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CUET PG/MSc Agriculture Exam Demo Course
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MSc Agriculture Entrance Exam
MSc Agriculture is a postgraduate course with a tenure of 2 years that is taught in a number of recognized universities across India. To be eligible for this course, you need to give an entrance exam like GBPUAT, UPCATET, Rajasthan Pre-PG, etc. conducted by various State Universities. Without qualifying the MSc Agriculture entrance exam you won’t be able to secure admission in MSc Agriculture for a number of specializations offered under it. Let's check out more details regarding the MSc Agri entrance test as conducted by various State Universities from the content below.
M.Sc. Agriculture Entrance Exam Highlights 2023
Conducting Authority | GBPUAT / UPCATET / RAJJET |
Program | M.Sc. Agriculture Entrance Exam |
Mode of Application | Online |
Stages of Exam | Written Examination (CBT) & Online Counseling |
Official Notification PDF | Uttarakhand / Uttar Pradesh / Rajasthan |
Exam Pattern
Various colleges conduct their own MSc Agri entrance exams to recruit candidates for Post Graduate courses in Agriculture. As there are various MSc entrance tests to pursue higher studies in Agriculture so the exam pattern followed by every university differs. Also if you clear these MSc Agriculture entrance exams with a good score there are high chances that you get your desired Agriculture branch. The MSc Agriculture entrance exam –cy– will cover questions from the subjects studied in your Undergraduate Degree programme. Let's check out the exam pattern of some popular MSc Agri entrance exams conducted by various State Universities below.
There will be a negative marking depending upon the University exam you are applying for.
Uttar Pradesh
Group of Paper | Subject | No. of Questions | Group of Questions | |
PAG | General Knowledge | 20 | A | |
Agril. Physics | 25 | B | ||
Agril.Chemistry | 25 | |||
Agril. Zoology | 25 | C | ||
Agril. Botany | 25 | |||
Agronomy | 25 | D | ||
Animal Husbandry & Dairying | 10 | |||
Horticulture | 15 | |||
Agril. Engineering | 10 | |||
Agril. Statistics & Maths | 20 | |||
Total | 200 |
Unit | Pre-PG | No. of questions |
A. | Agriculture | |
1. | Agronomy | 14 |
2. | Genetics and Plant Breeding | 12 |
3. | Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry | 10 |
4. | Plant Pathology + Nematology | 10 |
5. | Horticulture | 10 |
6. | Entomology | 10 |
7. | Biochemistry + Biotechnology + Plant Physiology | 08 |
8. | Extension Education | 08 |
9. | Agricultural Economics + Agricultural Statistics | 07 |
10. | Agricultural Engineering | 05 |
11. | Animal Husbandry | 04 |
12 | Forestry | 02 |
Total | 100 | |
B. | Horticulture | |
1. | Fruit Science | 24 |
2. | Vegetable Science | 17 |
3. | Floriculture and Landscape Architecture | 12 |
4. | Post-Harvest Technology | 7 |
5. | Plant Protection (Pathology + Entomology + Nematology) | 13 |
6. | Natural Resource Management (Soil Science + Organic farming + Ag. Engineering + Field crops + Agro-meteorology + Environmental studies + Agroforestry) | 13 |
7. | Basic Sciences (Statistics + Biochemistry + Microbiology + Crop Physiology & growth and developments + Biotechnology) | 7 |
8. | Social Sciences (Extension + Economics + Business management) | 7 |
Total | 100 |
Before starting any preparation, you must have a complete understanding of the syllabus. To assist you with this, we have listed down the complete M.Sc Agriculture entrance exam syllabus. You can either note it down or print it and can start your preparation accordingly. The syllabus of MSc Agriculture is the same in all universities. Therefore, it will be beneficial for all Msc Agriculture entrance exams irrespective of the university you are applying for.
