SSC JHT 2025 Notification Out, Exam Date, Eligibility, Apply Online

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    SSC JHT Notification 2024

    The SSC JHT Notification 2024 for the exam cycle was officially released on August 2, 2024, providing all the important details for aspiring candidates. Those eagerly waiting can now access the detailed SSC JHT Notification on the official website of the Staff Selection Commission (SSC). This notification contains vital information for the SSC JHT Exam 2024 such as the application fee, application procedure, admit card availability, and other key details about the recruitment process. It is strongly advised that candidates thoroughly review the complete SSC JHT Notification before applying online to ensure they meet the SSC JHT eligibility criteria and fully understand the requirements of the exam.

    The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has announced 312 vacancies through the official SSC JHT Notification for positions such as Junior Hindi Translator (JHT), Junior Translator (JT), and Senior Hindi Translator (SHT). The detailed SSC JHT Notification is now available on the updated SSC official website . Candidates with master’s degrees in relevant fields can apply for the SSC JHT Recruitment 2024. The entire application process is online, and candidates must submit their forms by the deadline of August 25, 2024, at 11 pm.

    The link to download the SSC JHT Notification PDF along with further information regarding vacancies, eligibility criteria, and application instructions has been provided. Aspirants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible and carefully follow the guidelines in the SSC JHT Notification to avoid any last-minute issues, ensuring their application process goes smoothly.

    SSC JHT Vacancy

    The exact number of vacancies for SSC Junior Hindi Translator (JHT) positions has not been disclosed yet in the SSC JHT Notification 2024. The vacancies will be divided among general and reserved categories, and candidates are advised to keep visiting the official website for updates on the SSC JHT Notification regarding vacancies. While the official number is yet to be confirmed, approximately 312 vacancies have been announced so far. However, the firm number of vacancies will be determined and finalized in due course, as mentioned in the SSC JHT Notification.

    The SSC JHT Notification has also specified that updated vacancies, including post-wise and category-wise details, will be made available on the Commission's official website. Candidates can check these details under the section "Tentative Vacancy" on Please note that the Commission does not collect state-wise or zone-wise vacancies for this recruitment.

    For reference, in the previous year, there were a total of 275 vacancies for SSC JHT positions. Now that the SSC JHT Notification has been released, the confirmed vacancy details for 2024 are available. This means candidates now have all the information they need on the vacancies. They can stay updated by regularly checking the website and the SSC JHT Notification for any new details they need.














    How To Apply Online

    Filling the SSC JHT application form is an entirely online process, and no other mode of submission is accepted. As per the SSC JHT Notification, the online application process is divided into two steps. Candidates are required to first complete the registration process, followed by the detailed application submission. It is important to carefully follow the instructions mentioned in the SSC JHT Notification to avoid any mistakes during the application process.

    One Time Registration

    • Visit the official website of SSC i.e and click on new register
    • Enter all the details like Aadhaar Number/ Identity Card no, your name, father’s and mother’s name as given in the Matriculation, Educational Qualification, contact no, email id along with other details as asked
    • Check all the details and click on the confirmation
    • A registration number and password will be sent in your registered mobile number and email id 
    • Log in again using your registration number and password to change the machine-generated password for security if required
    • After the change in password, login again and enter other details like your category, address or edit any information already entered
    • Upload a recent photograph and signature as per the mentioned dimensions. The photograph must be in JPEG format with dimension ranging between 20 - 50 KB. The signature should be in JPEG format with dimension between 10 - 20 KB
    • Review the information entered thoroughly, before the Final Submit
    • Different OTPs will be sent on your mobile number and Email ID
    • Enter one of the two OTPs at the designated field to complete the SSC JHT 2025 registration process and click on I Agree

    Filling of the SSC JHT Application form

    • Log in through your registration number and password on the official website
    • Click on the apply link in Junior Hindi Translator under the latest notifications tab
    • Enter your 3 preferences for SSC JHT exam centers
    • Enter all the details asked in the application form
    • Read the declaration and click on “I agree” check box and enter the Captcha code
    • Preview and verify the information. If you want to modify any info click on Edit/ Modify button and make the requisite changes
    • Proceed to make the fee payment through any online or offline mode of payment
    • Take a printout of the application form for future use

    SSC JHT Application Fee

    Your SSC JHT 2024 application form will not be considered complete unless the application fee is paid successfully. As outlined in the SSC JHT Notification, the application fee structure varies based on the candidate's category. According to the SSC JHT Notification, women candidates and those belonging to reserved categories such as SC, ST, and PwD are exempted from paying the application fee. This exemption is part of SSC’s efforts to make the application process more accessible to underrepresented groups. Candidates should carefully review the fee structure mentioned in the SSC JHT Notification to ensure they understand the requirements.

