RRB NTPC Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025- CBT 1 and CBT 2 Syllabus

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    RRB NTPC Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2024 

    The RRB NTPC 2024 recruitment notification has finally been released. The RRB has released 11,558 vacancies for the NTPC posts for 2024. out of these vacancies, 8,113 are for Graduate level candidates. The remaining 3,445 vacancies are for Undergraduate level candidates. The application dates for both the Graduate level and Undergraduate level posts vary so candidates must be very careful in applying for both these.  

    They are advised to go through the RRB NTPC eligibility criteria, the RRB NTPC Syllabus, the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024, exam dates and other important details regarding the Graduate and Undergraduate posts of the RRB NTPC recruitment cycle 2024 before starting their applications for the same. Candidates should be aware that the online application process for the graduate-level posts in RRB NTPC will be open from September 14, 2024, and will close on October 13, 2024. The final dates for payment of the application fees for the RRB NTPC exam for Graduate level posts will be October 14, 2024 to October 15, 2024. As per the RRB NTPC notification 2024, for the Graduate level posts, there will be a window for online application correction from October 16, 2024 to October 25, 2024.   

    For the undergraduate-level posts, the online application window will begin on September 21, 2024, and will close on October 20, 2024.  

    The RRB stands for Railway Recruitment Board. It is a government organization responsible for recruiting personnel for various non-gazetted posts in the Indian Railways. There are multiple RRBs across the country, each handling recruitment for specific geographical regions. The primary function of the RRB is to conduct recruitment exams, interviews, and medical examinations to select suitable candidates for different railway jobs. For all aspirants hoping to get into the post, the RRB NTPC Exam Syllabus and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 is quite important.  

    The RRB Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) exam is highly sought after for several reasons. Firstly, the Indian Railways is one of the largest employers in the country, offering a stable and secure job with attractive benefits. The NTPC exam opens doors to a variety of posts, ranging from clerical to operational roles, providing candidates with diverse career options. You need to have complete understanding of the RRB NTPC Exam Syllabus and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 to prepare for the exam.  

    Secondly, the number of vacancies advertised through the NTPC exam is usually substantial, increasing the chances of employment for aspirants. Moreover, the railway jobs come with perks like job security, pension, medical facilities, and opportunities for growth and promotion within the organization. These factors combined make the RRB NTPC exam a highly competitive and coveted exam for job seekers in India. Knowing the RRB NTPC Exam Syllabus and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 will be helpful for your exam preparation. 

    As the RRB NTPC exam is such a lucrative opportunity for candidates of varying backgrounds, its notification and exam are awaited each year by aspirants. With the RRB NTPC notification now released, it becomes important that candidates begin their preparations for the upcoming exam. To perform well in the exam, the first step in the RRB NTPC preparation is to be familiar with the RRB NTPC Exam Syllabus and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024. The RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 will help students understand what they will have to face on the exam day. The RRB NTPC Syllabus will help them prepare study plans and know what topics to prepare to ensure they succeed in the examination. 

    ixamBee helps government exam aspirants prepare for their exams and secure life changing government jobs. With our RRB NTPC online courses, RRB NTPC mock tests, RRB NTPC previous year papers and expert guidance, your dreams of a secure government job can become a reality now. 

    RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 

    The RRB NTPC Recruitment 2024 exam takes place in different phases. You need to know the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 very well to begin your exam preparation. Each phase helps qualify deserving candidates who move on to the next round of selection. The RRB NTPC selection is to be made through the 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT), 2nd Stage CBT, Typing Skill Test/Computer Based Aptitude Test (as applicable), and Document Verification/Medical Examination. Selection will be made strictly based on merit, brought out after considering each of the stages. The dates, time, and venue for all the activities, viz., CBTs, Typing Skill Test/Computer Based Aptitude Test, Document Verification, Medical Examination, or any other related activity, shall be fixed by the RRBs and shall be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course. No request for postponement or change of venue, date, and shift shall be entertained whatsoever. The RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 makes it clear that the organization usually conducts a computer-based examination for NTPC Recruitment which is held in four phases: 

    • CBT 1 - Preliminary Test 
    • CBT 2 - Main Test 
    • Typing Skill Test/Computer-Based Aptitude Test 
    • Document Verification / Medical Test 

    The Typing Skill Test will be applicable to the posts of Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist and Junior Time Keeper. 

