NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025 - Check Subject Wise Syllabus

    NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2025

    The NHB AM Notification 2024 was just released and it is a promising career opportunity. The position offers vacancies for various posts. While the new notification focuses on the General notification, you need to be prepared for the NHB AM hindi notification to be released anytime soon. Therefore, before you prepare for the NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) Exam, it is important that you first know the NHB exam pattern and Syllabus. While the 2024 syllabus or the exam pattern is not yet out, candidates can check out previous year’s notification to prepare for the exam while waiting for the notification to be released. Candidates should also be aware that the syllabus and exam pattern for the Generalist and Hindi stream differs from each other. The selection process for Assistant Manager (Scale 1) will consist of two phases-

    • Phase 1: Online Examination
    • Phase 2: Interview

    After you have understood the NHB pattern for the Assistant Manager (Hindi) exam, the next step is to have a clear idea of the syllabus and important topics to study for the exam. Going through the syllabus of the NHB exam will enable you to identify all the important and recurring topics. Furthermore, while going through the NHB syllabus, you will also be able to highlight which topics you need to devote more time to as per the weightage mentioned in the exam pattern.

    NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) Online Exam Pattern

    The NHB AM (Hindi) online exam will consist of an online exam, which will have both an Objective test and a Descriptive test. The NHB Assistant Manager objective test will carry 200 marks and will consist of four sections, namely- Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General Awareness & Computer Knowledge, English Language and Professional Knowledge. The candidate needs to attain a minimum score in each section of the Objective test. Take a look at the table below for the NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) exam pattern.

    SectionNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksMedium of ExamDurationType of Test
    Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 45 45 English & Hindi 45 minutes Objective
    General Awareness (with special focus on Economy & Banking) and Computer Knowledge. 50 50 English & Hindi 45 minutes
    English Language 25 30 English 30 minutes
    Professional Knowledge 50 75 English & Hindi 60 minutes
    Total 170 200   03 hours  
    Hindi Language (Letter writing & Essay) 02 25 English 30 Minutes Descriptive
    Interview 50      

    Descriptive Test

    • The Descriptive test will judge the English Language proficiency of the candidates.
    • Moreover, the candidates will be required to type the answers on the computer.
    • The Descriptive test will commence immediately after the completion of the Objective Test.
    • The Descriptive test will begin immediately after the Objective Test.
    • The duration of the Descriptive Test will be 30 minutes.
    • The Descriptive test will be a qualifying one
    • The Descriptive test of those candidates will be assessed who have secured the minimum qualifying marks in the Objective test.

    NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) Syllabus

    In the initial stage of the NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) selection process, questions will encompass various topics. Therefore, it is very important to understand the specific areas you need to focus on within each topic. You also need to explore the comprehensive NHB syllabus given below to gain a clear understanding of the subjects and their respective content.

    Reasoning and Computer Aptitude Verbal Reasoning, Critical Reasoning,  Syllogism, Seating Arrangement- Circular, Square & Linear, Puzzles, Blood Relations, Coding and Decoding, Blood relations, Inequality, Syllogism, Machine input and output, Ordering and Ranking, Arrangement and Pattern, Scheduling, Distance and Direction, Ranking, Basic Security Concepts, Binary Language Coding, Computer Abbreviations and Terminology, Keyboard Shortcuts, Logic Gates, Operating Systems, Storage and Memory
    General Awareness (With Special Focus on Economy & Banking) and Computer Knowledge
    • General Awareness : Current Affairs (Beepedia), Budget, Economic Survey, Banking and Finance, Financial Terms, People in News, Awards, Sports
    • Computer Knowledge : Email and Microsoft Office, DBMS, Computer Network, Internet, History and Generation Of Computers
    English Language Grammar, Vocab, Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Para Jumbles, Fill in The Blanks, Paragraph Completion, Multiple Meaning/error Spotting, Paragraph Completion, Idioms and Phrases
    • उपभाषाएँ ,बोली, लिपि, हिन्दी दिवस का परिचय, हिन्दी भाषा एवं साहित्य का संक्षिप्त इतिहास, हिन्दी भाषा मे अनुवाद, वाक्य एवं वर्तनी अशुद्धि, मुहावरे , लोकोक्तियाँ, हिन्दी व्याकरण का परिचय, (संज्ञा ,सर्वनाम , क्रिया , विशेषण ,पुरुष , वचन , लिंग ), पर्यायवाची , विलोम एवं अनेकार्थी शब्द , वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द , अनुवाद - शब्दों, वाक्यों, वाक्यांशों, और पैराग्राफ का अंग्रेज़ी से हिंदी और हिंदी से अंग्रेज़ी मे अनुवाद
    • राजभाषा अधिनियम और राजभाषा नियम

    NHB AM (Hindi) Interview

    The candidates who qualify for the NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) exam and make it to the merit list will be called for the second and final phase, i.e. Interview. The Interview will carry a total of 50 marks, and the minimum qualifying marks will be decided by the Bank later. The ratio of the weightage provided to the online exam and interview is 80:20, respectively.

    The final selection for the NHB Assistant Manager position will be made based on the marks obtained in the Online Examination and the Interview. The combination of performance in these phases determines the outcome and eligibility for the coveted role.

