LIC AAO Specialist Exam 2025 - Recruitment, Exam Date, Apply Online

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    LIC AAO Highlights 2024

    The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is an Indian state-owned insurance group and investment company headquartered in Mumbai. It is the largest insurance company in the country and thus its recruitment notification is awaited by most of the aspirants. Being an insurance sector job, most of the aspirants are attracted to this job owing to the facilities, perks, and comforts. Being one of the most awaited exams, the level of the examination is expected to be tough

    The Life Insurance Corporation of India has yet to release the LIC AAO (Specialist) notification for the coming year. Once the LIC AAO (Specialist ) Exam recruitment notification is out, aspirants can begin preparing for the exam. Aspirants interested in the specialized fields need to remember that they can apply for just ‘one’ post among ‘Legal/IT/Chartered Accountant/Actuarial/Rajbhasha’. For further details, take a look at the table below for more details on the LIC AAO Exam:

    LIC AAO Highlights 2025

    Conducting BodyLIC
    Official Website
    Name of the Posts LIC AAO
    Mode of application Online
    Stages of Exam Three Stages-
    • Phase 1- Preliminary Exam
    • Phase 2- Mains Exam
    • Phase 3- Personal Interview
    Maximum marks & Time duration
    • Phase 1- 70 marks, 1 hour
    • Phase 2-
      • • Paper 1 (Objective Type)- 300 marks, 2 hours
      • • Paper 2 (Descriptive Type) - 25 marks, 30 minutes
    • Phase 3 (Interview)- 60 Marks
    Online Registration and Payment of Online Fees/Intimation Charges January 15, 2023 to January 31, 2023
    LIC AAO Phase 1 (Preliminary) Online Examination Admit Card Click Here
    LIC AAO Phase 1 (Preliminary) Online Examination February 17, 2023 and February 20, 2023
    LIC AAO Phase 2 (Mains) Online Examination Admit Card Click here
    LIC AAO Phase 2 (Mains) Online Examination March 18, 2023 
    Number of Vacancies 300
    Official Notification PDF Click Here

    LIC AAO Exam Pattern 2024

    To be able to fare well in an examination as tough and important as LIC AAO (Specialist) exam, it is extremely necessary to collect all information related to the exam. The LIC AAO (Specialist) exam is expected to be an objective type online exam. The LIC AAO (Specialist) exam will take place in three phases as mentioned below-

    LIC provides great opportunities for career growth and thus the examination for LIC AAO cannot be taken lightly. The LIC AAO (Specialist) exam pattern & Syllabus that can be expected for the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam for the coming year is given below-

    • Phase 1- Preliminary Exam
    • Phase 2- Mains Exam
    • Phase 3- Interview

    Once you have complete knowledge about the LIC AAO exam and its pattern, you must also go through the exam language and marking scheme of the LIC AAO/AE exam to know more.

    LIC AAO Prelims Exam Pattern 2024

    The prelims of the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam 2024 will be an online test consisting of three sections. All three sections in the LIC AAO (Specialist) Prelims exam are allotted separate sectional timings. The LIC AAO (Specialist) Prelims exam is common for all the posts (Legal/IT/Chartered Accountant/Actuarial/Rajbhasha). Look at the table below for more details on the LIC AAO (Specialist) Prelims exam pattern.

    Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksMedium of ExamMinimum Qualifying MarksDuration
    Reasoning Ability 35 35 English & Hindi 16 18 20 minutes
    Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 English & Hindi 16 18 20 minutes
    English Language with special emphasis on grammar, vocabulary and comprehension 30 30* English 9 10 20 minutes
    Total 100 100       1 hour

    Please Note:

    The LIC AAO (Specialist) exam will be bilingual in nature i.e. in each section questions will be asked in English and Hindi both. But, the English Language section will be in English only.

    English Language Test will be qualifying in nature and therefore marks will not be counted for ranking.

    LIC AAO (Specialist) Mains Exam Pattern 2024

    The LIC AAO (Specialist) Mains Exam will be held once the result of the prelims of the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam is out. The LIC AAO Mains exam pattern for all types of posts is mostly similar except for a few changes in the number of subjects. The LIC AAO (Specialist) exam pattern is given below.

    Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksMedium of ExamMinimum Qualifying MarksDuration
    Reasoning Ability 30 90 English & Hindi 40 45 40 minutes
    General Knowledge, Current Affairs 30 60 English & Hindi 27 30 20 minutes
    Data Analysis & Interpretation 30 90 English & Hindi 40 45 40 minutes
    Insurance and Financial Market Awareness 30 60 English & Hindi 27 30 20 minutes
    Total 120 300       2 Hours
    English Language * (Letter writing & Essay) 2 25 English 9 10 30 Minutes

    Please note that the English Language Test in the LIC AAO (Specialist) Mains exam for all posts will be qualifying in nature and therefore marks obtained in this section will not be counted for ranking.

    LIC AAO Personal Interview

    The candidates who clear the LIC AAO (Specialist) Mains Examination will be called for the Phase 3, i.e. Personal Interview (PI) of the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam. In this stage, they will have to face an interview board where they can be asked questions from any subject/area. A candidate should be ready to face any type of question in the LIC AAO (Specialist)Exam’s Interview stage

    LIC AAO (Specialist) Exam Syllabus

    Before you start gearing up for the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam, it is necessary to look at the LIC AAO (Specialist) syllabus, which will give you a clear idea of the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam and its level.

    LIC AAO (Specialist) Prelims Exam Syllabus

    The list of topics covered in the LIC AAO (Specialist) Prelims syllabus is provided below.

    Quantitative Aptitude Ratio and Proportion, Average, Time and Work, Speed, Distance and Time, Mixture and Allegations, Stocks and Shares, Percentage, Permutation and Combination, Algebra, Trigonometry, Data Interpretation, Mensuration, Probability, Set Theory
    Reasoning Ability Inequality, Coding Decoding, Syllogism, Machine Input Output, Data Sufficiency, Circular Arrangement, Linear Arrangement, Floor Puzzle, Scheduling, Verbal Reasoning, Ordering and Ranking, Arrangement and Pattern, Blood Relations, Direction and Distance
    English Grammar, Vocabulary, Error Spotting, Comprehension, Passage Making, Jumble Words, Fill in the Blanks, Sentence Framing

    LIC AAO (Specialist) Mains Exam Syllabus

    The syllabus for the LIC AAO (Specialist) Mains exam is given below.

    Reasoning Ability Arrangement & Pattern, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Analogy, Inequalities, Syllogisms, Classification, Data Sufficiency, Input-Output, Linear Arrangement, Alphabet Series, Data Interpretation, Grouping & Selection, Verbal Reasoning, Clock, Venn Diagram, Mirror Images, Calendar
    General Knowledge & Current Affairs History of India, Indian Economics, Geography, Indian Constitution, Important Days, Books and Authors, Countries, Capitals, and Currencies, Awards, Honors and Recognition, Science and Technology, Inventions and Discoveries, Financial Institutions – National and International, National and International Organizations, Current Affairs – National and International, Indian Politics
    Insurance & Financial Market Awareness Indian Financial System, History of LIC and IRDAI, Indian Banking and Insurance Terms, Banking Committees, Banking and Insurance Abbreviations, Stock Market, Budget, Insurance Sector (Agencies, Headquarters, Jobs, etc.), Indian and International Financial Institutions, Money market and Capital Market, Financial Market Risks, International Monetary Fund, Economic policies, Recession, Insurance Ombudsman, Bancassurance, Private and Public sector Insurance Companies, Government Insurance Schemes
    English Language Essay, Letter Writing
    Professional knowledge- IT Data Communication and Networking, Database Management System, Operating System, Software Engineering, Data Structure, Compiler Design, Computer Organization and Microprocessor, Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

    LIC AAO Exam Dates

    The Life Insurance Corporation of India has yet to announce the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam date for all the posts. This is because the notification for 2024 is yet to be released. Aspirants need to check the notification and once it is released, they can find all the important details that will help them prepare for the LIC AAO (Specialist) Exam for the coming year. The LIC AAO Phase 1 (Preliminary) Online Examination will be held first and those who clear phase 1 will be qualified for the LIC AAO Phase 2 (Mains) Online Exam. Once that is also cleared, you will be cleared for the final stage of the LIC AAO Specialist exam which is the interview stage. You can have a look at the table below for last year’s LIC AAO (Specialist) exam dates.

