IRDAI Assistant Manager Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025

    IRDAI Grade A Demo course

    • Complete syllabus coverage through a mix of crisp videos and downloadable study notes  
    • Extensive practice material available in the form of Chapter Tests, Section Tests 
    • 15 Full Mock Tests for Phase I  
    • 15 Full Mock Tests for Phase II (5 MTs each for Paper 1, 2 and 3)  
    • Exact exam like format of Mock tests for both Phase 1 and Phase 2  

    IRDAI Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025

    Since the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam is highly competitive, it is highly important that you have a comprehensive understanding of the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam pattern and IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus before you jump into your exam preparation. Reviewing the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam pattern will enable you to understand the structure, format and marking scheme of the exam. With the IRDAI AM Exam Notification still awaited, aspirants can begin their preparation for the exam. Going through the IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus will help you identify the important topics. This will ensure that you allocate your time properly and focus on the key areas.

    Understanding the comprehensive IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus is very important to standardize your preparation for IRDAI AM exam 2025. Knowing the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam pattern and the IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus helps candidates focus their preparation plan effectively. This ensures they cover all the right topics and do well in both exam stages. Also, understanding the IRDAI AM Eligibility Criteria is as important as the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam syllabus for exam preparation.

    IRDAI Assistant Manager Phase 1 Exam Pattern (Objective Type)

    IRDAI Assistant Manager Prelims/Phase 1 exam is an objective type and qualifying examination. Marks obtained in this will make you eligible for Phase 2/Mains Descriptive Examination. Also note that marks secured in the IRDAI Assistant Manager Prelims exam will not count for interview or final selection. Detailed IRDAI Assistant Manager Exam Pattern 2025 has been provided in the table below. 

    SL. No.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
    1. English Language 40 40 90 Minutes (Composite time)
    2. Quantitative Aptitude 40 40
    3. Reasoning 40 40
    4. General Awareness 40 40
    Total 160 160  

    As per the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam pattern, you must qualify in each section separately and in aggregate as per the cutoff marks for each test. Separate cut-offs may also be applied for each of the specializations and general posts.

    IRDAI Assistant Manager Phase 1 Exam Syllabus (Objective Type)

    The first step towards the exam preparation is noting down the complete IRDAI Assistant Manager 2025 syllabus, so that you can prepare a plan well in time. It is critical to be aware of the main topics and subtopics within the IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus for the Phase 1 exam. Refer to the table below for the complete detailed IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus for the Phase 1 exam.

    Quantitative Aptitude Ratio and Proportion, Simplification, Percentage, Average, Time and Work, Speed, Distance and Time, Mixture and Allegations, Percentage, Permutation, and Combination, Data Interpretation, Mensuration, Probability, Set Theory, Number Series, Number Systems, Profit & Loss, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Surds & Indices, Sequence & Series, Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
    English Language Grammar, Vocabulary, Error Spotting, Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Para Jumble, Fill in the Blanks, Sentence Correction, Miscellaneous
    Reasoning Ability Inequality, Coding-Decoding, Syllogism, Machine Input-Output, Data Sufficiency, Seating Arrangement, Logical Reasoning, Floor Puzzle, Scheduling, Verbal Reasoning, Ordering and Ranking, Blood Relations, Direction and Distance, Coded Inequalities, Puzzle Tabulation, Alphanumeric Series
    General Awareness

    Current Affairs, Indian Financial System, Indian Banking System, Monetary Plans, National Institution, Banking Terms, General Awareness, Static GK, History of Indian Banking Industry, Regulatory Bodies Monetary & Credit Policies, Budget Basics and Current Union Budget, International Organisation / Financial Institutions, Capital Market & Money Market, Government Schemes Abbreviations and Economic terminologies, Abbreviations and Economic terminologies

    IRDAI Assistant Manager Phase 2 Exam Pattern (Descriptive)

    After qualifying IRDAI Assistant Manager Prelims or Phase 1 exam, you will be required to appear for IRDAI Assistant Manager Mains exam. In the IRDAI Assistant Manager Phase 2/ Mains exam, you will be judged on three papers. All three papers in Mains will be Descriptive in nature (question papers displayed on computer and to be written using pen and paper). The papers will be of English, Economic and Social Issues impacting Insurance and Insurance and Management. 

