RBI Grade B Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025: Check Subject Wise Syllabus

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    RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025, Prelims & Mains Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme

    Aspirants waiting for the 2025 RBI Grade B notification  to be released can start preparing for the exam. The detailed notification for RBI Grade B will be released after the current exam cycle is complete. Aspirants will be able to apply for the exam immediately after the notification s out and they need to apply for the same within the deadline which will be provided in the notification. The release of this important notification means that aspirants can refer to the RBI Grade B exam pattern and RBI Grade syllabus for preparing for the exam. Once the detailed notification is out, aspirants can adjust their preparation accordingly, since the notification contains details about the syllabus and exam pattern. 

    The previously released RBI Grade B notification had brought about a few changes in the RBI Grade B Phase 2 syllabus. Due to this, it is important to understand all the minor details of both the expected RBI Grade B exam syllabus and the RBI Grade B exam pattern. Knowing more about it will help you prepare for the exam better. It also helps you keep track of all the changes that have occurred in the exam during the last couple of years. 

    We hope to provide you with a detailed explanation on the syllabus and exam pattern for the RBI Exam. We also hope to provide some strategies you can use during your preparation. We have been very thorough in discussing a lot of important aspects of the RBI Grade B Exam. Any aspirant hoping to sit the exam will be able to make use of them to plan out their preparation more thoroughly. Pointers for time allotted for the exam, the number of questions in each section, negative markings and the books to help you study have all been discussed in detail in this section. This will help you in preparing for your exam much more systematically and give you a leeway for a fulfilling career with the RBI. The RBI Grade B exam selection process has a total of three phases as provided in the table below. 

    PhasesExam TypeNo. of marksDurationExam Language
    Phase 1 (Prelims) Objective 200 marks 2 hours Bilingual (Except the test for English language.)
    Phase 2 (Mains) Paper 1 (Objective & Descriptive)- 100 marks 30 minutes (Objective) & 1 hour 30 minutes (Descriptive)
    Paper 2 (Writing Skills)- 100 marks 1 hour 30 minutes
    Paper 3 (Objective & Descriptive)- 100 marks Composite time of 2 hours
    Phase 3 (Interview) Interview 75 marks    

    The marks obtained in the Mains and the Interview stage will decide the applicant’s final selection in the merit list. 

    RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2025 DR General (Phase 1)

    As stated earlied, the RBI has not yet released the Grade B exam details for 2025 since the current recruitment is still underway. The deadline for applying for the 2025 exam will begin as per the deadline mentioned in the notificaton. Aspirants need to apply for the exam as per the deadline mentioned in the notification.  We have provided details for the exam so that you can begin preparing immediately. With the release of the notification, aspirants need to strategize their exam preparation carefully. 

    There is a structured RBI Grade B exam pattern and syllabus in its Prelims phase. The RBI Grade B exam pattern follows four sections, basically English Language, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and General Awareness. You’ll have 120 minutes to complete Phase 1. Aspirants should be aware that the exam has a sectional time limit, which means they need to manage the time efficiently across all the four sections. 

    Please take a look at the table below for information on the RBI Grade B exam pattern (Prelims). 

    Sl. No.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
    1. English Language 30 30  25 minutes
    2. Quantitative Aptitude 30 30  25 minutes
    3. Reasoning Ability 60 60  45 minutes
    4. General Awareness 80 80  25 minutes
    Total 200 200 120 minutes

    RBI Grade B Exam Syllabus Phase 1

    As per the RBI Grade B syllabus, the Prelims exam 2025 will comprise four tests - General Awareness, English Language, Reasoning, and Numerical Ability. You should cover the complete RBI Grade B exam syllabus of all four subjects for Phase 1. General awareness plays a vital role in scoring well on the exam. You can refer to BeePedia which is a one-stop source for all general awareness content requirements for exams conducted by regulatory bodies like RBI, NABARD and SEBI exams and ends the need to refer to multiple sources for content. 

    Take a look at the RBI Grade B syllabus for Phase 1 given below for your information. 

