Syndicate Bank PO Recruitment

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    Basic Information Notification Exam Pattern Syllabus Exam Dates Salary Vacancy Eligibility Criteria

    Syndicate Bank PO Highlights 2025

    Syndicate bank is one of the leading and oldest banks in India. It was founded by T M A Pai, Upendra Pai, and Vaman Kudva. The human resource department of Syndicate bank will invite applications from young and eligible graduates who want to make a career in the banking sector. This recruitment will be done through a course of the postgraduate diploma in Banking and Finance, offered by Manipal academy of higher education (MAHE) & NTTE (Deemed to be University). Syndicate PO exam is a one-year diploma course and after its successful completion, you will be appointed as a probationary officer in Junior Management Grade /Scale-I.

    Syndicate Bank PO Recruitment Exam Highlights

    Conducting BodySyndicate Bank PO Highlights
    Mode of Exam Online
    Phases 3 (Online Written examination and Descriptive test,
    Group Discussion, Personal Interview.
    Negative Marking 1/4 marks
    Time Duration 2 hours 30 minutes
    Total No of Questions 200 (objective) and 2 (descriptive)
    Maximum Marks 200 (objective) and 50 (descriptive)

    Syndicate Bank PO Notification 2025

    Syndicate Bank PO official notification is expected to be released in the upcoming months. Syndicate Bank PO Exam 2025 will contain all the relevant information related to the exam like exam dates, eligibility criteria, exam syllabus, selection process etc. You are advised to go through the official notification once to avoid any kind of misconceptions about the exam. Interested candidates are advised to keep visiting the official website so that they are updated with the latest information.

    Syndicate Bank PO Exam Pattern 2025

    The selection process for the Syndicate Bank exam 2025 consists of an online examination followed by group discussion and personal interview. Syndicate Bank will select candidates who are bright, dedicated and have good communication skills. Please note that there is only one written exam that will be conducted online.

    Syndicate Bank Po examination pattern is as follows:

    • Online Written Examination and Descriptive Test.
    • Group Discussion.
    • Personal Interview.

    The examination pattern of Syndicate Bank PO consists of four sections i.e. Reasoning, General English, Quantitative Aptitude and General Banking Awareness. A descriptive test is also there after the completion of the online written examination. The descriptive test will examine your writing and English skills. The complete table for the examination pattern is given below-

    Sl. No.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMarksTime Allotted
    1. English Language 50 50 Composite Time of 2 hours
    2. Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
    3. Reasoning Ability 50 50
    4. General Awareness 50 50
    5. English Descriptive 2 50 30 Minutes

    Syndicate Bank PO Syllabus

    It is very important to look at the Syndicate Bank PO syllabus before starting the preparation for the exam. Topics like Time and distance, Time and Work, Percentages and ratio, and proportion hold a good weightage in the exam whereas in the Reasoning section sitting arrange (both inward and outward) holds most of the marks. Sound knowledge of the English language is enough to crack this section whereas for the general awareness section a candidate needs to be well aware of the current happenings and should possess banking knowledge. To know about the Syndicate Bank PO syllabus please refer to the table below:

    Quantitative Aptitude Simplification and approximation, Number Series, Quadratic Equation, Number System / HCF & LCM, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Partnership, Ages, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Time, Speed & Distance, Problems on Trains, Boat and Stream, Time & Work / Pipes and Cisterns, Simple and Compound Interest, Mixture & Allegations, Permutation and Combination, Probability, Data Interpretation (DI), Caselet DI and Data Sufficiency
    English Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Passage Making, Error Spotting, Jumble Words, Sentence Framing, Fill in the blanks
    General Awareness Monetary Policies, Banking and Financial Awareness, Economic Terms, Current Affairs, Static GK, Financial and Economic News, Government Schemes. Agreement & Deals, Banking Terms- rates & processes, National Institutions
    Reasoning Puzzles, Seating Arrangement- Circular, Square & Linear, Data Sufficiency, Directions and Distance, Coding Decoding, Blood relations, Inequality, Syllogism, Machine input and output, Verbal Reasoning, Ordering and Ranking, Arrangement and Pattern, Scheduling, Distance and Direction, Ranking

    Syndicate Bank PO Exam Dates 2025

    Syndicate PO recruitment notification is yet to be released. The exam calendar is one of the important things that need to be looked upon while reading the official notification as it contains important information like the opening date of the application link, closure date of filling the application form, date of the examination, etc. The exam calendar for Syndicate Bank PO is going to be updated here once the official notification for the same releases.