    The complete IRDAI Assistant Manager Mains Exam Pattern has been provided in the table below. 

    PaperName of TestExam TypeMarksTime
    Paper I English  Descriptive (Questions will appear on screen and answers have to be written on answer sheets) 100 60 minutes
    Paper II Economic and Social Issues impacting Insurance 100 60 minutes
    Paper III Insurance and Management 100 60 minutes

    IRDAI Assistant Manager Phase 2 Exam Syllabus (Descriptive)

    The IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus for the Phase 2 exam is different from Phase 1 exam. The IRDAI Assistant Manager exam pattern for Phase 2 is also significantly different from Phase 1 as Phase 2 is a totally descriptive test. The detailed IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus for the Phase 2 exam is as follows and should be carefully scrutinized for exam preparation.



    • Essay
    • Precise Writing
    • Comprehension and Business/Office Correspondence

    Economic and Social Issues impacting Insurance

    • Economic Growth, business cycles and Insurance penetration, impact of age structure on economy, application of utility theory to Insurance premium setting, macroeconomic factors including catastrophes and pandemics that may impact insurers and insurance markets
    • Financial markets, Financial Institutions and financial services integration and risks arising from interconnectedness; systemic risk and concentration risk
    • Economic capital and risk based capital requirements, economic impact of risk transfer arrangements including reinsurance, contribution of Insurance sector to sustainable and responsible development of economy, Insurance Investments in Infrastructure sector
    • Economic reforms in India leading to Insurance sector reforms, Insurance regulation - financial and market conduct regulations, functions of IRDAI, role of an Actuary, detariffing in India, motor business and Indian experience, changing Insurance Regulations/Laws and FSLRC.
    • Social structure in India, Insurance in rural and social sectors and obligations of Insurers thereto, Indian Micro-Insurance experience, Social security laws and implementation thereof. RSBY - Health insurance scheme for Below Poverty Line (BPL) families.

    Insurance and Management

    • Insurance
      • History of Indian Insurance, principles of Insurance
      • Risk and uncertainty, pooling and diversification of risk, Indemnity and Insurable interest
      • Legal foundations of Insurance, basics in Group/Health Insurance/Pensions; Intermediation: role in mobilising savings, evolution of various types and Bancassurance in India
      • Functions performed by Insurers: Product design, pricing, distribution, underwriting, claims, Investment and Reinsurance
      • Insurance lines and products : Property-Liability, Life Insurance and Annuities and Health Insurance; Liability risks and Insurance, valuation and Solvency requirements, Specialist Insurance lines in India - Agricultural and Export Credit Guarantee; Reinsurance, GIC of India, obligator sessions and retention of risk within the Country.
    • Management
      • Its nature and scope
      • Management Processes - Planning, Organisation, Staffing, Directing and Controlling; role of a Manager in an Organisation
      • Leadership: The tasks of a leader; leadership styles; leadership theories; A successful leader versus an effective leader
      • Human Resource Development- Concept of HRD; Goals of HRD; Career Planning – Training and Development
      • Performance Appraisal - Potential appraisal and development - feedback and performance counselling - rewards - employee welfare
      • Motivation, Morale and Incentives: Theories of Motivation; How Managers Motivate; Concept of Morale; Factors determining morale; Role of Incentives in Building up Morale
      • Communication: Steps in the Communication Process; Communication Channels; Oral versus Written Communication; Verbal versus non-verbal Communication; upward, downward and lateral communication; Barriers to Communication
      • Role of Information Technology
      • Corporate Governance: Factors affecting Corporate Governance; Mechanisms of Corporate Governance.

    IRDAI Assistant Manager Interview

    Candidates who qualify the Phase 2 Descriptive exam will be shortlisted for Personal Interview round or Phase 3. You must obtain the minimum cut-off marks for being shortlisted for Phase 3/Interview round. The final merit list for IRDAI Assistant Manager exam will be made based on the merit of your performance under respective specialization in Phase 2/Descriptive Examination and Phase 3/Interview cumulatively. The weightage of Descriptive Examination and Interview will be 85:15.

    IRDAI Assistant Manager Marking Scheme

    IRDAI Assistant Manager exam pattern also mentions the marking scheme that will be computed by adopting the following procedure. There will be negative marks for every wrong answer marked in the IRDAI Prelims exam 2025. Look at the table below to understand the marking scheme of the IRDAI Assistant Manager 2025 exam.

