LIC AAO Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025 - Check Subject Wise Exam Syllabus

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    LIC AAO Syllabus 2025

 Exam 2022

    LIC AAO is a great opportunity for anyone looking for a stable career in the insurance sector. Before you start gearing up for the LIC AAO recruitment 2025, it is extremely necessary to take a look at the  LIC AAO syllabus in detail. You can look at the complete AAO syllabus for Prelims and Mains below.

    LIC AAO Prelims Syllabus 2025

    Given below is the list of topics covered in the LIC AAO Syllabus for the Prelims exam.

    Quantitative Aptitude Ratio and Proportion, Average, Time and Work, Speed, Distance and Time, Mixture and Allegations, Stocks and Shares, Percentage, Permutation and Combination, Algebra, Trigonometry, Data Interpretation, Mensuration, Probability, Set Theory
    Reasoning Ability Inequality, Coding Decoding, Syllogism, Machine Input Output, Data Sufficiency, Circular Arrangement, Linear Arrangement, Floor Puzzle, Scheduling, Verbal Reasoning, Ordering and Ranking, Arrangement and Pattern, Blood Relations, Direction and Distance
    English Grammar, Vocabulary, Error Spotting, Comprehension, Passage Making, Jumble Words, Fill in the Blanks, Sentence Framing

    LIC AAO Mains Exam Syllabus 2025

    The syllabus for the LIC AAO Mains exam is given below. 

    Reasoning Ability Arrangement & Pattern, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Analogy, Inequalities, Syllogisms, Classification, Data Sufficiency, Input-Output, Linear Arrangement, Alphabet Series, Data Interpretation, Grouping & Selection, Verbal Reasoning, Clock, Venn Diagram, Mirror Images, Calendar
    General Knowledge & Current Affairs History of India, Indian Economics, Geography, Indian Constitution, Important Days, Books and Authors, Countries, Capitals, and Currencies, Awards, Honors and Recognition, Science and Technology, Inventions and Discoveries, Financial Institutions – National and International, National and International Organizations, Current Affairs – National and International, Indian Politics
    Insurance & Financial Market Awareness Indian Financial System, History of LIC and IRDAI, Indian Banking and Insurance Terms, Banking Committees, Banking and Insurance Abbreviations, Stock Market, Budget, Insurance Sector (Agencies, Headquarters, Jobs, etc.), Indian and International Financial Institutions, Money market and Capital Market, Financial Market Risks, International Monetary Fund, Economic policies, Recession, Insurance Ombudsman, Bancassurance, Private and Public sector Insurance Companies, Government Insurance Schemes
    English Language Essay, Letter Writing
    Professional knowledge- IT Data Communication and Networking, Database Management System, Operating System, Software Engineering, Data Structure, Compiler Design, Computer Organization and Microprocessor, Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

    LIC AAO Books

    Knowing the AAO exam syllabus is only half the battle won. Since LIC AAO is a popular examination among government job aspirants, it makes it tougher and harder to compete for. So, if you are well prepared and well-read, nothing can beat you in the process. To be well-read it is extremely important to first collect good books for the LIC AAO exam which will be an important aid in your preparation. For this purpose, we have listed some important books for the LIC AAO 2025 exam below.

    LIC AAO SubjectsUseful Books for LIC AAOAuthor/Publisher
    Quantitative Aptitude Quicker Mathematics BSC Publications
    Quantitative Aptitude RS Agarwal
    Class Notes SS Bharti
    English Language English Grammar Wren & Martin
    Word Power Made Easy  Norman Lewis
    General English Kiran Publications
    Reasoning Ability A modern approach to verbal & Non-verbal reasoning R.S. Agarwal
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning S.Chand
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Arihant Publication

    LIC AAO Online Course 2025

    ixamBee has launched LIC AAO Crash Course in case you need any help in your preparation journey. You may join the course for complete guidance related to the LIC AAO 2025. The LIC AAO Online Course designed by ixamBee experts- Ms. Arunima Sinha (Coach for Banking exams for 6 years, Ex-Manager SIDBI, Ex-Bank PO), Mr. Chandraprakash Joshi (ex-RBI GR B, MBA-Finance, PhD), Mr Karan Sardana (Coach for Bank, SSC, Insurance, Police MAT, CLAT Exams for 10 years) and Ms. Prachi Agarwal (MBA Finance with over a decade of experience), consists of all important information that is required to ensure your full-proof success. 

    Lic Aao Syllabus FAQs

    You can check the list of books mentioned in the books section above. The list has been prepared by our experts.
    It depends on how much time you are devoting to the preparation. Your syllabus can be covered accordingly
    For general awareness, you can refer to our Beepeidia section. BeePedia is a comprehensive document to address the General Awareness (GA) content requirement of students preparing for various competitive exams.

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