    Quantitative Aptitude Simplification and approximation, Number Series, Quadratic Equation, Number System / HCF & LCM, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Partnership, Ages, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Time, Speed & Distance, Problems on Trains, Boat and Stream, Time & Work / Pipes and Cisterns, Simple and Compound Interest, Mixture & Allegations, Permutation and Combination, Probability, Data Interpretation (DI), Caselet DI and Data Sufficiency
    English Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Passage Making, Error Spotting, Jumble Words, Sentence Framing, Fill in the blanks
    General Awareness Monetary Policies, Banking and Financial Awareness, Economic Terms, Current Affairs (BeePedia), Static GK, Financial and Economic News, Government Schemes. Agreement & Deals, Banking Terms- rates & processes, National Institutions
    Reasoning Puzzles, Seating Arrangement- Circular, Square & Linear, Data Sufficiency, Directions and Distance, Coding-Decoding, Blood relations, Inequality, Syllogism, Machine input and output, Verbal Reasoning, Ordering and Ranking, Arrangement and Pattern, Scheduling, Distance and Direction, Ranking

    RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2025 DR General (Phase 2)

    If you have cleared Phase 1, then the next challenge awaiting RBI hopefuls is the Mains. The clearance from phase 1 to phase 2 is based on the cut-off decided by the Board. Only those who clear the said cutoffs and make it to the Prelims result list will make it to the Mains. Because of this selective approach, only the best of the applicants will be able to enjoy a fruitful career with the RBI. There are three sections in the Mains Exam which includes Economics and Social Issues, Descriptive English, and Finance Management. These papers consist of objective and descriptive sections. 

    The RBI Grade B Mains Exam Phase 2 is usually conducted in multiple shifts. There are separate exam Call Letters issued for each shift which helps keep the recruitment process more streamlined. These papers have 300 marks allotted to them and candidates need to complete the exam in 330 minutes, which is almost five and a half hours, with each paper held separately. As exhausting as it may seem, candidates need to be very prepared to clear this very elaborate segment of the recruitment drive. 

    The expected format of the details of RBI Grade B exam pattern 2025 (Mains) has been provided below. 

    PaperName of PaperExam TypeNumber of QuestionNumber of MarksTime Allotted (Minutes)
    Paper 1 Economic and Social Issues Objective Type (50%) 30 50 30 minutes
    Descriptive, answers to be typed with the help of the keyboard (50%) 6 (required to attempt 4 questions) 50 90 minutes
    Total 34 100 2 hours
    Paper 2 English (Writing Skills) Descriptive type, to be typed on the computer with the help of keyboard 3 100 1 hour 30 minutes
    Paper 3 Finance and Management Objective Type (50%) 30 50 Composite time of 2 hours
    Descriptive, answers to be typed with the help of the keyboard (50%) 6 (required to attempt 4 questions) 50
    Total 34 100 2 hours

    RBI Grade B Syllabus Phase 2: Paper 1

    The RBI Grade B Mains Syllabus for Paper 1 consists of Economic and Social issues. Though the RBI exam syllabus is ecpected to remain the same, a few topics like - Positive Discrimination in favour of the privileged, Social Movements, the Indian Political System, Human Development, Social Sectors in India, and Health and Education have been removed from the Social Structure in India section. For more details on the RBI Grade B Phase 2 syllabus Paper-1, check the table below. 

    RBI Grade B Economic and Social Issues (ESI) Syllabus
    Growth and Development Measurement of growth: National Income and per capita income – Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India – Sustainable Development and Environmental issues.
    Indian Economy Economic History of India - Changes in Industrial and Labour Policy, Monetary and Fiscal Policy since reforms of 1991 – Priorities and recommendations of Economic Survey and Union Budget – Indian Money and Financial Markets: Linkages with the economy – Role of Indian banks and Reserve Bank in the development process - Public Finance - Political Economy - Industrial Developments in India- Indian Agriculture - Services sector in India.
    Globalization Opening up of the Indian Economy – Balance of Payments, Export-Import Policy – International Economic Institutions – IMF and World Bank – WTO – Regional Economic Cooperation; International Economic Issues.
    Social Structure in India Multiculturalism – Demographic Trends – Urbanisation and Migration – Gender Issues – Social Justice.

    RBI Grade B Syllabus Phase 2: Paper 2

    RBI Grade B syllabus 2025 for Paper 2 consists of English Language (Descriptive). In this paper, you will be judged on the basis of your writing skills. RBI Grade B expected syllabus for Mains (Paper 2) has been provided below. 

    English (Writing Skills) The paper on English is designed in a manner to check the writing skills of the candidate including the power of expression and understanding of the topic.