Agriculture | |
Section | Topics |
Agronomy | Agro-climatic zones of India, adaptation and distribution of crops. Weather and climate, Basics of weather forecasting. Modern concepts of tillage. Management of crop residue, soil organic matter, bio-fertilizers, green manuring, oil cakes, fertilizers. Consumption of straight and complex fertilizers, foliar application. Plant nutrients: occurrence, cycling in soils and their availability. INM concept and vermi-compositing. Cropping and farming systems. Sustainable agriculture: concept and details. Organic farming: principles, objectives, certification, labeling and accreditation process. Water resources of India. Methods of irrigation. Irrigation efficiencies. Water management in crops. Quality of irrigation water. Agricultural drainage: methods. Dry land agriculture in India. Concept, importance, objectives and benefits of watershed. Agronomy of important crops of kharif, rabi and zaid seasons of Rajasthan. Weed biology and ecology, crop-weed association. Problem of weeds in Rajasthan and their physical, cultural, biological and chemical control. Integrated weed management. Herbicide selectivity. Adjuvants. Geo-informatics, nano- technology and precision farming; concepts, techniques & their applications in agriculture. |
Genetics and Plant Breeding | Variation – its causes and importance. Pollination and fertilization. Cell structure and division. Mendal and his work. Gene interactions. Multiple alleles and blood groups. Linkage, crossing over and mapping of chromosomes. Gene mutations, chromosomal aberrations, polyploidy and their role in crop improvement. Cytoplasmic and chromosomal inheritance. Sterility and incompatibility and their application in plant breeding. Heterosis and its exploitation for crop improvement. Germplasm conservation and exploitation. Breeding methods of self, cross and vegetatively propagated crops. Breeding for biotic and abiotic stresses. Application of genetic engineering and biotechnology in crop improvement. Seed, its types and classes. Seed certification: principles and procedures. Minimum seed certification standards. Seed production of important field crops. |
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry | Soil as a medium for plant growth, soil composition, formation, profile, rocks and minerals. Soil survey, classification and Remotesensing. Physical properties of soil-texture, structure, soil moisture, air and temperature in relation to plantgrowth. Chemical properties of soil-clay minerals, organic and inorganic colloids, cation exchange phenomenon. Soil reaction and buffering capacity. Soil erosion, conservation. Problematic soils. Essential nutrients, their functions, deficiency symptoms and their availability. Soil fertility evaluation, nutrient recommendations. Manures and fertilizers. |
Plant Pathology + Nematology | Importance of microbes and plant pathology in agriculture. Micro-organisms (Fungi & bacteria) and their classification, nutrition, growth and reproduction. Host-pathogen relationship. Morphology, reproduction, nutrition and nomenclature of fungi. Classification of plant pathogenic fungi. Symptomology, disease cycle. Important disease and their management- cereals, pulses, oil seeds, fruits, vegetables, spices, medicinal and aromatic, forest plant and cash crops. Integrated disease management and principles of plant disease control and novel approaches for disease management. Introduction and brief history of plant parasitic nematodes, their morphological structure, biology, ecology and various physiological process. Symptomatology and nematode diseases with special reference to rootknot, reniform, citrus, ear cockle, tundu and molya and their management. Interaction of plant parasitic nematodes with other micro-organisms like fungi, bacteria and viruses, etc. |
Horticulture | Floriculture- History of ornamental gardening, garden styles, garden features and important commercial cut flowers and loose flowers cultivation. Uses of ornamental annuals, trees, shrubs and climbers. Vegetables- importance in human diet, type of farming and classification. Raising of seedling in nursery and pro-tray. Cultivation of important vegetables. Protected cultivation. Pomology- Selection of site, preparation and layout of orchard, planting system. Principles of fruit production, propagation, cultivation of important fruits of Rajasthan. Methods of preparation of juices, squashes, jams, jellies and marmalades, preserves, squashes and pickles, canning and dehydration of fruits and vegetables. Seed spices – production technology. Important medicinal and aromatic plants of Rajasthan. |
Entomology | Animal kingdom- Classification and nomenclature. Economic importance of Arthropods, insects and mites in particular. Management of insect-pest and mites in agriculture. Ecosystem and wild life preservation. Insect dominance. Anatomy and morphology of grass hopper. Insect reproduction and development; identification. Lac culture, sericulture and apiculture. Physical, mechanical, cultural, chemical, biological, legal and other modern approaches of insect pest management. |
Biochemistry + Biotechnology + Plant Physiology |
Extension Education | Extension Education- Definition, objectives and principles. Rural sociology: Meaning, definition, scope, social control and social change. Rural institutions- caste and family, rural leadership. Teachinglearning process. A.V. aids, teaching methods and their use in different situations. Programme planning and evaluation in extension education. Communication process and its elements. Diffusion and adoption of agriculture innovations. Pre-independence extension programmes in India: Gurgoan, Marthandam, Shriniketan and Sewagram projects. Developmental programmes and institutions- IRDP, CD, NES, Punchayati Raj System, T & V system, NATP, PMRY, Swarn Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna, KVK, ATIC, IVLP and ATMA. Entrepreneurship development: concept and meaning. Government schemes and incentives for promotion of entrepreneurship. Contract farming and joint ventures, public private partnership. |
