NaBFID Exam 2025: Notification, Application, Eligibility & Key Details

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    Basic Information Notification Exam Dates Syllabus & Exam Pattern Salary Eligibility Criteria Online Course

    NaBFID Lending Operations Demo Course

    • 7 Full Length Mock tests: 7 full-length mock tests to help learners prepare effectively for the exam.
    • 700+ Videos: Comprehensive coverage of the entire syllabus through video lessons.
    • 200+ Study Notes (PDF): Specially designed PDFs to support efficient learning and quick revision.
    • Difficulty-Based Chapter Tests: Categorized into Easy, Moderate, and High levels for systematic subject preparation.
    • Interview Rounds: Comprehensive interview preparation.

    NaBFID Highlights 2024 

    The NaBFID short notification for the Analyst and Senior Analyst vacancies has been released on the official NaBFID website. NaBFID is one of the most important organizations playing a valuable role in creating innovations in the country's infrastructural development.. The NaBFID (National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development Bank) has been set up under the NaBFID Act 2021 with the aim of fulfilling the long-term financial requisites of the infrastructure sector of India. 

    Almost every year, the NaBFID invites applications for various posts under various departments, including Human Resources, Accounts, Operation, Risk Management, Legal, Administration, Information Technology & Operations, Strategic Development and Partnerships,. Recently, a short notification for the posts of Executive Vice President - Finance, Vice President, Senior Analyst (Fixed Term), Senior Analyst (Contract) and Analyst positions was released . The short NaBFID recruitment which has been released provides 17 vacancies in some of the most important positions. Soon, a detailed NaBFID recruitment will  invite applications for 17 posts for the new recruitment drive with vacancies divided across different reserved and unreserved categories.  

    The detailed NaBFID recruitment notification will carry complete details regarding important exam dates, application process, eligibility criteria, selection process and all necessary details that aspiring candidates need to apply and successfully begin their preparations for the NaBFID exam. 

    NaBFID Highlights 2024

    Conducting AuthorityNaBFID
    Official Website
    Posts Lending Operations, Human Resources, Investment & Treasury, Information Technology & Operations, General Administration, Risk Management, Legal, Internal Audit & Compliance, Company Secretariat, Accounts, Strategic Development and Partnerships, Economist
    Mode of Application Online
    Stages of Exam
    • Phase 1- Objective
    • Phase 2- Interview
    Maximum Marks & Time Duration
    • Phase 1 (Objective)- 300 marks, 2 hours
    • Phase 2 (Interview)- 75:25
    Online Registration and Payment of Online Fees/Intimation Charges July 10, 2024 to July 30, 2024
    NaBFid Online Exam Date 2024  August 2024
    No. of Vacancies 37
    NabFid Official Notification PDF 2024

    NaBFID Notification 2024 

    The short  NaBFID notification for different senior posts has been released and is inviting applications from eligibile candidates for 17 vacancies across five different positions. The five different posts are Executive Vice President (Finance), Vice President (On Contract), Senior Analyst(Full Term), Senior Analyst (Contract) and Analyst. Aspirants keen on seeking a lucrative position in any of these vacancies need to send in their applications for the post soon. The applications will be open from 02 December. 2024 for the Senior Analyst post and 07 December, 2024 for the other positions. The deadline and other aspects of the notification will be mentioned once the detailed notification is released 

    The notification mentions several important points regarding the exam conduction and selection process. According to the short NaBFID recruitment notification, candidates who qualify for the NaBFID exam will be called for an interview which will only take place in Mumbai and candidates will have to travel to Mumbai to give the interview without fail to be considered further for selection. The notification also specifies the states where the exam centers for the NaBFID exam will be located and how selected candidates can be posted anywhere across India.  

    NaBFID Exam 2024 - Vacancy 

    Building a career as a NaFID Official is no less than a matter of prestige, and kickstarting your career in a government organization like NaBFID is an excellent idea to attain your professional goals. The NaBFID has 17  vacancies for this exam cycle . The vacancies range across 5  different roles under the NaBFID. For each post, the vacancies are spread across reserved and unreserved categories.The notification also mentions that candidates can only apply for only post. You can refer to the table below to get an idea of the NaBFID 2024 vacancies.  

    1 Lending Operations 2 1 4 1 6 14     4 (VI-1 HI-1 LD-1 d&s-1)
    2 Human Resources         2 2
    3 Investment & Treasury     1   1 2
    4 Information Technology & Operations     1   1 2
    5 Administration         1 1
    6 Accounts         1 1
    7 Risk Management 2 1 2   5 10
    8 Risk Management-Information Security         1 1
    9 Strategic Development and Partnerships     1   2 3
    10 Economist         1 1

    NaBFID Exam 2024 : How to Apply 

    According to the short NaBFID notification, online applications will begin from 02 December for the Senior Analyst role and 07 December for the other roles. We advise you to apply for this exam as soon as the notification is released. This is because if you wait for the last date to apply, it may cause a rush, and also, most of the time, you may face a website crash. Please follow the steps below in order to apply for the NabFID Exam 2024. 