    RBI Grade B Syllabus Phase 2: Paper 3

    RBI Grade B exam syllabus of Mains Paper 3 comprises Finance and Management. RBI has added some topics in Finance and Management like- NaBFID, Recent Developments in the Global Financial System and their impact on the Indian Financial System, the Role of IT in Banking and Finance, Non-Banking System and Developments in Digital Payments. Furthermore, under the General Topics, the Basics of Accounting and Financial Statements section has been added. The detailed RBI Grade syllabus of the Phase 2 Paper 3 exam is given below. 

    RBI Grade B General Finance Syllabus
    Financial System
    • Structure and Functions of Financial Institutions
    • Functions of Reserve Bank of India
    • Banking System in India – Structure and Developments, Financial Institutions – SIDBI, EXIM Bank, NABARD, NHB, NaBFID etc.
    • Recent Developments in Global Financial System and its impact on Indian Financial System
    • Role of Information Technology in Banking and Finance
    • Non-Banking System
    • Developments in Digital Payments
    Financial Markets Primary and Secondary Markets (Forex, Money, Bond, Equity, etc.), functions, instruments, recent developments.
    General Topics
    • Financial Risk Management 
    • Basics of Derivatives 
    • Global financial markets and International Banking – broad trends and latest developments 
    • Financial Inclusion
    •  Alternate source of finance, private and social cost-benefit, Public-Private Partnership
    • Corporate Governance in Banking Sector
    • The Union Budget – Concepts, approach and broad trends
    • Basics of Accounting and Financial Statements - Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Cash Flow Statements, Ratio Analysis (such as Debt to Equity, Debtor Days, Creditor Days, Inventory Turnover, Return on Assets, Return on Equity, etc.)
    • Inflation: Definition, trends, estimates, consequences and remedies (control): WPI- CPI - components and trends; striking a balance between inflation and growth through monetary and fiscal policies
    RBI Grade B Management Syllabus
    Fundamentals of Management & Organizational Behaviour:
    • Introduction to management; Evolution of management thought: Scientific, Administrative, Human Relations and Systems approach to management; Management functions and Managerial roles; Nudge theory
    • Meaning & concept of organizational behaviour; Personality: meaning, factors affecting personality, Big five model of personality; concept of reinforcement; Perception: concept, perceptual errors. Motivation: Concept, importance, Content theories (Maslow’s need theory, Alderfers’ ERG theory, McCllelands’ theory of needs, Herzberg’s two factor theory) & Process theories (Adams equity theory, Vrooms expectancy theory)
    • Leadership: Concept, Theories (Trait, Behavioural, Contingency, Charismatic, Transactional and Transformational Leadership; Emotional Intelligence: Concept, Importance, Dimensions. Analysis of Interpersonal Relationship: Transactional Analysis, Johari Window; Conflict: Concept, Sources, Types, Management of Conflict; Organizational Change: Concept, Kurt Lewin Theory of Change; Organizational Development (OD): Organisational Change, Strategies for Change, Theories of Planned Change (Lewin’s change model, Action research model, Positive model).
    Ethics at the Workplace and Corporate Governance:
    • Meaning of ethics, why ethical problems occur in business. Theories of ethics: Utilitarianism: weighing social cost and benefits, Rights and duties, Justice and fairness, ethics of care, integrating utility, rights, justice and caring, An alternative to moral principles: virtue ethics, teleological theories, egoism theory, relativism theory, Moral issues in business:
    • Ethics in Compliance, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, etc. Ethical Principles in Business: introduction, Organization Structure and Ethics, Role of Board of Directors, Best Practices in Ethics Programme, Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, etc.
    • Corporate Governance: Factors affecting Corporate Governance; Mechanisms of Corporate Governance Communication: Steps in the Communication Process; Communication Channels; Oral versus Written Communication; Verbal versus non-verbal Communication; upward, downward and lateral communication; Barriers to Communication, Role of Information Technology.

    RBI Grade B Exam Pattern Interview Round

    Once you clear the Phase 2 exam, you will receive a call letter for the RBI Grade B exam Interview, marking the final phase of the selection process. This section of the recruitment drive is different from others because you can choose your interview language. This means you can choose either English or Hindi to communicate.  

    The RBI Grade B exam Interview is quite important for the overall RBI evaluation, because it has a weightage of 75 marks. This segment of the selection process serves as a very important opportunity for candidates. They get the chance to showcase not just their knowledge of RBI and its various parameters. It also provides them with the chance to express themselves well and communicate well to the panel. They will be marked based on their in-depth subject knowledge and on their skills in engaging the listeners well, expressing their thoughts well and on other minute aspects.  

