PFRDA Assistant Manager Research (Economics) Exam 2025, Recruitment, Syllabus, Eligibility Criteria

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    PFRDA Grade A Research (Economics) 2025 Highlights

    For those interested in finance and social welfare and who dream to work in the government domain, PFRDA Grade A Research (Economics) Officer is a brilliant opportunity. The PFRDA Assistant Manager recruitment 2025 is expected soon for various streams, including Research (Economics). As of the last PFRDA Grade A recruitment cycle, you can apply for a maximum of 2 streams for which you are eligible as per your educational qualifications. You have to submit a separate online application form for each stream that you are interested to apply for, along with the requisite fees for each.

    As a PFRDA Grade A Research Officer your role may involve overseeing and assisting the formulation of pension policies, making people aware of pension benefits, or any managerial duties as per the requirement of the organization. This presents an excellent opportunity to commence graduates to have an exciting career in the government sector. We advise you to apply for the PFRDA Grade A exam as soon as the application dates are released to avoid a last-minute rush. All details regarding the application window will be provided in the notification. However, the primary highlights of the previous PFRDA Grade A notification are outlined below, from the last recruitment cycle.

    PFRDA Grade A Research (Economics) Notification 2025

    As excitement builds for the PFRDA Grade A announcement, it's recommended to review the PFRDA Grade A previous year notification for a thorough grasp of the exam details. For those who missed the last opportunity, it's time to prepare for the upcoming PFRDA Grade A recruitment cycle. While waiting for the official notification, starting early with effective study plans is crucial. This proactive approach will set aspirants up for success in the upcoming PFRDA Grade A exam.

    Key details like the application process, registration timelines, and other important information will be revealed in the eagerly anticipated PFRDA Grade A notification. Registration fees may vary based on candidates' categories in the PFRDA Grade A recruitment exam. As the exam date approaches, aspirants can expect to receive the PFRDA Grade A admit card from the official website a few days before the exam.

    PFRDA Grade A Research (Economics) Vacancy 2025

    Candidates dreaming for government jobs dedicatedly pursue job announcements from PFRDA and other regulatory bodies. That’s why the PFRDA Grade A notification sparks significant enthusiasm among such aspirants. The number of vacancies for this recruitment year is eagerly awaited. In the preceding PFRDA Grade A notification, a total of 01 vacancy was announced for the Grade A post in the Research (Economics) stream and was allocated among both general and reserved categories. Please see below for a more detailed breakdown of the PFRDA Grade A vacancies, as we await the official release of the PFRDA Grade A 2025 recruitment and vacancy details.

    StreamNumber of PostsOut of which PwBD*Total Posts
    Research (Economics) - - - - 01 - 01

    PFRDA Grade A Research (Economics) Exam Pattern

    The PFRDA Grade A exam pattern 2025 comprises the following three phases.

    • Phase 1 (Online screening test consisting of two papers of 100 marks each)
    • Phase 2 (Online examination consisting of two papers of 100 marks each)
    • Phase 3 (Interview)

    PFRDA Grade A Phase 1 Exam Pattern

    PFRDA Assistant Manager exam pattern for Phase 1 - Research (Economics) will be a multiple-choice question-based exam. It consists of two papers - Paper 1 and Paper 2. It carries 100 marks. You have to secure separate cut-offs in each paper as well as overall cut-off marks in Phase 1. Please note that the Phase 1/Prelims exam is qualifying in nature i.e. marks obtained in phase 1 will not be counted for the final selection of the candidates. Detailed PFRDA Grade A exam pattern 2025 can be obtained from the table below.

