cut-offs. Referring to the cut-offs not only makes you familiar with the paper pattern but also gives you an idea of how to go about your preparation. Candidates need to clear the ‘sectional’ as well as the ‘overall’ cut-offs in the IBPS SO 2024 exam to move on to the next phase. 

    IBPS SO Prelims Cut off 2024

    I.T. OFFICER 36 32.63 36 16.75 36 15 26.25 16 13.75
    AGRICULTURAL FIELD OFFICER 51 46 51 51 51 29.38 49.88 41.33 15.88
    RAJBHASHA ADHIKARI 16.25 8.50 16.25 16.25 16.25 NA 33.75 25.75 NA
    LAW OFFICER 25.50 17.63 28.50 28.13 33.13 12.25 28.75 12.50 17.38
    HR/PERSONNEL  43.25 43 43.25 40.88 43.25 NA 20.13 25.13 NA
    MARKETING OFFICER 17.25 15.13 17.25 16.75 17.25 13.38 12.38 16.13 NA

    IBPS SO Cut Off 2024- HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I)

    Sr.NoName of TestMaximum MarksCut-off
    1 English Language 25 5.75 8.50
    2 Reasoning  50 1.75 5.25
    3 General Awareness/ Quantitative Aptitude 50 3 6.75

    IBPS SO Mains Cut Off 2023-24

    Post NameURSCSTOBCEWSHearing ImpairedOrthopaedically ImpairedVisually ImpairedIntellectual Disability
    IT Officer (Scale I) 14.75 9.5 7.75 13.5 14 10.75 10.5 19 10.25
    Agriculture Field Officer 29 27.75 23.25 29 29 25 25.25 23.5 17.75
    Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) 23 23 18.5 23 23 NA 25 NA NA
    Law officer (Scale I) 34.5 28.5 NA 34.25 34.5 NA NA NA NA
    HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) 19.5 19.5 15.5 19.5 19.5 18.75 12 10.5 36.25
    Marketing Officer (Scale I) 21 16.75 16.75 16.75 21 18 17.5 23.25 18.75

    IBPS SO Mains Cut Off 2022

    PostCut Off for Shortlisting for Interview (Out of 60)
    IT Officer (Scale I) 10.25 11 13.25 13.75 13.75 15 11.75 17.25 14
    Agriculture Field Officer (Scale I) 27 22.25 27.50 27.50 27.50 19.75 27 24.50 20.75
    Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) 27.75 25.25 27.75 27.75 27.75 NA NA NA NA
    Law officer (Scale I) 26.25 26.25 19.25 21.25 26.25 NA 17.50 16.75 18
    HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) 16 12.50 20.75 21.50 21.50 NA 12.50 22.50 28.25
    Marketing Officer (Scale I) 21.75 19 22.50 20 22.75 25.25 17.25 18.25 NA

    IBPS SO Maximum Scores and Cut-Offs 2022 in Each Objective Test

    Name of the TestMaximum MarksPostCut Off
    SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWBDEWS/ General
    Professional Knowledge 60 IT Officer (Scale I) 10.25 12.75
    Agriculture Field Officer (Scale I) 19.25 23.00
    Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) 24.25 27.75
    Law officer (Scale I) 16.75 21.25
    HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) 12.00 16.00
    Marketing Officer (Scale I) 16.00 19.50

    Maximum Scores and Cutoffs in Objective Test 2021

    IBPS SO HR/ Personnel Officer (Scale-1) Maximum Scores and Cut-offs 2021

    Name of the TestMaximum MarksCut off
    SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWBDEWS/ General
    Professional Knowledge 60 16.00 20.00

    Total Score & Cut-offs Obtained in Professional Knowledge

    IBPS SO HR/ Personnel Officer (Scale-1) Professional Knowledge Total Score & Cut-offs 2021

    CategoryCut-offs for shortlisting for interview (Out of 60)
    Scheduled Caste (SC) 23.25
    Scheduled Tribe (ST) 22.50
    Other Backward Classes (OBC) 23.75
    Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 23.75
    General (Gen) 23.75
    Hearing Impaired (HI) NA
    Orthopaedically Challenged (OC/Locomotor Disability) 16.50
    Visually Impaired (VI) 18.50
    Intellectual Disability (ID & Others) 25.00

    IBPS SO Prelims Sectional Cut Off 2021- HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I)

