RRB Group D Eligibility Criteria 2025 - Age Limit, Qualification

    RRB Group D Eligibility Criteria

    RRb Group D Eligibility Criteria

    Before applying for any post under the Railway Recruitment Group D exam, you must ensure your eligibility. There is certain RRB Group D eligibility prescribed by the board (which is mandatory to be followed). Some of the very important eligibility requirements are Age criteria, Nationality, Educational Criteria, Physical efficiency test and medical standard test.

    RRB Group D Educational Criteria 

    This educational qualification is for various posts under the Railway's recruitment board. i.e. Assistant pointsman, Assistant Bridge, Track maintainer Grade IV, Hospital attendant, Assistant (Signal and Telecom) along with various other posts. Complete details on RRB Group D educational criteria 2025 is given below in the table.

    Name of the PostEducational Qualification
    Railways Group D 10th pass or ITI or equivalent or National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) granted by NCVT.

    Note: Diploma/ Degree holders in Engineering applications are not eligible to apply for any post.

    RRB Group D Age Criteria 

    The age limit to apply for the Railways Recruitment Group D posts is 18 to 36 years as on the date mentioned in the official notification. Applicants who fall under this age criteria are eligible to apply for the post. For complete details related to the RRB Group D age limit, please refer below.

    PostPrescribed age in normal course (as on 01.01.2025)Age as applicable to this CEN (as on 01.01.2025) Prescribed age in normal course (as on 01.01.2025)
    Railways Group D (Level 1) 18 to 33 years 18 to 36 years

    *To provide relief to many candidates who may have exceeded the age limit and missed the opportunity to participate in Railway recruitment due to the Covid -19 pandemic, it has been decided to grant a one-time age relaxation of 3 years beyond the prescribed upper age limit for the posts in Level-1.

    RRB Group D Age Relaxation 

    The relaxation in the upper age limit is provided to certain groups of communities like OBC (Non-creamy layer), SC/ST, PwBD, women candidates who are widowed/divorced for RRB Group D Exam as per government norms. In case you want to seek age relaxation, you need to present valid certificates at the time of document verification. You can refer to the below table for further information.

    Community / CategoriesRelaxation In Upper Age Limit (or) Maximum Upper Age
    OBC-Non Creamy Layer(NCL) 3 Years
    SC/ST 5 Years
    Ex-Servicemen candidates who have put in more than 6 months of service after attestation UR & EWS 3 years (after deduction of length of service from age)
    OBC-NCL 6 years (after deduction of length of service from age)
    SC/ST 8 years (after deduction of length of service from age)
    PwBD UR & EWS 10 Years
    OBC-NCL 13 Years
    SC/ST 15 Years
    Candidates who are serving Group 'C' and erstwhile Group 'D' Railway Staff, Casual Labour and Substitutes and have put in minimum 3 years of service (continuous or in broken spells). UR & EWS 40 Years of age
    OBC-NCL 43 Years of age
    SC/ST 45 Years of age
    Candidates who are working in QuasiAdministrative offices of the Railway organization such as Railway Canteens, Cooperative Societies and Institutes. Up to the length of service rendered or 5 years whichever is less
    Course Completed Act Apprentices applying for the posts for which minimum qualification is ITI/Course Completed Act Apprenticeship. UR & EWS Shall be relaxed to the extent of Apprentice Training undergone by them under the Apprentice Act 1961. (Maximum 3 years
    OBC-NCL Shall be relaxed to the extent of Apprentice Training undergone by them under the Apprentice Act 1961. (Maximum 6 years inclusive of age relaxation for OBC- NCL category)
    SC/ST Shall be relaxed to the extent of Apprentice Training undergone by them under the Apprentice Act 1961. (Maximum 8 years inclusive of age relaxation for SC/ST category)
    Candidates (canteen staff of MB Division NR) for compliance of Hon’ble Supreme Court order dated: - 12.07.2016 in Review Petition (Civil) Nos. 1954-1955 of 2016 in Civil Appeal Nos. 5874-5875 of 2015 titled as Mohan Singh & others V/s Chairman, Railway Board & others, Judgement dated 03.08.2015 passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court, New Delhi. Candidates (canteen staff of MB Division NR) for compliance of Hon’ble Supreme Court order dated: - 12.07.2016 in Review Petition (Civil) Nos. 1954-1955 of 2016 in Civil Appeal Nos. 5874-5875 of 2015 titled as Mohan Singh & others V/s Chairman, Railway Board & others, Judgement dated 03.08.2015 passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court, New Delhi.

    RRB Group D Medical Standard

    You will be called out for Document verification, Physical efficiency test and medical test if you qualify the RRB Group D online exam. It is advised to ensure your eligibility for the post you opted for. Any alternative appointment shall not be given to any candidate if he/she fails in the medical standard test for the opted post, therefore, it is advised to be very careful while filling out the application for the desired post. The medical tests will be there to test your medical fitness needed for the opted post in the Railways Recruitment Group D exam. Complete details on the Medical standard test are provided in the table.

    Medical StandardGeneral FitnessVisual Acuity
    A-2 Physically fit in all respects Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/9 without glasses(No fogging test)
    Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 without glasses and Must pass tests for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, Mesopic vision, etc.
    A-3 Physically fit in all respects Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/9 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 2D).
    Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses and Must pass test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, Myopic vision etc.
    B-1 Physically fit in all respects Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D),
    Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and Must pass test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, Mesopic vision etc.
    B-2 Physically fit in all respects Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D).
    Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and must pass test for Binocular Vision etc.
    C-1 Physically fit in all respects Distant Vision: 6/12, 6/18 with or without glasses.
    Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required.
    C-2 Physically fit in all respects Distant Vision: 6/12, NIL with or without glasses.
    Near Vision: Sn. 0.6 combined with or without glasses where reading or close work is required.

    Railway Group D Exam Eligibility Criteria FAQs

    You must have a graduate degree from a recognized board or university to apply for the exam.
    Yes, reserved category candidates will be provided relaxation in the upper age limit.

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