    PaperStream / SubjectMaximum MarksNumber of QuestionsTime Duration
    Paper 1
    All Stream: Multiple choice questions on the subjects
    English Language 25 20 60 minutes
    Quantitative Aptitude 25 20
    Test of Reasoning 25 20
    General Awareness (including some questions related to financial sector) 25 20
    Total 100 80  
    Paper 2 Research (Economics and Statistics) Stream: Multiple choice questions on Specialised subject related to Research (Economics and Statistics). 100 50 40 minutes

    PFRDA Grade A Phase 2 Exam Pattern

    PFRDA Grade A Exam Pattern 2025 for Phase 2 will consist of two papers Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 is of the English language (common for all streams) and Paper 2 is subject-related. Paper 1 will be descriptive in nature whereas, in paper 2, multiple-choice questions will be asked. The time limit varies for each paper. You have to secure separate cut-offs in each paper as well as overall cut-off marks in PFRDA Grade A Phase 2. Further details on PFRDA Grade A exam pattern 2025 is given in the table below.

    PaperStream / SubjectMaximum MarksNumber of QuestionsTime Duration
    Paper 1 All Stream: English (Descriptive Test) to test the drafting skills 100 3 60 minutes
    Paper 2 Research (Economics and Statistics) Stream: Multiple choice questions on Specialised subject related to Research (Economics and Statistics) stream. 100 50 40 minutes

    Please Note- 

    • For every wrong answer, a penalty of 1/4th mark is assigned to that question. 
    • The PFRDA Grade A exam 2025 will be bilingual in nature, i.e., Hindi/ English, except for the test for English Language and the Descriptive Test.

    Personal Interview

    You will be shortlisted for PFRDA Phase 3 i.e. Interview based on your performance in the Phase 2 exam. You can opt for an interview in Hindi or English at your convenience. The marks obtained in the Phase 2 Online Examination will be allotted a weightage of 85%, while the marks obtained in the Phase 3 Interview will be allotted a weightage of 15%.

    PFRDA Grade A Research (Economics) Syllabus 2025

    The PFRDA Grade A syllabus 2025 for Phase 1-Paper 1 comprises English Language, Reasoning, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude. The detailed PFRDA Grade A Paper 1 syllabus is listed below.

    English Language Anonyms, Homonyms, Antonyms, Spelling, Word formation, Idioms and phrases, Fill in the suitable words, Grammar, Spotting errors, Sentence correction, Active/ passive voice, Phrases and idioms, Direct and indirect speech, Reading Comprehension, Passage completion, Theme detection, Deriving conclusion, Rearrangement of passage
    Quantitative Aptitude Simplification and approximation, Number Series, Quadratic Equation, Number System / HCF & LCM, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Partnership, Ages, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Time, Speed & Distance, Problems on Trains, Boat and Stream, Time & Work / Pipes and Cisterns, Simple and Compound Interest, Mixture & Allegations, Permutation and Combination, Probability, Data Interpretation (DI), Caselet DI and Data Sufficiency
    Reasoning Analogy, Classification, Word formation, Statement and conclusions, Syllogism, Statement and assumptions, Statement and arguments, Coding decoding, Blood relations, Passage and conclusions, Alphabet test, Series test, Number, ranking and time sequence, Direction sense test, Decision-making test, Figure series, Input/output, Assertion and reasoning, Sitting arrangement, Odd figure out, Analogy, Series test, Miscellaneous test
    General Awareness Monetary Policies, Banking and Financial Awareness, Economic Terms, Current Affairs, Static GK, Financial and Economic News, Government Schemes. Agreement & Deals, Banking Terms- rates & processes, National Institutions

    Phase 1- Paper 2

    You can check the detailed PFRDA Assistant Manager Syllabus for Research (Economics) Paper 2 in the table below.

    • Demand and Supply , Market Structures , National Income: Concepts and Measurement,Classical & Keynesian Approach Determination of output and employment , Consumption Function , Investment Function , Multiplier and Accelerator , Demand and Supply for Money , IS LM , Inflation and Phillips Curve,Business Cycles
    • Balance of Payments, Foreign Exchange Markets , Inflation, Monetary and Fiscal Policy , Non-banking Financial Institutions

    Phase 2 Syllabus- Paper 1

    Paper 1 of Phase 2 is descriptive English Language. The detailed PFRDA Grade A Exam syllabus for Phase 2- Paper 1 for research is given below.

    English Writing Skills Precis Writing , Essay Writing , Comprehension

    Phase 2 Syllabus- Paper 2

    The detailed PFRDA Grade A syllabus 2025 for Phase 2- Paper 2 for Research (Economics) is provided in the table below.

