SSC GD Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme For GD Constable 2025

    Exam Pattern 2025

    SSC GD Constable Exam Pattern

    Now that the SSC GD Constable 2025 notification is out, it is important that you start your exam preparation right away. You can do so by going through the SSC GD Constable exam pattern 2025 first as SSC has introduced a few changes in the exam pattern. The entire SSC GD Constable recruitment process involves four major phases: Computer Based Examination (CBE), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Physical Standard Test(PST), Medical Examination followed by Document Verification.

    The first step will be to pass the computer-based examination (CBE) which is of objective-type.The candidates who are able to pass this online exam will be eligible for the next stage recruitment process. The details of all the stages are given below.

    Phase I Written Examination (Computer Based)
    Phase II Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
    Phase III Physical Standard Test (PST)
    Phase IV Medical Test

    Computer Based Examination

    The first phase of the SSC GD Constable exam is a computer-based online exam. It consists of four sections - General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics & English/ Hindi. A composite time duration of 60 minutes will be provided to the candidates. The marks scored in this phase will be first normalized and then will be considered while forming the final cut-off & the merit list.

    • The test will be bilingual (English & Hindi). 
    • There will be a negative marking of 0.50 marks in the exam for every wrongly attempted answer. 

    The complete details of the SSC GD constable computer-based exam is mentioned below.

    PartSubjectNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration/Time Allowed
    Part-A General Intelligence and Reasoning 20 40 60 minutes
    Part-B General Knowledge and General Awareness 20 40
    Part-C Elementary Mathematics 20 40
    Part-D English/ Hindi 20 40

    Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

    Based on your performance in the SSC Constable online exam, you will be shortlisted for the Physical Efficiency Test by the Commission. Refer to complete SSC GD Constable PET page in details.

    Physical Standard Test (PST)

    After the 'Physical Efficiency Test' is cleared, the candidates will have to undergo a 'Physical Standard Test', where the assessment will be done based on certain set standards. 

    Medical Examination

    After clearing both the stages of PET & PST, the candidates need to undergo a detailed medical examination (DME). Along with the medical examination, 'document verification' will also be done. You need to carry with you the following documents mentioned below for verification:

    • Matriculation/ Secondary Examination Certificate to prove age, name, and educational qualification
    • Domicile Certificate/ Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC) issued by the competent authority
    • Valid NCC Certificate, if applicable
    • Certificate from serving defense personnel
    • Ex-Servicemen candidates regarding completion of engagement in Armed Forces
    • Caste-Certificate
    • Certificate from candidates who wish to avail relaxation in height/ chest measurement
    • Nativity/ Identity Certificate by West Pakistani Refugee

    Also, you must not have a Knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein and squint in the eyes. Refusal to undergo a medical examination at any stage or absenting/ deserting from the same will render you unfit for SSC GD Constable recruitment. The final decision of fitness/unfitness in weight will be decided by the medical board at the time of medical examination based on the height and age chart on the day of medical examination and as per the height measured by the PST/PET Board and as per guidelines for the same. You will be medically examined by the Medical Boards constituted by the CAPFs to assess your physical and medical fitness.

    Marking Scheme

    The first phase of the SSC GD Constable exam is the Computer Based Examination (CBE) which will be held online and will consist of 80 questions. The four sections that will be assessed will carry questions of multiple-choice. 40 marks will be allotted to each section.

    • All the questions will carry 2 marks each.
    • There will be a negative marking of 0.50 marks. 

    SSC GD Constable Marking Scheme

    Marking SchemeConsidered Marks
    For correct answers 2 marks
    For wrong answers -0.50
    For not attempted 0 (no marks)

    Exam Language

    SSC GD exam will be held in four major phases. The first phase will comprise an online objective test with four sections having 40 marks each. The online or computer-based exam will be bilingual ie the questions will be available in both English & Hindi.This will be applicable to all sections except that of English/Hindi.

    Free Mock Test

    SSC GD Constable is one of the most important notifications and holds enough value among government job aspirants. SSC has released a huge number of vacancies and you need to make sure that you do not miss this golden opportunity. While preparing a good preparation plan is the utmost priority, but there is one important thing that shouldn't be missed which is practice. Practicing mock tests should also be on your priority list which will make a big difference in your preparation. You can practice SSC GD Constable mock tests for free at ixamBee. This will help in making a feasible and customized plan for yourself based on your performance.

    Ssc Gd Constable Recruitment Exam Pattern FAQs

    Yes, the SSC GD Constable exam pattern mentions that there is negative marking. For each incorrect answer, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted from the final overall score. Candidates are thus advised to carefully attempt questions they are unsure about as a wrong attempt can end up in them losing marks.

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