Syndicate Bank PO Exam Notification

    Syndicate Bank PO Notification 2025

    Syndicate Bank PO official notification is expected to be released in the upcoming months. Syndicate Bank PO Exam 2025 will contain all the relevant information related to the exam like exam dates, eligibility criteria, exam syllabus, selection process etc. You are advised to go through the official notification once to avoid any kind of misconceptions about the exam. Interested candidates are advised to keep visiting the official website so that they are updated with the latest information.

    Syndicate Bank PO Vacancy

    Syndicate Bank PO Recruitment Notification

    Syndicate Bank will be inviting applications from young and eligible graduates who are interested in making their career in the banking sector. After successful completion of one year course offered by Syndicate Bank, selected candidates will be designated as a probationary officer/ junior management Scale I. We can expect a good amount of vacancies for this year. A clear picture for vacancies will be out once the official notification is released. Once the official notification will release the information related to vacancies will be updated here.

    Syndicate Bank PO 2025: How to Apply Online 

    Application Procedure

    Filling out the application form is one of the most crucial things you need to take care of. In case you fill in any incorrect information in the application form, your candidature will be rejected. It is advised to first go through the official notification to ensure your eligibility and to avoid any misconception about the exam. Please refer to the steps below for applying to the Syndicate bank PO exam:

    • Candidates first need to visit the website and click on the “Apply Online” link.
    • After that, a candidate will be redirected to the IBPS website where a candidate has to click on the “New Registration” link.
    • In that, all the required information related to a candidate will be asked like Name, Date of birth, mobile number email id, etc.
    • A provisional registration id and password will be sent to the Email id of the candidate.
    • Now a candidate needs to Login from the registration number and password and fills in all the required details and then click on the “Save and Next” option.
    • After completing the application form, the candidates are advised to preview the application form because no change will be entertained after the final submission of the form.

    Scanned photograph:

    • The size of a scanned photograph should be between 20KB and 50KB.
    • The dimensions should be 200* 230 pixels.
    • The photograph must be a recent passport-size-style picture.

    Scanned signature:

    • The size of a scanned signature should be between 10KB and 20 KB.
    • The dimensions must be 140*60 pixels.
    • The applicant should sign on white paper with a black ink pen.

    Syndicate Bank PO Application Fee

    The application fee will be paid once the final submission of an online application is done. It is advised to the candidates to preview the application form before finally submitting it as after that no change in the application form will be entertained. Please note that the application fees can be submitted through the online mode only. Candidates can pay the application fees through Debit Card, Credit card, UPI, or other online modes. To know about it in detail please refer to the link below:

    CategoryAmount (Rs.)
    SC/ST/PWD Rs. 100.00 (Intimation charges only)
    General & Others Rs. 600.00 (Application Fees + Intimation Charges)

    Program / Course Fees 

    The fees for this Course (One Year Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance course in Manipal Global Education Services Pvt Ltd. (MaGE), Bangalore and Nitte Education International Pvt Ltd. (NEIPL) Greater Noida / Mangalore ) will be Rs. 3.50 lakhs (inclusive of boarding, Lodging and course fees, other fees, etc.) plus taxes, as applicable to be paid by the student. 

    Changes in the Course fees if any will be informed to the successful candidates subsequently. 

    Apart from the above course fees, the exam fees for undergoing various Certification exams viz. NISM (Mutual Funds) and NISM (Depository services) as mandated under the course will have to be borne by the candidates, as per the fees charged by NISM from time to time for conducting these Certification exams. Currently, the fee for NISM (Mutual Funds) and NISM (Depository services) certification exams comes to Rs. 3000/- per candidate.

    Incentives and Loyalty Bonus

    • During the nine months of classroom training the students shall be paid a sum of Rs 3000/- pm as stipend and during the next three months of internship a stipend of Rs 15000/- pm shall be paid. 
    • The loyalty bonus of Rs. 500000/- shall be paid to the Officers at the rate of Rs. 100000/- for every completed year of service after 5 years of continuous and satisfactory service in the Bank from the date of joining the service (i.e. Rs. 100000/- each on completion of 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th year of continuous and satisfactory service), subject to the regularity of education loan if availed.

    Syndicate Bank PO Admit card

    Admit cards of the Syndicate Bank PO will be released on the official website 2 weeks prior to the online exam. Candidates can download the admit card just by entering their registration number and password. The Admit card will contain all the important information like roll number (Registration ID) and Password for the exam. Examination Venue, Examination shift (time), and examination date. You have to bring a hard copy of the admit card along with the photocopy of any valid ID (with original). In case you fail to bring any of the required documents, you will not be allowed to sit in the exam.

    Check expected Eligibility Criteria for Syndicate Bank PO Recruitment 2025

    Attempt Mock Tests for Syndicate Bank PO Recruitment Absolutely FREE

    Syndicate Bank Po Recruitment Exam Notification FAQs

    Yes. The candidates who have appeared for the final examinations and waiting for the results are eligible to appear in the Syndicate Bank PO selection process.
    Yes, Syndicate Bank PO 2021 Exam is bilingual (i.e, Hindi & English). You can choose your preferred language accordingly.
    Yes, Syndicate Bank PO 2021 Exam will conducted online.
    Yes, Syndicate Bank PO is all India level exam, therefore you are liable to be posted anywhere in India, also depending on the job profile and department being served.

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