    Economics Demand and Supply, Market Structures, National Income, Determination of output and employment, Investment Function, Multiplier and Accelerator, Demand and Supply for Money, IS – LM, Inflation and Phillips Curve, Business Cycles, Inflation, Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Banking Functions, Public Goods, Tax & Non-Tax Revenue, Direct & Indirect Taxes, Fiscal Balance, Public Debt, Public Budget and Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments.
    Statistics and Econometrics Measures of Central tendency & dispersions, Correlation, Sampling methods, Sampling Distribution, Statistical Inferences, Hypothesis testing, Regression Analysis, Panel Data Analysis, Time Series Properties and Analysis.
    Financial Institutions and Markets Asymmetric Information, Market Model, Market Efficiency, Money, Credit and Capital Markets, Primary Market, Secondary Market, Commodity Markets, Mutual Funds, Stock Exchanges, Credit Rating Agencies, Pension And Insurance Markets, Foreign Exchange Markets, Role of International Financial Institutions, IS, IMF & World Bank.
    Statistics Definition of Probability, Standard Distribution, Large and Small Sample Theory, Analysis of Variance, Estimation, Testing of Hypothesis, Non Parametric Tests, Stochastic Processes, Linear Models and Economic Statistics, Multivariate Analysis, Numerical Analysis and Basic Computer Techniques, Panel Data Analysis, Time Series Properties and Analysis.

    PFRDA Grade A Research (Economics) Important Books

    Books play a vital role in shaping the success of any exam preparation. To aid in your PFRDA Grade A exam, here are some essential books recommended for your study. These resources can significantly enhance your preparation and boost your chances of success.

    Securities Markets Capital Markets & Securities Laws N.S.Zad
    Economic and Social Issues Indian Economy Uma Kapila or Mishra Puri
    Indian Economy Ramesh Singh
    Sociology CN Shankar Rao
    Finance & Management Financial Management Prasanna Chandra or IM Pandey
    Indian Financial System Bharti Pathak
    Principles & Practise of Management LM Prasad / Sultan Chand & Sons
    Organisational Behaviour SP Robins
    Principles of Management Harold Kootz & Cyril J.O’Donnell / McGraw Hills
    Quantitative Aptitude Quicker Mathematics BSC Publications
    Quantitative Aptitude RS Agarwal
    Class Notes SS Bharti
    Reasoning Ability A modern approach to verbal & Non-verbal reasoning R.S. Agarwal
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning S.Chand
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Arihant Publication
    English Language English Grammar Wren & Martin
    Word power made easy Norman Lewis
    Descriptive General English SP Bakshi
    General Awareness Lucent GK Knowledge Lucent Publication
    BeePedia ixamBee
    English Descriptive Descriptive English S.P. BAKSHI
    151 Essays S.C Gupta
    Letter writing S.C Gupta
    Indian Economic Since Independence Uma Kapila Academic Foundation
    Business Law Including Company Law SS Gulshan New Age International Publishers

    PFRDA Grade A Research (Economics) Exam Calendar 2025

    Understanding the timetable for the PFRDA Grade A examination 2025 holds paramount importance for aspirants. The PFRDA Grade A exam schedule encompasses vital details, such as the registration commencement and closure dates, the release dates of admit cards, exam dates, result declarations, and other pertinent information. While awaiting the official PFRDA Grade A notification 2025, candidates are advised to regularly monitor the official website for any updates regarding the examination dates. It is crucial for aspirants to stay abreast of any revisions or changes to the exam schedule through the official channels provided by PFRDA.

    It's crucial to acknowledge that PFRDA Grade A retains the authority to reschedule the exam if any administrative exigency arises. Candidates will be prompted to indicate their preferred examination center during the application process. PFRDA allocates various exam centers nationwide to ensure the seamless conduct of the examination.

