NHB Assistant Manager Notification 2025: Download Notification PDF

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    NHB Assistant Manager Notification 2025 

    The National Housing Bank will release the detailed notification that highlights vacancies for various posts. The notification will provide all the important details that aspirants for this highly lucrative post would be keen on understanding. With the release of the detailed notification, aspirants will be able to understand and analyze all the essential details like the NHB AM eligibility criteria and other important details which have been included in it. These include information like the NHB exam dates and exam information along with NHB AM salary structure . The recruitment posts will include Assistant Managers (Scale 1), Deputy Managers (Scale 2), Assistant General Managers (Scale 5), Deputy General Managers (Scale 6), and General Managers (Scale 7). We strongly suggest that you read all the information provided in the detailed notification so that you can be prepared for the NHB Assistant Manager Exam 2025. This also means that you can prepare for the exam well and plan out the important aspects of the NHB notification very carefully..  

    NHB Assistant Manager Vacancy 2025 

    NHB recruitment 2025 vacancies in various posts will be mentioned when the detailed notification will be released. There were a total of 48 (23-Regular & 25-Contract Basis) vacancies available in this year's notification. As per the detailed notification, there were a total 18 posts for the NHB Assistant Manager vacancy. The NHB Assistant Manager vacancies have been distributed among different categories. Interested candidates should begin preparing for the exam right away and apply online once the application window is open. Other than Assistant Manager vacancies, NHB also released Deputy Manager, Assistant General Manager, Deputy General Manager and General Manager vacancies this year. Details of the NHB Assistant Manager vacancies of this year can be inferred from the table below-  

    General Manager (Scale – VII)
    1. Project Finance - - - - 1 1
    Deputy General Manager (Scale – VI)
    1. Chief Financial Officer - - - - 1 1
    Assistant General Manager (Scale V)
    Economist 1 - - - - 1
    Dy. Manager (Scale – II) including one backlog vacancy under SC category
    1. Economist - - 1 - - 1
    2. MIS 1 - 2 - - 3
    Assistant Manager (Scale-I)
    1. Generalist 2 1 3 1 9 16
    2. Hindi - - 1 - 0 1
    Contractual Post
    1. Chief Economist - - - - 1 1
    2. Senior Application Developer - - - - 1 1
    3. Application Developer - - - - 2 2
    4. Senior Project Finance Officer* 2 1 4 - - 7
    5. Project Finance Officer* 1 1 4 2 - 8
    Grand Total 7 3 15 3 15 43

    *OBC candidates belonging to the ‘Non-Creamy Layer’ are entitled to reservations under the OBC category. OBC ‘Creamy Layer’ candidates should indicate their category as ‘GEN’. 

    You can assure your success in the upcoming National Housing Bank exams with the best study materials available. Enroll in ixamBee's comprehensive NHB Assistant Manager Online Course and practice for the exams with NHB AM mock tests, to pave your way to successful preparation. 

    How to Apply Online 

    The 2025 detailed notification for NHB AM exam will be released and aspirants will be rushing to apply for the exam within the deadlines given in the notification. To apply online for the NHB Assistant Manager 2025 recruitment, you need to follow some simple steps. The detailed procedure for filling the National Housing Bank Assistant Manager (Scale 1) application form is given below. 

    • Visit the official website of the National Housing Bank, i.e. www.nhb.org.in, and click on “Opportunities@NHB” 
    • After that, click on “CURRENT VACANCIES" (“Recruitment of Officers in Various Scales – 2025”- “Click here to Apply Online") 
    • You need to register yourself first by clicking on the “New Registration” link, where you need to fill in details like Name, dob, Mobile Number, Valid Email ID, etc. 
    • A registration number and password will be generated and will be emailed to you in your registered email address and number. 
    • Log in again using your password and registration number and fill in all other details asked. 
    • Upload your Photograph, Signature, left thumb impression and declaration image according to the format mentioned below- 
    • The photograph must be a recent passport-size colour picture having dimensions of 200 x 230 pixels and size between 20 KB–50 KB.  
    • The signature should be on white paper with a Black Ink pen having dimensions 140 x 60 pixels and size between 10KB–20 KB. The signature should not be in capital letters. 
    • The left thumb impression should be on white paper with black or blue ink in jpg/jpeg with dimensions 240 x 240 pixels and file size between 20 KB – 50 KB. 
    • You need to write handwritten declaration content as mentioned in the NHB Assistant Manager notification 2025 in English on white paper with black or blue ink. 
    • The text for the handwritten declaration is as follows – “I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.” 
    • The handwritten declaration should be in jpg/jpeg format and in your own handwriting. The dimensions must lie between 800 x 400 pixels, and the file size must be 50 KB – 100 KB. The handwritten declaration should not be in capital letters. 
    • After successfully submitting all the information asked, click on the “Save and Next” Button. 
    • Before clicking on final submit, preview the application and ensure all the details filled in are correct. Once submitted, you cannot make any changes to the NHB Assistant Manager application form. 
    • Pay the application fees online, as no other mode is accepted. 
    • Take out the print of the e-receipt and application form of the NHB Assistant Manager for future use. 

