RRB Group D Exam Notification - 2025, Check Official Notification & Application Fee

    RRB Group D Notification

    RRB Group D Exam Notification

    The official notification of RRB Group D has been released and contains all the relevant information related to the exam like eligibility criteria, exam dates, syllabus, application fees, selection procedure and other details. As per the notification, the online application window for RRB Group D exam will be active from January 23, 2025 and close on February 22, 2025. The last dates for submitting the application fee are February 23, 2025, and February 24, 2025. There will also be a window of modification of the RRB Group D online application once candidates have paid their online application fees. This window will be open from February 25, 2025 to March 6, 2025. Let's see more details on the RRB Group D recruitment notification 2025 from below.

    RRB Group D Result 2025

    The last Railway RRB Group D result was released on the official website. You can follow this link to check your result by clicking on the RRB Group D result 2022 direct link provided which will take you to the official website. We wish all successful candidates the very best.

    How to Check Your Railway RRB Group D Result 2022? 

    • Check out the Railway Recruitment Board's official website.
    • To view the RRB Group D Result 2022, click on the link provided.
    • You can find all PDF results for each RRB region on this page by selecting the respective region.
    • On the screen, you will see the RRB Group D Result PDF.
    • Find your roll number in the merit list by downloading the RRB Group D Result.

    RRB Group D Vacancies

    A total number of 32438 posts have been released by the Railways Recruitment Board for various designations under Railways Recruitment Group D posts. A separate number of vacancies information i.e Zone wise and Post wise are also provided to help candidates in getting a clear idea of the vacancies. Complete information on the post and zone-wise vacancies are provided in the following table.

    Sl. NoRailwayURSCSTOBCEWSTotal VacancyExSMCCAA*PwBDBack- PwBD
    1 Central Railway 3597 1398 759 2656 935 9345 1870 1870 449 0
    2 East Central Railway 1369 555 325 956 358 3563 713 713 166 0
    3 East Coast Railway 1034 412 198 653 258 2555 510 510 105 0
    4 Eastern Railway, CLW & Metro 4926 1461 775 2619 1087 10873 2175 2175 589 5
    5 North Central Railway and DLW 2080 678 317 1175 474 4730 948 948 145 6
    6 North Eastern Railway, MCF and RDSO 1570 615 307 1107 403 4002 802 802 157 0
    7 North Western Railway 2132 814 384 1393 526 5249 1049 1049 324 0
    8 Northeast Frontier Railway 1119 449 226 809 291 2894 575 575 144 0
    9 Northern Railway, DMW and RCF 5144 2017 1031 3644 1317 13153 2630 2630 626 0
    10 South Central Railway 3663 1432 722 2577 934 9328 1867 1867 125 0
    11 South East Central Railway 797 219 115 366 167 1664 333 333 84 0
    12 South Eastern Railway 1933 738 361 1305 482 4914 965 965 215 95
    13 South Western Railway and RWF 2745 1138 557 2006 715 7167 1433 1433 193 6
    14 Southern Railway and ICF 4363 1353 787 2118 958 9579 1914 1914 222 0
    15 West Central Railway 1596 633 308 1080 402 4019 804 804 226 0
    16 Western Railway 4287 1647 812 2914 1074 10734 2146 2146 556 0
    Grand Total 42355 15559 7984 27378 10381 103769 20734 20734 4326 112

    How To Apply Online

    The Railways Group D recruitment is an online process. Ensure that you fulfill all criteria before applying for the RRB Group D exam. In order to fill the application form, you need to have important documents like a 10th certificate, ID proof, and scanned photograph along with other important documents. To assist you with the application process, we are providing the step-by-step procedure below.

    • Visit the official website of RRB to apply for the post
    • Now click on the “New Registration” link
    • Enter all the required details like DOB, mothers name, mobile number, Email id, and Aadhar card number along with other details as asked
    • Select the railway you wish to apply for ensuring you fulfill all the eligibility norms for that railway board. Indicate your post-wise and railway wise preferences very carefully as once the online application is submitted no further change will be entertained later
    • Once the Railway Board has been selected a registration number and password will be allotted to you
    • You can proceed with the online application by clicking on the “Already Registered” Button and entering your Registration Number and password
    • Fill other details asked like educational qualification, community, age Relaxation and other details in Part 1 of registration
    • In Part 2 fill your preference of the posts and whether applicable for other posts qualification and other details
    • Upload all the documents as prescribed below-
    • A colour passport photograph with light background in JPEG format of 20KB to 50KB in size
    • The signature is again a JPEG image of 10KB to 40KB on a white paper with blank ink pen
    • SC/ST Certificate if seeking Free Travel Pass in JPEG image of size 50 to 100 KB
    • Scribe Photo (wherever applicable) of JPEG format ranging between 20 to 50 KB
    • After completion of the part 2 registration click on the submit button
    • Confirm the declaration “I hereby declare that I have gone through the eligibility criteria for the post(s) applied for and meet all the requirements therein, that all the details furnished by me in the application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge & belief and nothing has been concealed or suppressed. I also understand that in case, any of the details furnished is found untrue during any stage of recruitment or thereafter, RRB/RRC shall disqualify me for the post(s) applied for and /or I shall be liable for any other action under the extant rules”.
    • Pay the application fees through any online mode, offline challan or Post Office challan as per your comfort

    RRB Group D Exam Application Fee

    Only after the complete submission of the application fee, your RRB Group D application form will be considered valid. Without the application fee, your candidature remains incomplete. The examination fee structure for candidates applying under the specified CEN is categorized as follows: For general candidates not falling under any concession categories, the fee is ₹500, of which ₹400 will be refunded after deducting applicable bank charges upon appearing in the Computer-Based Test (CBT). For PwBD, female, transgender, ex-servicemen, SC/ST, minority communities, and candidates from Economically Backward Class (EBC) categories (distinct from OBC or EWS), the fee is ₹250, which will also be refunded after deducting bank charges upon appearing in CBT. Payment can only be made online using internet banking, debit/credit cards, or UPI, and all applicable service charges will be borne by the candidates. No alternative payment modes are allowed. Applications submitted without the prescribed fee will be rejected, and no representation against such rejection will be entertained.

    For complete details on the application fee please refer to the table below.


    PwBD / Female /Transgender/ Ex-Servicemen candidates and candidates belonging to SC/ST/Minority Communities/ Economically Backward Class (EBC).

    This fee of 250 shall be refunded in due course duly deducting bank charges as applicable on appearing in CBT. 


    For all others

    Out of this fee of 500 an amount of 400 shall be refunded in due course duly deducting bank charges as applicable on appearing in CBT.

    Rs. 500/-

    RRB Group D Exam Admit Card

    The admit cards for Railways Recruitment Board Group D posts will be released on the official website some days before the online exam. Please note that the RRB Group D admit card will be available through online mode only. No admit card will be sent to any candidate by post. The admit card will contain all the relevant information like exam date, exam time, and exam venue. It will also contain the candidate’s name, registration number, DOB along with other details for authentication of the candidate.

    Railway Group D Exam Notification FAQs

    No. You will not be able to make any corrections once the RRB Group D application form is submitted.
    If you have applied for multiple applications to the same Railway, your application will be rejected.
    RRB Group D admit cards will be made available for all the candidates on RRC’s website and you have to print and bring them along on the exam day.

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