SSC CHSL 2025 Notification Out, Exam Date, Eligibility, Apply Online

    SSC CHSL Notification 2024 

    SSC jobs are the best opportunities in the government sector, in great demand among job aspirants. SSC has been an excellent pathway to build up the ladder of a successful career in government service, whether through SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, or through any other exam conducted by the SSC. One of the most prominent features of SSC examinations is that they provide opportunities for candidates from all kinds of backgrounds; whether one has a graduation or is just a 12th pass, there exists an opportunity for them within the SSC recruitment drives. The SSC CGL has been designed considering the graduates, while for the candidates who have passed their 12th standard, there is the SSC CHSL. The SSC CHSL is one of the most sought after government exams in the nation. Every year thousands of candidates apply for the SSC CHSL notification recruitment. while the SSC CHSL exam can feel challenging at first, the most important thing is, if you set your goals and are determined and committed to those goals, success is yours. You have to focus on the journey as well as your destination. Your destination can be as fulfilling as you imagine it to be. 
    Apart from providing job security in government organizations, the SSC CHSL exam also has the scpe for career advancement through promotions and departmental transfers to enhance one’s career trajectory.  

    The wait for the SSC CHSL 2024 recruitment was brought to an end by the release of the SSC CHSL notification. The SSC CHSL notification 2024 has all-inclusive information of the examination so that all awaiting candidates can start preparations without any further delay. The SSC CHSL notification for 2024 announced that around 3,712 vacancies are there in different posts even though the final number of vacancies will be confirmed in due course. Candidates can begin their preparation by applying for the position after taking a look at the SSC CHSL Exam Pattern and Syllabus and Eligibility Criteria to name just a few. The application window for the SSC CHSL exam registration was active from 08 April, 2024 to 07 May, 2024 and all aspirants must have applied within this window. Now that you are aware about the exam dates, its time to know about the number of vacancies announced by SSC for the posts under CHSL. 

    SSC CHSL Vacancy 2024 

    Knowing about the number of vacancies will give a boost to your SSC CHSL exam preparation and will encourage you to put in more hard work and determination. SSC has released the SSC CHSL notification for 2024 and the position has called for almost 3712 notifications right now. The SSC CHSL notification mentions that these numbers are expected to change in due course and the final number will be released soon. will release a lucrative number of vacancies for the posts of Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)/ Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant (PA/SA) and Data Entry Operator(DEO). The exact SSC CHSL vacancies for 2024 will be updated on the official website of SSC soon. Keep visiting our website for any further updates. Please note that there are also many frauds that you might witness in the name of SSC recruitment. Therefore, we recommend you to stay updated through authentic resources. At ixamBee, you will get the most truthful information about the accurate SSC CHSL vacancies at first. However for now, check out the table below to know about the SSC CHSL Vacancy updates. 

    Post NameVacancy
    Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)/ Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA) and Data Entry Operator (DEO) 3712 Vacancies

    How to Apply Online 

    SSC CHSL is an important exam, and you will have to be extra careful while applying for the SSC CHSL notification 2024. Now that the notification is out since the beginning of April, and the application window is from 08 April, 2024 to 07 May 2024. The last date for application fee payment is 08 May, 2024, 11.00 PM while errors on the original application can be corrected from 10 May 2024 to 11 May 2024, 11.00 PM with payment of correction charges. Candidates need to start filing in their application and then start their preparation . It is extremely important that you are completely aware of the application process. You need to take care not to make any mistake while filling the SSC CHSL online application form. This can lead to your disqualification from the application. That's why we have listed down the application process in a few simple steps for your understanding:  

    • Apply online through the website You have to log in or register to the website first. After that, Click on "APPLY TAB"  
    • Fill in your basic details on the registration page. After this, you will be given a provisional registration number and password for further use.  
    • The next step would be to upload your documents: a recent passport-size photograph and signature in JPG format.  
    • The photograph should be between 20-50 KB.  
    • The signature should be between 10-20 KB.  
    • You will then be redirected to the next part of the application form where you will have to enter all your educational and other important details.  
    • You will then be required to enter your post preference.  
    • The last and most important step of the application process will be the payment of the application fee which will be done online as well as offline mode.  
    • Online options will be debit/credit cards, net banking, etc. whereas offline options will be fee challan through a bank.  
    • After you make the payment, finally submit the form.  

    It has been clearly mentioned in the SSC CHSL notification that the candidates must include their registration number, roll number, registered email-id, mobile number, name, date of birth, and the name of the examination while sending any correspondence to the Commission. It also serves an important purpose for proper processing of communications done. In SSC CHSL, where applicants fail to produce the essential details, their correspondence regarding errors in the application is not entertained as per the SSC CHSL notification. 

