ICG Assistant Commandant Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme 2025

    Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Exam Pattern 2025

    The ICG Assistant Commandant exam pattern 2025 will be carried out in 5 stages. All candidates who apply for the ICG AC recruitment exam 2025 will be invited to apear for Stage 1. However, successfully clearing the previous stage of exam will lead to an aspirant being invited to the next stage of the Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant selection procedure 2025. 

    We have provided the detailed infomation for all stages of the ICG AC exam pattern 2025 in the following sections. Kindly go over all the details carefully so that you are in the clear about what to expect from this exam. 

    Stage-1: CGCAT

    As part of the ICG Asst. Commandant Stage 1 exam, eligible applicants will be required to take a Computer Based Test at various centers across India. Candidates applying for GD/CPL and Technical (Mechanical/Electrical & Electronics) i.e., Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officer posts will be subjected to a screening test. The screening test will be conducted on a MCQ pattern with maximum marks of 400. Each correct answer will carry four marks and one negative mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. During the exam, there will be a two-hour time limit and English will be the medium of instruction.

    SectionName of TestsNo. of QuestionsMarksTime Allotted
    Section 1 English 25 100 2 hours
    Reasoning & Numerical Ability 25 100
    General Science & Mathematical aptitude 25 100
    General Knowledge 25 100
    Total 100 400

    Stage 2: Preliminary Selection Board (PSB)

    Applicants will be shortlisted for Stage 2 (PSB) based on their performance in Stage-1 and will be interviewed at Noida, Mumbai/Goa, Chennai, and Kolkata centers. Candidates should indicate their preference at the time of registration. Screening will be carried out through the Computerised Cognitive Battery Test (CCBT) and Picture Perception & Discussion (PP&DT). The CCBT will be in English only and will be of objective type. If they wish, they may speak in Hindi. The Stage 2 examination is only of a qualifying nature, i.e., passing or failing.

    Please note, the Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Stage 2 exam 2025 will only be held in centres in the cities mentioned below. There will be no other centres for this exam. 

    • Noida
    • Mumbai/Goa
    • Chennai 
    • Kolkata

    Before reporting for Stage 2, candidates will undergo photo and biometric verification. Candidates who pass the PSB stage will then undergo document verification. In case there is inconsistency in the documents submitted and if they cannot be verified, a ‘Rejection Slip’ indicating the reasons for rejection will be handed over to the candidate.

    Stage 3: Final Selection Board (FSB)

    As soon as the candidates have completed stage 2 at their respective centers, they will be notified if they qualify for Stage 3. Stage 3 schedules will be communicated to candidates via their login IDs. Candidates will receive the FSB call up letter and reporting instructions on their personal login IDs. The FSB is held at the Coast Guard Selection Board (CGSB) in Noida over a five-day period. The candidates must pass a Psychological Test, a Group Task, and a Personality Test (Interview).

    It is expected that the Final Selection will take place between February and April 2023. The originals of all documents/certificates verified during the PSB must also be produced during the FSB. On the last day, the board meets, and recommended candidates are sent for Stage 4 of the process, which is the Special Medical Examination.

    Stage 4: Medical Examination

    The candidates who pass Stage 3 are required to undergo a special medical examination at Base Hospital, New Delhi. Candidates who are declared unfit in the Special Medical Board (SMB) are included in the merit list since they have the right to appeal the verdict and will report for an appeal medical within 42 days of completing the SMB. 

    A person who has been declared unfit during appeal medicals may request a review of the results. This review is approved by the Director General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS) through the Directorate of Medical Services/CGHQ in this case. The hospital designated for conducting the review is indicated in the approval, if it is approved. No further appeals will be accepted after the Review Medical Board (RMB) has made its decision.

    Stage 5: Induction

    In accordance with the instructions outlined in the Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant official notification 2025, candidates who clear Stage 4 and stand in the All-India Merit List for the available vacancies will be provisionally selected for training and will need to report to the Naval Orientation Course (NOC) at INA Ezhimala. The All-India Merit List will be based on the combined marks of Stages 1 and 3. At INA Ezhimala, candidates must undergo photo and biometric verification before training can begin.

    ICG AC Final Selection

    Candidates will be able to access the results of each stage of the selection process through their ICG account. Within 30 days of completing the online examination, results will be published.

    Marking scheme

    The Indian Coast Guard exam will consist of four stages, Stage 1, 2, 3 & 4. Only Stage I will have a written examination which will assess the candidates on various subjects. All the other stages will be qualifying in nature. The Stage 1 exam will be a computer based test which will contain objective type questions.

    Marking SchemeMarks Allotment
    For correct answers 4 mark
    For wrong answers -1 marks
    For not attempted 0 (no marks)

    Free Mock Test

    The aspiring candidates who wish to join Indian Coast Guard should start their preparation immediately. This is a golden opportunity and should not be missed at any cost. A good preparation plan is required to achieve success in an examination. Your plan should necessarily include enough practice and for that you need good quality mock tests which you can get for free at ixamBee. Practice these free mock tests for Indian Coast Guard exam and clear your way to victory.

    Indian Coast Guard Recruitment Exam Pattern FAQs

    The ICG Assistant Commandant Exam will be conducted in 5 phases- Computer Based Test/CGCAT, PSB, FSB, Medical Examination and Induction.
    Candidates will be given a total of 2 hours or 120 minutes to answer the ICG AC Stage 1 Computer-Based Examination.
    Yes, there will be a negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer in the ICG Assistant Commandant Stage 1 exam.
    No, the Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant notification states that the Stage 1 exam can only be taken in English.
    Yes, a Medical Examination will be conducted in Stage 4 of the Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant recruitment process.

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