    The Computer-Based Aptitude Test or CBAT which is applicable for only those candidates who opt for the posts of Station Master and Traffic Assistant. 

    CBT 1 RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 

    The RRB NTPC recruitment process commences with the Computer Based Test (CBT)-1, a preliminary online examination common to all positions advertised in the official RRB NTPC 2024 notification. This initial stage of the selection process is an objective-type test, evaluating candidates' proficiency across three core subjects: General Awareness, Mathematics, and General Intelligence & Reasoning. 

    The RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 states that the CBT-1 exam comprises a total of 100 questions, distributed across the aforementioned sections. Candidates are allotted a duration of 90 minutes to complete the test. It's crucial to note that a negative marking system is in place, wherein one-third of the marks assigned to a question will be deducted for each incorrect answer. 

    The performance of candidates in the CBT-1 is subjected to normalization to ensure a fair comparison of scores across different exam shifts as per the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024. Based on the normalized scores obtained, a merit list is prepared, and candidates are shortlisted to advance to the subsequent stage of the recruitment process, namely the RRB NTPC CBT-2. The total number of candidates to be shortlisted shall be 15 times the community-wise vacancies available as per the notification issued by the RRBs and their merit in the 1st Stage CBT. However, Railways reserve the right to enhance or reduce this limit for any category as per the requirement to ensure adequate candidates in all categories in all the notified posts. To understand the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 and its CBT-1, take a look at the table below. 

    S. No.SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
    1. General Awareness 40 40 90 minutes
    2. Mathematics 30 30
    3. General Intelligence and Reasoning 30 30
      Total 100 100  

    CBT 2 RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 

    Successful candidates who advance past the preliminary computer-based tests (CBT 1) of the recruitment process will be required to participate in the subsequent phase, the Main Computer-Based Test (CBT). This second stage of the examination as per the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 is also an objective-type assessment comprised of three distinct sections: General Awareness, Mathematics, and General Intelligence and Reasoning. 

    Each section of the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 carries a specific weightage of marks, and the entire test is allocated a duration of 90 minutes.  

    Candidates will have a total of 120 questions to answer within this timeframe. It is important to note that the raw scores obtained in the Main examination will undergo a normalization process before the final merit list is prepared. This normalization procedure in the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 ensures a fair comparison of scores across different examination sessions. The 2nd Stage CBT will take place for each of the 7th CPC Level i.e. Level 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 with increased difficulty level.  

    The normalized marks obtained by the candidate in the 2nd Stage CBT, for the posts for which Typing Skill Test or Computer-Based Aptitude Test is not required, will be used for shortlisting to the extent of the number of vacancies based on merit. The normalized marks obtained by the candidate in the 2nd Stage CBT, for the posts which include Typing Skill Test or Computer-Based Aptitude Test, will serve to bring candidates for the said Tests. 

    To understand the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 and the CBT-2, take a look at the table below. 

    S. No.SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
    1. General Awareness 50 50 90 minutes
    2. Mathematics 35 35
    3. General Intelligence and Reasoning 35 35
     . Total 120 120  

    Typing Test RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 

    The RRB NTPC Syllabus and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 states that the Typing Test is a crucial component of the recruitment process for specific clerical and administrative positions within the Indian Railways. Importantly, the typing test is qualifying in nature, meaning it does not contribute to the final merit list but is a mandatory requirement for progressing to the subsequent stages of the selection process as per the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024. 

