Syndicate Bank PO Exam Syllabus

    Syndicate Bank PO Syllabus

    It is very important to look at the Syndicate Bank PO syllabus before starting the preparation for the exam. Topics like Time and distance, Time and Work, Percentages and ratio, and proportion hold a good weightage in the exam whereas in the Reasoning section sitting arrange (both inward and outward) holds most of the marks. Sound knowledge of the English language is enough to crack this section whereas for the general awareness section a candidate needs to be well aware of the current happenings and should possess banking knowledge. To know about the Syndicate Bank PO syllabus please refer to the table below:

    Quantitative Aptitude Simplification and approximation, Number Series, Quadratic Equation, Number System / HCF & LCM, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Partnership, Ages, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Time, Speed & Distance, Problems on Trains, Boat and Stream, Time & Work / Pipes and Cisterns, Simple and Compound Interest, Mixture & Allegations, Permutation and Combination, Probability, Data Interpretation (DI), Caselet DI and Data Sufficiency
    English Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Passage Making, Error Spotting, Jumble Words, Sentence Framing, Fill in the blanks
    General Awareness Monetary Policies, Banking and Financial Awareness, Economic Terms, Current Affairs, Static GK, Financial and Economic News, Government Schemes. Agreement & Deals, Banking Terms- rates & processes, National Institutions
    Reasoning Puzzles, Seating Arrangement- Circular, Square & Linear, Data Sufficiency, Directions and Distance, Coding Decoding, Blood relations, Inequality, Syllogism, Machine input and output, Verbal Reasoning, Ordering and Ranking, Arrangement and Pattern, Scheduling, Distance and Direction, Ranking

    Syndicate Bank PO Recruitment 2025: Syllabus for English (Descriptive Paper)

    The paper on English shall be designed in a manner to check the writing skills of the candidate including the power of expression and understanding of the topic.

    Best Syndicate Bank PO Books

    Syndicate Bank PO Recruitment Exam Syllabus

    Good quality books are essential to clear your basics and to make the foundation for your preparation strong. Syndicate Bank PO 2025 notification is expected to release in the coming months and it will be a golden opportunity to enter the banking sector. To make the most of this coveted exam, a list of some useful Syndicate Bank PO books is given below:

    Syndicate Bank PO SubjectsUseful BooksBook’s Author
    Quantitative Aptitude Quicker Mathematics BSC Publications
    Quantitative Aptitude RS Agarwal
    Class Notes SS Bharti
    English Language Objective General English SP Bakshi
    Descriptive General English SP Bakshi and Richa Sharma
    High School English Grammar and Composition Wren and Martin
    Word Power Made Easy Normal Lewis
    General Awareness Lucent General Science Lucent Publication
    General Knowledge Arihant Publication
    General Awareness Kiran Publications
    Reasoning A modern approach to verbal & Non-verbal reasoning R.S. Agarwal
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning S.Chand
    Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Arihant Publication

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    Syndicate Bank Po Recruitment Exam Syllabus FAQs

    Yes. The candidates who have appeared for the final examinations and waiting for the results are eligible to appear in the Syndicate Bank PO selection process.
    Yes, Syndicate Bank PO 2021 Exam is bilingual (i.e, Hindi & English). You can choose your preferred language accordingly.
    Yes, Syndicate Bank PO 2021 Exam will conducted online.
    Yes, Syndicate Bank PO is all India level exam, therefore you are liable to be posted anywhere in India, also depending on the job profile and department being served.

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