    Sr.NoName of TestMaximum MarksCut-off
    1 English Language 25 6.25 9.00
    2 Reasoning  50 3.75 8.00
    3 Quantitative Aptitude 50 6.00 11.00

    IBPS SO Prelims Overall Cut Off 2021- HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I)

    HR/Personnel Officer 40.50 40.50   40.50 40.50 38.75

    IBPS SO cutoff 2020-21: Maximum Scores (Combined Scores in Online Main Examination and Interview Out of 100)

    Provisional Allotment

    HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I) NA NA 56.00 NA 65.33 NA NA NA NA

    IBPS SO cutoff 2020-21: Minimum Scores (Combined Scores in Online Main Examination and Interview Out of 100)

    Provisional Allotment

    HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I) NA NA 56.00
    NA 60.00

    IBPS SO cutoff 2020-21: Minimum Scores (Combined Scores in Online Main Examination and Interview Out of 100)

    Reserve List

    HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I) 40.33 NA 47.00 47.47 58.33 NA 54.33 38.67 42.67

    IBPS SO HR/ Personnel Officer Salary

    IBPS recruits eligible candidates for the post of Specialist Officers in various commercial banks. A banking job is a popular choice among all the aspiring candidates these days. The job most importantly pays well and thus makes it a preferred job. The IBPS Specialist Officer's basic pay is approximately Rs 36000/-. More details on the IBPS SO Officer Salary of for the HR/Personnel stream are given below. 

    IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Basic Pay - Rs. 36,000/- Per month
    Gross Income - Rs. 58,240/- Per month

    The HR Officer posted in Scale I is also entitled to receive other allowances like House Rent Allowance, Dearness Allowance, Special Allowance, Travel Allowance, Medical expenses & also reimbursements for newspapers. The allowances may also be meant for entertainment, cleaning, petrol, and mobile expenses. 

    IBPS SO HR/ Personnel Exam Free Mock Test

    The notification for IBPS SO is eagerly awaited by many job aspirants who are looking for a stable job. The competition will therefore be quite tough. The best advice right now is to prepare yourself with as much IBPS SO Previous Year Papers as possible. That’s where practicing mock tests play an important role. By practicing IBPS SO 2024 online mock tests, you will be able to develop a fair understanding of the exam pattern while analyzing your knowledge and present status. ixamBee provides free online mock tests for IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Prelim Free Mock Test & the IBPS HR/Personnel Officer Mains Mock Test. By regularly practicing online mock tests for IBPS SO 2024, you will be able to improve your performance drastically. 

    IBPS SO HR/ Personnel Exam Online Course

    The right guidance can enhance your chances of selection for the IBPS SO exam. ixamBee understands your need and therefore has curated an IBPS SO HR/ Personnel Online Course stream so that you have everything in one place with crisp and lucid notes. This course has been designed by experts who have vast experience in various banking and financial institutes or are experts in their specialized domains. 

    Ibps So Hr FAQs

    The IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) announced 1602 vacancies for the IBPS Specialist Officer Exam 2024, including 31 vacancies for the IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer post. As of now, no further information is available regarding the 2024 notification for these positions.
    For the IBPS SO HR/ Personnel Officer post in 2024, the permissible minimum age to apply is 21 years. Applicants must meet this age requirement to be eligible for the "IBPS SO HR" exam. Make sure to check the official IBPS website for any updates or changes to the age criteria.
    Yes, there will be negative marking in the IBPS SO HR/ Personnel Officer Prelims for 2024. For each incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted from the total score. Ensure you carefully review your answers to minimize the impact of negative marking in the "IBPS SO HR" exam.
    An HR/ Personnel Officer recruited through the IBPS SO process in 2024 is set to enjoy a comprehensive range of allowances and benefits. This includes essential perks like Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), and additional benefits tailored to the bank's policies. The "IBPS SO HR" position not only promises a rewarding career but also ensures a competitive compensation package enriched with diverse benefits for those who secure this esteemed role.
    The IBPS HR/ Personnel Officer recruitment selection process in 2024 will consist of three phases: Prelims, Mains, and an Interview. Each phase is important for securing the "IBPS SO HR" position, with candidates needing to clear all three stages to be successfully selected.
    Yes, there are several mock tests available for the IBPS HR/ Personnel Officer exam preparation in 2024. These mock tests are designed specifically for the "IBPS SO HR" exam and can be found on various educational platforms and the official IBPS website. Practicing with these tests will help you familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and improve your performance.

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