LIC AAO Notification 2025: Check Out Total Vacancies and Apply Online

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    LIC AAO Notification 2025 

    The Life Insurance Corporation of India is the largest insurance company in India and there are so many people eager to join the organization. That’s why the LIC AAO notification is one of the most eagerly awaited ones. With this in mind, aspirants will be eager to know what awaits them in the LIC AAO Notification. The LIC AAO notification has yet to be released. While the LIC AAO Exam for the previous year is done, aspirants will be eager to find out about the LIC AAO Notification for 2025. Since it has not yet been released, aspirants can take a closer look at the previous year’s LIC AAO Notification to prepare for the exam. As far as the last released LIC AAO Notification goes, the online application link was from mid-January to the end of the month.

    Furthermore, the LIC AAO Preliminary Online Examination was conducted in February of last year, while the LIC AAO Mains Online Examination was held in March as per the LIC AAO Notification. That is why you need to wait for the LIC AAO Notification to be released. That way, you can get all the important information like LIC AAO Eligibility Criteria and other details. Along with that you also get the LIC AAO Syllabus and Exam Pattern from the notification. That’s why it is important to be aware of all the information before you start preparing for the LIC AAO exam 2025.

    LIC will release the AAO  result on its official website after the exams are done.

    LIC AAO Admit Card 

    The LIC AAO admit card will be released by the LIC just before the exam. You cannot obtain the admit card for 2025 yet because the LIC AAO notification has not been released. You can download your LIC AAO Mains call letter by clicking on the link that will be provided and logging in with your ID and password. The admit card contains information regarding the LIC AAO Exam Date, venue, and other immediate details that aspirants will need.

    Team ixamBee wishes all candidates the very best as they appear for the LIC AAO exam.

    LIC AAO Prelims Result

    The LIC AAO Prelims result for the last exam cycle was released by the LIC sometime back last year. Aspirants can check their result once it is out by clicking on the link provided for them. They can also directly download the LIC AAO Prelims result PDF from the link provided. Once the LIC AAO Notification is released, you can begin preparing for the next cycle of the exam.

    LIC AAO Vacancy 2025 

    The LIC AAO Notification, which was released las,t had a total of 300 vacancies. The LIC AAO vacancies are divided into general and reserved categories. Since the LIC AAO notification for the upcoming exam cycle is not out, you can check out the details you need from the last released exam cycle. The details of the LIC AAO vacancies are as follows.

    LIC Assistant Admintrative OfficerSCSTOBCEWSURTOTALPwBD
    Current Year 46 22 70 27 112 277 3  3 3 3
    Backlog 4 5 14 0 0 23 2 1 3 4
    TOTAL 50 27 84 27 113 300 5 4 6 7

    How to Apply Online for LIC AAO 2025 

    The application process for the LIC AAO for 2025  is yet to begin as the LIC AAO Notification is not yet out. You will be able to prepare and apply according to the timeline mentioned in the notification. To avoid the last-minute rush, we urge you to apply for the LIC AAO 2025 exam as soon as the date is made official. You can study last year’s application process to get an idea of what to expect when it comes to the application process. The detailed process of the LIC AAO online application 2025 is expected to be mentioned in the LIC AAO 2025 notification. The LIC AAO application process is as follows.

    • Visit the official website of LIC,
    • Click on the 'Careers' tab in the dropdown menu, and select the 'Recruitment of AAO (Generalist) link.
    • Click on the 'New Registration' tab.
    • Enter your details like- name, email id, mobile number, date of birth, etc.
    • The Registration Id and Password will be sent to your registered email and mobile number.
    • You will be required to log in using the Registration Id and Password for filling up the LIC AAO application form.
    • Upload the essential documents like photograph, signature, left thumb impression and handwritten declaration.
    • Preview your online application before hitting the 'Final Submit' button.
    • Proceed to pay the LIC AAO application fee.

    Application Fees

    After you have completed the process of uploading documents and provided all the required details in the LIC AAO online application form, you will be required to choose a valid fee payment option. The details of the application will be mentioned in the LIC AAO notification. Please note that the application fee will be paid online mode, and will be non-refundable. Check out the details in the table below to know more about the application fees.

    Sr. No.CategoryApplication Fee
    1 SC/ST/PwBD Intimation Charges of Rs. 85/- plus Transaction Charges + GST
    2 For all other Application Fee-cum-Intimation Charges of Rs. 700/- plus Transaction Charges + GST

    Admit Card

    After the LIC AAO 2025 notification is released and the application process ends, it will release the LIC AAO admit cards for the LIC AAO 2025 exam on its official website. The LIC AAO call letter will carry all the information regarding the exam date, exam venue and exam time. You will have to enter your Registration Number/ Roll Number and Password / Date of Birth to download your LIC AAO admit card.

    Number of Attempts

    You can attempt the LIC AAO exam as long as you fall under the age limit prescribed by LIC. There is no set number of attempts mentioned in the last year’s LIC AAO notification. The age limit for the LIC AAO exam is 21-30 years (reserved category candidates must check the age relaxation benefits as applicable to their respective category).

    Pre-exam Training for Reserved Categories

    Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PwBD category can avail the benefit of pre-examination training. If you wish to avail the same, you may register your name and other details with the Divisional Office of LIC. Please note that you would have to attend the pre-exam training at your own cost on the appointed dates and at the venue advised to them. All the details you need on this information will be mentioned in the LIC AAO notification.

    Lic Aao Exam Notification FAQs

    Yes, you can change your details after registration also by entering your provisional registration number & password. But, you cannot change it once you have verified and submitted the final form. All the information you need on this will be in the LIC AAO Notification.
    If the application is accepted, you will automatically see the message of 'submitted successfully. You will also get the option of previewing your complete application form. You can take a print of this application form.
    LIC has not yet announced any new vacancies as the LIC AAO notification for 2024 has not yet been released. Once the LIC AAO notification is released, these details will be present in the same.
    No, the LIC AAO Notification has not yet been released. Once the LIC AAO notification is out, you can prepare for the exam accordingly.
    Yes, you can change your details after registration also by entering your provisional registration number & password. But, you cannot change it once you have verified and submitted the final form. All the information you need on this will be in the LIC AAO Notification.
    The online application process for the LIC AAO exam has not yet begun. This is because the LIC AAO notification has not yet been released. The online application process will begin once the LIC AAO notification is out.
    Yes, persons belonging to the Reserved category (SC, ST, PWD, Women) only have to pay the intimation charges.
    The LIC AAO admit card will be released a few days before the exam. Keep visiting this space for any updates regarding the same. All the details you need will be in the LIC AAO notification.

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