OICL AO Legal Exam 2025 - Recruitment, Exam Date, Apply Online

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    Basic Information Notification Syllabus & Exam Pattern Eligibility Criteria Exam Dates Salary

    OICL AO Legal Demo Online Course

    • 400 + High-level Course Videos for Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning and English
    • 200+ Study Notes
    • 100 + Chapter Tests and 20 + Section Tests
    • 10 Mock Tests each for Prelims and Mains phases of OICL (Law) exam
    • 5 Mock Tests for Descriptive English with personalised evaluation and feedback

    OICL AO Legal Officer Highlights 2025

    The Oriental Insurance Company Limited (OICL) is a prominent Public Sector General Insurance firm, fully owned by the Government. Recently, OICL has invited applications to fill 100 vacancies for Scale 1 Administrative Officers across various disciplines like Accounts, Engineering, IT, Doctors, Actuarial and Legal. This recruitment, an exciting opportunity awaits dynamic and qualified individuals who want to soar high with a fruitful career in the Legal stream. It presents a remarkable chance for aspiring candidates to showcase their expertise and contribute meaningfully to the field, while on the journey of advancement and professional growth.

    OICL AO (Administrative officer) Legal Exam Highlights

    Conducting BodyOriental Insurance Company Limited (OICL)
    Official Website orientalinsurance.org.in
    Name of the Post Administrative Officers
    Mode of Exam Online

    3 Stages-

    • Phase 1- (Preliminary)
    • Phase 2- (Main)
    • Phase 3- (Interview)
    Maximum marks & Time duration
    • Phase 1- 100 marks, 60 minutes
    • Phase 2-
      • • Paper 1- 200 marks, 150 minutes
        (2 hour 30 minutes)
      • • Paper 2 (Descriptive) - 30 marks, 30 minutes
    • Phase 3- Interview weightage (ratio) 80:20
    Online registration and payment of application fees To be notified later
    OICL AO Phase 1 Online Examination (Objective) To be notified later
    OICL AO Phase 2 Online Examination To be Notified later
    Vacancies 2024 20
    OICL AO Official Notification 2024- [PDF]

    The OICL AO notification for the Legal stream, along with others, for the 2025 cycle has not yet been released. This is because the OICL AO recruitment for the current exam cycle has just ended. The results for the Phase 2 of the OICL AO exam was released recently. This means that those who have qualified for the final phase of the exam need to begin their preparations while those hoping to enter the 2025 recruitment can begin their preparations for the same . Interested and eligible candidates can refer to the OICL AO Accounts exam details of various streams, on our OICL AO exam pages. Staying informed about all details encapsulated in the OICL Legal Administrative Officer notification is quite essential. This serves as a vital resource to familiarize yourself with the requirements, exam pattern, and other pertinent information crucial for a well-prepared and strategic approach to the OICL AO Legal examination. Please scroll down the page to know all the details.

    OICL AO Legal Officer Notification 2025

    OICL AO notification 2025 will serve as a comprehensive guide for you, offering vital information such as application dates, OICL Legal AO exam dates, eligibility criteria and other essential details. Aspiring candidates meeting the eligibility criteria can submit their applications online for the OICL AO Recruitment 2025 via the official website. The application process will be open for enough days that the aspirants can send in their applications without delay. Candidates are advised to meticulously review the OICL AO notification to ensure they thoroughly understand all important aspects of the OICL AO (Legal) exam 2025.

    OICL AO Legal Vacancy 2025

    The OICL AO notification for 2025 has not yet been announced. Once the notification is out, the vacancies will be mentioned in it. Those aspirants who have ambitions in the OICL AO recruitment need to study all the important aspects of the recruitment drive. The openings for the OICL AO Exam will be categorized into both general and reserved categories. The detailed breakdown of OICL AO Legal vacancies is illustrated in the table below, providing insights into the distribution across various categories for your reference.

    Legal 20

    OICL AO Legal Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2025

    While you prepare yourself for an important examination like this, it is extremely important to know the OICL AO exam pattern and syllabus. First, we shall look into the selection process for OICL AO Legal, like all other streams, consists of three main phases.

    Phase 1- Online Examination 

    Phase 2- Online Examination 

    Phase 3- Interview 

    OICL Legal Phase 1 Exam Pattern

    OICL AO Phase 1 for Legal consists of an online examination that will be objective in nature. The online exam will consist of 3 subjects Quantitative Aptitude, English Language and Test of Reasoning for total 100 marks.  