Agricultural Economics + Agricultural Statistics |
Agriculture Engineering | Introduction to Soil and Water Conservation, soil erosion, types, and method for control of soil erosion. Status of Farm Power in India, Sources of Farm Power, different type of engines, Familiarization with Power transmission system: clutch, gear box, differential and final drive of a tractor, Tractor types and farm implements. Familiarization with sowing and planting equipment, Familiarization with harvesting and threshing equipment. Classification of energy source agricultural sector, Familiarization with biomass utilization for biofuel, biogas plants, biodiesel and biooil production. Introduction of solar energy. Green house technology, green house equipment, materials of construction for traditional and low-cost green houses. Irrigation systems used in greenhouses, Important Engineering properties such as physical, thermal and aero & hydrodynamic properties of cereals, pulses and oilseed, their application in PHT equipment design and operation. Drying and dehydration. |
Animal Husbandry | Importance of Livestock and poultry in national economy. Cattle management and housing of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, poultry and camel. Prevention and control of common livestock diseases. Classification of feeding stuff and computation of balanced ration. Important breeds of farm animals and poultry. Methods and systems of breeding. Principles and methods of selection. Purchase of dairy animals. Infertility and sterility, their causes and prevention. Hatching, brooding and feeding management in poultry. Hay and silage making. |
Forestry | Status of forests in India. Forest: importance, types, classification, ecosystem, biotic andabiotic components, ecological succession and climax. nursery and planting technique, social forestry, farm forestry, urban forestry, community forestry, forest management, silvicultural practices, forest mensuration, natural regeneration, man-made plantations, shifting cultivation, taungya, dendrology, hardwoods, softwoods, pulp woods, fuel woods, multipurpose, tree species, wasteland management. Agroforestry– importance and land use system, forest soils, classification and conservation, watershed management, forest genetics and biotechnology and tree improvement, tree seed technology, rangelands, wildlife- importance, abuse, depletion, management, major and minor forest products including medicinal and aromatic plants, forest inventory, aerial photo interpretation and remote sensing, forest depletion and degradation – importance and impact on environment, global warming, role of forests and trees in climate mitigation, tree diseases , wood decay and discolorations, tree pests, integrated pest and disease management, biological and chemical wood preservation, forest conservation, Indian State forest policies and acts, forest economics, joint forest management and tribology. |
Horticulture | |
Section | Topics |
Fruit Science | Scope and importance of Horticulture, classification of horticultural crops, area and production, exports and imports of fruits, soil and climatic requirements of horticultural crops, vegetable gardens, planting systems, pruning and training of fruit crops, types and use of growth regulators in horticulture, water management, fruitfulness and unfruitfulness, rejuvenation of old orchards. Propagation, sexual and asexual methods of propagation, graft incompatibility, seed dormancy and methods to overcome dormancy, phytotrons nursery, micro grafting, meristem culture, callus culture, anther culture, organogenesis, somaclonal variation, hardening of plants in nurseries, nursery registration act. Tropical, sub-tropical and temperate horticultural systems, crop models and crop regulation in relation to fruit orchard, climate aberrations and mitigation measures of fruit crops. Production technologies of tropical, sub-tropical and temperate fruits, nuts and plantation crops. Weeds- Introduction, harmful and beneficial effects, weed management in major horticultural crops, shift of weed flora in cropping systems, aquatic and problematic weeds and their control. Genetic basis of plant breeding, pollination, incompatibility and sterility, breeding strategies, selection, hybridization, heterosis, heterobeltiosis, GCA, SCA, inbreeding depression, heritability and genetic advance, breeding for resistance of biotic and abiotic stresses. Physical basis of heredity, cell reproduction, mitosis, meiosis and its significance, mendelian genetics, chromosome theory of inheritance, chemical basis of heredity, structure of DNA and its replication. Domestication and adaptation of commercially important fruits, breeding methods, bud mutations, mutagenesis and its application in crop improvement, ploidy manipulations, in-vitro breeding tools in important fruit and plantation crops. Definition, importance, limitation and management of dry land horticulture, watershed development, soil and water conservation methods, impounding of run-off water, water harvesting methods, water use efficiency, characters and special adaptation of dryland horticultural crops. |