    RBI Grade B Final Selection Process<

    The final merit list is drawn on the basis of the marks secured in the RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam (Paper 1 + Paper 2 + Paper 3) and the RBI Grade B Interview.  

    RBI Grade B Marking Scheme

    As per the previous year RBI Grade B exam recruitment notification, in Objective type question pattern, for every wrong answer marked by candidates, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty. 

    RBI Grade B Exam Language

    All question papers in the RBI Grade B exam (Phase 1 and Phase 2) will be set bilingually in Hindi and English except for the test of English Language. 

    RBI Grade B 2025 Preparation Tips and Strategies

    If you are preparing for the RBI Grade B exam, you need to give your complete dedication, and hard work for it. You need to come up with a strategic approach to clear the exam. Given below are some tips and strategies to prepare.  

    • Understand the Exam Pattern: Before starting your preparation, you need to completely understand the RBI Grade B exam pattern and syllabus. As mentioned earlier, there are three phases to the exam and all the details you need for them have been mentioned above. 
    • Make a Study Plan: You should create an RBI Grade B Study Plan that covers all the topics for the exam. Manage your time efficiently and allot some time for each subject, covering the sections to study with some structure and format. 
    • Refer to Genuine Study Material: The RBI Grade B exam is a very competitive one , and it is important to refer to genuine study material. Refer books and study material from reliable sources like the Reserve Bank of India website, newspapers, and magazines. 
    • Improve Your General Knowledge: The RBI Grade B exam includes questions from current affairs, banking, economics, and general knowledge. Stay updated with the latest news and current affairs and read newspapers and magazines regularly. 
    • Time Management: Time management is important in the RBI Grade B exam. You need to learn to solve tough questions on a strict word limit so that you are able manage time well 
    • Always be Motivated: Don’t lose hope and always maintain your positive spirit while preparing. Don’t forget to take a couple of breaks in between, stay positive, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

    By following these tips and strategies, you can prepare for the RBI Grade B exam well. 

    Subject-Specific Study Techniques & Resources for RBI 2025 Exam 

    Now, let’s look at a few tips to help you prepare for each subject individually. When you approach each subject individually, you will find little to no difficulty with the exam.  

    • Quantitative Aptitude 

    Quantitative Aptitude is a very important segment that appears in most of the competitive exams. While preparing for the RBI Grade B Quantitative Aptitude segment, start off by grasping the exam pattern and syllabus perfectly. This will help you to understand some of the most important topics, helping you prepare accordingly. Before attempting the more complex aspects, be sure you are completely thorough with the most basic formulas and concepts. After that, focus on building a strong foundation in each topic. Don’t forget that you need quicker and far more accurate calculations for solving quantitative aptitude problems. Along with that, practice mental calculations and learn shortcuts to solve problems faster. After that, analyze your mistakes and understand the concepts that you find difficulty with. Focus on improving these areas and avoid making the same mistakes again. By following these preparation tips, you can improve your skills and prepare effectively for the exam. 

    • General Awareness 

    General Awareness is an important section in many competitive exams, including the RBI Grade B exam. Here are some tips that can help you prepare for the General Awareness section. Stay updated with the latest news and current affairs by reading newspapers, watching news channels, and following relevant websites and social media handles. Along with that make it a habit of noting down important events and their dates. Moreover, make a detailed note of important events, dates, and facts. This will help you revise and remember important information quickly. Magazines like Pratiyogita Darpan and Manorama Yearbook cover current affairs and general knowledge topics, so make sure you have them with you. Reading such magazines and books can help you build your general awareness and stay updated with the latest happenings. You should also focus on Static GK including topics like history, geography, economics, and politics. Lastly, you can join study groups or online forums where you can discuss and exchange information with other aspirants. This will help you stay motivated and learn from others. Don’t forget that ixamBee’s BeePedia capsules will help you get the most out of the crisp and relevant information. 

    • Reasoning  

    When it comes to Reasoning Ability, there is only one way to go about it, i.e., practice. Once you have clearly understood the basic concepts of Reasoning, you need to solve as many problems as possible from different topics and difficulty levels to build your confidence. Don’t forget that Reasoning involves logical and analytical thinking. Remember that puzzles, seating arrangements, and other similar questions will help you to improve your analytical skills. Sometimes, Reasoning questions can be time-consuming. To tackle this issue, you can try to learn shortcuts and tricks to solve problems faster and more efficiently. 

