NABARD Grade A IT Exam 2025 Notification And Other Exam Details

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    NABARD Grade A IT Exam Highlights 2025

    NABARD under the Rural Development Banking Service (RDBS), regularly calls for Assistant Manager Grade 'A' position in a wide range of disciplines like General, Finance, Legal, Agriculture, Rajbhasha, and Information Technology.  

    The NABARD Grade A Notification has not yet been released since the current exam cycle is still ongoing. The released notification will  mention that the online application link for the NABARD Grade A exam for all RDBS posts will be active from a particular date for a stipulated time. Aspirants need to send in their applications during this time.  The notification will also mention the total NABARD Grade A RDBS vacancies for the NABARD Grade A recruitment cycle. Out of the total number of vacancies, there are always a significant number of vacancies for the IT post. This is an invaluable opportunity to contribute to NABARD's esteemed organization. In the constantly changing field of banking careers, NABARD remains at the forefront, inviting new talent to begin their professional journey in the finance industry.  

    These days, the banking sector focuses more on using technology in its day-to-day operations, showing how important technological advances are becoming in the recent times. The role of NABARD Grade A IT Officer is particularly important in this context. Grade A IT Officers are needed to help NABARD with its goal of aiding rural development by coming up with innovative technology solutions and doing digital tasks.  

    Applicants must stay informed about more details regarding the NABARD Grade A IT Officer recruitment, preparing themselves for fulfilling careers at a respected organization like NABARD. 

    Let’s look at the NABARD Grade A IT exam highlights below.

    NABARD Grade A (Computer/ Information Technology) Highlights 2025

    Conducting AuthorityNational Bank For Agriculture and Rural Development
    NABARD Website
    Name of the Posts Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ (Computer/ Information Technology)
    Mode of application Online
    Stages of Exam Three Stages-
    • Preliminary Exam (8 sections)
    • Mains Exam
    • Psychometric Test (Mandatory)
    • Interview
    Maximum marks & Time duration
    • Preliminary Examination - 200 marks, 120 minutes
    • Main Examination (Computer/ Information Technology Post)-
      • • Paper 1 (General English (Online Descriptive))- 100 marks, 1 hour 30 minutes
      • • Paper 2 (Stream Specific Paper (Objective & Descriptive Type))- 100 marks, 2 hours
    • Psychometric Test (MCQ based) - 90 minutes
    • Interview - 50 Marks
    NABARD Grade A 2025 Exam Notification To be notified later
    Online Registration and Payment of Online Fees/Intimation Charges To be notified later
    NABARD Grade A Phase I (Preliminary) – Online Examination To be notified later
    NABARD Grade A Phase II (Mains) – Online Examination To be notified later
    Number of Vacancies 16
    Download NABARD Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ (RDBS/Rajbhasha) Notification [PDF]

    NABARD Grade A IT Vacancy 2025

    Job seekers typically want to know how many job openings would be there, before anything else. The NABARD Grade A vacancies are released along with the notification every year and out of the total notification, there is usually a fixed number of vacancies for the IT position. The NABARD Grade A Notification will mention the total vacancies for NABARD Grade A IT Officers recruitment post. The vacancies are expected to be divided across different reserved and unreserved categories. For a detailed breakdown of the NABARD Grade A IT vacancies, refer to the table below. This helps applicants assess the level of opportunity awaiting them.

    POST / DISCIPLINENo. of Vacancies
    Computer/ Information Technology 9 1 1 5 - 16 7

    NABARD Grade A IT exam: How To Apply Online 2025

    Even a small mistake when applying could cancel out your efforts and even waste one of your chances. So, it's very important to fully understand the application details and follow the guidelines closely. Here we give you the online application process which involves step-by-step instructions for your convenience.

    • You can begin by visiting NABARD's official website
    • Go to the '' section and locate the 'Apply Online' link.
    • New applicants should click on 'Click here for New Registration' and furnish details like full name, email ID, and contact information.
    • Upon registration, you'll receive a Provisional Registration Number and Password.
    • Utilize these credentials to carefully complete the form, ensuring accurate information.
    • Crosscheck your provided details using the 'Validate your details' and 'Save & Next' options.
    • Attend to document uploads (Photo & Signature), as per the specifications provided in the notification.
    • Verify all details once again before selecting 'Final Submit.'
    • Proceed to the 'Payment' section for the application fee submission.
    • Retain a printed copy of the application form and fee receipt for future reference.
    • Following these steps during the online application process is essential to safeguard your preparation efforts for the NABARD Grade A (Assistant Manager) exam.