Vegetable Science | Origin, distribution of species, wild relatives, Area, production, economic importance and export potential of vegetable, tuber and spice crops. Description of varieties and hybrids, climate, soil requirements, seed rate, field preparation, nursery practices, sowing/transplanting, spacing, planting systems, mulching, water requirement, weed management; nutrient management, PGRs, physiological disorders, harvesting, postharvest handling, economics and marketing of tropical, sub-tropical and temperate vegetables and tuber and spice crops. Role of spice board and pepper, export promotion council, institutions and research centres in R&D. Breeding objectives and important concept of breeding self-pollinated, cross pollinated and vegetatively propagated vegetable crops. Plant genetic resources, their conservation and utilization in crop improvement, breeding for biotic (insect, diseases) and abiotic resistance. Male sterility, incompatibility and their utilization in development of hybrids. Breeding procedures for development of hybrids and varieties in self and cross pollinated vegetables. Genetic basis of adoptability and stability. Introduction and history of seed industry in India, types of seed. Principles of vegetable seed production. Role of temperature, humidity and light in vegetable seed production. Land requirement, climate, season, planting time, nursery management, seed rate, isolation distance, rouging, seed extraction and storage of vegetable crops. Field and seed standards. Seed drying and extraction. Seed legislation. Precision farming, greenhouse technology, passive solar green house, hot air greenhouse, heating systems, greenhouse drying. Choice of crops for cultivation under greenhouse. Problems/constraints of greenhouse cultivation and future strategies. Growing media, nutrient film technique (NFT) of hydroponics. Cost estimation and economic analysis. |
Floriculture and Landscaping Architecture | Historical importance of Indian and ancient world gardens, Styles of garden, Use of Auto-CAD and ArchCAD in designing gardens. Principles and elements of landscape gardens. Bio-aesthetic planning. Planning and designing of home gardens, colonies, country planning, urban landscape, institutional gardens, planning and planting of avenues, beautifying schools, railway lines & railway stations, factories, bus stands, air ports, corporate buildings, dams, hydroelectric stations, river banks, play grounds, gardens for places of religious importance, features of English, Japanese, Mughal, French, Persian, Italian, Hindu and Buddhist gardens, Xeriscaping. Propagation techniques for bulbous plants, History importance and scope, classification and general cultivation aspects of ornamental plants viz. annuals, biennales, herbaceous perennials, grasses and bulbous ornamentals, shrubs, climbers, trees, indoor plants, palms and cycads, ferns and sellagenellas, cacti and succulents, garden features/components; garden adornments. Lawn, flower arrangement, vertical garden, bottle garden and terrarium, Bonsai. Scope and importance of commercial floriculture in India. Production technologies of commercial loose and cut flower crops, foliage and filler materials in open and protected conditions, Postharvest technology of commercial cut and loose flower crops. Dehydration techniques for drying of flowers. History, scope, cultivation and marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants, chemical composition, extraction and therapeutic and pharmaceutical uses of important medicinal and aromatic plants, Storage techniques of essential oils. History of improvement of ornamental plants, centres of origin of flower and ornamental crops, objectives and techniques in ornamental plant breeding. Introduction, selection, hybridization, mutation and biotechnological techniques for improvement of ornamental and flower crops, breeding for disease resistance. Role of heterosis and its exploitation. Production of F1 hybrids and open pollinated seed, utilization of male sterility, Harvesting, processing and storage of seed. |
Post-Harvest Technology | Food and its function, physico-chemical properties of foods, food preparation techniques. Nutrition, relation of nutrition to good health. Role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition. Energy: definition, determination of energy requirements, food energy and total energy needs of the body. Functions, source, requirements, digestion, absorption and utilization of Carbohydrates, Protein, Lipids, Minerals and Vitamins and effect of their deficiency on human health. Essential and non-essential amino acids, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Balanced diet: recommended dietary allowances for various age groups, common disorders due to malnutrition in population, assessment of nutritional status of the population. Importance & scope of post-harvest management and processing of horticultural crops in India. Maturity indices, harvesting, post-harvest handling operations and treatments for fresh horticultural produce including precooling, sorting, grading, pre harvest sprays, curing, de-greening, waxing, fumigation, irradiations, VHT, etc. Pre and post-harvest factors affecting quality. Factors responsible for deterioration of horticultural produce. Physiological and biochemical changes during ripening. Hastening and delaying ripening process. Quality parameters and specifications. Structure of fruits, vegetables and cut flowers related to physiological changes after harvest. Different systems of storage including CA & MA storage, low cost cooling structures for fresh produces. Packaging, prepackaging treatments, types of packages, types of cushioning materials, and recent advances in packaging technology of horticultural crops. Transportation of fresh horticultural produce to local and export market. Food pipe line, unit operations in food processing. General principles and methods of preservation of fruits and vegetables. Preservation by heat, pasteurization and sterilization, canning and bottling of fruits and vegetables. Preservation by chemical preservatives. Preparation and preservation of fermented and unfermented beverages. Preservation by sugar and preparation of Jam, jelly and marmalade, preserves, candies, crystallized fruits, etc. Preservation with salt, spices, oil and vinegar, pickling, chutneys and tomato products. Freezing, drying & dehydration of fruits & vegetables. Spoilage in processed foods, utilization and disposal of waste from processing unit, quality control of processed products, Govt. policy on import and export of processed fruits. Food laws. Principles and guidelines for the establishment of processing units. |
