RBI Grade B Cut Off 2024, Previous Year Cut Off Marks

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    RBI Grade B Cut Off 2024

    The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issues the cut-off marks for each phase of the RBI Grade B Officer (General, DEPR/DSIM) examination. These cut-offs are released simultaneously with the result and scorecard. Only candidates exceeding the officially declared cut-off scores for a particular phase are considered eligible. The RBI Grade B exam Previous Year Cut Offs serve as valuable reference points for aspiring candidates. They provide insights into the minimum scores required to qualify for different phases of the exam.

    We bring to you our comprehensive guide on RBI Grade B previous year cut-off marks. If you want to crack the RBI Grade B exam with a comprehensive crash course, understanding the cut-off marks is very important for your preparation strategy. Analyzing past cut-offs help candidates measure the level of competition, identify trends in section-wise and overall marks, and set realistic goals for their preparation. Also they help in understanding the level of difficulty of the examination and adjusting study strategies accordingly. It may not be an absolute indicator of future cut-offs, but previous year cut-offs are indispensable tools for effective exam preparation and planning for the RBI Grade B exam.

    What is RBI Grade B Cut Off? 

    The RBI Grade B cut-off is the minimum marks that candidates need to achieve in order to qualify for the next stage of the exam or to secure a position in the final merit list. It usually varies each year and several factors such as the number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the exam, and the performance of candidates tend to influence the minimum score. We study and analyze the RBI Grade B previous year cut-offs to predict the RBI Grade B cut-offs as accurately as possible.

    RBI Grade B Cut off 2024 Final- Genral post

    Recruitment StageCategory and Cutoff Marks
    Aggregate Cutoff Marks in Phase-II (Paper- I, Paper-II and Paper- III taken together in Written Examination) for Shortlisting the Candidates for Interview (Out of Total 300 Marks) 173.50 169.00 165.00 161.50 173.50 152.50
    Aggregate Marks in Phase-II Examination (Paper- I, II and III) and Interview taken together (Out of Total 375 Marks) Obtained by the Last Recommended Candidate with Reference to the No. of Vacancies Notified in the Advertisement 226.75 218.00 212.25 214.50 206.00

    200.50 (GEN)

    191.75 (OBC)

    186.00 (SC)

    No PwBD Candidate qualified in ST and EWS category

    RBI Grade B Cut off 2024 Final- DEPR post

    Recruitment StageCategory and Cutoff Marks
    Aggregate Cutoff Marks in Phase -I (Paper- I and Paper-II) (Out of Total 200 Marks) 121.50 114.00 119.00 107.50 121.50 107.50
    Aggregate Cutoff Marks in Phase-I (Paper- I and Paper-II) and Phase-II (Paper- I and Paper-II) taken together for Shortlisting the Candidates for Interview (Out of Total 400 Marks) 269.00 259.50 265.67 241.00 269.00 241.00 (No candidate was shortlisted for Interview phase)
    Aggregate Marks in Online / Written Examination (Phase-I and Phase-II) and Interview taken together (Out of Total 475 Marks) Obtained by the Last Recommended Candidate with Reference to the No. of Vacancies Notified in the Advertisement 327.67 307.75 313.08 253.83 326.67 -

    Grade B Cut off 2024 Final- DSIM post

    Recruitment StageCategory and Cutoff Marks
    Cutoff Marks in Phase-I (Paper-I) (Out of Total 100 Marks) 81.50 - 74.50 74.50 (No candidate was shortlisted for Phase-II Examination) - 74.50 (No candidate was shortlisted for Phase-II Examination)
    Aggregate Cutoff Marks in Phase-I (Paper-I) and Phase-II (Paper-II and Paper-III) taken together for Shortlisting the Candidates for Interview (Out of Total 300 Marks) 228.00 - 207.00 - - -
    Aggregate Marks In Online/ Written Examination (Paper- I, II and III) and Interview taken together (Out of Total 375 Marks) Obtained By the Last Recommended Candidate with Reference to the No. of Vacancies Notified in the Advertisement 294.00 - 235.0 - - -

    RBI Grade B Prelims Cut Off 2024 (Overall)

    Category NameCut-Off Marks
    UR (General) 67.25
    EWS  67.25
    OBC 65.00
    ST 54.00
    SC 58.00
    PWBD 53.25

    RBI Grade ‘B’ (DR) – General – 2024 Test-Wise and Aggregate Cutoff Marks

    Test-wise and Aggregate Cutoff Marks in Phase-I Examination held on September 08, 2024 for Shortlisting Candidates for Phase-II Examination for Recruitment of Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR) – General –2024