    Name of TestNo. of Qs. Max. MarksDuration
    Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
    Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
    English Language 30 30 20 minutes
     Total100100 60 minutes

    There will be separate timing for each section 

    The paper will be available in both English and Hindi, except for the test of English Language.   

    OICL AO Legal Phase 2 Exam Pattern

    OICL AO pattern for Legal Phase 2 consists of two papers. Paper 1 will consist of 5 subjects of 40 marks each- Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, General Awareness and stream-specific knowledge i.e. Legal, of 2.5 hours total duration. Paper 2 will be Descriptive English of 30 minutes duration, for 30 marks. Please refer to the table below for details. 

    Name of the TestNo. of Qs.Max MarksDuration
    Reasoning 40 40 30 Minutes
    English Language 40 40 30 Minutes
    General Awareness 40 40 25 Minutes
    Quantitative Aptitude 40 40 30 Minutes
    Professional Knowledge (Relevant to the Discipline) 40 40 35 Minutes
    200150 Minutes

    There will be separate timing and sectional cut-off for each section in the Objective test, as decided by the Company, to progress to the Descriptive test/ Interview.  

    The paper will be available in English as well as Hindi, except for the test of Descriptive English.   

    OICL AO Legal Marking Scheme 2025

    Phase 1 and 2 objective tests will carry a negative marking of 1/4th of the mark allotted, for every wrong answer. A minimum total score will be required for each section of the objective test of the Mains phase to move on to the Interview stage. Marks of the descriptive English test will be qualifying in nature, but will not be counted towards shortlisting for Interview or Final selection.


    After qualifying for the OICL AO Phase 2 exam, the candidates will be called for the next and final stage, i.e., Interview. You will have the option to choose either Hindi or English as the medium of language for the Interview. The number of candidates shortlisted for Interview will be in the ratio of 3 times the number of vacancies notified. The weightage of online exam to Interview is in the ratio of 80:20, for final selection.   

    Final Selection

    A final merit list will be prepared based on the consolidated marks of the Mains phase and Interview and candidates who fall within the number of vacancies from the merit list will be considered for appointment. A separate waiting list of candidates may be prepared with no less than 50 % of the number of vacancies reported, as a back-up for appointment.

    OICL AO Legal Syllabus

    The OICL AO Legal exam will have two phases of online exam. Phase 1 with 3 subjects and Phase with 2 parts – Objective test with 5 subjects, English Language, Reasoning, Quants, General Awareness & questions based on the Law subjects and the Descriptive English paper. Before you start your preparation for the exam, it is extremely important to take note of the OICL AO Legal syllabus.   

    OICL AO Legal Phase 1 Syllabus

    Phase 1 of OICL AO Legal will consist of 3 subjects Quantitative Aptitude, English Language and Test of Reasoning for total 100 marks. OICL AO Legal Phase 1 syllabus is as follows. 

    Quantitative Aptitude Ratio and Proportion, Simplification, Percentage, Average, Time and Work, Speed, Distance and Time, Mixture and Allegations, Percentage, Permutation, and Combination, Data Interpretation, Mensuration, Probability, Set Theory, Number Series, Number Systems, Profit & Loss, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Surds & Indices, Sequence & Series, Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
    English Language Grammar, Vocabulary, Error Spotting, Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Para Jumble, Fill in the Blanks, Sentence Correction, Miscellaneous
    Reasoning Ability Inequality, Coding-Decoding, Syllogism, Machine Input-Output, Data Sufficiency, Seating Arrangement, Logical Reasoning, Floor Puzzle, Scheduling, Verbal Reasoning, Ordering and Ranking, Blood Relations, Direction and Distance, Coded Inequalities, Puzzle Tabulation, Alphanumeric Series

    OICL AO Legal Phase 2 Paper 1 Syllabus

    Please refer to the table below to check how the OICL AO Legal exam syllabus 2025 Paper 1-Objective test, consisting of 5 subjects Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, General Awareness and stream-specific knowledge i.e. Legal. Kindly refer to the table below for the rest of the details. 

