Syndicate Bank PO Exam Pattern

    Syndicate Bank PO Exam Pattern 2025

    The selection process for the Syndicate Bank exam 2025 consists of an online examination followed by group discussion and personal interview. Syndicate Bank will select candidates who are bright, dedicated and have good communication skills. Please note that there is only one written exam that will be conducted online.

    Syndicate Bank Po examination pattern is as follows:

    • Online Written Examination and Descriptive Test.
    • Group Discussion.
    • Personal Interview.

    The examination pattern of Syndicate Bank PO consists of four sections i.e. Reasoning, General English, Quantitative Aptitude and General Banking Awareness. A descriptive test is also there after the completion of the online written examination. The descriptive test will examine your writing and English skills. The complete table for the examination pattern is given below-

    Sl. No.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMarksTime Allotted
    1. English Language 50 50 Composite Time of 2 hours
    2. Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
    3. Reasoning Ability 50 50
    4. General Awareness 50 50
    5. English Descriptive 2 50 30 Minutes

    Personal Interview & Group Discussion

    • The marks of candidates qualifying in the online Examination decides for Group Discussion and the final list of candidates for Personal Interview (PI), in each category
    • The aggregate marks of qualified candidates in the Objective Test will be arranged in descending order in each category and the candidates in the order of merit, subject to approximately 5 times the number of vacancies declared for each category, will be called for Interview and/ or Group Discussion as decided by the Bank.
    • The final merit list for selection will be on the basis of performance in Online Test and Interview and/or Group Discussion as decided by the Bank.

    Syndicate Bank PO Exam Marking Scheme and Exam Language:

    Syndicate Bank PO Recruitment Exam Pattern

    A penalty of 1/4th of marks or 0.25 marks will be borne by you for every wrong answer marked in the test. Please note that if a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by you; there will be no penalty for that question. Also, the exam is bilingual which means the question paper will be available in both English and Hindi except the section of English Language.

    Check detailed Exam Syllabus for Syndicate Bank PO Recruitment 2025

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    Syndicate Bank Po Recruitment Exam Pattern FAQs

    Yes. The candidates who have appeared for the final examinations and waiting for the results are eligible to appear in the Syndicate Bank PO selection process.
    Yes, Syndicate Bank PO 2021 Exam is bilingual (i.e, Hindi & English). You can choose your preferred language accordingly.
    Yes, Syndicate Bank PO 2021 Exam will conducted online.
    Yes, Syndicate Bank PO is all India level exam, therefore you are liable to be posted anywhere in India, also depending on the job profile and department being served.

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