    SSC CHSL Application Fee  

    Any examination process starts with the announcement of the notification which is followed by the application process. The SSC CHSL notification was released recently and the rush to fill in the application has begun. The last date for filling the application is 07 May, 2024 while the last date to pay the application fee is 08 May. Candidates need to note that the application process will not be completed unless the SSC CHSL exam application fee is paid. There will be online and offline options to pay the SSC CHSL application fee. Details of the SSC CHSL fee is given below.  

    CategoryApplication Fee
    SC/ ST/ PwBD/ Ex-Serviceman/ Women Candidates NIL
    Others Rs. 100/-

    SSC CHSL Admit Card 2024 

    The SSC has released the admit cards for the SSC CHSL Tier 1 exam and the Tier 1 exams are going to be held from July 1 to July 11th. Also, ensure to bring the photocopy of the admit card with you because the soft copy of the admit card is not applicable at the exam centre. The SSC CHSL Admit card is an important document that comprises details about your exam centre, SSC CHSL exam date and exam timing. You have to reach the exam center at least 30 minutes before the scheduled timing. Please note that the SSC CHSL Admit card is a verification document of you being the actual SSC CHSL candidate. You can download your SSC CHSL Admit Cards from the authorized SSC website by entering your details i.e. Registration Number and Password/Date of Birth. No hard copy of the call letter/ Information Handout etc. will be sent to you by post/ courier. 

    Moreover, the SSC CHSL notification informs candidates about the procedure for downloading their SSC CHSL admit cards. The admit cards will be available on the website of the concerned Regional Office 3-7 days before the date of examination. Candidates need to print their SSC CHSL admit cards and carry it with them to the examination hall as mentioned in the SSC CHSL notification. Failing to do so will result in not being able to enter the exam centre and thus not being able to give the exam. This is yet another important point that has been emphasized in the SSC CHSL notification that a candidate must take seriously.

    Apart from the SSC CHSL admit cards, the SSC CHSL notification also asks the candidate to bring at least two recent passport-sized color photographs. The candidates are supposed to produce an original valid Photo-ID proof that contains the date of birth as mentioned in the SSC CHSL admit cards. Photo-ID accepted by the SSC CHSL, includes: Aadhaar Card or Printout of E-Aadhaar, Voter's ID Card, Driving License, PAN Card, Passport, ID Card issued by the University / College/ School, Employer ID Card (Govt./PSU) and also an Ex-serviceman Discharge Book issued by the Ministry of Defence. Besides, any other photo-bearing valid ID card issued by Central or State Government is also acceptable as mentioned in the SSC CHSL notification. 

    According to the SSC CHSL notification, if a candidate's Photo Identity Card does not print his date of birth, then that candidate is supposed to produce another original document as proof of his date of birth. According to theSSC CHSL notification eligible documents include a Matriculation Certificate, Mark Sheet issued by CBSE, ICSE, or State Boards, Birth Certificate, or a Category Certificate. The SSC CHSL notification clearly states that any candidate who brings a mismatched date of birth on their SSC CHSL admit cards and that on their photo ID proof will not be allowed to take the examination. Thus, it is necessary that the contestants verify information that is correct and consistent so that there might not be an issue during the examination day. 

    Ssc Chsl Exam Notification FAQs

    The qualification required for the SSC CHSL exam, as detailed in the SSC CHSL notification, is a minimum of 12th grade pass from a recognized board or university. For complete eligibility details, refer to the official SSC CHSL notification.
    Yes. The SSC CHSL notification was released and it mentions the total number of vacancies for the SSC CHSL posts for 2024. The SSC CHSL online application registration window was active between April 8, 2024 and May 7, 2024. The SSC CHSL Tier 1 exams were conducted in July 2024 and the dates of the SSC CHSL Tier 2 exam are awaited.
    The application window for registering for the SSC CHSL exam was between April 8, 2024 and May 7, 2024. Those who missed this window will have to wait for next year’s recruitment cycle to be able to apply for the SSC CHSL exam again.
    The online application process for the SSC CHSL exam commenced on April 08 and will close on May 07, 2024. So, we urge you to not wait for the last date to apply.
    Yes, persons belonging to the reserved category (SC, ST, PWD, Women, Ex-Servicemen) are exempted from paying the application fee.
    The SSC CHSL admit card 2024 will be released a few days before the exam. Keep visiting this space for any updates regarding the same.
    With the release of the notification for 2024, the vacancies have also been specifically mentioned. There are currently 3712 tentative vacancies. However, there are chances of the numbers changing, so all candidates need to check the notification regularly for updates.
    The notification for 2024 was released in April 2024 and the application window is from 08 April, 2024 to 07 May, 2024. The SSC CHSL Tier 1 exams were conducted in July 2024 and the dates of the SSC CHSL Tier 2 exam are awaited.
    As per the SSC CHSL 2024 notification, the payment for the SSC CHSL exam application fee can only be made in online mode. Thus candidates must make sure that while submitting their online application forms they pay the application fee to complete the registration process.

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