    Name of the TestCategory
    General Awareness
    (Maximum Marks = 80)
    20.00 20.00 16.00 14.25 14.25 14.25
    English Language
    (Maximum Marks = 30)
    7.50 7.50 6.00 5.25 5.25 5.25
    Quantitative Aptitude
    Maximum Marks = 30)
    7.50 7.50 6.00 5.25 5.25 5.25
    (Maximum Marks = 60)
    15.00 15.00 12.00 10.75 10.75 10.75
    Total Score/ Aggregate
    (Maximum Marks = 200)
    67.25 67.25 65.00 58.00 54.00 53.25

    RBI Grade B Previous Year Cut-Off Marks 

    In this section, we'll provide you with the previous year's RBI Grade B cut-off marks for each stage of the exam - Preliminary, Mains, and Final. Please note that these cutoffs are provided for reference purposes and may vary from year to year.

    RBI Grade B (General) - DR-PY Phase 2 Cut Off 2023

    Recruitment StageCategory

    No PwBD Candidate qualified in SC, ST and OBC category


    RBI Grade B (General) - DR-PY Phase 1 Cut Off 2023

    RBI Grade B test wise and aggregate cut – off marks in phase- 1 examination held on july 09 & july 13, 2023

    General Awareness (Maximum Marks = 80) 12.00 12.00 8.00 6.25 6.25 6.25
    English Language (Maximum Marks = 30) 4.50 4.50 3.00 2.25 2.25 2.25
    Quantitative Apititude (Maximum Marks = 30) 4.50 4.50 3.00 2.25 2.25 2.25
    Reasonong (Maximum Marks = 60) 9.00 9.00 6.00 4.75 4.75 4.75
    Total Score/ Aggregate (Maximum Marks = 200) 54.25 54.25 54.25 52.75 44.75 40.25

    RBI Grade B 2022 Final (Phase 2 and Interview) Cut off 

    Aggregate cut – off marks in paper- I, paper-ii and paper- iii taken together in written examination for shortlisting the candidates for interview (out of total 300 marks). 171.25 167.00 150.50 150.25 171.25 150.25
    Aggregate marks in written examination (paper- I, ii and iii) and interview taken together (out of total 375 marks) obtained by the last recommended candidate with reference to the no. Of vacancies notified in the advertisement. 234.50 223.00 202.50 179.00 187.50 208.25(GEN)

    No PwBD Candidate qualified in ST and EWS category

    RBI Grade B 2022 Phase 1 Exam Cut off 

    Please look at the table below for the RBI Grade B Phase 1 cut-off for the year 2022.

    General Awareness(Maximum Marks = 80) 12.00 12.00 8.00 6.25 6.25 6.25
    Reasoning (Maximum Marks = 60) 9.00 9.00 6.00 4.75 4.75 4.75
    English Language (Maximum Marks = 30) 4.50 4.50 3.00 2.25 2.25 2.25
    Quantitative Aptitude (Maximum Marks = 30) 4.50 4.50 3.00 2.25 2.25 2.25
    Total Score/ Aggregate (Maximum Marks = 200) 63.75 63.75 60.25 55.25 50.75 49.75

    RBI Grade B 2021 Final Cut-off (General)

    SectionCategory-Wise Cut Off
    Aggregate marks in written examination (paper- 1, 2 & 3) and interview taken together (out of total 375 marks) obtained by the last recommended candidate with reference to the no. of vacancies notified in the advertisement. 252.25 241.25 212.25 205.25 218.25 Gen - 226
    OBC - 223.75

    RBI Grade B 2021 Phase 2 Cut-off (General)

    SectionCategory-Wise Cut Off
    Aggregate cut – off marks in paper- I, paper-ii and paper- iii taken together in written examination for shortlisting the candidates for interview (out of total 300 marks). 187.75 187.75 167.5 166.75 187.75 166.75(HI, LD, MD)

    RBI Grade B Cut-Off 2021 Phase 1 (General)

    Given below is a detailed insight into the category-wise and the section-wise cut-off for RBI Grade B.

    General Awareness
    (Maximum Marks = 80)
    16.00 16.00 12.00 10.25 10.25 10.25
    (Maximum Marks = 60)
    12.00 12.00 9.00 7.75 7.75 7.75
    English Language
    (Maximum Marks = 30)
    6.00 6.00 4.50 3.75 3.75 3.75
    Quantitative Aptitude
    (Maximum Marks = 30)
    6.00 6.00 4.50 3.75 3.75 3.75
    Total Score/ Aggregate
    (Maximum Marks = 200)
    66.75 66.75 63.75 53.50 52.75 52.75

    RBI Grade B (DR) General 2019: (Phase 2 and Interview)

    Recruitment StageCategory
    Aggregate Cut-Off Marks in Paper- I, Paper- II and Paper- III taken together in written examination for shortlisting the candidates for interview (Out of total 300 marks) 193.25 188.00 172.25 172.25 193.25
    • 172.25 ( HI, LD, MD)
    • 176.75 (VI)
    Aggregate marks in written examination (Paper- I, Paper- II and Paper- III) and interview taken together (Out of total 350 marks) obtained by the last recommended candidate with reference to the no. of vacancies notified in the advertisement 238.25 215.50 206.50 194.00 197.00
    • Gen 215.75
    • OBC 194.75

    RBI Grade B Cut-off 2019 Phase 1

    Below is the list of sectional cut-offs for the RBI Grade B Phase 1.