    Exam Calendar for Syndicate Bank PO 2025 is given below:

    Syndicate Bank PO Exam Calendar

    Schedule of EventsImportant Dates
    Start date for Online Registration To be announced
    Online Payment of Application Fees To be announced
    Last date for Online Registration To be announced
    Download of Call letter for Examination To be announced
    Date of Online test To be announced

    Syndicate Bank PO Salary

    After completion of one year Post Graduate Diploma course in banking and finance selected candidates will be given the position of Probationary Officer in junior management grade/ Scale-I. Now during the commencement, of the course, candidates will be given a stipend of rupees 3000 for the first nine months, and for the rest 3 months, a number of rupees 15000 will be paid. After the completion of the course an amount of approximately 40,000 will be given to a Probationary Officer. Along with the salary a loyalty bonus of 5 lakh rupees will also be given to a candidate after the completion of 5 years in the bank. Additional perks such as travel allowance, newspaper reimbursement, leased accommodation, etc. will also be given. To know about the salary structure in detail please refer to the table below:

    Bank PO Rs. 40,000

    Syndicate Bank PO Vacancy

    Syndicate Bank will be inviting applications from young and eligible graduates who are interested in making their career in the banking sector. After successful completion of one year course offered by Syndicate Bank, selected candidates will be designated as a probationary officer/ junior management Scale I. We can expect a good amount of vacancies for this year. A clear picture for vacancies will be out once the official notification is released. Once the official notification will release the information related to vacancies will be updated here.

    Syndicate Bank PO Eligibility Criteria 2025

    You must ensure your eligibility before applying for the Syndicate Bank PO 2025 examination. The eligibility criteria consist of educational qualification, age, nationality, etc. A candidate has to fulfill the required Syndicate Bank PO Eligibility criteria in order to apply for the examination.

    Syndicate Bank PO Educational Criteria

    Eligibility criteria for Syndicate Bank PO comprise educational qualification, age limit, nationality, and more. Educational Qualification for Recruitment of Syndicate Bank is mentioned below: 

    • Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent Preference will be given to the candidates having a degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics or Accountancy;
    • Desirable working knowledge of Computer

    Please note that a candidate must have a graduate degree, candidates in the final year are not eligible to apply. It should also be noted that 59.99% will not be considered as 60% likewise 54.99% will not be considered as 55%. Complete details are given below

    Name of the PostEducational Qualification
    Bank PO Degree (Graduation) with minimum 60% (55% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in any discipline from a recognized University OR any equivalent qualification recognized as such by Central Government.

    Syndicate Bank PO Age criteria

    This is one of the most concerning things for a candidate whether he/she is eligible for the post or not.  You must lie between the age limit as prescribed in the official notification. Further details about Syndicate Bank PO Eligibility are mentioned below 

    PostAge Criteria
    Syndicate Bank PO Minimum age - 20 Years / Maximum age - 28 years

    Syndicate Bank PO Age relaxation

    There is a provision of upper age relaxation to candidates belonging to certain communities. For example, candidates belonging to SC/ST are given an upper age relaxation of 5 years, candidates belonging to Other Backward castes are given an upper age relaxation of 3 years. To know about Syndicate Bank PO 2025 age relaxation in detail please refer to the table below:

    Sr. NoCategoryAge Relaxation
    A Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe candidates  5 years
    B Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates 3 years 
    C Ex-servicemen and Commissioned Officers including ECOs/ SSCOs who have rendered at least 5 years military service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within the next one year from the last date for receipt of application) other than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or on account of physical disability attributable to military service or on being declared as invalid  5 years
    D All persons who have ordinarily been domiciled in the state of J & K during 01.01.1980 and 31.12.1989 5 years
    E Persons affected by 1984 riots 5 years 
    F Persons with Disabilities (PWD)   PWD(SC-ST)–15years PWD(OBC)–13years PWD (Gen) –10 years

    Syndicate Bank Po Recruitment FAQs

    Yes. The candidates who have appeared for the final examinations and waiting for the results are eligible to appear in the Syndicate Bank PO selection process.
    Yes, Syndicate Bank PO 2021 Exam is bilingual (i.e, Hindi & English). You can choose your preferred language accordingly.
    Yes, Syndicate Bank PO 2021 Exam will conducted online.
    Yes, Syndicate Bank PO is all India level exam, therefore you are liable to be posted anywhere in India, also depending on the job profile and department being served.

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