    The SSC JHT Notification clearly specifies the fee details for general and unreserved categories. It is crucial for applicants to go through these details to avoid any mistakes during the payment process. The SSC JHT Notification provides all the information regarding payment methods, such as online payments via credit/debit cards, net banking, and other modes. Deadlines for fee submission are also explicitly mentioned, so candidates must complete the process within the prescribed time to avoid rejection of their application.

    Candidates are strongly encouraged to regularly check the official website for any updates regarding the application fee and other aspects of the recruitment process. By thoroughly reviewing the SSC JHT Notification and adhering to the payment guidelines, candidates can ensure that their application is complete and successfully submitted without any issues.

    CategoryApplication Fee
    Women/ SC/ ST/ EXM/ PwBD NIL
    Others Rs. 100/-

    SSC JHT Admit Card 2024

    Once the application process ends , now that official SSC JHT Notification 2024 has been released, the examination process is expected to commence in a few days. The admit card for the Computer Based Test will be released on the official website a few days before the exam dates. Candidates will have to regularly check the official website for the admit card details.

    According to the SSC JHT notification, all registered applicants up to the closing date whose application forms are found to be correct in all respects and shall be provisionally selected would be allocated Roll numbers and issued SSC JHT admit cards by the Regional Offices of the SSC JHT commission. These SSC JHT admit cards would be necessary for the candidates who are qualified in order to appear in the Computer Based Examination. Those students who will qualify in this test will also receive admit cards for the further stages of the examination.

    According to the SSC JHT notification, detailed scrutiny of the applications for eligibility and other aspects will not be taken into account during the written test. Therefore, the applications submitted by the candidates will be accepted provisionally only. Candidates should ensure that they are satisfying the requisite educational qualifications, experience, age, physical, and medical examination.

    The Caste/Category and Educational Qualification of the candidates shall be authenticated during the Document Verification by the Indenting User Departments/Organizations. Physical and medical standards would be checked by the User Departments after declaring the result. The SSC JHT notification further confirms that admit cards for all stages of the examination would be issued online through regional office websites of the commission.

    A candidate must regularly refer to updates in the SSC Headquarters website at and concerned Regional Office. Information about the Examination Schedule and City / Centre will be uploaded approximately two weeks ahead of the date of the exam. If a candidate does not find their details online one week prior to the exam, they must immediately contact the relevant Regional Office with proof of application submission, as failure to do so may result in forfeiting their claim for consideration. Otherwise, he would lose his right to claim consideration. The candidates must mention their Registration Number, Roll Number, registered Email ID, Mobile Number, name, date of birth, and the name of the examination while writing or communicating with the Commission. Communications lacking all the above information will not be treated.

    Downloading SSC JHT Admit Card from the Website:

    The facility to download SSC JHT admit cards will be available 3-7 days before the day of the examination on the website of the respective Regional Office. As mentioned in the SSC JHT notification, the exams are expected to begin from September or October of 2024.

    SSC JHT admit cards are to be brought to the Examination Hall by the candidate. Along with the SSC JHT admit card, at least two recent passport-size color photographs and original and valid Photo-ID proof with the date of birth as printed on the SSC JHT admit card need to be carried. Suitable photo bearing ID proofs include Aadhaar Card, Voter's ID Card, Driving License, PAN Card, Passport, University/College/School ID, Employer ID Card, Ex-Serviceman Discharge Book, or other photo bearing ID issued by Central/State Government.