    IRDAI Assistant Manager Marking Scheme

    Marking SchemeConsidered Marks
    For correct answers 1 mark
    For wrong answers -0.25 or 1/4th marks
    For not attempted 0 (no marks)

    IRDAI Assistant Manager Exam Language

    IRDAI Assistant Manager exam 2025 will be provided in English and Hindi (except test of English Language which will be provided only in English). Unless the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam pattern and other details change, the IRDAI exam will be bilingual. This bilingual nature of the exam will help students from all backgrounds easily take the test.

    IRDAI Assistant Manager Exam 2025 Books

    Books play a very important role in exam preparation. They can help you cover the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam syllabus concepts and improve your foundational knowledge. IRDAI Assistant Manager is an important exam per se and therefore you should ensure that you have the best study material available around you. In the present online era, you should not ignore the significance of books which can be a helping hand while learning concepts and practicing questions. Books being an offline source can always be available for you regardless of the situation. Check out the list of IRDAI Assistant Manager books from the table below that help you cover the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam syllabus:

    IRDAI Assistant Manager SubjectsUseful BooksIRDAI Assistant Manager Exam Book’s Author
    Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation and Analysis Quantum CAT Sarvesh Kumar Verma
    Data Interpretation for CAT Arun Sharma
    Magical book on Quicker Maths M Tyra
    Fast Track Objective Arithmetic Rajesh Verma
    Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams RS Aggarwal
    Reasoning Ability A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal B.S. Sijwali and Indu Sijwali
    Analytical Reasoning MK Pandey (For the chapters required for analytical reasoning)
    A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal
    English Language Objective General English SP Bakshi
    Descriptive General English SP Bakshi and Richa Sharma
    High School English Grammar and Composition Wren and Martin
    Word Power Made Easy Normal Lewis
    General Awareness General Awareness Handbook of Banking Information N.S.Toor
    General Awareness Arihant Publication
    Static GK General Knowledge Arihant
    Lucent General Knowledge -
    Pratiyogita Darpan SQ Sachdeva Mahendra Jain
    Current Affairs BeePedia

    IRDAI Assistant Manager Pre-Exam Training

    IRDAI provides a good opportunity to SC/ST/OBC/PWD category candidates for pre-examination training. It would help aspiring candidates in the preparation of Phase I of IRDAI Assistant Manager exam, which is called the Online Preliminary Examination, Objective in Type, and Phase II, called the Descriptive Examination.

    This pre-exam training will cover the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam pattern and syllabus and will help candidates from SC/ST/OBC/PWD categories to improve their exam preparation. In case you are eligible and would like to avail this pre-exam training covering the IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus, you shall have to get your name and other required details registered with IRDAI.

    IRDAI will announce the exact process and timeline shortly for registering with them. Once registration opens, you are supposed to send the information to the Executive Director (Gen), IRDAI, 3rd floor, Parishram Bhavan, Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad-500004.

    Please note that preparatory training will be held in Hyderabad or New Delhi, depending upon the number of candidates who register their interest in attending the same. The final venue will be decided by IRDAI, depending on demand. Please note that the entire expenditure connected with travel, board, and all other related expenses for attending training shall have to be incurred by the candidate themselves. No allowance shall be paid by IRDAI. The date of training is notified, and the candidate has to make all arrangements at their own cost for attending the training.

    This pre-exam training by the IRDAI is a big advantage for candidates, as it places them at an edge with focused guidance on the IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus and exam pattern, which will help in better preparation for the examination.

    IRDAI Assistant Manager Exam Preparation Strategies

    While certain candidates will be able to avail of the pre-exam training by IRDAI itself, there are ways for all candidates to cover the IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus and exam pattern. Here are some useful and detailed tips to prepare for the exam:

    1. Understanding the Exam Pattern and Syllabus

    The very first step toward preparing for the exam is to understand the exam pattern and the syllabus. The IRDAI Assistant Manager Exam is conducted in two phases: Phase I and Phase II. Phase I is objective in nature and includes topics on Reasoning Ability, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness. Phase II is descriptive and comprises sections on English, Economic and Social Issues impacting Insurance, and Insurance and Management. Knowing the syllabus helps you manage your time effectively for each section and makes sure that you have actually covered all the important topics. Petersburg, as it has been a defining aspect of the city's identity and helped bring together its citizens.