    The RRB NTPC Typing test is administered to candidates vying for positions such as Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, and Senior Time Keeper, among others. To ensure a fair and competitive selection process in the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024, the RRB conducts typing tests for a candidate pool eight times the number of available vacancies. Candidates are assessed on their ability to accurately type at a minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English or 25 words per minute in Hindi. All the details relating to the RRB NTPC Syllabus and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 will be provided in the notification. To maintain the integrity of the evaluation, the typing test is conducted on a personal computer without the assistance of any editing or spell-checking tools. 

    It is essential to note that individuals with permanent disabilities, including blindness, low vision, cerebral palsy, or locomotor disabilities exceeding 40%, are exempt from the typing test. However, to avail of this exemption, candidates must furnish a valid certificate issued by a competent medical board, attesting to their disability and the associated limitations. 

    S. No.Name of PostLevel in 7th CPC1st stage CBT2nd stage CBTSkill Test requirement
    1. Junior Clerk cum Typist 2 Common for all posts Common for all Level 2 posts Typing Skill Test
    2. Accounts Clerk cum Typist 2 Typing Skill Test
    3. Junior Time Keeper 2 Typing Skill Test
    4. Trains Clerk 2 -
    5. Commercial cum Ticket Clerk 3 Separate for Level 3 post -
    6. Traffic Assistant 4 Separate for Level 4 post Computer Based Aptitude Test
    7. Goods Guard 5 Common for all Level 5 posts -
    8. Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk 5 -
    9. Senior Clerk cum Typist 5 Typing Skill Test
    10. Junior Account Assistant cum Typist 5 Typing Skill Test
    11. Senior Time Keeper 5 Typing Skill Test
    12. Commercial Apprentice 6 Common for all Level 6 posts -
    13. Station Master 6 Computer Based Aptitude Test

    RRB NTPC Computer Based Aptitude Test 

    If you opt for Traffic Assistant and Station Master you will also be required to appear in a Computer Based Aptitude Test on the basis of your performance in the 2nd Stage CBT. You need to score a minimum T-score of 42 marks in each of the test batteries to qualify. There is no facility of relaxation in minimum marks for any category of candidates as per the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 and the RRB NTPC Exam Syllabus 2024. 

    RRB NTPC Document Verification 

    Based on your performance in the 2nd Stage CBT and other tests (as applicable) as per the posts, you will be called for document verification. In addition to this at the discretion of RRBs, candidates equal to 50% ( may increase or decrease at the discretion of RRBs) of the number of vacancies for various posts will also be called for document verification. 

    RRB NTPC Syllabus 2024 

    To embark on successful RRB exam preparation, a thorough understanding of the RRB NTPC Exam Syllabus is paramount. By familiarizing oneself with the RRB NTPC Syllabus and the specific topics covered in the examination, aspirants can develop a targeted study plan and enhance their chances of excelling in this competitive arena. A detailed RRB NTPC Syllabus breakdown is presented in the table below. 

    Mathematics Number System, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportions, Percentage, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Elementary Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics etc.
    General Intelligence and Reasoning Analogies, Completion of Number and Alphabetical Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical Operations, Similarities and Differences, Relationships, Analytical Reasoning, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagrams, Puzzle, Data Sufficiency, Statement- Conclusion, Statement- Courses of Action, Decision Making, Maps, Interpretation of Graphs etc.
    General Awareness Current Events of National and International Importance, Games and Sports, Art and Culture of India, Indian Literature, Monuments and Places of India, General Science and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE), History of India and Freedom Struggle, Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India and World, Indian Polity and Governance- constitution and political system, General Scientific and Technological Developments including Space and Nuclear Program of India, UN and Other important World Organizations, Environmental Issues Concerning India and World at Large, Basics of Computers and Computer Applications, Common Abbreviations, Transport Systems in India, Indian Economy, Famous Personalities of India and World, Flagship Government Programs, Flora and Fauna of India, Important Government and Public Sector Organizations of India etc.