    Quantitative Aptitude Ratio and Proportion, Simplification, Percentage, Average, Time and Work, Speed, Distance and Time, Mixture and Allegations, Percentage, Permutation, and Combination, Data Interpretation, Mensuration, Probability, Set Theory, Number Series, Number Systems, Profit & Loss, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Surds & Indices, Sequence & Series, Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
    English Language Grammar, Vocabulary, Error Spotting, Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Para Jumble, Fill in the Blanks, Sentence Correction, Miscellaneous
    Reasoning Ability Inequality, Coding-Decoding, Syllogism, Machine Input-Output, Data Sufficiency, Seating Arrangement, Logical Reasoning, Floor Puzzle, Scheduling, Verbal Reasoning, Ordering and Ranking, Blood Relations, Direction and Distance, Coded Inequalities, Puzzle Tabulation, Alphanumeric Series
    General Awareness

    Current Affairs, Indian Financial System, Indian Banking System, Monetary Plans, National Institution, Banking Terms, General Awareness, Static GK, History of Indian Banking Industry, Regulatory Bodies Monetary & Credit Policies, Budget Basics and Current Union Budget, International Organisation / Financial Institutions, Capital Market & Money Market, Government Schemes Abbreviations and Economic terminologies, Abbreviations and Economic terminologies

    Professional Knowledge

    Subject Specific Questions

    OICL AO Legal Phase 2 Paper 2 Syllabus

    In OICL AO Legal Phase 2 Paper 2 is English Descriptive test that will test the candidates' ‘drafting’ skills’. This test is supposed to assess the writing ability of candidates. It will include essay writing, precis writing, and reading comprehension. 

    OICL AO Legal Books

    Once you've comprehensively reviewed the entire OICL AO syllabus, the next vital step involves obtaining essential resources for optimal preparation. Acknowledging the pivotal role books play as primary information on the subject and so it becomes crucial to procure appropriate study materials. Getting comprehensive and dependable resources boosts your readiness, establishing a robust groundwork for a holistic preparation strategy aligned with the requirements of the OICL AO examination. Discover the exhaustive list of recommended OICL AO Legal books here.

    SubjectName of BookAuthor/Publisher
    Quantitative Aptitude Practice Book on Quicker Maths, 2nd Edition M.Tyra, K.Kundan / Magical Book Series
    Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations 17th Edition R.S Aggarwal / S.Chand Publisher
    Fast Track Objective Arithmetic Rajesh Varma / Arihant Publishers
    General Awareness Manorama Year Book 2025 -
    Pratiyogita Darpan -
    Lucent’s General Knowledge -
    Financial & Insurance Awareness with Current Affairs for Insurance & Bank Exams Disha Experts
    English Language Objective English 4th Edition Edgar Thorpe / Pearson
    Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis / Penguin
    Objective General English 2nd Edition S.P Bakshi / Arihant
    Reasoning Aptitude Arihant Publications – How to Crack Test of Reasoning: In all Competitive Exams Edgar Thorpe / Pearson
    Verbal and Nonverbal Reasoning – R S Aggarwal Norman Lewis / Penguin
    Analytical Reasoning – M K Pandey S.P Bakshi / Arihant
    Legal Constitution Laxmikanth
    Indian Penal Code  K.D Gaur
    Code of Criminal Procedure  R.V kelkar
     Law of Evidence Avtar Singh
    Code of Civil Procedure C.K Takwani
    Contract Act  Avtar Singh/ R K Bangia
    Transfer of Property Act Avatar Singh

    OICL AO Legal Eligibility Criteria 2025

    OICL AO is one of the best opportunities of government/ public sector employment for numerous job aspirants. The candidates who are willing to apply for the same should first ensure that they are eligible for the post. To be eligible for the OICL AO Legal stream, one needs to go through the complete OICL AO eligibility criteria. 

    OICL AO Legal Educational Qualifications

    To apply for the post of OICL AO Officer under the Legal stream, one should possess certain educational qualifications to be eligible. Further details on the OICL AO Law Officer qualifications are given below.

    Legal Law Degree with 60% (55% for SC/ST) from a recognized University

    OICL AO Legal Age Criteria

    All candidates interested in applying for the post of OICL AO in the Legal stream should be within the prescribed OICL AO age limit. For the OICL Administrative Officer Recruitment, the maximum age limit is 30 years and minimum age is 21 years. As per the Government rules, there will be age relaxation provided for eligible candidates. The details of the OICL AO Legal age eligibility criteria are given below. 

    PostAge Criteria
    Legal The maximum age limit is 30 years and minimum age is 21 years.

    OICL AO Legal Age Relaxation

    OICL follows the relaxation of the upper age limit to candidates belonging to the reserved categories, as per government norms. The allowed period of age relaxation is different for different categories. Please refer to the table below for more information on the age relaxation criteria.