Plant Protection (Pathology + Entomology +Nematology) | Entomology- Animal kingdom- Classification and nomenclature. Economic importance of Arthropods, insects and mites in particular. Comparative account of external morphology, structure and function of insect anatomy specially grass hopper. Types of reproduction. Postembryonic development-exclusion, Metamorphosis, Types of egg larvae and pupa. Classification of insects upto orders, sub-order and families of economic importance and their distinguished characters. Plant mites– morphological features, important families with examples. Economic classification of insects; Bio-ecology and insect-pest management with reference to fruit, plantation, medicinal, aromatic, vegetable, ornamental, spice crops and storage products. Management of mites in horticulture. Ecosystem and wild life preservation. Insect dominance. Physical, mechanical, cultural, chemical, biological, legal and other modern approaches of insect pest management. Insecticide residue problems in fruit, plantation, medicinal, vegetable, ornamental and aromatic crops and their maximum residue limits (MRLs). Lac culture, sericulture and apiculture. Plant Pathology- Importance of microbes and plant pathology in horticulture. Micro-organisms (fungi & bacteria) and their classification, nutrition, growth and reproduction. Host-pathogen relationship. Morphology, reproduction, nutrition and nomenclature of fungi. Parasitic causes of plant diseases (fungi, bacteria, viruses, phytoplasma, protozoa, algae and flowering parasitic plants), their characteristics and classification. Non-parasitic causes of plant diseases. Classification of plant pathogenic fungi. Symptomology, disease cycle. Fungicide’s classification based on chemical nature, commonly used fungicides, bactericides and nematicides. Etiology, symptoms, mode of spread, epidemiology and integrated management of the diseases and postharvest diseases of fruit, plantation, medicinal, aromatic, vegetable, ornamental and spice crops. Principles and integrated plant disease management. Nematology- History and development of nematology- definition, economic importance. General characters of plant parasitic nematodes, their morphology, taxonomy, classification, biology, symptomatology and control of important plant parasitic nematodes of fruits, vegetables, ornamental, spice and plantation crops. Role of nematodes in plant disease complex. Integrated nematode management. |
Natural Resource Management (Soil Science + Organic Farming + Ag. Engineering + Field Crops + Agro-meteorology + Environmental Studies + Agroforestry) | Soil Science– Composition of earth’s crust, soil as a natural body- major components. Soil forming rocks and minerals; weathering and processes of soil formation. Physical parameters; texture, structure, particle density, bulk density, Pore space, Soil colour, Soil consistency, plasticity, Atterberg’s constants, Soil air, Soil temperature and Soil water. Soil colloids, Ion exchange. Soil Classification–Taxonomy- soil orders & characteristics, land capability classification; soil of different eco-systems and their properties. Introduction to soil fertility and productivity- factors. Essential plant nutrient elements functions, deficiency symptoms, transformations and availability. Acid, calcareous and salt affected soils – characteristics and management. NPK, Secondary and micronutrient fertilizers: composition and application methodology. Manures classification and Biofertilizer. Quality of irrigation water. Soil and Water pollution. Soil, water and plant analysis. Management of poor-quality irrigation water in crop management. Organic farming- Introduction, concept, relevance in present context. Agricultural Engineering -Available and unavailable soil moisture – water budgeting. lysimeter studies, pan evaporimeter, Irrigation scheduling & it’s different approaches. Sprinkler and drip irrigation, their suitability, merits and limitations, fertigation, Layout of underground pipeline system. Basic principles and operation of IC Engines, two stroke and four stroke engines, cooling, lubrication & power transmission system of tractors. Tillage- types, implements- indigenous ploughs, mould board ploughs, disc and rotary ploughs, harrows, levelers, ridgers and bund formers. Seed drills, Crop harvesting equipments. Agronomy- Cultivation practices of kharif and rabi crops. Farming and cropping systems – mono, sole and multiple cropping, relay, sequential and inter cropping, green manuring, crop rotation. Integrated Nutrient Management. Weed control. Agricultural Meteorology, weather and climate- aspects involved in weather and climate, soil& atmospheric temperature, solar radiation, atmospheric pressure, humidity. Environmental Studies- Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies: Definition, scope and importance. Ecosystems, Structure and function of an ecosystem. Ecological succession. Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids. Biodiversity and its conservation. Environmental Pollution: definition, cause, effects and control measures of Air, Water, Soil, Marine, Noise and Thermal pollution. Disaster Management. Agro-forestry- Agroforestry definition, objectives and potential. Agroforestry system, sub-system and practice: shifting cultivation, taungya, home gardens, diagnosis & design methodology, multipurpose tree species and tree management practices in agroforestry. |
