NBEMS Syllabus & Exam Pattern - 2023: Check Subject Wise Exam Syllabus

    NBEMS Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2025 

    Before you dive into your NBEMS exam preparation, it is crucial that you are aware of the NBEMS exam pattern 2025. The selection process for Junior Assistant and Junior Accountant will take place in two stages. 

    • Stage 1- Computer Based Test (CBT) Online Written Examination
    • Stage 2- Computer Knowledge/Skill Test 

    Before starting preparation for the NBEMS recruitment exam, it is advisable to look at the NBEMS exam syllabus for Junior Assistant/ Senior Assistant/ Junior Accountant posts. Knowing the exam syllabus is one of the most critical steps in any exam preparation. It makes you aware of all the sections involved in the exam and gives you a brief idea of what to expect and what to prepare. To be able to prepare correctly, you need to be completely aware of the topic-wise exam syllabus. 

    Stage 1- Computer Based Test (CBT) Exam Pattern 

    NBEMS Stage-1 Exam comprises 200 questions with 200 marks. The paper will be objective type, and the duration will be 180 Minutes (Three hours). The subjects involved are General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude and English Comprehension. The exam pattern of NBEMS is provided in the table below. 

    SubjectsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
    General Intelligence & Reasoning 50 50 180 Minutes
    General Awareness 50 50
    Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
    English Comprehension 50 50
    Total 200 200

    Note: The minimum qualifying marks will be 40% for SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-SM candidates and 50% for other candidates. 

    NBEMS Syllabus 2025 

    There are four sections to be assessed in this exam, namely- General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude and English Comprehension. You have to be well aware of all the topics related to these sections so that a fair strategy can be drafted. The topics covered in the NBEMS exam are given below. 

    General Intelligence & Reasoning Odd one out, Analogy, Coding-Decoding, Ranking and Order, Clock, Word Formation, Venn Diagram, Direction and Distance, Blood Relations, Series, Verbal reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning
    General Awareness Current Affairs, General Knowledge, Books and Authors, Sports, General Science, Important Schemes, Banking famous terms, History
    Quantitative Aptitude Simplification, Simple and Compound Interest, Averages, Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Problem on Ages, Speed, Distance and Time, Number System, Mensuration, Data Interpretation, Time and Work, Algebra, Trigonometry
    English Comprehension  Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Spellings, Phrases and Idioms, One-word Substitution, Sentence Correction, Error Spotting, Fill in the Blanks, Active/Passive voice, Direct and Indirect Speech, Grammar Rules

    Stage 2- Computer Knowledge/Skill Test Exam Pattern 

    Stage 2 of the NBEMS exam consists of the Computer Knowledge/Skill Test. The computer test will be of 100 marks with the time duration being 75 minutes. You have to type a text in English of approximately 500 words within 15 minutes. The Computer Knowledge/Skill Test will include Data Entry, Word Processing, and Computer Operation. 

    Note: The minimum marks for final selection shall be 40% for SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-SM candidates and 50% for other candidates. The schedule of the Computer Knowledge/Skill Test will be uploaded on the website. 

    Final Merit List 

    Your final selection will be on the basis of the total marks obtained by you in the CBT (Stage I) and Computer Knowledge/Skill Test (Stage II). Please note that if two or more candidates secure equal marks, the candidate older in age shall be placed above. The Merit List/ Select list shall hold good for the period of one year or until the next selection whichever is earlier. 

    Please note that there is no interview in any of the posts stated above. 

    Marking Scheme 

    It's important to note that the NBEMS CBT exam 2025 incorporates a negative marking system. For every incorrect answer, a penalty of 0.25 marks will be applied. This underscores the significance of accuracy in responses, urging candidates to approach the examination with precision and thoughtful consideration to maximize their overall score.

    Exam Language 

    The NBEMS selection process involves a computer-based test (CBT) where candidates can choose between English and Hindi languages, applicable only in Stage 1. This language selection offers flexibility to participants, ensuring they can comfortably navigate and perform in their preferred language during the initial phase of the examination. 