    • Visit the official website of NaBFID and go to the ‘Careers’ section. 
    • There, click on the option "APPLY ONLINE" which will open a new screen. 
    • To register application, choose the tab "Click here for New Registration" and enter your Name, Contact details, and Email. A Provisional Registration Number and Password will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. 
    • In case the candidate is unable to complete the application form in one go, the data already entered can be saved by choosing "SAVE AND NEXT" tab. 
    • Upload Photo & Signature as per the specifications given in the Guidelines for Scanning and Upload of Photograph and Signature. 
    • Click on the 'Payment' Tab and proceed for payment. 
    • Click on the 'Submit' button. 

    NaBFID Application Fee 2024 

    Once you have successfully completed the NaBFID Online Form 2024, the next step is to pay the application fee. It is critical to remember that the application wil only be considered in online format and no hard copies of the application sent to the office of the NaBFID will be considered. It's important to note that your application will only be considered complete once the fee is paid. The NaBFID exam fee details for various categories are as follows: 

    CategoryApplication Fee
    General/ EWS/ OBC ₹ 800/- plus applicable taxes
    SC/ ST/ PwBD ₹ 100/-plus applicable taxes (Only Intimation charges)

    NaBFID Admit card 2024 

    The admit cards for NaBFID will be made available 10 days before the exam. All information regarding the examination center, venue, date, and time for both the online examination will be mentioned on the admit card. It is mandatory for candidates to carry the admit card on the day of the exam to the exam venue. All other exam-related information as well as the interviews, will be communicated through the NaBFID "call letter." Please be aware that no physical copies of the NaBFID Exam 2024 call letter or Information Handout will be dispatched via postal mail or courier.  

    NaBFID Exam Dates 2024 

    The exact 2024 NaBFID Exam Dates have not yet been mentioned in the short NaBFID recruitment notification. The notification mentions that the exam will be conducted in August. The call letter sent to candidates regarding the exam will mention the exact date of the NaBFID exam in August. Candidates should also keep regularly checking the official NaBFID website for any updates regarding the exact date of the examination. 

    The application for registering for the NaBFID 2024 exam began on 02 December, 2024 for the Senior analyst position and on 07 December, 2024 for the other posts. The other details of the recruitment will be mentioned in the notification once it is released.Candidates should fill out their application forms immediately and dedicate the rest of their time in preparing for the upcoming NaBFID exam.  

    Please refer to the table below to get details about the important dates of the NaBFID Exam 2024. 

    EventsTentative Dates
    Online Registration and Payment of Online Fees/Intimation Charges July 10, 2024 to July 30, 2024
    NABFID Online Exam Admit Card 10 days before the Examination
    NABFID Online Exam Date August, 2024
    NABFID Online Exam Result To be notified later

    NaBFID Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024 

    NaBFID Exam Pattern 2024 

    The NaBFID consists of two stages of recruitment, i.e., the Online Exam and the Personal Interview. You have to crack both stages in order to become a NaBFID professional. This means that if you clear the written exam, only then you will become eligible for the final interview round in the whole recruitment process of the NaBFID exam 2024. The exam is divided into two sections of 40 objective questions each for which you will get 30 minutes for each section. Both sections of the written exam consist of objective-type questions only. Candidates will get 5 options in each question, out of which they have to select the right one. The minimum qualifying marks for each section of the exam are 40% for general candidates and 35% for reserved categories. The overall qualifying marks for Sections A and B combined will be 50% for general candidates and 45% for reserved candidates. 

    NaBFID Exam 2024: Interview 

    The personal interview is completely based on your performance and is qualifying in nature. The candidates who clear the online exam will have to go to Mumbai to appear for their interview. If a candidate is able to clear the interview, their submitted documents must be verified. After this verification of documents only will they be appointed ot their applied posts. 

    The NaBFIDBFID reimburses travel expenses incurred by candidates called for interviews. This reimbursement is capped at the cost of a second-class air-conditioned train ticket (round trip) and requires a copy of the tickets as proof of travel. Timely submission is crucial, as claims received after the interview date won't be processed. If a candidate opts for a more expensive mode of transportation, reimbursement will only be provided for the equivalent cost of a second-class air-conditioned train ticket on a mail or express train route. 