Basic Science (Statistics + Biochemistry + Microbiology + Crop Physiology & Growth and Development + Biotechnology) | Statistics-Introduction to statistics, Basic concepts, data-classification and their graphic representation, measures of location, Dispersion, basics of Probability, additive and multiplicative laws. Distributions, Sampling methods, Tests of Significance, different tests, Correlation, regression, Experimental designs, Computer application: Introduction to computers, Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power pointpreparation, Multi-media Internet. Biochemistry-Structure, function and classification of Plant Biomolecules, and their metabolism. Water Relations in Plants, Drought, types of stresses & mechanism, Plant Nutrition, Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Photosynthesis, CO2 fixation, Photorespiration. Microbiology - History and Scope of Microbiology, germ theory of diseases, Development of microbiology, Microscopy and Specimen Preparation, staining. Types of culture media and pre-culture techniques, growth curve, viruses, bacteriophages, Sterilization methods, Mushrooms culture, production and applications. Crop Physiology and growth and development of horticultural crops–Photosynthesis, respiration, plant water relation, crop Growth and development of Horticultural crops, Plant bio-regulators, vernalization, photoperiodism, pruning and training, Physiology of seed development, seed dormancy, fruit setting, physiology of fruits under post-harvest storage. Biotechnology - Basic concepts and application plant Biotechnology, Plant Tissue Culture and Plant Genetic Engineering; Techniques of In-vitro cultures, Micropropagation, Somaclonal Variation, Somatic embryogenesis and synthetic seed production technology, Basics of gene cloning, gene transfer, PCR and other molecular techniques, Mapping QTL and MAS, and its application in crop improvement. Nanotechnology, types of nano material and their synthesis, Tools and techniques to characterize the nano particles, Applications in agriculture and Nano toxicology. |
Social Science (Extension + Economics + Business Management) | Extension Education: meaning, definition, scope, objectives & principles. Motivation, Pre-independence & Post independence rural development programme, TOT programmes, Communication, Audio-visual Aids, Adoption & diffusion, Teaching & learning, Programme planning, Evaluation, PRA & RRA, Management & Administration, Human resource development, ICT, Entrepreneurship development process, Decision making, Business communication, Management, Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, SWOT analysis, Institutes involved in EDP, Supply chain management, Note taking & record maintenance, Communication skills, Personality development, Abstracting, Individual & Group Presentation, Public speaking, Group discussion, Organizing seminar & conferences. Economics and Marketing- Consumption – theory of consumer behaviour, laws of consumption, law of diminishing marginal utility, law of equi-marginal utility, indifference curve and its properties, consumer equilibrium. Demand schedule and curve. Price, income and cross elasticities, consumer’s surplus. factors of production – land and its characteristics, labour and division of labour, Capital and its characteristics – classification -Enterprises – forms of business organization – merits and demerits. Laws or return – law of diminishing marginal return – cost concepts. Law of supply – supply schedule and curve elasticities. Classification of markets – Marketing of various channels – Price spread – Marketing Efficiency – Integration – Basic guidelines for preparation of project reports Horti-Business Management- Farm management principles and decision making, production function, technical relationships, cost concepts, curves and functions – factors, product, relationship – factors relationship, product relationship, Farming systems and types. Planning – meaning, steps and methods of planning, organizational principles, Direction – guiding, leading, motivating, supervising, coordination – meaning, methods of controlling – evaluation, control systems and devices. Budgeting as a tool for planning and control. Functional areas of management – operations management – physical facilities, Materials management – types of inventories, economic order quantity (EOQ). Personnel management – recruitment, selection and training, Marketing management – definitions, marketing mix and four P’s. Financial management – financial statements and rations, capital budgeting. Project management – project preparation evaluation measures. |
A list of a good set of books will aid your exam preparation. To minimize your efforts we have listed below some book names that will be useful for your MSc Agriculture entrance exam 2025.
Paper | Book | Author/Publisher |
Agriculture Basic Concepts | Competitive book of Agriculture | Nem Raj Sunda |
Fundamentals of Agriculture Vol. 1 & 2 | Arun Katyayan | |
Agriculture at a Glance | R.K. Sharma | |
Agronomy Facts for Competition | R.S. Meena | |
Objective | Objective Agriculture | S.R. Kantwa |
Horticulture | Glaustas Horticulture | P. Muthukumar / R. Selvakumar |
Instant Horticulture | S.N. Gupta | |
Objective Horticulture | S.V Sai Prasad |
Exam Dates
These entrance tests for admission to Post Graduate courses in Agriculture and Allied Sciences will be conducted as per the schedule of the respective Universities participating in these Agriculture entrance exams. Information regarding college wise seat allotment, filling of option form etc. for seeking admission will be available after declaration of these MSc Agriculture entrance results. Further details on the exam schedule of the MSc Agriculture entrance exam is available below.