    2. Plan Your Studies

    First of all, clearly understand the pattern of examination and syllabus. Then make a study plan according to your schedule and strengths. Now, allocate time for preparation in all subjects, giving extra time to where you are weak. A well-made plan shall have daily, weekly, and monthly goals—revisions and practice tests, of course, included. Now, follow diligently, and improvement will be constant.

    3. Build strong reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude skills

    Equally important are ways to strengthen the basics for the Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude sections. Master the basics, and then proceed to complicated problems on seating arrangements, puzzles, and logical reasoning. Moving on to Quantitative Aptitude, the most important areas would include Data Interpretation, Number Series, and Simplification. Speed and accuracy go together, so remember to time yourself when you solve these problems.

    4. Improve Your English Language Skills

    The language skills will be tested in the English Language section in Phase I and in the English paper in Phase II. For the Preliminary, concentrate on Reading Comprehension, Sentence Improvement, Vocabulary and Grammar. In the preliminary exam, try to do a lot of error detection and cloze tests. Focus on essay writing, précis writing and comprehension for Phase II. Read newspapers, editorials and magazines so that you develop your vocabulary and also get an idea of current issues which in turn will help you in General Awareness.

    5. Keep Up-to-Date with General Awareness

    The General Awareness section in Phase I requires you to be updated with current affairs, financial news, and national and international organizations. You need to develop the habit of regularly reading newspapers. Subscribe to only those websites which are credible in their content delivery. Look out for news on economic developments, changes in the insurance sector, and government schemes. Revise regularly whatever you have read. You can refer to Beepedia for daily, weekly and monthly general awareness updates.

    6. Economic and Social Issues Impacting Insurance

    In connection with Section C, Economic and Social Issues Impacting Insurance, of the Phase II Descriptive Exam, the candidate should be knowledgeable about the impact of macroeconomics on the insurance sector. Study topics related to economic growth, financial markets, and the role of institutions in insurance penetration vis-à-vis theory. Amalgamate this knowledge with present-day events and insights that would definitely be an aid while writing essays during the exam.

    7. Mastering the principles of insurance and risk management

    In Phase II, the paper set in Insurance and Management tests your understanding of core principles of insurance, risk management, and the regulatory framework. Understand the baseline: types of insurance, underwriting processes, and claim management. Learn the role played by IRDAI and other bodies that regulate the sector. Revise the concepts tolerably, relating them to practical examples in the insurance sector.

    8. Practice Writing Descriptive Answers

    Because Phase II is descriptive in nature, practice in writing becomes very important. Get into the writing habit of essays, précis, and answers on a range of varied topics. Pay attention to clarity, coherence, and conciseness in your writings. Your essays must be well-structured with a proper introduction, body, and conclusion. Practice précis writing to acquire the skill of condensing a long text saving its vital points.

    9. Take Regular Mock Tests

    The IRDAI AM  mock tests are a part and parcel of preparing for exams. They are going to help you understand where you are standing with your preparation, which concepts are not really clear to you, and how much time you should devote to each question in your exam. Take mock tests for Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English, and General Awareness pertaining to the Phase I. Evaluate your performance in each of these tests and ensure that you enhance the portions where your score is less. In the case of Phase II, practice writing under constrained time. This will give you the feel of how to attempt questions quickly and effectively.

    10. Revision on a Regular Basis

    It is through proper revision that everything learned is retained. One must make sure to revise regularly in the study plan. Going through the notes taken and going back to revising important topics and practicing a few questions from those areas where one feels weak would greatly help. Regular revision shall reinforce your learning and improve your confidence toward the challenging examination.

    11. Stay Calm and Confident

    Keep a positive attitude through the process of preparation. Stress can do thinking dysfunction, so it would be of help to develop in relaxation, such as deep breathing and meditation. Take good care of yourself by getting enough rest, eating well, and exercising regularly to ensure your mind and body are in good shape. This way, you will feel calm and confident, ready to act to your best abilities for the exam.