    • English Language 

    The first thing to do is work on expanding your vocabulary because it's important for the English language section. Brushing up on your reading habits is one way to improve your vocabulary. Start the practice of writing down new words together with their definitions. You need to remember that in the English language portion, reading comprehension questions are quite important. To gain expertise in this segment, read more comprehension passage segments and practice answering questions that are based on them. You should then review your grammar: English grammar is a very important part of the language. To sharpen your grammar abilities, brush up on your fundamental grammar principles and practice sentence correction exercises. Writing essays or letters may be tested in the English language portion. To hone your writing abilities, practice creating essays and letters on a variety of subjects. 

    • Economic and Social Issues 

    In India, economic and social issues are always changing on a regular basis. That’s why you need to stay updated with the latest current affairs issues and news related to Indian economy and society. You need to start by keeping yourself informed on day-to-day events by reading more about these subjects from various sources. You also need to be updated on what’s happening around you through books, magazines and online outlets of different kinds. Don’t forget that it is important to have a clear understanding of inflation, GDP, poverty, and unemployment. You should try shifting your focus must be to have a thorough understanding of these topics by reading as much as you can. Along with that, try to get your hands on some case studies because they are an important aspect of this section. Try to find solutions for some of them as practice for your exam. Finally, you can also make use of online resources to help you prepare like videos, articles, and mock tests.  

    • Finance and Management  

    One of the most important sections for the RBI Grade B Exam would be Finance and Management due to obvious reasons. While you don’t need a management background to clear this section, you should be aware of current affairs topics on finance markets and regulatory bodies as well as finance based institutions. You could also try practicing with RBI Grade B Previous Year Papers to get an idea about the latest exam trends and help you prepare accordingly. While numerical topics may not be directly mentioned in the syllabus, it is still important to have a basic understanding of them as they can come up in the exam. Reading RBI circulars and following a finance newspaper for the latest updates can also be helpful. They can help you identify your weak areas and work on them. As pointed out, management can be studied in two parts, factual knowledge and logical thinking. It is important to have a balance of both for success in this section. Studying factual knowledge and revising regularly, along with developing logical thinking skills for decision-making, can help you excel in the Management section of the RBI Grade B exam. 

    General Tips for RBI Grade B Exam 2025 Preparation

    Here are some general tips that can help you prepare for the RBI Grade B 2025 exam more efficiently: 

    • Create a Study Plan: As mentioned earlier, you can start off by making a study plan which covers important RBI topics. After that allocate some time for each subject based on your strengths and weaknesses. In addition to this, you can also check out the study plan prepared by experts at ixamBee to study efficiently for the exam. 
    • Use Genuine Study Material: Another thing you can do is use genuine study materials recommended by the RBI from reliable sources . Try not to use more than one or two sources to avoid getting confused. 
    • Take Regular Mock Tests: You would be aware that mock tests recreate the exam environment. To gain more confidence to sit the exam, try practicing with different mock tests from various sources. This will help you analyze your performance and amp your preparation for the exam.  
    • Improve Your Time Management: Time management is very important in any RBI Grade B exam. Try to practice more practice papers and worksheets not just to understand the subjects, but to make sure you can improve your speed, accuracy and ultimately your time management skills. 
    • Stay Motivated: Don’t lose heart when your preparation does not go according to your plan. Always remain motivated and positive when you prepare for the exam. Don’t stress yourself too much. Remember your body has limits and take regular breaks between your preparation. 
    • Get Enough Rest: You should also remember that sleep is quite important. Get plenty of sleep because when you are well rested, you will be able to focus better and maintain concentration. 

    Time Management Strategies for Covering the Syllabus Effectively.

    One thing that is very important for success in any exam is time management. Here are some strategies we have prepared to help you manage your time effectively. 