MSC Entrance Exam Uttarakhand Exam Dates 2024
Event | Important Date |
GBPUAT 2024 Application Correction | April 30, 2024 - May 07, 2024 |
GBPUAT 2024 Notification | April 2024 |
GBPUAT 2024 Application Form | April 01, 2024 - May 07, 2024 |
GBPUAT 2024 Admit Card Dates | May 21, 2024 - June 09, 2024 |
GBPUAT 2024 Exam Dates For PG & PhD course | June 08, 2024 |
GBPUAT 2024 Exam Dates For UG & MCA course | June 16, 2024 |
GBPUAT 2024 Result Dates | June 22, 2024 |
Uttar Pradesh
MSC Entrance Exam Uttar Pradesh Exam Dates 2024
Event | Important Date |
Online Registration last date and Payment of Online Fees/Intimation Charges | March 17, 2024 to May 07, 2024 |
Last Date to Pay Application Fee | May 08, 2024 |
Corrections in Application Form | May 09, 2024 to May 14, 2024 |
Release of admit card | May 27, 2024 Onwards |
MSc Entrance Exam 2023 exam date | June 11 & 12, 2024 |
Release of provisional answer key | To be notified |
Release of final answer key | To be notified |
Declaration of results | To be notified |
Commencement of counselling | To be notified |
MSC Entrance Exam Rajasthan Exam Dates 2024
Event | Important Date |
Notification issued | April 11, 2024 |
Starting date for filling out the online application | April 13, 2024 |
Deadline for filling out and depositing application forms online without a late fee | May 15, 2024 |
Last date to fill the form and deposit online with a late fee of Rs. 500 | May 17, 2024 |
The last date to edit applications form | May 20, 2024 |
Online Admit cards will be available | June 13, 2024 |
Entrance Examination date | June 19, 2024 |
Display of OMR sheets and answer key | June 25, 2024 |
The last date for objections if any | June 28, 2024 |
Declaration of result | July 05, 2024 |
Eligibility Criteria
In order to attempt the MSc Agriculture entrance exam, you should have a certain qualification. Age limit and age relaxation of each university has been mentioned in detail in the table below.
Educational Qualification
Essential educational qualification will also be mentioned by the universities in the separate notification. In the table below we have done a comparative analysis of eligibility criteria for universities of Uttarakhand, UP, Rajasthan and others.
Section | Uttarakhand |
Agricultural Economics | {B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.)} in Agriculture/ Fisheries/ Forestry/ Horticulture/ Home Sc./ Agril. Marketing / Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation/ Community Science. |
Agrometeorology | {B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.)} in Agriculture / Forestry/ Horticulture or B.Sc. with Physics as one of the major subject. |
Agronomy | B.Sc. Ag./ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. |
Agricultural Extension & Communication | {B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.)} in Agriculture/ Forestry/ Horticulture/ Home Science/ Fisheries/ Food Sc. & Technology/Dairy Sc./ Sericulture/ B.V.Sc. & A.H./B.V.Sc./ Community Science |
Entomology | {B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.)} in Agriculture/ Forestry/ Horticulture/ Sericulture. |
Genetics & Plant Breeding | {B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.)} in Agriculture/ Forestry/ Horticulture |
Horticulture (Fruit Science) | {B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.)} in Agriculture / Horticulture/Forestry. |
Horticulture (Floriculture and Landscaping) | {B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.)} in Agriculture / Horticulture/Forestry. |
Plant Pathology | {B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.)} in Agriculture/ Fisheries/ Forestry/ Horticulture/ Home Sc./ Agril. Marketing / Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation/ Community Science. |
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry | {B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.)} in Agriculture / Forestry/ Horticulture |
Horticulture (Vegetable Science | {B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons.)} in Agriculture/ Horticulture. |
Uttar Pradesh
Section | UPCATET |
Agril. Biochemistry / Biochemistry | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc.Ag. (Hons.) / B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. / B.Sc. Hort./ B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort./B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons.(10+2+4 years degree) |
Agril. Biotechnology | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. /B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort./B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons./B.Tech.(Biotech.)/ B.Sc. (Forestry) /B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry) (10+2+4 years degree) |
Agricultural Economics | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag./B.Sc.(Hort.)/B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort./B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons./B.Sc. (Forestry)/B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry (10+2+4 years degree) |
Agricultural Extension and Comm. / Agricultural Extension Education/ Agril. Extension | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. / B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort./ B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons./B.Sc.(Forestry)/B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry/ B.F.Sc (10+2+4 years degree) |
Agril. Meteorology | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. /B.Sc.(Hort.) /B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort./ B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons./B.Sc.(Forestry)/B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry(10+2+4 years degree) |
Agricultural Statistics | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. /B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort./ B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons./ B.Sc.(Forestry)/B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry(10+2+4 years degree) with mathematics as a subject at 10+2 level |