    CategoryAge Relaxation
    SC/ST 5 years
    OBC 3 years
    Ex-Servicemen 5 years
    Defense service Personnel Disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof 3 years
    Widows/Divorced Women and women legally separated from their husbands, who have not remarried 9 years
    Existing Confirmed Employees of Public Sector General Insurance Companies 8 years
    PwD 10 years

    How to Apply Online for the OICL AO Legal Examination?

    To apply for the OICL (AO) Law Officer Recruitment, follow these steps:   

    Before proceeding with the application, carefully review the eligibility criteria mentioned in the OICL AO Notification. Ensure that you meet all the requirements, such as educational qualifications, age limit, and any other specified criteria. 

    Visit the official website of OICL, orientalinsurance.org.in or click on the provided Apply Online Link. This will redirect you to the application portal. 

    On the application portal, fill out the application form with accurate and relevant information. Provide details such as personal information, educational qualifications, contact information, and any other required fields. Double-check the information before submitting the form. 

    After the registration, you will be directed to the next page, where you will have to upload your scanned photograph, signature, and left thumb impression, and handwritten declaration according to the specifications mentioned below.  

    Guidelines to Upload Photograph

    • The photograph must be of a passport size in colour format 
    • Dimensions should be: 200*230 pixels (preferred) 
    • Size should be between 20 KB - 50 KB 

    Guidelines to Upload Signature

    • The signature should be between 10 KB - 20 KB, and the dimensions should be 140*60 pixels (preferred) 
    • The signature should be on white paper with a black ink pen 
    • After uploading the documents, you will have to fill in your other details in the next step, like educational qualifications, work experience, and other details. 
    • Click on "Save and Next", verify your details, and then finally submit.  
    • You can 'Preview' your application form before you click on 'Final Submit'. Please note that you will not be able to make any changes once you click on 'Final Submit. Ensure that you have scanned copies of these documents ready for uploading. Candidates are advised to read the instructions specified in the official notification thoroughly for filling out the application form completely.  
    • Proceed to make the payment of the application fees as specified in the notification. The payment can usually be made online through various modes such as credit card, debit card, net banking, or any other accepted payment methods. Follow the instructions provided to complete the payment process successfully. 
    • Once you have filled in all the required details, uploaded the necessary documents, and made the payment, carefully review the entire application form to ensure its accuracy. Make any necessary corrections or modifications if required. After verifying the information, submit the application form. 

    Please note:  

    If the candidate is unable to fill in the application in one-go, they can save the data/information already entered, verify the details and modify if required, before submission. 

    No change will be possible or entertained after the final submission. 

    After successfully submitting the application, take a printout of the completed application form for your reference. This will serve as proof of your application and contain important details such as application number, registration details, and other relevant information. 

    It is recommended to follow the instructions provided in the official notification and application portal for precise details and any updates regarding the OICL AO Law Officer Recruitment application process.   

    OICL AO Legal Application Fee

    Please take a look at the table below to check the OICL AO Law Officer fee to apply for the OICL Legal AO recruitment exam. The application fee is payable as per the deadline which will be mentioned on the document.

    CategoryExamination Fee (in INR)
    SC/ST/PwBD Candidates Rs. 250 + GST
    All Other Categories Rs. 1000 + GST

    OICL AO Legal Exam Dates 2025

    The OICL AO 2025 notification for Legal, Accounts and various posts is not yet out, but the tentative exam dates will be mentioned in the notification for 2025 once it is released. Aspirants are encouraged to stay tuned for this crucial announcement and visit the Official website of OICL or this page to get the latest updates.

    OICL AO Notification Release Date To be notified later
    OICL AO Application Starting Date To be notified later
    OICL AO Last Date To Apply Online To be notified later
    OICL AO Exam Date To be notified later

    OICL AO Legal Officer Salary 2025

    Being a leading insurance organization, OICL provides an attractive remuneration to its employees working as Scale 1 Officers. Initially, a basic pay of 50,925/- will be applicable to the OICL Legal officers, with total emoluments of approximately Rs. 85000/- p.m. Apart from an attractive salary, OICL AO Officer facilities also include several other benefits such as Pension under NPS, Leave Fare Concession, Medical Reimbursement, Group Personal Accident Insurance etc. Check out the complete OICL AO salary for Legal Stream from table below.   

