IDBI Assistant Manager Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme 2025

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    IDBI Assistant Manager Exam Pattern 2025

    IDBI Assistant Manager recruitment 2025 will take place through a simplified selection process taking place in two stages. A Computer Based Online objective test followed by a Personal Interview. Besides this, the IDBI Assistant Manager selection process also comprises Document Verification and Pre Recruitment Medical Test.

    IDBI Assistant Manager Online Test Exam Pattern

    The IDBI Assistant Manager exam pattern 2025 consists of the following sections - Logical Reasoning, Data Analysis and Interpretation, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness/Computer/IT. Moreover, you areFurther details are in the table below.

    Name of the TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
    Logical Reasoning, Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 60 Composite time of 2 hours
    English Language 40 40
    Quantitative Aptitude 40 40
    General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness/ Computer/ IT 60 60
    Total 200 200  

    IDBI Assistant Manager Interview

    If you qualify for the IDBI Assistant Manager Online Exam you will be called for an Interview. You have the option to answer the questions in Hindi or English during the interview process. The final selection would be made based on your IDBI Online Exam and Interview score. You need to bring all the necessary documents as required otherwise you won’t be allowed to give an Interview. Offer of employment will be subjected to fulfillment of eligibility criteria and medical fitness. 

    IDBI Assistant Manager Marking Scheme

    For each wrong answer in the IDBI Assistant Manager exam, a certain number of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted. If a question is left blank, no marks will be allotted to that. Further details are in the table below.

    IDBI Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ Marking Scheme

    IDBI Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ 2025 Marking SchemeConsidered Marks
    For correct answers 1 mark
    For wrong answers -0.25 or 1/4th marks
    For not attempted 0 (no marks)

    IDBI Assistant Manager Exam Language

    As per the IDBI AM notification 2025, exept the test of English Language, all questions will be availabe bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi.

    IDBI Assistant Manager Free Mock Test

    As the competition level is high, thus, you need to give your 100 % for achieving success in the IDBI Assistant Manager exam. Along with a study plan, attempting IDBI PO mock test series will enhance your speed and accuracy. ixamBee provides  IDBI Assistant Manager free mock tests, designed by experts having rich experience in the banking and teaching sector.

    Idbi Assistant Manager Exam Pattern FAQs

    The IDBI Assistant Manager Exam will be conducted in 2 phases- Online Exam, Personal Interview.
    The IDBI Assistant Manager exam will be in online mode.
    Yes, the IDBI Assistant Manager exam will carry a negative marking of 0.25 marks for wrong answers.
    No, there is no sectional timing in the IDBI Assistant Manager exam. You will be given a composite time of 2 hours to complete the exam.

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