    Exam Language

    The NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) exam 2025 will be bilingual in nature. All the questions will be available in Hindi as well as English, except the questions of the English Language, Professional knowledge and Descriptive Test.

    Marking Scheme

    The questions in the NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) exam 2025 will have five alternative choices, of which one will be the correct option. Furthermore, the NHB AM (Hindi) exam will also carry a penalty for every wrong answer. If a question is left unanswered, no marks will be deducted. For more information on the marking scheme, refer to the table below-

    NHB Assistant Manager Marking Scheme

    NHB Assistant Manager Marking SchemeConsidered Marks
    For wrong answers -1/4 marks (assigned to the question)
    For not attempted 0 (no marks)

    Important Books for the NHB AM (Hindi) Exam

    While preparing for any competitive exam, it is essential to have the right books and study material. Referring to the relevant study material will give you a solid base as you will be able to clear your concepts. There are many books available in the market for the various subjects that have been mentioned in the NHB syllabus. To save you some time and effort, we have listed some important books for the NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) exam 2025 below.

    Rajbhasha संपूर्ण हिन्दी व्याकरण और रचना Lucent
    सामान्य हिन्दी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए lucent पब्लिकैशन
    सामान्य हिन्दी अग्रवाल ग्रुप ऑफ पब्लिकैशन
    सरल हिन्दी व्याकरण साहित्य भवन / पुष्पलता सिंह
    मानक हिन्दी व्याकरण एवं रचना सरस्वती पब्लिकैशन / कमल सत्यर्थी
    राजभाषा हिन्दी डॉ भोलानाथ तिवारी
    हिन्दी साहित्य का इतिहास आचार्य रामचन्द्र शुक्ल
    हिन्दी शब्द सामर्थ्य कैलाश चंद्र भाटिया
    राजभाषा भारती E Book https://rajbhasha.gov.in/hi/e_book
    हिन्दी मासिक पत्र पत्रिकाएं
    • हँस ( अक्षर प्रकाशन )
    • संस्कृति ( प्रभात पब्लिकैशन )
    • साहित्य अमृत ( प्रभात पब्लिकैशन )
    Reasoning Ability A modern approach to verbal & Non-verbal reasoning R.S. Aggarwal
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning S.Chand
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Arihant Publication
    English Language English Grammar Wren & Martin
    Made Easy for English Norman Lewis
    Descriptive General English SP Bakshi
    General Awareness Lucent GK Knowledge Lucent Publication
    Current Affairs BeePedia

    NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) Free Mock Tests

    Consistent practice with mock tests is a powerful approach to optimize your daily preparation and augment your understanding. The advantage is further heightened when you have access to free mock tests. ixamBee provides NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) Mock Tests. They are aimed at not just increasing and fine-tuning your exam performance. They also help in perfecting your accuracy as well. These tests serve as a valuable tool for individuals gearing up for the NHB Assistant Manager examination, offering a competitive advantage in their preparation journey.

    Nhb Assistant Manager Hindi Exam Syllabus FAQs

    We have provided a complete list of books for the NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) exam on our syllabus page. You can refer to that for more information regarding the NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) syllabus.
    For General Awareness, you can take the help of ixamBee’s BeePedia. It is a comprehensive capsule which contains all the important information with respect to the General Awareness section for various competitive exams. It is available in Hindi and English. What’s more? It’s absolutely free.
    Yes, definitely. You can practice the NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) free online mock tests at ixamBee. Moreover, the NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) online test series is based on the latest NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) exam pattern.
    Yes, the descriptive test is quite important. It helps to analyze your English Language proficiency . All candidates will be required to type the answers on the computer and it will begin right after the objective test is completed. The test is held for 30 minutes and it will be assessed depending on the qualifying marks of candidates in the objective test.
    The NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) exam 2024 has not yet been announced. In 2023's recruitment cycle, the NHB AM (Hindi) exam was held at the end of December. Either way, NHB hopefuls can begin preparing to ensure that they clear the recruitment process with flying colors.
    The syllabus for the NHB Assistant Manager exam covers various subjects related to economics, finance and banking. These include topics that are covered in the Generalist exam. These include Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English Language, General Awareness, and Professional Knowledge. Candidates should also have plenty of knowledge that is relevant to the banking sector. Along with that, they should also be prepared for the Hindi Language section with topics like essay, letter and similar topics in Hindi.
    Yes, candidates are encourages to make use of sample question papers and mock tests for the NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) exam on platforms like ixamBee. Practicing these papers and tests can help candidates be more familiar with the exam pattern and improve their time management and topic knowledge as well.
    The NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) exam has enough sections covering topics like Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, Hindi Language and Professional Knowledge related to Banking and Finance.
    The questions in the NHB Assistant Manager (Hindi) exam has an option of five choices. Out of these, one will be the correct option. Furthermore, the NHB AM (Hindi) exam will also carry a penalty for every wrong answer. If a question is left unanswered, no marks will be deducted.
    Yes, the syllabus for the NHB AM (Hindi) exam is subject to change. It is subject to a periodic review during which the National Housing Bank may decide that certain topics may need to be updated or changed.

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