    Prepare for SSC JHT Exam with ixambee

    The wait is finally over for aspirants as the SSC JHT Notification 2024 has been officially released on the Staff Selection Commission’s website. This is an excellent opportunity for those looking to secure a government job as a Junior Hindi Translator. With the competition being extremely high, it is essential to have a well-structured and focused study plan to succeed. The SSC JHT Notification highlights the importance of thorough preparation to clear the exam.

    To boost your chances of success, we highly recommend enrolling in our comprehensive SSC Super Pack Online Course. This course has been designed to provide you with all the necessary tools and guidance for cracking the exam. Additionally, solving SSC JHT Mock Tests will give you a better understanding of the exam pattern and improve your time management skills.

    By following the guidelines outlined in the SSC JHT Notification and taking advantage of our resources, you can significantly enhance your chances of clearing the upcoming SSC JHT Exam.

    SSC JHT - Free Mock Tests

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    SSC JHT - Previous Year Question Paper

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    SSC JHT 2023 Paper 1 Previous Year Paper

    SSC JHT 2023 Paper 1 Previous Year Paper

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    Ssc Jht Exam Notification FAQs

    The SSC JHT (Staff Selection Commission Junior Hindi Translator) exam is conducted to recruit candidates for various positions, including Junior Hindi Translators, Junior Translators, Senior Hindi Translators, and Hindi Pradhyapak. This recruitment process aims to fill vacancies in different government departments and ministries where proficient Hindi translation is essential. The exam assesses candidates' language skills, translation abilities, and overall proficiency in Hindi and English.
    Candidates holding a Bachelor's degree in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject, or vice versa, are eligible to apply for SSC JHT. Additionally, certain educational qualifications are required as per the specific post.
    The age limit for SSC JHT varies depending on the post applied for. Generally, the age limit ranges from 30 to 35 years, with relaxation in upper age limit provided for certain categories as per government norms.
    The application process for SSC JHT is conducted online through the official website of the Staff Selection Commission. Candidates need to register on the SSC website, fill out the application form, upload necessary documents, and pay the application fee.
    The SSC JHT exam consists of two papers: Paper-I and Paper-II. Paper-I is a Computer Based Test (CBT) that comprises multiple-choice questions designed to assess candidates' general awareness, reasoning ability, and language proficiency. In contrast, Paper-II is a descriptive paper that evaluates candidates' translation skills and language comprehension. The syllabus for both papers includes a range of topics related to translation techniques, grammar, and language skills, ensuring that candidates are well-prepared for the demands of the Junior Hindi Translator role.
    The SSC JHT exam is typically conducted once a year by the Staff Selection Commission. The specific dates for the exam, including the release of notifications, application submission deadlines, and exam dates, are officially announced through notifications on the SSC website. As per the SSC JHT 2024 Notification, the exam is anticipated to take place between October and November 2024. Candidates should regularly check the official SSC website for updates to ensure they do not miss any important announcements related to the exam schedule. Staying informed about these dates is crucial for effective preparation and timely application submission.
    Yes, there is a negative marking system in the SSC JHT exam. In Paper-I, which is a computer-based test, 0.25 marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer. This means that accuracy is crucial when answering questions. However, as per the exam guidelines, no negative marking is applied for unanswered questions, so candidates can choose to skip questions if unsure. Additionally, no negative marking is applicable in Paper-II, which is descriptive.
    The SSC JHT selection process involves two stages: Paper-I and Paper-II. Candidates must first qualify in Paper-I to be eligible for Paper-II. Paper-I is a computer-based test, while Paper-II is a descriptive exam. The final selection is made based on the combined performance in both papers. Afterward, shortlisted candidates must undergo document verification before their selection is confirmed for the SSC JHT recruitment.
    Now that the SSC JHT 2024 notification is yet released, it is essential to apply for the examination before the deadline is closed. As per the recently released SSC JHT Notification, the deadline to apply for the exam came to an end on August 25, 2024. The notification has all the necessary information regarding the exam dates. Application dates, syllabus, exam centers, exam pattern, and much more.
    The selection process for the SSC JHT Exam consists of two stages: Paper 1 (Computer-Based Test) and Paper 2 (Descriptive Test). Candidates who qualify in Paper 1 are shortlisted for Paper 2. Final selection is based on the combined scores of both papers.

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