    NABARD Grade A IT Application Fee

    After you finish entering all the information in the online form for NABARD Grade A IT, the next important step is to pay the application fee online. Your application won't be completed without this fee remittance. Note that the fee you pay online is non-refundable. . Find the fee details below.

    CategoryApplication FeeIntimation ChargesTotal Fees
    For SC/ ST/ PWBD NIL Rs. 150 Rs.150*
    For all others 700 Rs. 150 Rs. 850*
    Staff @ @ @
    * Exclusive of applicable GST
    @ All NABARD employees satisfying the educational qualification criteria would be eligible to apply. They will be required to pay fee/intimation charges as indicated above at the time of online application, which will be reimbursed on submission of fee receipt only to those employees of NABARD (Staff Candidates) who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post. The status as staff candidate will be verified at the time of interview.

    NABARD Grade A IT Admit Card 2025

    In the NABARD Grade A IT exam, separate admit cards for both Phase 1 and Phase 2 will be made available on the official website a few days before the scheduled examination dates. A download link will be provided, allowing you to obtain your call letter shortly before the exam.

    When appearing for the exam, it is quite important to bring an original photo ID proof, along with a photocopy of the same, in addition to a printed copy of the NABARD Grade A IT exam call letter, without fail. Having these necessary documents makes it easier for the verification process at the exam centre, so you can take the exam without any problems.

    NABARD Grade A IT Exam Pattern 2025-

    Prelims (Online examination): It holds a weightage of 200 marks and serves as a vital screening phase, to select the most appropriate candidates for the next phase.

    Mains (Online): Following successful qualification in the Prelims, candidates proceed to the Main Examination. This phase is a combination of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and descriptive patterns, all designed to evaluate a wider sense of knowledge and analytical abilities in the candidates. This stage also holds a weightage of 200 marks.

    Psychometric Test: The Psychometric Test is mandatory to give with the Mains exam. Only candidates who give the Psychometric Test with the Mains paper will be considered for shortlisting for the Interview. The Psychometric Test does not hold any marks in the overall selection process but is still mandatory.

    Personal Interview: After clearing the Mains, candidates advance to the final phase - the Personal Interview. This stage carries a weightage of 50 marks and focuses on assessing the candidate's suitability for the role, including their communication skills, professional attitude and depth of knowledge.

    NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam Pattern

    The NABARD Grade A Prelims 2025 examination for IT Officer is expected to be a computer-based objective test.

    • Phase 1 or Prelims exam for NABARD Grade A IT Officer consists of eight sections: Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, Computer Knowledge, English Language, General Awareness, Agriculture and Rural Development (with a focus on Rural India), Economic and Social Issues (with a focus on Rural India), and Decision Making.
    • The NABARD Grade A Prelims exam pattern is divided into two sections: Qualifying and Merit sections. The Qualifying section includes Reasoning, English Language, Computer Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, and Decision Making.
    • While, the merit section covers ESI (Economic and Social Issues) and ARD (Agriculture and Rural Development), as well as General Awareness. For further insights into the NABARD Grade A Phase 1 exam details specific to the IT stream, please refer to the table below.

    Nature of Test Test NameNo. Of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime DurationLanguage
    Qualifying Quantitative Aptitude 20 20 Composite time of 120 minutes Bilingual – Hindi and English except test of English language
    Reasoning Ability 20 20
    Computer Knowledge 20 20
    English Language 30 30
    Decision Making 10 10
    Merit Based General Awareness 20 20
    Agriculture & Rural Development (with focus on Rural India) 40 40
    Economic and Social Issues (with focus on Rural India) 40 40
    Total 200 200 2 Hours  

    NABARD Grade A Mains Exam Pattern

    The NABARD Grade A IT Mains examination is divided into two distinct papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 deals General English and adopts a descriptive format. Conversely, Paper 2 covers both multiple-choice and descriptive questions, concentrating on IT-related domains. The NABARD Grade A IT Officer exam has two papers, which check your language skills and IT knowledge thoroughly. To move to the Mains stage, you need to be in the 1:25 selection ratio.