    Travel expenses cannot be reimbursed for candidates who don't meet the eligibility criteria (age, education, experience etc.) for the advertised position. This applies even if the candidate attends the interview in error. Reimbursement of travel expenses will not influence the candidate's selection for the role. 

    NaBFID Syllabus 2024 

    To score the highest marks in the exam, it's essential for candidates to have a solid understanding of the NaBFID Syllabus 2024 . This syllabus outlines the main topics and their potential relevance to the exam.  

    Section A of the online exam will consist of Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, and Data Analysis and Interpretation. Section B will include 40 questions from Professional Knowledge. Professional Knowledge. 

    NaBFID Exam Dates 2024 

    The exact 2024 NaBFID Exam Dates has not yet been mentioned in the 2024 NaBFID recruitment notification. The short notification does not mention any major details about the exam besides the vacancies and the deadline for the exam. Other details of the exam will be made clear in the detailed notification. The call letter sent to candidates regarding the exam will mention the exact date of the NaBFID exam in August. Candidates should also keep regularly checking the official NaBFID website for any updates regarding the exact date of the examination. 

    The application for registering for the NaBFID 2024 exam is December 02 2024 for the Senior Analyst post and 07 December, 2024 for the other posts. Candidates should fill out their application forms immediately and dedicate the rest of their time in preparing for the upcoming NaBFID exam.  

    Please refer to the table below to get details about the important dates of the NaBFID Exam 2024. 

    NaBFID 14.83 lakh (approximately) per Annum

    NaBFID Eligibility Criteria 2024 

    In order to apply for any of the profiles under NaBFID recruitment 2024, knowing the essential NaBFID eligibility criteria is a must. The 2024 NaBFID recruitment notification does not provide any details regarding the deadline for eligibility. It is expected to be mentioned in the detailed notification. You need to be assured about whether you are eligible to apply for the required post or not. This is to avoid the probability of candidature cancellation in the recruitment process later.  

    NaBFID Educational Criteria 2024 

    As per the 2024 NaBFID notification for the NaBFID Exam, of 17 vacancies, there are various posts belonging to various fields that required a specific ground of educational qualification to be fulfilled. Hence, it is important for you to identify and look closely at the educational eligibility criteria for the profile for which you are applying. Please refer to the table below to infer the eligibility standards of educational qualification for your desired profile, for NaBFID 2024. 

    PostEducational Qualification
    Lending Operations MBA (Finance)/ICWA/ CFA / CMA/CA /Post-Graduation Degree /Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance
    Human Resources Post-graduation degree/ Diploma in Management with Specialization in Human Resources / Industrial Relations
    Investment & Treasury MBA (Finance) / ICWA / CA / CFA/ Post Graduation Degree / Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance / Forex
    Information Technology & Operations MCA / MTech / M. E. / Postgraduate in Computer Science, AI & ML, Software Engineering, IT, Cyber Security from recognized University / Institution
    General Administration Postgraduate in any discipline from a recognized University / Institution
    Risk Management MBA (Finance) / CA / ICWA/ CFA/ Post Graduation Degree / Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance
    Legal Masters in law from a recognized University / Institution in India
    Internal Audit & Compliance MBA (Finance) / CA /ICWA / Post Graduation Degree / Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance
    Company Secretariat Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India(ICSI)
    Accounts MBA (Finance) / CA /ICWA / Post Graduation Degree / Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance
    Strategic Development and Partnerships Post-graduation degree/ Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance, Business/ Sustainability Management, Economics, Humanities
    Economist Master’s degree in economics with specialization in monetary economics or Econometrics or mathematical economics or equivalent from a recognized University /Institution

    NaBFID Age Limit 2024 

    The age limit criteria for the posts under NaBFID for 2024 mention that the applying candidates should not be younger than 21 years and not more than 32 years of age to be eligible for the exam. Refer to the table below to know about the Age Limits for vacancies under the NaBFID recruitment 2024. 

    PostAge Criteria
    NaBFID Maximum Age - 21 years/ Maximum Age - 32 years

    NaBFID Age Relaxation 2024 

    As per the 2024 NaBFID notification, the minimum age to apply for the NaBFID Exam is 21 years and the maximum is 32. Also, there is a certain upper age limit relaxation given to candidates according to the categories, i.e., SC/ST, OBC, EWS, PWD, Ex-Serviceman, etc. You have to check carefully on which category you are falling to take benefit of the age relaxation. Refer to the table below to identify and check the Age Relaxation provided to various categories according to the NaBFID Notification. 