    • Create a Customized Study Plan for Yourself: You need to begin by making a study plan that covers important topics for the exam. Allocate some time for each subject based on your strengths and weaknesses. You also need to make sure you cover all the topics in a structured manner. 
    • Choose Topics with the Most Priority: When you prepare for the exam, you need to begin by identifying the most important topics. These include those from an examination perspective and those that are expected to have more weightage for the exam. Spare adequate time for each of these topics. 
    • Set Realistic Goals: Don’t aim for the figurative moon and stars. Rather set daily, weekly and Set realistic daily, weekly and monthly goals. Doing this will help you cover the syllabus effectively. You should also break down the topics into smaller sections and set targets to cover them. 
    • Take Short Breaks: Taking short breaks in between study sessions can help you stay focused and improve your concentration. Relaxing your mind is as important as preparing hard. Remember to maintain a more balanced preparation. 
    • Get Rid of Any Senseless Distraction: You don’t need to be a social pariah by removing yourself from society, but you need to limit social media, phone usage and other entertainment to the barest minimum. The goal should be to create a study-friendly environment that helps you focus better. 
    • Use of Best Available Technology: Despite what you think, technology can be helpful in your exam preparation. There are many apps and software available that can help you manage your time better, create study schedules, and track your progress. 
    • Always Try to Revise Regularly: Revision is extremely important for exam preparation. Allot enough time for your exam revision.  
    • Stay Motivated: Don’t lose hope while you are on your preparation journey. Always remind yourself about the goals you have kept for yourselves and the benefits of clearing the RBI exam. This positive mindset will be quite helpful in your preparation. 

    RBI Grade B Recommended Study Resources

    It takes a lot of dedication to prepare for the RBI Grade B exam. Here are some recommended study resources that can help you prepare for the exam: 

    • Official RBI website: The Reserve Bank of India’s website provides a lot of information regarding the RBI exam. You can also get information on various topics that will help you for the exam. 
    • Union Budget: Don’t forget that the intricate details in the Union Budget 2024-2025 is extremely important. This is because it has a major impact on the country’s economy, monetary policy and banking system. Your knowledge of this will help you understand and analyze economic policies and trends effectively. 
    • Economic Survey: The Economic Survey is a document released by the Government of India. It provides a summary of the economic situation in India. Information in this can be a useful resource for the RBI Grade B exam. 
    • NCERT Books: As underestimated as they are, NCERT books are an excellent resource for building a strong foundation in various subjects. They cover most of the basic topics and give you ample assistance in the tougher topics as well. 
    • RBI Grade B Officer Exam Guide by RPH Editorial Board: This book covers all the sections usually important for the exam. This includes previous year question papers and mock tests. 
    • The Hindu/Business Standard: The Hindu and Business Standard are popular newspapers that cover current affairs and business news. Reading them will help keep you updated with the latest news and current affairs. 
    • Manorama Yearbook: The Manorama Yearbook is a detailed reference book that covers all major events in the country and around the globe.. It is an excellent resource for building general knowledge. 
    • Pratiyogita Darpan: Pratiyogita Darpan is a popular magazine that covers current affairs, general knowledge, and other relevant topics. It can be a useful resource for the RBI Grade B exam. 
    • Previous Year Question Papers: Solving RBI Grade B previous year question papers is an excellent way to understand the RBI Grade B exam pattern and get familiar with the type of questions asked. This will help you develop an exam-taking strategy and improve your time management skills. 
    • Mock Tests: Mock tests recreate the exam environment and help you evaluate your preparation. Take regular RBI Grade B free mock tests with ixamBee and analyze your performance to identify and work on your weak areas. 

    RBI Grade B Important Books

    Books are a highly important part of the RBI Grade B 2025  exam preparation. RBI Grade B study material should include books, study notes and pdfs. There are several good-quality books for RBI Grade B , which you can refer to boost your exam preparation. Reading these books will give you the conceptual knowledge and the required depth in the topics relevant to the exam and help you to cover the full RBI Grade B syllabus. For detailed RBI Grade B books, please refer to the table below. 

    Economic and Social Issues Indian Economy (latest edition) Uma Kapila or S.K. Misra & V.k. Puri
    Growth and Development Devraj Ray
    Sociology C.N. Shankar Rao
    Public Finance K K Andley and Sundaram
    Newspapers including Mint, Business Line, Magazines/Periodicals/ Bulletins including RBI Bulletins, EPW, India Today -
    Reports: 1. World Development Report 2. Economic Survey of India 3. RBI Annual Report 4. Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India. 5. IMF: World Economic Outlook Devraj Ray
    Finance Monetary Theory and Public Policy Kenneth Kurihara
    Economic Growth and Development Mayer and Baldwin
    Financial Management Prasanna Chandra
    International Business Hill and Jain
    Major financial newspapers, RBI Annual Report, Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India, Economic Survey -
    Management Management Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter
    Organisational Behaviour Robbins Stephen P and Judge T.A. Vohra
    Human Resource Management Dessler Gary, Warkkey Biju
    Fundamentals of Human Resource Management Decenzo and Robbins
    Business Ethics- Concepts and Cases Velasquez Manuel G
    Business Ethics – An Indian Perspective Fernando A.C.
    Business Ethics Crane Andrew & Matten Dirk
    Business Ethics & Corporate Governance Ghosh B N
    Quantitative Aptitude Fast Track Objective Arithmetic Rajesh Verma
    Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams R.S. Agarwal
    How to prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT Arun Sharma
    Reasoning Ability A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-verbal Reasoning R.S. Agarwal
    Analytical Reasoning M.K.Pandey
    How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning Arun Sharma
    English Language High School Grammar and Composition Wren & Martin
    Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
    Objective English SP Bakshi
    General Awareness Banking Awareness Arihant Experts
    Banking Awareness for SBI and IBPS Bank Clerk/PO/RBI Exams/RRB Disha Experts
    Current Affairs (BeePedia) -