    PaperName of TestPaper TypeNo. of QuestionsMarksDurationRemarks
    Paper 1 General English Online Descriptive 3 100 1 hours and 30 mintues (90 Minutes) Descriptive
    (Answer to be typed using keybord)
    Paper 2 Stream Specific Paper  Objective $ 30** 50 30 mintues  
    Descriptive 6 questions will be asked, of which candidates will be required to attempt 4 questions [2 of 15 marks each (with difficulty level) and 2 of 10 marks each] 50 1 hours and 30 mintues (90 Minutes) Descriptive Answers to betyped using keyboard either
    in English or Hindi (Remington and Inscript keyboards)
    $ (Paragraph Based/Numerical/Application based interpretive questions )
    ** (Some questions carry 2 marks each and some questions carry 1 mark each)

    NABARD Grade A Interview

    Candidates progress to the subsequent Interview stage, on successfully completing the NABARD Grade A IT Officer Mains examination. The selection ratio at this stage stands at 1:3, underlining the stringent/ strict standards for advancement. The final merit list for the NABARD Grade A IT Officer role is formed from the combined scores achieved in the Mains examination and the Interview.

    NABARD Grade A IT Syllabus 2025

    Creating an effective planning strategy requires a reasonable understanding of the NABARD IT Officer syllabus for 2025. You can refer to the exhaustive IT syllabus for the NABARD Grade A exam in the table below.

    NABARD Grade A Prelims Syllabus

    The detailed exam syllabus for NABARD Grade A Prelims for IT posts is given below.

    Quantitative Aptitude Time and Work, Mensuration, Average, Speed, Distance and Time, Mixture and Allegations, Permutation and Combination, Probability, Data Interpretation, Ratio & Proportion, Simplification & Approximation, Percentage, Set Theory, Data Interpretation, Quadratic Equation, Number Series, Profit & loss, Boats & Stream, Simple and Compound Interest, Data Sufficiency
    English Language Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Passage Making, Error Spotting, Jumble Words, Sentence Framing, Fill in the Blanks, Cloze Test, Sentence Rearrangement, Idioms & Phrases
    General Awareness Monetary Policies, Banking & Financial Awareness, Economic Terms, Current Affairs, Static GK, Financial & Economics News, Government Schemes, Agreement & Deals, Banking terms, rates, processes, National Institution
    Reasoning Ability Puzzles, Seating Arrangement - Circular, Square and Linear, Data Sufficiency, Directions and Distance, Coding Decoding, Blood Relations, Inequality, Syllogism, Machine Input Output, Verbal Reasoning, Ordering and Ranking, Alphanumeric Series
    Computer Knowledge Computer Languages, Basic Hardware and Software, History of Computer, Devices, Viruses and Hacking, MS Office, Networking
    Decision Making Behaviour Decision Making,Managerial Decision making,Eligibility Criteria based decision making,Data Arrangements Based Decision making

    NABARD Grade A Mains Syllabus: Paper 1

    Below, you'll find the detailed syllabus for Paper 1 of the NABARD Grade A Mains exam.

    English (Writing Skills) Essay, Precis writing, Comprehension and Business/Office Correspondence.

    NABARD Grade A Mains Syllabus: Paper 2

    NABARD Grade B Mains Paper 2 deals with questions from the IT stream. Below, you'll find the specific topics given in detail as syllabus for Paper 2 of the NABARD Grade B Mains examination.

    1 Introduction to software
    2 Computer Fundamentals.
    3 Data Structure,File Structure and programming through C, C++, JAVA and Python
    4 Elements of Systems analysis and designs
    5 Numerical and Statiical Computing
    6 Data Communication and Networks.
    7 Computer Architecture and Network architecture
    8 Object Oriented Systems
    9 Database Management system using RDBMS
    10 Software Engineering
    11 Operating Systems
    12 Management Information Systems
    13 Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile Computing
    14 Design and Analysis of algorithms
    15 Basics of AI , ML and natural language processing
    16 Cyber Security
    17 Big data Analytics
    16 Data Modelling and Analytics
    18 Concept of data visualisations using reporting tools
    19 Data warehousing with analytical capabilities
    20 API usage for cross user interaction and data exchange

    NABARD Grade A IT Books

    A reliable study material source enriches your knowledge base. Hence, choose books very cautiously for NABARD Grade A IT Officer exam preparation. To help you with your selection, we present a compilation of books beneficial for your NABARD Grade A IT exam.

