SIDBI Assistant Manager Notification 2025- Check Vacancies, Application Fee

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    SIDBI Grade A Recruitment Notification 2024  

    The SIDBI Grade A Notification 2024 has been released on the official website. Those candidates who are interested can send in their applications immediately. They need to make sure that they meet the eligibility criteria which has been stated in the SIDBI Assistant Manager Notification. You should know that the recently released SIDBI Grade A Notification 2024 has all the important information you need to know regarding the application process.  

    This also includes information related to the SIDBI Grade A exam dates, application procedure, eligibility and the details about the admit card as well. According to the SIDBI Grade A notification, the online application procedure is from November 08 2024 to 02 December 2024. Thus, candidates must submit their application and registration fees before the last date. The notice SIDBI Grade A 2024 Vacancy also states that the age limit for the recruitment process is November 2024. And you also have to know that the educational cut off is 02 December 2024. To know more, refer to the details of the SIDBI Grade A Notification. Finally, applicants need to know that in SIDBI Grade A Notification 2024, dates for proposed examination have been mentioned. It has been claimed that the first round of the SIDBI Grade A exam will start from December 22, 2024, and the second round of online exams will be held on January 19, 2025. Candidates qualified through these two rounds will also be shortlisted for appearing in the final interview on a tentative date of February 2025.  

    SIDBI Grade A 2024 Vacancy  

    Vacancy is considered one of the major determinants that represents how competitive candidates can get in the SIDBI Grade A Examination. Knowing the vacancies beforehand allows the candidates to understand the competition level and formulate a more targeted and strategic preparation plan. As per the recently issued SIDBI Assistant Manager Notification, there are 50 total vacancies for the SIDBI Grade A recruitment drive in 2024. These vacancies are divided into different categories, so it is important for candidates to go through the same in the notification. The SIDBI Grade A Notification further states that these vacancies are provisional and may change according to the actual requirements of the Bank. Candidates should check for updates on the SIDBI Assistant Manager Notification to be up-to-date with any changes that may happen. This vacancy distribution, as mentioned in the SIDBI Grade A Notification, would be helpful for the students who prepare for the examination. In this way, candidates would be able to assess how much competition level is required and accordingly can change the study strategy. The SIDBI Assistant Manager Notification has detailed breakdowns in place for vacancies so that interested candidates get a clear vision of the recruitment landscape. Note: Merely attending the Pre-Examination Training will not give a candidate any right to get selected in SIDBI.  

    PostVacancies Reserved forURTotalOut of which reserved for PWBD
    Assistant Manager - Grade A (General Stream) 6 4 14 3 23 50 - 01 - 02

    How to Apply for SIDBI Grade A 2024  

    SIDBI Grade A recruitment is an online procedure. It is important for you to know the correct process of filling out the application form to avoid any mistake. You will get appropriate time to apply for this exam. Thus, we recommend you not to wait till the last date to apply for the SIDBI Grade A Exam. The steps to be followed are given below.  

    • Visit the official SIDBI website and click on the option "APPLY ONLINE"  
    • A new tab will open with the "Click Here For New Registration" option  
    • Register yourself by entering your name, contact details, and Email-id A provisional registration number and password will be generated.  
    • An email & SMS regarding the same will be sent to your registered mobile number and email  
    • Login again using those credentials and fill in other details as required.  
    • Your name and your Father/Husband’s name should be spelled correctly in the application  
    • Validate your details by clicking the 'Validate your details and 'Save & Next’ button  
    • Upload all the documents in the required dimension as mentioned below-  
    • A recent passport-size colour photograph with a light background of dimensions 200 x 230 pixels.  
    • The file size should be between 20 KB – 50 KB  
    • Signature on white paper with a black ink pen with dimensions 140 x 60 pixels. File size should be between 10 KB – 20 KB  
    • Left thumb impression on white paper with black and blue ink of dimension 240 x 240 pixels. File size should be between 20 KB – 50 KB  
    • A handwritten declaration - "I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required." in English on white paper with black ink. The handwritten declaration should be in your own handwriting of dimension 800 x 400 pixels. The file size should be 50 KB – 100 KB. It should not be written in CAPITAL LETTERS  
    • All the uploaded documents should be in jpg/jpeg format Verify the details filled in the online application, as no change will be entertained after the final submit  
    • Click on the 'Payment' Tab and proceed with the payment Click on the 'Submit' button  
    • Take a printout of the application form and fee receipt  

    SIDBI Grade A Application Fee  

    After submitting the SIDBI application form, candidates will be redirected to complete the application fee payment. The fee for the SIDBI Grade A application can be paid only through online mode, making it a safe and error-free process.  

    According to the SIDBI Assistant Manager Notification 2024, the application fee differs with regard to category, so applicants should read the fee requirement pertaining to their category. Candidates can refer to the official SIDBI Grade A Notification 2024 to determine the specific fee applicable to them. How much is the application fee for SIDBI Grade A is categorized below in a tabular form for easier access. The process to pay online is user-friendly so that candidates can submit their applications without any hassle.  