    OICL AO Legal Probation, Guarantee Bond and Service Conditions

    Selected candidates on appointment may be posted/ transferred anywhere in India, as decided by the Company. A candidate appointed as Scale 1 AO in Legal stream will have to undergo a probationary period of one year, which may be extended further for one more year. During probation, Officers would be required to pass the non-life “Licentiate Examination” conducted by Insurance Institute of India. Before starting the probationary period, new joiners will be required to give an undertaking to serve the Company for a minimum period of 4 years including the probation period. Failing to serve the guarantee bond will entail the liability to pay the liquidated damages equivalent to one year’s gross salary paid to them.  

    Pre-Examination Training

    The pre-exam training for OICL AO Legal exam will be provided online. Interested SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/ PwBD candidates should mention their interest in the application form itself. Candidates who have opted for the training will be informed via registered e-mail/mobile. 

    OICL AO Legal Online Course

    For those eligible to apply for the OICL AO Legal post, ixamBee is offering a OICL AO Legal Online Course. To outperform the competition and gain an advantage, you require a meticulously crafted course to steer your preparation. The OICL AO online course offers optimal guidance, providing opportunities to interact with experts, clarify doubts, attend live classes, and access supplementary study materials. Evaluate the quality of our content through a free demo of the OICL AO Legal course. Registration with ixamBee is necessary to avail this opportunity. 

    We wish you Good Luck. 

    Oicl Ao Legal FAQs

    No, the OICL AO 2025 notification has not yet been released. This is because the current year’s recruitment drive has just come to an end with the release of the Phase 2 results. The official notification will be a vital resource to familiarize yourself with the requirements, exam pattern, and other pertinent information crucial for a well-prepared and strategic approach to the OICL AO examination in Legal, Accounts and other streams.
    The admit card for the OICL AO Legal exam will be available for download on the official website and applicants will be intimated of the dates for downloading the call letters, separately for Phase 1 and Phase 2 exams. Keeping track of the release date and promptly downloading the admit card is crucial for a well-prepared and stress-free examination experience.
    Once you have submitted your OICL AO Legal exam application form, it is important to note that changes or edits to the provided details cannot be made. Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly review and double-check all information before submission to prevent any errors. Being diligent in this process will help ensure the accuracy and completeness of your application. Take the necessary time to verify the details to avoid any potential complications in the application process.
    Yes, there is a sectional cut-off in the OICL AO Legal Exam. Candidates need to secure the minimum qualifying marks in each section of the exam to clear the cut-off criteria. Failing to meet the sectional cut-off in any section can result in disqualification, even if the overall score is above the overall cut-off. It is important for candidates to focus on each section and ensure they meet the required cut-off marks.
    The age limit for the OICL AO Legal post is defined by the exam conducting authority. As per OICL AO notification, the candidate must have a minimum age of 21 years and a maximum age of 30 years to be eligible for the post. The age limit is calculated as per the deadline mentioned in the notification . Age relaxation is provided to candidates belonging to certain categories as per government norms.
    Negative marking will indeed be applicable in both the Phase 1 and Phase 2 exams of OICL AO Legal recruitment. Incorrect answers will result in the deduction of marks, underscoring the significance of strategic answering to maximize overall scores. It's essential for candidates to be mindful of this aspect while preparing for and attempting the examination.
    Accessing the ixamBee OICL AO Mock Test is simple and convenient. Visit the ixamBee website and create a free account if you haven’t already. Once logged in, navigate to the OICL AO exam section and select the mock test you wish to take. These tests are available for free, allowing you to practice and prepare effectively for the exam. By regularly engaging with ixamBee’s OICL AO Mock Tests, you can enhance your exam readiness and boost your confidence.
    The OICL AO Mock Test is an invaluable tool for your exam preparation. These mock tests are designed to closely replicate the actual exam, offering you a realistic experience. By taking these tests, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses, improve your time management skills, and build the confidence needed to excel on the exam day. Additionally, ixamBee provides detailed performance analysis, helping you focus on areas that need improvement, ensuring a well-rounded preparation.
    The OICL AO recruitment is considered a secure job. As a regulatory body, the opportunity offers stable career prospects and job security. OICL AO officers are responsible for various duties and is known for its transparent and merit-based recruitment process and provides a conducive work environment.
    Yes. When you apply online for the OICL AO, you will need to pay an application fee. If there is any change in the application fee structure, it will be provided in the recently released OICL AO exam notification . You can take a detailed look at the OICL AO recruitment’s application details from the notification.

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