    Also, our subject experts have compiled BeePedia, to cover a wide spectrum of current affairs. This comprehensive resource serves as a repository of General Awareness content, ensuring you stay well-equipped with the latest developments.

    Data structure Aron M Tenenbaum
    Dbms Kurth and Sudarshan
    Operating system Galvins
    Networking Andrew S Tenenbaum
    SQL mysql
    Algorithms Thomas h comments
    Oops for c++ and Java The complete reference
    Software engineering Roger s pressman
    Data warehousing Paulraj ponniah

    NABARD Grade A IT Exam Dates 2025

    The NABARD Grade A IT 2025 recruitment notification has not yet been announced since the current recruitment is still an ongoing process. Since the current exam cycle is still in process, aspirants who did not make the cut this year need to begin their preparation while waiting for the next recruitment cycle to officially begin. The details regarding the relevant exam dates for the NABARD Grade A IT exam are as follows:

    NABARD Grade A Exam Dates 2025

    EventsExam Dates
    NABARD Grade A Exam Notification To be notified later
    Online Registration and Payment of Online Fees/Intimation Charges To be notified later
    NABARD Grade A Phase I (Preliminary) – Online Examination To be notified later
    NABARD Grade A Phase II (Mains) – Online Examination To be notified later

    NABARD Grade A IT Eligibility Criteria 2025

    You should ensure that you fulfill the NABARD IT Officer eligibility 2025 before filling up the online application form so that your candidature doesn't get cancelled at a later stage. Have a detailed look at the eligibility criteria below.

    NABARD Grade A Educational Criteria

    All the academic particulars are outlined comprehensively in the table provided below, ensuring a clear understanding of the educational prerequisites.

    StreamEducational Criteria
    Computer/ Information Technology

    Four years Bachelor’s Engineering/Technology Degree in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/ Information Technology / Electronics / Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation / Data Science / Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence from any recognized University/Institution with 60% marks (SC/ST/PWBD applicants 55%) in aggregate
    Post Graduate degree in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering / Computer Applications/Information Technology / Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation / Data Science / Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with 55% marks (SC/ST/PWBD applicants 50%) in aggregate from a recognized University/Institution
    Graduate with 60% marks (SC/ST/PWBD applicants 55%) in aggregate from a recognized University/Institution AND having passed Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) ‘B’ Level.

    Desirable :: Candidate with diploma
    post graduate diploma in Data Science)

    NABARD Grade A Age Limit

    According to the 2025 NABARD Grade A Notification, the candidate must have been born not earlier than the date mentioned in the notification if they are to fulfil the NABARD Grade A age criteria. Kindly refer to the details given in the table below, which explains the age criteria established by NABARD for the Grade A IT exam.

    PostAge Criteria (As on July 01, 2024)
    NABARD Grade A The candidate must be between 21 and 30 years of age as on 01-07-2024, i.e., the candidate must have been born not earlier than 02-07-1994 and not later than 01-07-2003.

    NABARD Grade A Age Relaxation

    NABARD Grade A extends upper age limit relaxation for candidates belonging to reserved categories. If you fall within this category, you are eligible to avail age relaxation benefits. Ensure timely submission of relevant certificates as needed. Comprehensive specifics are accessible in the table provided below, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the age relaxation provisions established by NABARD for Grade A candidates.

    Sr. No.CategoryAge relaxation
    1 Other Backward Classes (OBC) 3 Years
    2 Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 5 Years
    3 Ex-servicemen (including Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned Officers) provided that the applicants have rendered at least five years continuous Military Service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or on account of physical disability or have been released on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service or on invalidation 5 Years
    4 Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned Officers who have completed their initial period of assignment of five years of Military Service but whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case, on selection, the Ministry of Defence issues certificates that they would be released within 03 months from the date of receipt of offer of appointment 5 Years
    4 Children/family members of victims died in the1984 riots. 5 Years
    5 Persons With Bench Mark Disabilities PwBD (General) 10 Years
    PwBD (OBC) 13 Years
    PwBD (SC/ ST) 15 Years

    NABARD Grade A IT Salary 2025

    Candidates who pass all three phases of the NABARD exam and get hired as NABARD Grade A Information Technology Officers will start with a basic monthly pay of Rs 44,500. This follows a pay scale structure: starting from Rs 44,500 and increasing over time based on years of service. Currently, the monthly gross pay is nearly around Rs. 1,00,000/-. Besides the basic pay, they'll also get Dearness Allowance, Local Compensatory Allowance, House Rent Allowance, and Grade Allowance as per Government rules. This complete salary package recognizes their achievements and provides a rewarding career at NABARD.