    NBEMS Books 

    While online resources dominate the current era, the significance of books in exam preparation remains pivotal. The NBEMS exam 2025 demands comprehensive study materials, and a curated selection of books can provide a solid foundation. The provided table furnishes essential details about recommended NBEMS exam books, acknowledging their enduring value in effective exam readiness. Balancing digital and traditional resources ensures a holistic approach to preparation, allowing candidates to leverage the strengths of both mediums for optimal results. 

    General Intelligence and Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, English Comprehension National Board of Examinations (NBE) Senior Assistant & Junior Accountant Exam Books (Graduation Level) V.V.K Subburaj
    General Intelligence and Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, English Comprehension National Board of Examinations (NBE) Junior Assistant & Stenographer Exam Books (10+2 Level) 2021 V.V.K Subburaj / Sura Books
    General Intelligence and Reasoning A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal
    Analytical Reasoning MK Pandey
    How to Crack Test of Reasoning: In All Competitive Exam Arihant Publication
    A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal B.S. Sijwali & Indu Sijwali
    Quantitative Aptitude Magical book on Quicker Maths M Tyra
    Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams R.S. Aggarwal
    Fast Track Objective Arithmetic Rajesh Verma
    Class Notes SS Bharti
    General Awareness Banking Awareness Arihant Publication
    Static General Knowledge Arihant Publication
    General Knowledge Lucent
    Banking Awareness Handbook of Banking Information N.S Toor
    English Comprehension High School English Grammar and Composition Wren and Martin
    Objective General English SP Bakshi
    Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
    Daily News Paper and Vocabulary Preferable The Hindu

    Free Mock Tests 

    To keep yourself ahead of the competition, you need to be first well prepared, and for that, you have to be well-versed with complete exam information. As the National Board of Examinations has released its recruitment notification and the online application window will be closed in October 2023, you have enough time to plan your preparation. You can attempt free mock tests for the NBEMS exam and get an edge over other candidates. Attempting the online tests will help you improve your score as well as your speed and accuracy. 

    Nbems Exam Syllabus FAQs

    There will be two stages in the NBEMS selection process. The first stage will consist of a computer based test (CBT) and the second stage will have a computer knowledge / skill based test.
    There will be a negative marking system in Computer Based test of the NBEMS exam. For each incorrect response, 0.25 marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty. Candidates should be cautious while answering to avoid unnecessary deductions.
    The NBEMS recruitment process does not include an interview stage. Candidates will undergo other assessment stages such as the Computer-Based Test (CBT) and the Computer Knowledge/Skill Test for the final selection. The absence of an interview emphasizes the significance of performance in these specific test formats.
    Your ultimate selection will be made on the basis of the total marks you score in the Computer-Based Test (Stage I) and the Computer Knowledge/Skill Test (Stage II). In the event of a tie in marks between two or more candidates, priority will be given to the older candidate. The Merit List/Select list remains valid for one year or until the subsequent selection, whichever comes first.
    For a comprehensive list of recommended books for the NBEMS 2025 exam, visit the NBEMS syllabus page within the NBEMS exam section tab. This resource will provide you with valuable insights into study materials that align with the syllabus, aiding you in effective exam preparation.
    At ixamBee, you can access NBEMS free mock tests for both the Prelims and Mains exams across all streams. Our platform offers comprehensive and high-quality mock tests that mimic the actual exam environment. These mock tests will help you assess your preparation, identify weak areas, and boost your confidence for the NBEMS exam.
    No. Candidates will have the option to choose from English and Hindi language only in Stage I.
    There will be two stages in the NBEMS selection process. The first stage will consist of a computer based test (CBT) and the second stage will have a computer knowledge / skill based test.
    Yes. All those candidates who are already employees of Central/State Government/ Public Sector Undertakings, are eligible to apply for NBEMS recruitment. In order to participate in the recruitment process, such candidates need to apply through a proper procedure and shall have to produce a ‘No Objection Certificate’ (NOC) whenever asked to do so.

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