    General Awareness (Maximum Marks = 80) 20.00 20.00 16.00 14.25 14.25 14.25
    Reasoning (Maximum Marks = 60) 15.00 15.00 12.00 10.75 10.75 10.75
    English Language (Maximum Marks = 30) 7.50 7.50 6.00 5.25 5.25 5.25
    Quantitative Aptitude (Maximum Marks = 30) 7.50 7.50 6.00 5.25 5.25 5.25
    Total Score / Aggregate (Maximum Marks = 200) 122.00 122.00 115.50 108.00 108.00 108.00

    RBI Grade B Final Cut Off 2018

    The cut-off for the RBI Grade B Phase-2 for the year 2018 is as follows:

    Recruitment StageCategory & Cut Off Marks
    Aggregate Cut – Off Marks In Paper- I, Paper-II And Paper- III Taken Together In Written Examination For Shortlisting The Candidates For Interview (Out Of Total 300 Marks). 201.25 186.25 180.25 180.25 180.25
    Aggregate Marks In Written Examination (Paper- I, II And II) And Interview Taken Together (Out Of Total 350 Marks) Obtained By The Last Recommended Candidate With Reference To The No. Of Vacancies Notified In The Advertisement. 248.50 235.50 221.25 219.50 GEN-235.50

    RBI Grade B Phase-1 Cut-Off 2018

    The cut-off for the RBI Grade B Phase-1 for the year 2018 is as follows:

    Category/ SectionGeneral AwarenessReasoning AbilityEnglish LanguageQuantitative AptitudeTotal Score/ Aggregate
    Maximum Marks 80 60 30 30 200
    General 20.00 15.00 7.50 7.50 105.75
    OBC 16.00 12.00 6.00 6.00 95.75
    SC 14.25 10.75 5.25 5.25 91.75
    ST 14.25 10.75 5.25 5.25 91.75
    PWD (OH/HI/VH) 14.25 10.75 5.25 5.25 91.75

    Factors Affecting RBI Grade B Cut Off 

    Number of vacancies: Higher vacancies may lead to a comparatively lower cutoff, while lower vacancies can result in a higher cutoff. 

    The difficulty level of the exam: If the exam is relatively challenging, the cutoff may be lower, and vice versa. 

    Candidate performance: . If the majority of candidates perform too well, the cutoff may rise, and if the performance is average, the cutoff may be lower.

    RBI Grade B Cut-Off Trend 

    Knowing the RBI Grade B Cut-Off is an important part of your exam preparation. This will enable you to understand what the level of the examination will be. Please take a careful look at the points below:

    For starters, there is something called sectional cut-off and overall cut-off, both of which you need to score separately in order to move on to the next stage of the RBI Grade B selection process for 2025. 

    A great way for you to increase your overall cut-off is by doing well in the General Awareness and English Language sections of the examination. The difficulty level of these sections is generally easy to moderate so you should take this advantage to improve your score. 

    Next point is, if you do not know the answer to any question, it is better to skip it than to make a wild guess as there is a negative marking for wrong answers. So, you should be careful before randomly ticking answers. 

    If you are a bit doubtful of any particular subject, for example, Quantitative Aptitude, then you should focus on achieving the cut-off mark by calculating how many questions you need to correctly answer to get it. In such cases only attempt questions you are most confident about. 

    In the video below, Susheel Ragade Sir has made a detailed analysis of the RBI Grade B cut-off trends and also given a deep insight into how this information can help you prepare.

    How to Improve Your Chances of Clearing the RBI Grade B 2025 Exam? 

    Understand the RBI Grade B exam pattern and syllabus 2025: Be well versed with the exam pattern and syllabus and make a study plan for proper time management.  

    Practice RBI Grade B mock tests: Regularly practice mock tests and previous year question papers to improve your time management skills and get better picture of the exam's format. 

    Analyze your performance: Identify your advantages and disadvantages and focus on strengthening the weak areas after each mock test. 