    NABARD Grade A 
    • Basic salary - Rs. 44, 500/-
    • Scale of Rs. 44500 – 2500 (4) – 54500 – 2850 (7) – 74450 – EB – 2850 (4)– 85850 – 3300 (1) – 89150 (17 Years)
    • Initial monthly gross emoluments - Rs. 1,00,000/- approximately

    NABARD Grade A IT Job Profile 2025

    The office hours for a NABARD Grade ‘A’ officer generally span from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM, five days a week. Let's see some fundamental roles and responsibilities related to a NABARD Grade A IT Officer's role.

    • The main focus is on overseeing the Data Centre, which is essential for storing data and running banking applications. Making sure that the software works well every day is a key part of the job. Quickly fixing any communication or software problems in the bank's computers is also important.
    • Another important task is keeping the bank's systems safe by using new technologies and testing them rigorously to prevent threats. Managing servers and related areas is also crucial for making sure the bank runs efficiently.
    • As a NABARD Grade A IT Officer, your role is vital in keeping the bank's technology running smoothly and protecting it from harm.

    NABARD Grade A Career Growth

    NABARD offers good opportunities for career growth and has a clear path for advancement. They have a system where promotions are based on time until a certain level, and after that, they depend on higher job openings.

    For NABARD Grade A IT Officers, moving up in their careers happens through departmental tests and interviews. These assess their knowledge, skills, and suitability for higher roles. In general, NABARD's career progression plan gives IT professionals a clear way to improve their skills, take on more responsibilities, and build a successful and satisfying career with the organization.

    NABARD Grade A IT Previous Year Cut-off

    Apart from showing what happened in the last exam, the previous year's cut-off of NABARD Grade A also tells you how hard the exam is. With this knowledge, you can make a study plan that suits you well. This way, you can prepare exactly for what's coming. Check out the NABARD Assistant Manager IT previous year cut-offs below to understand the exam better.

    One invaluable piece of this puzzle is the previous year's cut-off, a significant guidepost. Beyond offering a glimpse into the prior year's examination, it also sheds light on the exam's difficulty level. Armed with this insight, you can craft an adaptable study plan tailored to your needs. This approach ensures your preparation aligns precisely with the challenge ahead. Explore the NABARD Assistant Manager IT previous year cut-offs below to gain a comprehensive perspective on the examination landscape.

    NABARD Grade A Computer/ IT Phase I 2022- Prelims Examination Test-wise & Category-wise Cut Off marks Applied on Objective Test for all Disciplines

    CategoryQualifying SectionMerit Section
    SC, ST, OBC, PWBD 1.50 9.25 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.75 1.00 3.25
    EWS & UNRESERVED 3.75 12.50 5.50 3.00 1.50 3.25 2.25 6.75

    NABARD Grade A Computer/ IT Phase I 2022 Discipline-wise & Category-wise Cut-off Points Applied On Merit Section Total (100)

    COMPUTER/ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 7.25* - 8.00* % 14.50* 9.00* 10.75* 24.75 10.50*

    NABARD (Assistant Manager in GRADE "A" Computer/ IT 2022 Phase II Mains Examination Discipline-wise & Category-wise Cut Off Marks Applied on Total (200)

    COMPUTER/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 109.75 - 108.75 110.25 121.25 108.50 97.25 114.00 96.00*

    NABARD (Assistant Manager in GRADE "A" Computer/ IT 2022 Discipline-wise & Category-wise Cut Off Marks Applied on Objective Test & Descriptive Paper

    Paper 1Paper 1
    ST, EWS & UNRESERVED 49.00 16.50 19.25

    NABARD Assistant Manager Computer/ IT 2022 Cut Off (Select List)

    Computer/Information Technology 161.00 - - - 150.50 - - 150.00 - - 149.00
    *No Candidate available

    NABARD Grade A IT Online Course

    The NABARD Grade A (Assistant Manager) job is a highly appreciated among government-job seekers. Working at NABARD is very appealing to many. If you're an IT graduate and interested in joining NABARD, then Grade A recruitment as IT Officer is a great chance. In this regard, ixamBee has launched an online course specifically for the Information Technology position. This NABARD Grade A IT online course gives proper guidance, clears doubts, and prepares you for the recruitment process. It gives you the tools you need to succeed confidently and reach your goal at NABARD.