    NHB Assistant Manager Application Fee 

    Your NHB recruitment 2025 application form will not be considered complete unless you pay the online application fee. Pay the NHB Assistant Manager exam application fee according to the category you belong to. Please note that once paid, no refund of the application fee will be entertained under any circumstances. To know more about the NHB Assistant Manager application fee in detail, refer to the table below.  

    Category of ApplicantAmount of Fee
    SC / ST / PwBD Rs. 175/- (Intimation Charges Only)
    Others Rs. 850/- (Application Fee Including Intimation Charges)

    NHB Assistant Manager Admit Card 

    NHB Assistant Manager admit card 2025 for the online exam will be available on the official website of the National Housing Bank a few days prior to the online exam. You can download the admit card by entering your registration number and password. The NHB Assistant Manager admit card will contain all the vital information such as roll number, examination venue, examination shift, examination date, etc. No hard copy will be sent to any individual. Also, you need to carry a hard copy of the NHB AM admit card along with one photo identity proof in original and xerox at the examination venue without which you will not be allowed to give the National Housing Bank Assistant Manager exam. 

    The Identity proof that is needed to be produced in the examination hall can be PAN Card/ Passport/ Permanent Driving License/ Voter’s Card/ Bank Passbook with photograph/ Photo identity proof issued by a Gazzetted Officer/ People’s Representative along with a photograph / Identity Card issued by a recognized college/ university/ Aadhar/ E-Aadhar card with a photograph or Employee ID. 

    Note: Ration Card and Learning Driving License will not be accepted as valid id proof. Also, in case the candidate has changed his/her name, he/she will be allowed only if they produce necessary proof like their original marriage certificate/affidavit in original. 

    Pre Exam training 

    Any details regarding the pre-exam training will be mentioned in the upcoming NHB Assistant Manager notification. Any update regarding this (if any) will be notified, later on in the official website for the National Housing Bank.  

    Number of Attempts in NHB Assistant Manager Exam 

    There is no restriction on the maximum number of attempts. You can apply for the exam as long you fall within the prescribed age limit of NHB recruitment 2025 for Assistant Manager. 

    Nhb Assistant Manager Exam Notification FAQs

    Once the NHB Assistant Manager recruitment application is submitted after paying the application fees, the exam venue cannot be changed. It is very important to carefully select the preferred venue during the application process, as changes or modifications are not allowed after submission, ensuring a streamlined and fair examination process.
    The NHB Assistant Manager exam is in the ONLINE mode, only. Any updates or changes will be notified in the upcoming official notification once it is released soon.
    The NHB Assistant Manager exam will be conducted in two stages-written exam, objective type online mode followed by descriptive exam. The second stage is the interview.
    Once submitted online, the National Housing Bank Assistant Manager application cannot be edited. It is essential for candidates to thoroughly review and verify their details before submission to ensure accuracy and completeness, as post-submission modifications are not permissible in the application process.
    In the NHB Assistant Manager recruitment, candidates falling under the SC/ST/PwBD categories are not exempt from paying the application fees. Although they need to pay a different sum of fee when compared to the General category candidates.
    The NHB Assistant Manager application process is exclusively conducted online. Applicants cannot submit their applications through offline means for the NHB Assistant Manager exam. It is quite important for candidates to utilize the designated online platform to complete and submit the application form, ensuring adherence to the specified online application procedure.
    The detailed official notification for the NHB Assistant Manager exam has not yet been released. Once it is released, the number of vacancies will be specified. 
    The 2025 NHB Notification has not yet been released and thus the number of vacancies are still awaited.
    The age limit depends on the post called for. However, maximum age limit for Assistant Manager is 30 and the minimum age limit is 21 years to apply for NHB Recruitment. As per the notification, there is also an age relaxation in place for aspirants belonging to the different Reserved categories.
    The NHB 2025 recruitment notification has not been released yet. 

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