    Update your current affairs: Stay updated through newspapers, online news portals, and relevant magazines, on the latest current affairs, especially in the banking and economic sector. 

    Improve your quantitative aptitude and reasoning skills: These sections hold decisive weightage in the RBI Grade B exam 2025. Solve mathematical problems and logical reasoning questions regularly for practice and thereby to improve your accuracy and speed. 

    Improve your English language proficiency: Enhance your vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension skills. Read whatever you get your hands on, newspapers, books, or articles to develop a strong command of the English language. 

    Exam preparation can be challenging, but it's very important to stay focused, and motivated, and maintain a positive mindset throughout the process. So though mentioned last, but not the least, believe in your abilities and preparation. 

    You can use the instructions provided below to check the RBI Grade B final cut-off . 

    Steps to Check RBI Grade B Cut-Off : 

    Step 1: Go to the official website of the RBI: https://www.rbi.org.in/. After the page opens, scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the “more links” section and click on “Opportunities@RBI” in that section. 

    Step 2: On the new page that opens up, hover the cursor over the drop-down button called, “Current Vacancies”, and then click on the button called, “Results”. 

    Step 3: Next, on the page that opens look for the link called “Marksheet and cut off marks for the recruitment of Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR)–General-”, and click on it if you want to check the RBI Grade B Phase 1 cut-offs. 

    Step 4: After clicking on the link of your choice, a new page opens up where you can see the Cut off marks of the RBI Grade B Phase of your choice. 


    To succeed in the RBI Grade B exam, understanding the previous year cutoff marks and solving RBI previous year papers for Phase 1 should do the trick. By understanding the cutoff trends, and factors influencing the cutoff, and implementing effective preparation methods, you can enhance your chances of clearing the exam. Good luck!

    If you're looking for more RBI Grade B guidance and study materials to excel in the RBI Grade B exam, don’t hesitate to visit our comprehensive resources, mock tests, and expert tips. Start your preparation today to secure a promising career in the banking sector. 

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    Rbi Grade B Previous Year Cut Off FAQs

    The RBI Grade B cut-off is crucial in the selection process, as candidates must score higher than the officially announced cut-off marks for the specific phase to be considered qualified. They help in understanding the evolving difficulty of the examination and adjusting study strategies accordingly. Typically, the cut-off is released concurrently with the announcement of the result and scorecard to determine which candidates have met the minimum required scores.
    Though not an absolute indicator, the cut-off from the past years will give a fair idea about how much one needs to score to successfully ace the RBI Grade B 2025 examination. They might help in understanding the evolving difficulty of the examination and adjusting study strategies accordingly.
    Yes. Any graduate with a minimum of 60% marks in their bachelors can apply for the RBI Grade B exam and be considered for the same. However, there are some specialized posts within the RBI Grade B posts that will need a bachelor’s or even master’s in specific subject areas. Candidates should check the eligibility criteria for these posts thoroughly.
    Yes. For the Phase 1 examination, there is a provision for both sectional and overall cutoff in each of the subjects. As for the Phase 2 cut-offs for RBI Grade B, it will be released following the completion of the entire recruitment process.
    The cut-off marks for the RBI Grade B exam may vary from year to year based on a variety of factors, including the difficulty level of the paper, the number of applicants, and the overall performance of the candidates. Therefore, it's possible to see fluctuations in the cut-off scores from one year to the next. To get a clear understanding of the trends and changes in the past year's cut-offs, candidates should review the official data provided by the Reserve Bank of India and consider it as a reference while preparing for the exam. For e.g., since the exam for RBI Grade B Phase 1 (General stream) was considered to be challenging in terms of the difficulty level, the overall cutoff released for all categories has been lower compared to the general trend. The cutoff for RBI Grade B Phase 1 announced for the General category was at 54.25.
    If you secure the overall cut-off but do not meet the sectional cut-off in the RBI Grade B recruitment examination, it typically means that you may not qualify for that particular phase of the examination. The sectional cut-off marks are set to ensure that candidates demonstrate a minimum level of proficiency in each subject or section. Meeting the overall cut-off indicates that your cumulative score across all sections is above the minimum required for that phase. However, failing to meet the sectional cut-off in even one subject can still disqualify you from proceeding to the next phase of the examination. It's essential to focus on both overall and sectional cut-offs to ensure your eligibility for the RBI Grade B recruitment process.
    The RBI Grade B previous year cut-off acts as a valuable reference point in your preparation. It provides insights into the minimum scores required for each phase, helping you assess competition, understand section-wise trends, and set realistic goals. It aids in strategy development and ensures you're well-prepared for the RBI Grade B exam.
    Yes. The previous year cut-offs (category-wise) were released by the RBI Grade B. You can check it on our Previous year cut-off page.

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