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NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) Notification 2025
The National Housing Bank will release the NHB notification 2024 in the coming months to fill up various posts. All the details about the application process, NHB AM (Hindi) exam dates, syllabus and exam pattern, and more will be mentioned in the notification itself. However, as per the previous recruitment drive, the NHB notification comprised the posts of Assistant Manager (Scale I), Deputy Manager (Scale 2), Assistant General Manager (Scale 5), Deputy General Manager (Scale 6), and General Manager (Scale 7). However, to have an overview about the NHB recruitment, please read the details of the National Housing Bank recruitment 2024 carefully.
NHB Assistant Manager Vacancy 2025
NHB notification 2025 has not yet been announced. However, in the previous year, a total of 17 vacancies for the post of Assistant Manager (Scale 1) in the Generalist and Hindi streams were announced. Of these, only one vacancy was released for the NHB Assistant Manager in the Hindi stream. The NHB Assistant Manager vacancies are divided into general and reserved categories. Refer to the table below to learn about the category-wise breakdown of the NHB Assistant Manager vacancies 2025 according to the previous notification.
Post | Number of Vacancies |
Hindi | 01 |
Please note- OBC candidates belonging to the ‘Non-Creamy Layer’ are entitled to reservations under the OBC category. OBC ‘Creamy Layer’ candidates should indicate their category as ‘GEN’.
How to Apply Online
We have provided the detailed procedure for filling up the NHB Assistant Manager (Scale 1) application form below-
- Visit the official website of the National Housing Bank, i.e. www.nhb.org.in, and click on “Opportunities@NHB”
- Next, click on “CURRENT VACANCIES" (“Recruitment of Officers in Various Scales”- “Click here to Apply Online")
- You need to register yourself first by clicking on the “New Registration” link, where you need to fill in details like Name, dob, Mobile Number, Valid Email ID, etc.
- A registration number and password will be generated and will be emailed to you at your registered email address and number.
- Log in again using your password and registration number and fill in all other details asked.
- Upload your Photograph, Signature, thumb impression and declaration image according to the format mentioned below-
- The photograph must be a recent passport-size colour picture having dimensions of 200 x 230 pixels and a size between 20 KB–50 KB.
- The signature should be on white paper with a Black Ink pen having dimensions 140 x 60 pixels and a size between 10KB–20 KB. The signature should not be in capital letters.
- The left thumb impression should be on white paper with black or blue ink in jpg/jpeg with dimensions 240 x 240 pixels and file size between 20 KB – 50 KB.
- You need to write handwritten declaration content as mentioned in the NHB Assistant Manager notification 2023 in English on white paper with black or blue ink.
- The text for the handwritten declaration is as follows – “I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”
- The handwritten declaration should be in jpg/jpeg format and in your own handwriting. The dimensions must lie between 800 x 400 pixels, and the file size must be 50 KB – 100 KB. The handwritten declaration should not be in capital letters.
- After successfully submitting all the information asked, click on the “Save and Next” Button.
- Before clicking on the final submission, preview the application and ensure all the details filled in are correct. Once submitted, you cannot make any changes to the NHB Assistant Manager application form.
- Pay the application fees online, as no other mode is accepted.
- Take out the print of the e-receipt and application form of the NHB Assistant Manager for future use.
NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) Application Fee
After successfully submitting the NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) application form, you will be directed to the application fee payment page. Please note that your NHB recruitment application form will not be complete unless you pay the application fee. Furthermore, the application fee will be accepted via online mode only. Another critical point is that the application fee is non-refundable. Take a look at the table below for more details about the NHB Assistant Manager application fee.
Category of Applicant | Amount of Fee |
SC / ST / PwBD | Rs. 175/- (Intimation Charges Only) |
Others | Rs. 850/- (Application Fee Including Intimation Charges) |
NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) Admit Card
The NHB Admit Card for Assistant Manager (Hindi) online exam will be released on the official website of NHB a few days before the NHB Assistant Manager 2025 exam. You can download the admit card by entering your registration number and password. The NHB Assistant Manager admit card will mention all the important details such as roll number, exam venue, exam shift, exam date, etc. Please note that no hard copy will be sent to any individual. Furthermore, you need to carry a hard copy of the NHB AM admit card 2025 along with one photo identity proof in original and photocopy at the examination venue, without which you will not be allowed to take the National Housing Bank Assistant Manager exam.
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