J&K Bank Clerk Syllabus 2025


    J&K Bank Clerk Exam Syllabus

    Before you start preparing for the online exam, you should collect all exam-related information. You should note down the complete syllabus so that you don't miss any information regarding the J&K Bank Clerk exam. You will not be able to go on with your Clerk exam preparation if you are ignorant about the complete J&K Bank syllabus 2025. The table given below lists down the complete J&K Bank Clerk syllabus.

    English Language Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Error, Sentence Correction, Fill in the Blanks, Sentence Arrangements, Word Arrangement, Comprehension, Cloze Test
    Numerical Ability Simplification, Number Series, Quadratic Equations Average, Percentage, Time & Work, Area, profit & Loss, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Speed, Investment, HCF, LCM, Problem On Ages, Bar Graph, Pictorial Graph, Pie Chart, Data Interpretation
    Reasoning Ability Comprehensible Reasoning, Venn Diagrams, Number Series, Coding and decoding, Problem Solving Techniques, Statement & Conclusion Type Questions, Arithmetic Reasoning, Arithmetical Number Series, Non-Verbal Series, Syllogistic Reasoning, Seating Arrangements, Puzzles


    Books play a very important role in any exam preparation. A good collection of books not only gives accurate information but also saves your time which can be utilized for more practice. To make your work easier we have listed below some important books for each section that are covered in the J&K Bank Clerk exam.

    SubjectsBooksBook’s Author/Publisher
    English Language Objective English 4th Edition Edgar Thorpe / Pearson
    Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis / Penguin
    Objective General English 2nd Edition S.P Bakshi / Arihant
    Numerical Ability Quicker Mathematics BSC Publications
    Quantitative Aptitude RS Agarwal
    Class Notes SS Bharti
    Reasoning Ability A modern approach to verbal & Non-verbal reasoning R.S. Agarwal
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning S.Chand
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Arihant Publication

    J And K Bank Clerk Syllabus FAQs

    There will be three sections having questions from three different subjects in the J&K Bank Clerk Prelims. These are: Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability & English Language.
    Yes. You can get the complete list of J&K Clerk useful books that are available for exam preparation.
    While you prepare for the online exam, you should not ignore the importance of practicing online tests. You can attempt J&K Bank Clerk free mock tests available at ixamBee to improve your speed, knowledge and accuracy.

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