    PFRDA Officer Grade A (Assistant Manager) Important Exam Dates 2025

    EventsImportant Exam Dates
    Online Registration and Payment of Online
    Fees/Intimation Charges
    To be notified later
    Phase 1 Online Exam Dates  To be notified later
    PFRDA Grade A Phase 1 Online Exam Result  To be notified later
    Phase 2 Online Examination  To be notified later
    Phase 2 Online Exam Result  (Candidates with roll numbers have qualified in the Phase 2) To be notified later
    Phase 3 Interview Dates  To be notified later
    PFRDA Grade A Final Result To be notified later

    PFRDA Grade A Research (Economics) Salary 2025

    You will receive a CTC of Rs 18 lacs per annum approximately. The PFRDA Grade A salary pay scale is Rs.44500-2500(4)-54500-2850(7)-74450-EB-2850(4)- 85850-3300(1)-89150 (17 years). Besides this, various allowances such as Leave Fare Concession, Medical Expenses (Hospitalisation and Non-Hospitalisation), Personal Accident Insurance, Education Allowance, and others will also be provided to a PFRDA Grade A officer. Also, you will be on probation for one year from the date of your joining. Other than all this, a qualification pay will also be paid based on your qualification. As per the official notification, you will be paid rupees 3500 in case you have completed a Ph.D. in Economics.

    PFRDA Grade A (Assistant Manager)
    • Pay Scale- Rs. 44500-2500(4)-54500-2850(7)-74450-EB-2850(4)- 85850-3300(1)-89150 (17 years).
    • Monthly Income - Rs. 1,40,000/- per month approximately

    PFRDA Grade A Research (Economics) Eligibility Criteria

    In order to be eligible for the PFRDA Grade A exam, you must satisfy the PFRDA Grade A eligibility criteria and the PFRDA Grade A age criteria. You must possess a Master's degree in the respective streams in order to apply for the exam. There are no minimum percentile criteria for the PFRDA exam. Also, you must not exceed the age limit of 30 years. This varies for the candidates belonging to reserve categories.

    Educational Criteria

    StreamEducational Criteria
    Research (Economics) Master’s Degree in Statistics/ Economics/ Commerce/ Business Administration (Finance)/ Econometrics.

    Age Criteria

    PostAge Criteria (As on July 31, 2022)
    PFRDA Officer Grade A (Assistant Manager) Maximum Age - 30 years as on July 31, 2022 i.e., candidate must have been born on or after August 01,1992.

    Age Relaxation

    The PFRDA Grade A notification also states the PFRDA Grade A age relaxation for the reserved categories and PwBD candidates.

    CategoryAge-Relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit
    SC/ST 5 years
    OBC 3 years
    • PwBD - 10 years
    • PwBD (OBC) - 13 years
    • PwBD (SC/ST) - 15 years
    Ex-servicemen 5 years

    Pfrda Assistant Manager Research Economics And Statistics FAQs

    The State Bank of India will issue the PFRDA Grade A Admit Card a few days prior to the examination. Candidates should anticipate receiving their admit cards within the specified timeframe, ensuring they are adequately prepared for the exam.
    The salary of a PFRDA Research officer will amount to a monthly gross emolument of Rs. 1,40,000/- per month. The pay scale of a PFRDA Research officer will the same as other Grade A officers, which is- Rs. 44500-2500(4)-54500-2850(7)-74450-EB-2850(4)- 85850-3300(1)-89150 (17 years).
    To be eligible for the PFRDA Grade A Research (Economics) stream exam, you must have a Master’s degree in Economics/Econometrics. For PFRDA Research (Statistics), you must possess a Master’s degree in Statistics.
    The specific dates for the PFRDA Grade A Prelims exam will be communicated at a later time. Aspirants are advised to stay updated with official announcements regarding the examination schedule to ensure timely preparation and participation in the recruitment process.
    As of now, the PFRDA Grade A 2025 notification has not been released. For the latest updates and details on PFRDA Grade A notifications, it's recommended to check the official PFRDA website.
    Once the PFRDA Grade A notification 2025 is released, the PFRDA Grade A online application process will commence. We encourage prospective candidates to apply for the exam as soon as possible and not wait until the deadline approaches. Timely application submission ensures a smoother process and avoids last-minute complications.

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