    LIC AAO 2025 Exam Dates

    Online Registration and Payment of Online Fees/Intimation Charges January 15, 2023 to January 31, 2023
    LIC AAO Phase 1 (Preliminary) Online Examination Admit Card Click Here
    Phase 1 (Preliminary) Online Examination February 17, 2023 and February 20, 2023
    LIC AAO Phase 2 (Mains) Online Examination Admit Card Click here
    LIC AAO Phase 2 (Mains) Online Examination March 18, 2023 
    LIC AAO Mains Admit Card Date To be notified later
    LIC AAO Mains Result To be notified later
    LIC AAO Final Result To be notified later

    LIC AAO (Specialist) Salary Structure

    An LIC AAO (Specialist) officer is entitled to receive a basic pay of Rs. 53600/- per month on the scale of Rs. 53600- 2645(14) –90630– 2865(4) –102090 and other admissible allowances as per rules. An AAO is eligible for certain emoluments also, inclusive of House Rent Allowance (HRA) & City Compensatory Allowance (CCA) wherever admissible depending upon the classification of the city, which will amount to approximately Rs 92,870/- per month in ‘A’ Class city. The LIC AAO (Specialist) salary details are given below.

    Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO)
    • Basic pay - 53600/ per month
    • Scale of Rs. 53600- 2645(14) –90630– 2865(4) –102090 and other admissible allowances as per rules.
    • Pay - Rs. 92870/- per month(approximately)

    LIC AAO (Specialist) Allowances

    An AAO/AE will also be eligible to receive other benefits like-

    • Defined Contributory Pension,
    • Special Allowance for passing Actuarial Examination,
    • Gratuity, LTC,
    • Cash Medical Benefit,
    • Group Mediclaim,
    • Group Personal Accident Insurance,
    • Group Insurance,
    • Vehicle Loan (2-wheeler/4 wheeler) as per rules,
    • Meal coupon,
    • Reimbursement towards the cost of Briefcase leather bags, mobile handset, the supply of dailies and magazines and tea/coffee, mobile expenses, etc. as per rules.


    Upon selection as an LIC AAO (Specialist) officer, you will be required to serve a probation period of 1 year which can further be extended up to 2 years.

    LIC AAO (Specialist) Vacancy

    There were no vacancies for the LIC AAO (Specialist) Officer post for a couple of years which has made aspirants a tad tense as they wait for the new notification to be released. Let's look at the LIC AAO (Specialist) vacancies of the previous LIC AAO (Specialist) Exam recruitment. The breakup of the LIC AAO (Specialist) vacancies are given below.

    Total Number of Vacancies for (Assistant Engineers (AE) (Civil/Electrical/Structural/ Assistant Architect and MEP.

    LIC AAO Posts

    LIC Assistant Engineers PostsSCSTOBCEWSURTOTALPwBD
    AAO (CA) 6 3 11 4 16 40 1 - 1 1
    AAO (Actuarial) 4 3 8 3 12 30 1  - 1 4
    AAO (Legal) 7 3 10 4 16 40  1 1 1  2
    AAO (Rajbhasha) 1 1 2 0 4 8    1 1  2
    AAO (IT) 7 4 14 5 20 50 1    1  
    Total 25 14 45 16 68 168 4 2 5 6

    Important Books for LIC AAO (Specialist) Exam 2024

    LIC AAO (Specialist) Exam is quite a popular one among government job aspirants. Therefore, you need to be well-prepared and well- read in every aspect to ensure that you clear the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam in the first attempt. To be well-read it is extremely important to first collect good study material which will be an important aid in your preparation. Here is a list of some good books that may help you in kick-starting your LIC AAO preparation in a better way.