Agronomy | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. (10+2+4 years degree) |
Animal Husbandry | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. (10+2+4 years degree) |
Dairy Technology | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. (10+2+4 years degree) |
Livestock Production & Management | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. (10+2+4 years degree) |
Entomology | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. /B.Sc.(Hort.) / B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort. / B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons.B.Sc.(Forestry)/B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry (10+2+4 years degree) |
Genetics & Plant Breeding | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag./B.Sc.(Hort.)/B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort./B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons./B.Sc.(Forestry)/B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry (10+2+4 years degree) |
Plant Pathology | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. / B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort./ B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons./B.Sc.(Forestry)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry (10+2+4 years degree) |
Plant Physiology/Crop Physiology | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. / B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort./ B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons./B.Sc.(Forestry)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry (10+2+4 years degree) |
Seed Science & Technology | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. / B.Sc.(Hort.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort./ B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons./B.Sc.(Forestry)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry (10+2+4 years degree) |
Soil Conservation & Water Management | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag./ B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort./ B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons.B.Sc.(Forestry)/B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry(10+2+4 years degree) |
Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag./ B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort./ B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons.B.Sc.(Forestry)/B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry(10+2+4 years degree) |
Section | Rajasthan |
M.Sc. Agriculture | B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag.; B.Sc. (Hons.) Hort. (Except M.Sc. Agronomy, Livestock Production & Management and Animal Production) and B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry (Except M.Sc. Agronomy, Livestock Production Management, Animal Production, GPB, Ag. Economics, Extension Education, Statistic, Nematology) |
Age Criteria
The age criteria of various universities is given in the table below.
MSc Agriculture | Uttarakhand | UP |
Age criteria | Maximum: 25 years |
Minimum 16 years to 22 years |
Age Relaxation | Maximum age by five years for SC/ST/OBC candidates | Maximum age by five years for SC/ST/OBC candidates |
How to Apply
The Pre-PG entrance exam is conducted for admission to various Master’s Degree Programme in Agriculture and Allied Science offered by many State Colleges and Universities. You must go through all the guidelines before filling the MSc Agriculture online application form. The step by step procedure is given below.
- Applications will be filled through online mode only.
- Visit the official website of the respective University from where you are applying for admission to the MSc Agriculture course.
- The application window starting and closing dates will be available on the respective University portal.
- Click on the apply link and enter all the details like candidate name, father’s name, date of birth, gender, category and other details.
- Upload your documents like photograph, signature, etc.
- Enter all the details carefully as you may or may not have the option to edit details at a later stage.
- Pay the requisite application fee depending upon your category through the online mode.
- Fees once paid will not be refunded.
- Take a note of the application number, login details for future use and reference.
Application fee
After submitting the application form, you will be redirected to the next page where you have to pay the MSc Agriculture entrance exam application fee. The application differs according to the university. Application fee of some universities of UP, UK, and Rajasthan has been listed to give you a fair idea about the fee.
S. No. | State | Category | Application Fees |
1. | Uttarakhand | GEN/ OBC | Rs. 1200/- |
SC/ ST/ PH | Rs. 600/- | ||
2. | Uttar Pradesh | UR, OBC & EWS | Rs. 1250/- |
SC/ST | Rs. 1050/- | ||
3. | Rajasthan | UR/ OBC/ MBC/ EWS | Rs. 1250/- |
SC/ ST/ SAP | Rs. 1050/- |
Online Course
To help you grab this great opportunity ixamBee has launched MSc Agriculture Entrance Online Course. This online course is a complete guidance in the form of crisp and lucid notes to help you crack the MSc Agriculture exams with flying colours. This course has been curated by our expert faculty who have diverse experience in the Agriculture sector, and therefore, this course is a sure shot to your success.
Free Mock Test
To excel in any exam, you should first attempt a mock of the same to check your level. Through the mock, you can also analyze your weak points and work on them accordingly. ixamBee being your helping hand knows all this, hence, has launched the MSc Agriculture Entrance Exam free mock test. We know how much it hurts to pay for mock tests and therefore, we have made the MSc Agriculture entrance practice test absolutely free. Yes, you heard it right, you don't have to pay a penny for attempting these mocks. MSc Agriculture entrance mock tests have been designed by our experts through in depth analysis and research.
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