    As you can see from the information provided above, the books provided will help you prepare for the exam. The books mentioned above along with assistance from ixamBee’s abundant resources will help aspirants in their exam preparation. Candidates must keep their eyes open and read about many current economic events and subject-related questions to prepare well for the exam. So, what are you waiting for? Get cracking immediately! 

    RBI Grade B Free Mock Test

    If you want to clear the RBI Grade B, it is important not to cut any corners in your exam preparation. One resource which could be useful in this regard is the ixamBee RBI Grade B Mock Tests. These mock tests have been prepared by experts in the field and they are prepared by experts in the field. When you attempt these mock tests regularly, it helps you in managing your time and improving your preparation strategies. It also increases your confidence and reduces your exam stress. Additionally, the mock tests are important in helping you check your progress and guide you in understanding your strengths and weakness.  

    RBI Grade B Online Course

    Apart from this, if you still need some help in your exam preparation, you can check out ixamBee’s RBI Grade B Online Crash Course. It covers all the important subjects and topics important for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 exams. You can access video lessons, study notes, practice questions, and mock tests. These resources will give you a lot of chances to practice the mock tests and restructure your preparation accordingly. In addition to this, the course is designed by experts in the field and offers personalized guidance. You can also clear up any doubts you may have on the exam. This resource is helpful in giving you a better understanding of the important topics well. 

    RBI Grade B Phase I - Free Mock Tests

    RBI Grade B Phase 1 2025 Mock Test 2

    RBI Grade B Phase 1 2025 Mock Test 2

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    • 200 Marks
    RBI Grade B Phase 1 2025 Mock Test 1

    RBI Grade B Phase 1 2025 Mock Test 1

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    RBI Grade B 2020 Phase 1 Mock Test 5

    RBI Grade B 2020 Phase 1 Mock Test 5

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    RBI Grade B 2019 Phase 1 Mock Test 4

    RBI Grade B 2019 Phase 1 Mock Test 4

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    RBI Grade B Phase I - Previous Year Question Paper

    RBI Grade B Phase 1 2022 Previous Year Paper Shift 1

    RBI Grade B Phase 1 2022 Previous Year Paper Shift 1

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    RBI Grade B Phase 1 2021 Previous Year Paper

    RBI Grade B Phase 1 2021 Previous Year Paper

    • 120 Minutes
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    RBI Grade B Phase 1 2018 Previous Year Paper

    RBI Grade B Phase 1 2018 Previous Year Paper

    • 120 Minutes
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    RBI Grade B Phase 1 2017 Previous Year Paper

    RBI Grade B Phase 1 2017 Previous Year Paper

    • 120 Minutes
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    Rbi Grade B Syllabus FAQs