    Quantitative Aptitude Quicker Mathematics BSC Publications
    Quantitative Aptitude RS Agarwal
    Class Notes SS Bharti
    Reasoning Ability A modern approach to verbal & Non-verbal reasoning R.S. Agarwal
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning S.Chand
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Arihant Publication
    English Language Objective General Englis S.P. Bakshi
    English Grammar & Composition S.C. Gupta
    English for Competitive Examinations Wren & Martin
    Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
    Insurance and Financial Market Financial Management Prasanna Chandra or IM Pandey
    Indian Financial System Bharti Pathak
    Principles of Management LN Prasad
    Organisational Behaviour SP Robins
    General Awareness General Knowledge 2021 Manohar Pandey
    Rapid General Knowledge Disha Experts
    Current Affairs Yearly 2021 Arihant Experts
    The Yearly Current Affairs Disha Experts

    LIC AAO (Specialist) Previous Year Cut-off

    The LIC AAO (Specialist) previous year cutoff will play a very important role for you in your LIC AAO (Specialist) exam preparation. It will make you aware of the minimum attempt that will make your selection possible for LIC AAO Mains. Though this minimum attempt varies from one year to another depending upon the difficulty level.

    LIC AAO (Specialist) Prelims Cut Off: 2019

    Reasoning Ability -Qualifying Marks 18.00 18.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00
    Quantitative Aptitude -Qualifying Marks 18.00 18.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00
    English Language -Qualifying Marks 10.00 10.00 10.00 09.00 09.00 09.00 09.00 09.00 09.00
    Prelims - Overall Cut Off 58.00 53.00 54.00 50.00 44.00 53.00 53.00 32.00 32.00

    LIC AAO (Specialist) Mains Cut Off: 2019

    Reasoning Ability -Qualifying Marks 45.00 45.00 45.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00
    General Knowledge, Current Affairs -Qualifying Marks 30.00 30.00 30.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00
    Data Analysis and Interpretation 45.00 45.00 45.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00
    Insurance and Financial Market Awareness -Qualifying Marks 30.00 30.00 30.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00
    English Language -Qualifying Marks 10.00 10.00 10.00 09.00 09.00 09.00 09.00 09.00 09.00
    Mains - Overall Cut off 203.00 166.00 164.00 153.00 156.00 172.00 180.00 167.00 185.00

    LIC AAO (Specialist) Free Mock Test

    Apart from collecting good study material for your upcoming LIC AAO (Specialist) exam, it is equally important to realize that just collecting and mugging up information in your head will not be enough. You also need to take some time to test what you learn, and thus, ixamBee brings you the LIC AAO (Specialist) mock tests, which are absolutely free. Practice LIC AAO free mock tests at ixamBee and thank us later!

    Lic Aao Specialist FAQs

    LIC has not announced the LIC AAO (Specialist) Notification 2024 yet and we cannot predict the number of vacancies for now. However, in the previous recruitment drive, a total of 300 vacancies were announced for the post of LIC AAO (Specialist) Officer.
    An LIC AAO (Specialist) officer is entitled to receive a basic pay of Rs. 53600/- per month on the scale of Rs. 53600- 2645(14) –90630– 2865(4) –102090 and other admissible allowances as per rules. An LIC AAO (Specialist) officer is also is eligible for certain emoluments also, inclusive of House Rent Allowance (HRA) & City Compensatory Allowance (CCA)
    For the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam, you need to cover the generic 3 sections namely - English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability. Besides that, you also need to study topics like General Awareness, Insurance and Financial Market Awareness and Data Analysis & Interpretation for the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam.
    To be eligible to apply for the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam 2024, the candidate must be between the age of 21 and 30 years as on the date mentioned in the notification. The candidates belonging to reserved category will be eligible for age relaxation.
    The LIC AAO (Specialist) Exam will be in online mode. Aspirants need to prepare to take the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam via a computer and adjust their preparation accordingly.
    The LIC AAO (Specialist) Exam will be conducted in three phases- Prelims, Mains followed by a Personal Interview. Aspirants need to clear the prelims to qualify for the mains and only candidates who clear both phases will be qualified for the final phase, that is the interview.
    No, there is no such limit on the number of attempts for the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam. A candidate can apply for the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam until they reach the maximum age limit. However, candidates belonging to the reserved categories can check the age relaxation benefits which are applicable to their respective category.
    The LIC AAO 2024 admit card will be released a few days before the LIC AAO (Specialist) exam. Keep visiting this space for any updates regarding the same. The admit card will be released only after the notification is released and the exam dates are confirmed.

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