    CategoryApplication feeIntimation ChargesTotal Charges
    SC/ ST/ PwD Nil Rs. 175/- Rs. 175/-
    Others (including OBCs/ EWS and General Candidates) Rs. 925/- Rs. 175/- Rs. 1100/-
    Staff Candidates Nil Nil Nil

    SIDBI Grade A Admit Card 2024  

    The time, date, and venue address of appearing for SIDBI Grade A GD/Interview 2024 will be conveyed in detailed instructions through a call letter to the candidate. Additionally, candidates will be notified about the availability of the SIDBI Assistant Manager admit card 2024 via email and SMS sent to their registered email ID and contact number. The SIDBI Assistant Manager admit card will be available for download on SIDBI’s official website; however, no hard copy will be sent by post. Candidates must download and print the SIDBI Assistant Manager admit card themselves. On the day of the GD/Interview, it is essential to bring a printed copy of the SIDBI Assistant Manager admit card along with an original and a photocopy of a valid ID proof. This ensures a smooth verification process and access to the venue.  

    Pre-exam Training  

    Pre-recruitment training or PRT will be conducted for reserved candidates for a duration of 10 days if they are found eligible as per SIDBI Grade A eligibility criteria stipulated by the Bank. PRT will be conducted ONLINE. Reserved category candidates who want to attend Pre-recruitment training must mention that in the online application form. The PRT training will be imparted free of cost. Note: Merely attending the Pre-Examination Training will not give a candidate any right to get selected in SIDBI.  

    Sidbi Assistant Manager Notification FAQs

    The results for the SIDBI AM 2024 recruitment are expected to be announced a few days after the selection process concludes. However, the exact date for the results has not been confirmed yet, as the notification for the 2024-25 recruitment was only recently released. Candidates should note that the examination process is still in progress. It's result date will be published on SIDBI’s official website. Candidates will need to log in using their credentials to access their results.
    Yes, you can update your details after registering for the SIDBI Assistant Manager application, but only before final submission. Once the SIDBI Assistant Manager application fee has been paid and the form is officially submitted, no changes or edits can be made. It is crucial to carefully review all entered information before completing the payment to ensure accuracy. After submission, modifications are not allowed, so double-checking your details is recommended.
    No, SIDBI Assistant Manager fee for the application is not refundable. The fee paid once cannot be returned in any case; this decision based on application status. The candidate should ensure all criteria are covered and verify the details before performing the payment process for the SIDBI Assistant Manager application since refunds cannot be made once the application submission has been made.
    I am SC category. Yes, candidates belonging to the Reserved categories (SC, ST, and PWD) are exempted from the application fee of SIDBI Assistant Manager. However, they have to pay a nominal Intimation Charge of Rs. 175/-. This charge includes communication and processing fees, which are applicable to all applicants. The detailed fee structure, including exemptions and intimation charges, can be found in the SIDBI Assistant Manager notification 2024.
    The SIDBI Assistant Manager notification 2024 has been officially released, outlining all essential details about the recruitment process. This year, the SIDBI Grade A notification 2024-25 includes information on the total number of vacancies, which stands at 50 for the position of Assistant Manager in Grade A. These vacancies are divided across various categories as per government norms. Candidates are encouraged to refer to the detailed SIDBI AM notification 2024 for a complete understanding of the eligibility criteria, application dates, and other important instructions related to the recruitment process.
    Yes, you can update your details after registering for the SIDBI Assistant Manager application, but only before final submission. Once the SIDBI Assistant Manager application fee has been paid and the form is officially submitted, no changes or edits can be made. It is crucial to carefully review all entered information before completing the payment to ensure accuracy. After submission, modifications are not allowed, so double-checking your details is recommended.
    No, the SIDBI Assistant Manager application fee is non-refundable. Once paid, the fee will not be refunded under any circumstances, regardless of the application status. Candidates should ensure they meet all eligibility requirements and verify their details before completing the payment for the SIDBI Assistant Manager application to avoid any issues, as refunds are not possible after submission.
    Yes, candidates from Reserved categories (SC, ST, and PWD) are exempted from the SIDBI Assistant Manager application fee. However, they are required to pay a nominal Intimation Charge of Rs. 175/-. This charge covers communication and processing fees, which are applicable to all applicants. The detailed fee structure, including exemptions and intimation charges, can be found in the SIDBI Assistant Manager notification 2024.
    SIDBI Grade A 2024 official notification was announced on November 08, 2024. This marked the date from which the application process would start for SIDBI Assistant Manager recruitment. With the release of this notification, all the information regarding the eligibility criteria, application time, exam dates, and the selection process for SIDBI Assistant Manager has also been released. The aspirants can now download the notification from the official portal of SIDBI and can go through all the eligibility criteria before applying.
    As per the recently published SIDBI Grade A notification 2024, the online application process for SIDBI Assistant Manager exam commences on 08 November, 2024. Candidates would be allowed to submit the applications as of this date, and the application link would be available till December 02, 2024. The application will be valid only if an applicant makes the payment on or before the deadline dates.
    The SIDBI Grade A Recruitment Notification includes all important dates. The online application starts on November 08, 2024 and ends on December 02, 2024. The provisional dates for the online test are December 22, 2024 for Phase I and January 19, 2025 for Phase II. The interview will take place in February 2025. Do check the official notification for updates.
    Yes, SIDBI employees are entitled to certain relaxation and concessions in the recruitment process of SIDBI Grade A 2024. This includes upper age limit relaxation as well as application fee concession. These are concessions that encourage existing SIDBI employees to apply and be promoted within the organization. All the details regarding relaxation for SIDBI employees have been provided in the SIDBI Grade A 2024 official notification, with which it is accessible for everyone.

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