LIC AAO Eligibility Criteria 2025: Check Out Age Limit, Qualification

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    LIC AAO Eligibility Criteria

    The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is an Indian state-owned insurance group and investment company headquartered in Mumbai. It is the largest insurance company in the country and thus its recruitment notification is awaited by most of the aspirants. Being an insurance sector job, most of the aspirants are attracted to this job owing to the facilities, perks, and comforts. Being one of the most awaited exams, the level of the examination is expected to be tough. While the LIC AAO Notification is not yet out, aspirants can get the idea of the LIC AAO eligibility criteria from the last year’s recruitment.

    Any aspirant who wants to sit for the LIC AAO Exam should be able to have an idea about the LIC AAO eligibility criteria. The LIC AAO eligibility criteria with respect to age, nationality, education, etc., must be met by all candidates interested in applying for the LIC AAO 2025 exam. Therefore, you must be aware of the LIC AAO eligibility criteria mentioned in the LIC AAO notification 2025 to avoid any unwanted consequences later.

    LIC AAO Educational Criteria

    All the candidates need to follow the specified LIC AAO eligibility criteria with respect to educational qualification to ensure their candidature for the LIC AAO Exam. A candidate needs to have the following LIC AAO educational qualification/s in order to be eligible to fill the application form for the LIC AAO exam. You can check out the LIC AAO eligibility criteria with regard to education from the table below:

    PostsEducational Criteria
    AAO (Generalist) “Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian University/Institution”.
    AAO (IT) Graduation degree in Engineering in Computer Science, IT or Electronics, or an MCA, or an MSC(Computer Science) from a recognized Indian University/Institution.
    AAO (Chartered Accountant) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized Indian University/Institution and Candidate should have passed Final Examination of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and completion of Articles as presented by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The candidate should be Associate member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Candidates should provide their membership number and the same will be verified with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
    AAO (Actuarial) Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian University/Institution and Candidates should have compulsorily passed paper CT1 and CT5 plus 4 or more other papers of the examination conducted by the Institute of Actuaries of India / Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK. (Total 6 or more papers) as on the date of eligibility i.e. 1st March, 2019. Candidates should provide their membership number and the same will be verified with Institute of Actuaries of India / Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK.
    AAO (Rajbhasha) Post Graduate Master’s Degree in Hindi/Hindi translation with English as one of the subjects at Bachelor’s Degree level OR
    Post Graduate Master’s Degree in English with Hindi as one of the subjects at Bachelor’s degree level OR
    Post Graduate Master’s Degree in Sanskrit with English and Hindi as subjects at Bachelor’s degree level.

    LIC AAO Age Criteria

    Apart from fulfilling the LIC AAO qualification, you also need to meet the LIC AAO age limit as specified in the deadline of the notification, in order to be able to apply for the LIC AAO. Refer to the table below for more details on the LIC AAO age limit as per the LIC AAO Eligibility Criteria below.

    Name of the PostAge Criteria
    LIC AAO Minimum age - 21 years / Maximum - 30 years

    LIC AAO Age Relaxation

    LIC has a provision of age relaxation with respect to age for Backward Community(OBC)/ Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECO) /Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCO) /Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) /Confirmed LIC employees as given below. You can check out the LIC AAO Eligibility Criteria from the table below:

    Sr. No.Reservation CategoryAge Relaxation
    1. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe 5 Years
    2. Other Backward Classes 3 Years
    3. Persons With Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)
    • GEN - 10 Years
    • SC/ST - 15 Years
    • OBC - 13 Years
    4. ECO/SSCO
    • GEN - 5 Years
    • SC/ST - 10 Years
    • OBC - 8 Years
    5. Confirmed LIC employees Further relaxation 5 Years

    LIC AAO Nationality Criteria

    Certain conditions that need to be fulfilled for the 2025 LIC AAO eligibility criteria, when it comes to nationality, must be met if you want to sit for the exam. Aspirants have Indian citizenship and provide proof of it to for the nationality condition of the LIC AAO eligibility criteria to be fulfilled.

    LIC AAO Disability and Ex-Servicemen Criteria

    Those with some physical disabilities such as low vision & blind, deaf or hard of hearing are also eligible to apply as specified in LIC AAO Eligibility 2025 . Besides that, former servicemen are also included in the LIC AAO eligibility criteria age relaxation norms. Besides that, age relaxation in the LIC AAO eligibility criteria also applies to any persons with visible disabilities. Similarly, those under ECO or SSO are also eligible for age relaxation. Along with that, confirmed LIC agents also have leave to sit the exam.

    LIC AAO Documents Needed for Verification.

    Candidates who are seeking to fill the LIC AAO vacancies and are seeking consideration for this post based on the relaxation criteria given above have to bring their documents for verification. These documents need to be certified and approved by the appropriate authorities and failing to do so can result in disqualification despite belonging to any of the SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD/ESM categories. Candidates in these categories need to submit the documents listed below for the LIC AAO eligibility criteria and are required to submit copies of various documents as outlined below:

    • Matriculation/Secondary Certificate.
    • Educational Qualification Certificate.
    • Caste/Category Certificate, if belonging to reserved categories.
    • Persons with Disabilities Certificate in the prescribed format, if applicable.
    • For Ex-Servicemen (ESM): Serving Defence Personnel Certificate, if applicable.
    • Discharge Certificate, if discharged from the Armed Forces.
    • Relevant Certificate if seeking any age relaxation.
    • No Objection Certificate, if already employed in Government/Government undertakings.

    Please Note: While candidates are encouraged to carry their photo ID like Aadhar, PAN, Driving License or Passport, the Ration Card will not be seen as a proof of self-identity. More details on the LIC AAO eligibility criteria can be seen on the notification when it releases.


    The LIC AAO eligibility criteria is a very important aspect determining whether a candidate is eligible to apply for the LIC AAO exam. So, it is essential to carefully review and understand the age limit, educational qualification, nationality, and number of attempts allowed before applying. Aspiring candidates should regularly check the official website for any updates or changes to the LIC AAO eligibility criteria.

    ixambee aims to assist potential candidates in their exam preparation journey and so provides access to pocket-friendly and effective study materials, including the LIC AAO Online Course and the LIC AAO mock tests, to ensure your preparation is comprehensive and exhaustive. Best of luck with your preparation!

    Lic Aao Eligibility Criteria FAQs

    Yes, the upper age limit to apply for the LIC AAO 2023 exam is 33 years (for OBC).
    Yes, in order to apply for the LIC AAO exam, you must possess a bachelor’s degree. There is no mention of percentage criteria in the notification.
    The upper age limit for a person belonging to the SC category is 35 years.
    Of course it is! The LIC AAO notification brings forth large numbers of people to the recruitment cycle every year. That’s why there was a general buzz when the notification for the coming year will be released soon.
    Yes, the LIC AAO notifications requires an age limit of 21-30 years . The organization requires its candidates for the exam to be those who were born as per the limit that will be sent in the notification and the age criteria is allowed to send in their application. You can check the notification for all the important details
    The age relaxation for the LIC AAO exam allows persons from other backward communities, disabled persons , persons from backward economic category, former servicemen and other defense retired persons an opportunity to try applying for the exam. This gives persons in these categories with an equal opportunity to sit the exam with other people applying for the exam.
    To apply for the LIC AAO exam, a candidate must not exceed the age of 30 years. However, the upper age limit will be relaxed for those candidates who belong to the reserved categories.

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