    The RBI Grade B exam will be conducted in three phases. The first phase is the prelims exam which will consist of objective type questions from English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and General Awareness. The next stage of the exam is the mains exam. The syllabus for this will include Economic and Social Issues, English Writing, and Finance and Management. The last stage of the RBI Grade B exam is the interview.
    Yes, a beginner can crack the RBI Grade B exam. While competitive, it focuses on knowledge you can build, not necessarily prior experience. Strong preparation with a good understanding of the syllabus, consistent practice, and time management can help you succeed on this challenging but conquerable exam.
    The RBI Grade B exam has a limited number of attempts for the General category. General category candidates can apply a maximum of 6 times. However, there's no restriction on the number of attempts for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/EWS categories.
    The basic pay of an RBI Grade B officer is Rs. 55,200 per month. This however does not include the additional allowances afforded to RBI Grade B officers by the government. Upon adding allowances and perks like Dearness Allowance, Housing Allowance, and other emoluments, the gross total salary of an RBI Grade B officers comes out to be Rs. 1,16,914 per month.
    There's no single "best" degree for RBI Grade B. The minimum requirement is a bachelor's degree in any discipline. However, degrees in Economics, Finance, Commerce, Statistics, or Mathematics provide a strong foundation for the exam content, which heavily focuses on these areas.
    The RBI Grade B exam is demanding, but achievable for dedicated students regardless of past academic performance. The key is focused preparation. The exam tests knowledge, not past grades. With a solid understanding of the syllabus, strategic studying, and practice, even "average" students can succeed.
    Some sections in the RBI Grade B and NABARD Grade A exams are quite similar. You can compare the RBI Grade B and NABARD Grade A syllabus here.
    Yes, the RBI Grade B Exam incorporates a negative marking system. In Computer-Based Tests (CBTs), if a candidate provides an incorrect response, they will incur a penalty of one-fourth (1/4th) of the marks allocated for that specific question. It's essential to exercise caution while attempting questions to avoid detrimental impacts on your overall score.
    Yes, in the RBI Grade B Exam, candidates have the option to select their preferred language of examination, either Hindi or English. This bilingual feature ensures that candidates can comfortably engage with the assessment in their language of choice, enhancing their understanding and performance in the examination.
    Yes, you can scroll to the top of this page and download the RBI Grade B Syllabus 2024.
    The preparation time depends on the student. If you are able to grasp the complex topics well, then you can adjust your preparation hours accordingly. But systematic planning can help students in preparing for the RBI Grade B exam.
    No, the RBI Grade B syllabus is not too stressful. This depends on the time you take to prepare for the exam and your own personal strategy for the exam. Remember, consistency and patience are quite important.
    There are generally four sections in the Phase 1 exam, namely Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English Language and General Awareness. If you prepare more systematically for these segments, you can cover all the topics from which questions could be asked.
    You can cover the RBI Grade B syllabus in lesser time by following a smart RBI Grade B preparation strategy. For this, you will need to refer to multiple resources like RBI Grade B mock tests, RBI Grade B previous year question papers, study materials, study videos and such.
    The time needed to cover the RBI Grade B exam syllabus depends on the student. This means that a student who has a deeper understanding of the subject and has extreme familiarity with these topics will be able to cover the topics easily. But others might need a full-time studying schedule of atleast 6 months to cover the entire syllabus.
    Sure, ixamBee has an exclusive online course for the RBI Grade B exam, expertly prepared by RBI Grade B officers themselves. It has been designed for the needs of aspirants who want to excel in the RBI Grade B exam. Our course covers all the essential topics, provides in-depth study material, offers extensive practice questions, and includes expert guidance to help you ace the exam.
    If you are looking for the complete list of RBI Grade B books, we recommend visiting our website. You could also try checking out the RBI Online Course for any study materials you may need.
    Yes, negative marking has been implemented in the RBI Grade B exams. This is to deduct 1/4th or 0.25 of the marks for a particular question as a penalty for each incorrect answer. This marking scheme will enable candidates to answer questions carefully and confidently.
    The RBI Grade B has three phases, namely Phase 1 and Phase 2 followed by an Interview. The final selection is based on the candidate’s performance in all three. It is important for candidates to perform well in all three phases to increase their chances of being selected.
    The RBI Grade B Exam will be conducted in the online mode. This means that candidates will sit the exam through a computer or any similar device.
    Yes, the RBI Grade B Exam implements both sectional and overall cut-off marks. Candidates must achieve a minimum qualifying score in each exam section and meet the prescribed cut-off.
    Having gap years after graduation should not impact your selection in the RBI Grade B Exam. As long as you can provide a reasonable justification during the interview for the gap in your educational or professional journey, your candidacy remains strong.
    There will be three phases: Phase 1 and Phase 2 followed by an Interview in the RBI Grade B recruitment process.
    There are a total of three posts available in RBI Grade B Recruitment. DR-General, DEPR and DSIM. To know more about each in detail please visit our website.
    The RBI Grade B syllabus is not changed every year. In fact, the syllabus and scope of the RBI exam have remained the same for the last few years. The level of difficulty of the exam may however differ.
    Technically, no topic is to be ignored during your RBI Grade B exam preparation 2024. However, you can refer to the RBI Grade B previous years’ exam analysis to check which topics are tested more often.

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