    CategoryAge Relaxation
    Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST) 05 years
    Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) 03 years
    PwBD (SC/ST) 15 years
    PwBD (OBC) 13 years
    PwBD (GEN/EWS) 10 years
    Ex-Servicemen 05 years

    NaBFID Online Courses 

    For guaranteed success, ixamBee has launched NaBFID Online Courses tailored to different profiles, i.e., Risk Management, Accounts, Generalist officer, and Lending Operations. In that series, the courses are as follows: Online course on Risk ManagementOnline course on NadBFID AccountsOnline course on Generalist Administration, and Online course on Lending Operations.These courses have been carefully designed by our experts to align with the latest exam pattern. We've assembled a team of top experts in their respective fields to support your NABFID Exam 2024 preparation. These accomplished individuals have created concise study materials to help you achieve your goal of becoming a legal officer. 


    Nabfid FAQs

    The NaBFID exam's recruitment procedure involves two separate phases: the Written Examination and the Interview. These successive stages together assess candidates' skills and suitability for different roles, providing a thorough evaluation of their abilities and potential contributions in the specific areas of NaBFID.
    NaBFID's recruitment strictly accepts applications exclusively through the designated online mode. Any submissions received through postal mail, hand delivery, email, or any alternative method will not be accepted. It is vital for candidates to follow the online application process meticulously to ensure that their applications are eligible for consideration in the recruitment procedure.
    Negative marking is indeed a feature of the written exam in the NaBFID recruitment process. Incorrect responses will lead to a reduction in marks, emphasizing the importance of strategic answering to maximize the overall score. It's crucial for candidates to keep this in mind when preparing for and taking the examination.
    Once you have submitted your NaBFID application form, it's important to note that no changes or edits can be made to the provided details. Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly review and double-check all the information before submission to prevent any errors. Being diligent in this process will ensure that your application is accurate and complete.
    The NaBFID exam admit card can be downloaded from the official website approximately 10 to 15 days before the exam date. It is recommended to obtain the admit card within this window to guarantee timely access to essential examination information and a smooth entry into the examination venue.
    The NaBFID exam is conducted in an online format. The written exam is administered as a computer-based test, embracing a modern approach to evaluation and aligning with the digital nature of current examination methods.
    No candidate is permitted to apply for more than one post. If a candidate applies for more than one post, only the latest valid (completed) application/registration (higher registration number) will be retained, and the application fee/intimation charges paid for the other multiple registration(s) will stand forfeited.
    The minimum age of the candidates must be 21 years & maximum age limit is 32 years. The age relaxations are provided to the candidates according to the categories and other reservation basis.
    You can find details about the marking weightage of the NaBFID online or phase 1 exam in the official notification. The minimum Qualifying marks will be 40% for Sections A & B each (35% for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD) and Overall 50% for Total (A) & (B) (45% for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD).
    For the NaBFID exam, you need to cover overall 4 sections, namely - English Language, Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude, Data Analysis and interpretation, and Professional Knowledge. Here, professional knowledge varies from post to post and includes knowledge regarding the specific desired field. For this section, you need to make sure you are preparing for the relevant post according to your application.
    The NaBFID Lending Operations and Risk Management Officer exam assesses candidates on a range of subjects to assess their aptitude and knowledge in various areas. The examination consists of two parts, each focusing on distinct subject areas. (Part A) English Language, Reasoning Ability& Quantitative Aptitude, Data Analysis & Interpretation and (Part B) Professional Knowledge.
    For NaBFID Lending Operations and Risk Management Officer exam you can check the list of books mentioned in the books section above. The list has been prepared by our experts. It will help you to ace the exam with flying colours. You can also use best books available in the market and align your study plan with the prescribed syllabus.
    To be eligible to give the NaBFID exam 2024, candidates have to meet certain criteria. Candidates should be citizens of India. They should be at least 21 years of age and should not be older than 32 years as of June 1, 2024. Based on the post in the NaBFID recruitment that they are applying for, candidates should also possess relevant postgraduate degrees. Once they meet this criteria, they will be eligible for the 2024 NaBFID exam.
    The headquarters for NaBFID are in Mumbai. Candidates who will qualify the NaBFID written exams will be called for the next stage of the selection process, that is the interview in Mumbai only.
    The National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) falls under the purview of the Ministry of Finance of the Government of India.
    NaBFID has its headquarters in Bandra East, Mumbai, however it also has several other offices scattered all over India in different states. Candidates who qualify its exam can be posted anywhere in India.
    The syllabus for the NaBFID exam for 2024 consists of a single written online test with objective questions. The test will be divided into two sections. The syllabus of section one consists of Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, and Data Analysis and Interpretation. The second section fo the written test will include the Professional Knowledge section.
    The National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) was created to address India's infrastructure funding needs. They directly invest in projects, attract private investors, and develop a strong bond market for infrastructure financing. By working with the government and financial institutions, NaBFID aims to improve the overall infrastructure financing system in India, ultimately boosting economic growth and infrastructure development.

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