    If taken seriously and a disciplined approach to the study program is maintained, these tips will be of great help rather than a little in enhancing the performance in the IRDAI Assistant Manager examination.

    Irdai Am Exam Syllabus FAQs

    The IRDAI Assistant Manager Syllabus is detailed, covering various subjects essential for the exam. The syllabus includes topics in Reasoning, English Language, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude for the preliminary exam. For the main exam, it focuses on specialized subjects like Insurance and Management, Accounts, Actuarial Science, Legal, and IT. Understanding the IRDAI AM Syllabus is important for effective preparation, as it helps students focus on the key areas required to excel in the exam.
    The IRDAI Assistant Manager Phase 1 exam is structured to assess a candidate's aptitude across various sections. It consists of four objective-type papers: Reasoning, English Language, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude. Each paper is important, as the cumulative score determines eligibility for the next phase. Familiarity with the IRDAI Assistant Manager Syllabus is essential for strategic preparation, helping students focus on the key areas outlined in the IRDAI AM Syllabus to maximize their scores.
    The IRDAI Assistant Manager exam features a well-defined question pattern to evaluate candidates comprehensively. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions across various sections, including Reasoning, English Language, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude. Each section tests specific skills important for the role. Understanding the IRDAI Assistant Manager Syllabus is vital for mastering the exam pattern, as it guides students in focusing on key topics outlined in the IRDAI AM Syllabus to ensure thorough preparation.
    The IRDAI Assistant Manager exam follows a structured format to evaluate candidates effectively. The exam is divided into two phases: Phase 1 is an objective test with sections like Reasoning, English Language, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude, while Phase 2 includes specialized papers relevant to the chosen stream. Mastering the IRDAI Assistant Manager Syllabus is important, as it provides detailed insights into each section, helping students tailor their preparation according to the IRDAI AM Syllabus for optimal performance.
    The IRDAI Assistant Manager exam pattern is structured into three distinct phases to comprehensively assess the candidates. The first phase is the IRDAI Assistant Manager Online Preliminary Examination, which serves as an initial screening test. Candidates who successfully clear this stage move on to the second phase, the IRDAI Assistant Manager Descriptive Examination, where their writing and analytical skills are evaluated in more depth. Finally, comes the third and final phase, which is the Interview. This interview stage is crucial as it evaluates the candidate's overall suitability for the role of an Assistant Manager at IRDAI.
    Yes, the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam pattern mentions that there is negative marking. For each incorrect answer, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted from the final overall score. Candidates are thus advised to carefully attempt questions they are unsure about as a wrong attempt can end up in them losing marks.
    As per the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam pattern and syllabus for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Phase 1 exam, there is no sectional time limit. The IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus mentions that there will be three sections int he Phase 1 exam. A total composite time of 90 minutes will be given to finish this exam. For the IRDAI Assistant Manager Phase 2 examination, however, there is a sectional time limit per section of the exam. All three sections of the Phase 2 exam as per the IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus will be allotted a total time of 60 minutes each.
    We have provided a complete list of books for the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam on our IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus and exam pattern page. You can refer to that for more information regarding the IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus. These books can be bought at stationery shops or even ordered online.
    The IRDAI Assistant Manager exam assesses candidates across several sections. As per the IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus, in Phase I, the Online Preliminary Examination, there are four sections: Reasoning Ability, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness. In Phase II, the Descriptive Examination, according to the IRDAI Assistant Manager syllabus, there are three sections: English, Economic and Social Issues impacting Insurance, and Insurance and Management.
    Reading daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, publications and being updated with current events through electronic news is extremely helpful in preparing for general awareness topics. For General Awareness, you can also take the help of ixamBee’s BeePedia. It is a comprehensive capsule which contains all the important information with respect to the General Awareness section for various competitive exams. It is available in Hindi and English. What’s more? It’s absolutely free.
    Yes, definitely. You can practice the IRDAI Assistant Manager free online mock tests at ixamBee. The IRDAI Assistant Manager online test series is based on the latest IRDAI Assistant Manager exam pattern. You can also practice from the IRDAI Assistant Manager previous year papers to get an idea of the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam pattern and syllabus.
    As of now, there is no change in the exam structure, so it is assumed that the IRDAI Assistant Manager exam will be in online mode. Any changes in this will be communicated through the notification.

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