    Rrb Ntpc Syllabus And Exam Pattern FAQs

    The normalization of scores is applied to ensure fairness in the evaluation of candidates across different shifts and sessions. In both CBT-1 and CBT-2, scores are adjusted based on the difficulty level of the exam conducted at different times to maintain consistency. This process helps create a level playing field for all candidates, ensuring that the scores reflect their true performance relative to others.
    Yes, candidates with permanent disabilities, including blindness, low vision, cerebral palsy, or locomotor disabilities exceeding 40%, are exempt from the Typing Skill Test. To qualify for this exemption, candidates must present a valid certificate from a competent medical board confirming their disability and limitations. This ensures that the recruitment process is inclusive and accommodates candidates with specific needs.
    The RRB NTPC exam consists of multiple stages. As per the RRB NTPC Exam Syllabus and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024, it begins with a preliminary Computer-Based Test (CBT 1) assessing General Awareness, Mathematics, and Reasoning. Successful candidates advance to the main Computer-Based Test (CBT 2) which is more challenging. Specific posts require additional tests like a Typing Skill Test or a Computer-Based Aptitude Test (CBAT). The final stage involves document verification and a medical test for selected candidates.
    The RRB NTPC Exam Syllabus primarily focuses on three key areas: General Awareness, Mathematics, and General Intelligence & Reasoning. General Awareness covers a wide range of topics including history, geography, current affairs, science, and more. Mathematics includes arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and basic statistics. General Intelligence & Reasoning tests your logical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical abilities. The RRB NTPC Syllabus 2024 encompasses topics like analogies, puzzles, coding-decoding, and data interpretation.
    Yes, as per the RRB NTPC Exam Syllabus and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 stated in the notification, there is negative marking in the RRB NTPC exam. For each incorrect answer in both CBT 1 and CBT 2, a penalty of one-third of the marks allotted to that question is deducted. This negative marking system emphasizes accuracy in addition to answering correctly. It's crucial to attempt only those questions you are confident about to avoid losing marks due to incorrect answers.
    The difficulty level of the RRB NTPC exam can vary depending on the RRB NTPC Exam Syllabus and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024. While some candidates find it manageable, others perceive it as challenging. The exam's competitiveness and the large number of applicants contribute to its perceived difficulty. Factors like preparation level, time management, and exam-day performance also influence the overall experience. It's essential to approach the exam with a strategic study plan and consistent practice to increase your chances of success. Everything you need to know about the exam is clearly stated in the RRB NTPC Exam Syllabus and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024.
    In the RRB NTPC selection process,as per the RRB NTPC Syllabus and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 the Typing Skill Test will be applicable for candidates applying to the posts of Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist and Junior Time Keeper.
    To effectively prepare for the RRB NTPC exam, candidates should start by thoroughly understanding the RRB NTPC Syllabus 2024 and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024. Developing a study plan that covers all key topics—General Awareness, Mathematics, and General Intelligence & Reasoning—is crucial. Regular practice with mock tests and previous years’ papers can help familiarize candidates with the exam format and improve time management skills. Consistent study, focused revision, and staying updated with current affairs will significantly enhance performance in the exam.
    The Computer-Based Aptitude Test (CBAT) is an additional test for candidates applying for the posts of Station Master and Traffic Assistant. This test evaluates various cognitive abilities and requires candidates to score a minimum T-score of 42 marks in each test battery. The CBAT is conducted based on the performance in CBT-2 and is used to further assess the suitability of candidates for these specific roles. All the details relating to the RRB NTPC Syllabus and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 is stated in the notification. 
    In the RRB NTPC CBT-1 as per the RRB NTPC Exam Syllabus and the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024, there are a total of 100 questions divided among General Awareness, Mathematics, and General Intelligence & Reasoning. Candidates have 90 minutes to complete this test. For CBT-2, the exam consists of 120 questions from the same sections, with the same duration of 90 minutes. Each stage of the exam is designed to test a candidate’s proficiency in these areas, with the CBT-2 being more challenging and detailed.

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