    NABARD Grade A IT Free Mock Tests

    Mock Tests for preparing for the NABARD Grade A IT Officer exam is one of the best way to cover the syllabus. That’s why our mock tests have been made with thorough research and analysis by our experts. Practicing these online test series will not only provide you an extra edge in the examination but also will give you a real exam experience. You can increase your speed of solving questions by regular practice of these free mocks.

    NABARD Grade A Blogs

    You can refer to the below-mentioned blogs that have some useful information relevant to the NABARD Grade ‘A’ 2024 Exam.

    10 Mistakes to Avoid in NABARD Grade A Preparation

    Code Cracked: How Should Working Aspirants Prepare for NABARD Grade A

    NABARD Grade A Phase I - Free Mock Tests

    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase 1 Mock Test 3

    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase 1 Mock Test 3

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    • 200 Marks
    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase 1 Mock Test 2

    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase 1 Mock Test 2

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    • 200 Marks
    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase 1 Mock Test 1

    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase 1 Mock Test 1

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    • 200 Marks
    NABARD Grade A and Grade B 2019 Prelims Mock Test 10

    NABARD Grade A and Grade B 2019 Prelims Mock Test 10

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions

    NABARD Grade A Phase I - Previous Year Question Paper

    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase I Memory Based Paper(Shift 1)

    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase I Memory Based Paper(Shift 1)

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    NABARD Grade A 2023 Phase I Shift 2 Previous Year Paper

    NABARD Grade A 2023 Phase I Shift 2 Previous Year Paper

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    NABARD Grade A 2023 Phase I Shift 1 Previous Year Paper

    NABARD Grade A 2023 Phase I Shift 1 Previous Year Paper

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    NABARD Grade A 2022 Phase I Memory Based Paper Shift II

    NABARD Grade A 2022 Phase I Memory Based Paper Shift II

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions

    Nabard Grade A It FAQs

    The basic salary of an IT Manager in NABARD is Rs. 44,500. On top of this basic pay, with dearness allowance, conveyance allowance, housing allowance and many more additional emoluments, the total monthly salary comes out to be Rs. 1 lakh.
    Candidates who wish to apply for the NABARD Grade A IT exam should be Indian citizens. They must also be between the ages of 21 and 30. They must also have a four years Bachelor’s Engineering/Technology Degree in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/ Information Technology / Electronics / Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation / Data Science / Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence from any recognized University/Institution with 60% marks (SC/ST/PWBD applicants 55%) in aggregate OR Post Graduate degree in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering / Computer Applications/Information Technology / Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation / Data Science / Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with 55% marks (SC/ST/PWBD applicants 50%) in aggregate from a recognized University/Institution OR Graduate with 60% marks (SC/ST/PWBD applicants 55%) in aggregate from a recognized University/Institution AND having passed Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) ‘B’ Level.
    Yes. The NABARD Grade A Recruitment Drive is an annual event. Since the current notification is still an ongoing process, aspirants who did not make the cut this year can prepare for the 2025 notification while awaiting its release. There are expected to be several vacancies under the NABARD Grade A RDBS for IT posts. These posts are divided across reserved and unreserved categories. There were a total of 16 vacancies for NABARD Grade A Officers in the current year.
    Yes. NABARD has openings for people from IT backgrounds. It has the post of Assistant Manager in IT. The much-awaited 2025 NABARD Grade A notification has not been released yet. It is expected to mention the NABARD Grade A RDBS notification and vacancies details.
    The NABARD Grade A 2025 exam will be in ONLINE mode.
    No, even if you possess the required qualifications for various streams you can apply for only one stream under the NABARD Grade A recruitment.
    Yes. You can attempt the NABARD Grade A exam in either Hindi or English Language except for the test in the English Language. This flexibility in language choice allows candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding comfortably, regardless of their preferred language of communication.
    According to the NABRD Grade A 2024 recruitment notification, the IT Prelims exam will be held shortly after the online registration link for the NABARD Grade A exam will close, which is August 15, 2024. NABARD will update candidates on th exact date of the IT prelims exam in the coming days.

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