UIICL Assistant

    Table of Content
    Basic Information Notification Exam Pattern Exam Dates Salary Eligibility Criteria Online Course

    UIICL Assistant Demo Course

    • 700+ video lessons that comprehensively cover the entire UIIC Assistant exam syllabus.
    • 10 Full-length mock tests for the single-level examination.
    • Concept Check questions are thoughtfully placed after each video lesson, solidifying your understanding.
    • More than 200 PDF-format study notes for convenient learning and efficient revision.
    • A vast repository of 15,000+ practice questions accompanied by solutions and detailed explanations. These are organized as Chapter tests, Section Tests, and Mock Tests.

    UIIC Assistant Exam 2023 Highlights

    The UIIC (Union India Insurance Company Limited) is yet to unveil the notification for the UIIC Assistant Profile. The notification for the 2023 exam cycle was released on December 14, 2023. The total number of vacancies announced was 300. The application window was open on December 16, 2023, and the last date to apply for the same was January 6, 2024. You should know that the UIIC is an organization controlled by the Ministry of Finance and was nationalized in 1972. The organization was established to offer insurance protection to all. The UIIC Assistant Exam is a great opportunity for aspirants looking for a lucrative and fulfilling career in prestigious government organizations.  

    UIIC Assistant Exam Highlights 2025

    Conducting AuthorityUnited India Insurance Co. Ltd.
    Official Website www.uiic.co.in
    Post Assistant
    Mode of Application Online
    Stages of Exam
    • Online Examination
    • Regional Language Test
    No. of Questions & Time Duration Online Examination - 200 questions & 2 hours
    Online Registration commences 16th December 2023
    Last Date for Registration of Online applications 06th January 2024
    Last Date for Payment of Application Fee 06th January 2024
    UIIC Assistant Exam Date March 21, 2024
    UIIC Assistant Final Result
    Total No. of Vacancies 300
    UIICL Assistant Official Notification 2023 [PDF]
    UIICL Assistant Result 2024 [PDF]

    UIIC Assistant Notification

    Every year, the UIIC releases notifications for various vacancies. While the UIIC Assistant exam cycle for 2023 has just ended, aspirants for 2024 are eagerly awaiting the UIIC Assistant Notification for 2024. The notification for 2023 was released on December 14, 2023, and the application window was active for some days as mentioned above. During this time, aspirants could apply for the exam on the website. The mode of UIIC Assistant application is completely online, and students can apply for this exam on the official website of UIIC. Once the notification for 2024 releases, we strongly suggest that you apply for the UIIC exam as soon as the application window gets opened. Waiting for the last date to apply might cause a rush, and sometimes, the official website crashes. The notification comprises all the details regarding the UIIC exam dates, salary, eligibility, and application fees that impact your decision to apply for this exam. The total vacancies announced for the Assistant post by UIIC was 300 last year, and there is hope that this number might increase. This makes it one of the most desirable opportunities for aspirants to apply for the same. 

    How to apply for the UIIC Assistant Exam?

    Students can apply for the UIIC Assistant Exam from the official website of UIIC. While the notification for 2024 is not yet out, the aspirants can look closely into the 2023 application for more information. The application window is usually opened of a few days during which time aspirants can apply for the exam on the website. They need to make sure that they add in all their details accurately as changes may not be made later on. Once the application link gets active on the website, register there by filling out the form with all the necessary details. Recheck all the details before saving and continuing for the next. Then follow all the processes related to document upload and applicable application fees. Save all the information, download the registration form for future reference and you are done with your application. You can get further information from the official website of UIIC. 

    UIIC Assistant Vacancy

    According to the official notification of UIIC, there were 300 vacancies announced for the post of UIIC Assistant in 2023 and aspirants for 2024 hope that there will be a similar number of vacancies this year. State and Union Territory Wise vacancies are always distributed among various categories in each state. Please refer to the table below to know the dissection of vacancies among States and UTs according to the previous notification.  

    ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
    ANDHRA PRADESH 1 5 1 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 1 1
    ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
    ASSAM 5 0 0 1 1 7 0 0 0 0 1 0
    BIHAR 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
    CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
    CHATTISGARH 2 1 0 1 1 5 1 0 0 0 1 0
    GOA 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
    GUJARAT 2 0 2 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 1 0
    HARYANA 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0
    HIMACHAL PRADESH 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
    JAMMU & KASHMIR 2 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
    JHARKHAND 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
    KARNATAKA 11 7 2 9 3 32 0 0 0 0 3 1
    KERALA 14 3 1 9 3 30 0 1 0 0 3 1
    LADAKH 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
    MADHYA PRADESH 1 3 5 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 1 1
    MAHARASHTRA 20 0 1 0 2 23 0 0 0 0 2 1
    MANIPUR 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
    MEGHALAYA 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
    MIZORAM 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
    NAGALAND 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
    NEW DELHI 0 0 1 7 1 9 0 0 0 0 1 1
    ODISHA 1 0 4 1 1 7 0 0 0 0 1 0
    PUDUCHERRY 2 1 0 2 1 6 1 0 0 0 1 0
    PUNJAB 4 1 0 2 1 8 0 1 0 0 1 1
    RAJASTHAN 9 1 5 4 2 21 1 0 0 0 2 1
    SIKKIM 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
    TAMILNADU 52 5 0 13 8 78 1 1 0 1 8 4
    TELANGANA 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
    TRIPURA 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
    UTTAR PRADESH 5 0 1 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 1 1
    UTTARAKHAND 6 1 1 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 1 1
    WEST BENGAL 2 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 0
    TOTAL 159 30 26 55 30 300 17 4 0 1 30 14

    Please note:

    • Apart from SC/ST/OBC and EWS, the vacancies reservation was also given to the PWD and Ex-Servicemen as a part of the cross reservation. 
    • However, the EWS vacancies were tentative in nature due to any possible litigation or any court case on the EWS candidate. The EWS reservation was 4% of the total number of vacancies and were given according to the RPWD Act 2016. 
    • The Horizontal reservation for the Ex-Servicemen was according to the prevailing Government Guidelines. Furthermore, the state wise and category-wise merit list was released separately. 

    UIIC Assistant Exam Pattern

    While aspirants wait for the notification, they began begin their tentative preparation for the UIIC Assistant Exam. While the UIIC Assistant Exam Pattern & Syllabus for 2024 is not yet out, aspirants can look closely at 2023’s exam details for any clarifications. According to the official notification of the UIIC Assistant 2023, the number of phases for the UIIC Assistant exam were two i.e, Online Exam and Regional Language Test. Therefore, apart from mastering the Online Test Exam sections, you also need to get your strong hands on your regional language. 

    UIIC Assistant Phase 1 Online Examination 

    The Online Exam of the UIIC Assistant would be completely online and objective in nature. You will get 200 questions and the maximum marks for the online exam will be 250. Please refer to the table below to know about section wise mark segregation of the UIIC Assistant Online Exam Phase 1.  

    Sr. No.Name of TestsNo. of Questions MarksDuration
    1 Test of Reasoning 40 50
    2 Test of English Language 40 50
    3 Test of Numerical Ability 40 50
    4 Test of General Knowledge/ General Awareness 40 50
    5 Computer Knowledge 40 50
    Total 200 250
    • Please note that the complete question paper would be bilingual except for the Language section. 
    • There will a penalty of 0.25 mark for every wrong answer you attempt, and no marks would be deducted for the unattempted one. 
    • Your marks in the Online Exam will make your way toward the next phase of the exam i.e. Regional Language Test. 
    • The final merit would be created in accordance with your aggregate performance in both phase, online exam, and the regional language test. On that basis, the provisional allotment will be provided to the candidate with their names in the list after the relevant medical test. 

    Guidelines for the PWbD candidate using a Scribe

    • Candidates visually impaired or with benchmark disabilities, leading to a permanent decrease in writing speed during online exams, can use their own scribe at their own expense. 
    • The scribe can be from any academic background, with a qualification one step below that of the candidate. It's important for candidates to indicate their intention to use a scribe in the online application form. 
    • This choice is not amendable later. Both the candidate and the scribe must confirm eligibility criteria, and any violation may result in the cancellation of candidature. 

    Candidates Eligible for the 20 Minutes Compensatory Time in UIIC Assistant Phase I (Online Examination)

    Candidates with over 40% intellectual disability, including autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability, and mental illness, were eligible for compensatory time of twenty minutes per exam hour, whether using a scribe or not. This was decreed in the last year’s notification and it is expected to follow through this year as well. Registration for compensatory time is crucial, and this concession is also extended to candidates with locomotor disabilities and cerebral palsy, with a minimum 40% impairment in the dominant extremity. This accommodation aims to provide equitable opportunities for individuals facing various disabilities during examinations. 

    Guidelines for Visually Impaired Candidates

    Visually impaired candidates with a disability of at least 40% have the option to view the test contents in magnified font. These candidates are entitled to compensatory time of 20 minutes for every exam hour, or as otherwise advised according to the previous years notification. The magnified font facility is specifically for visually impaired candidates using a scribe during the examination. This accommodation aims to enhance accessibility for visually impaired individuals, ensuring they can navigate and engage with the test content effectively. 

    UIIC Assistant Regional Language Test

    Candidates, after qualifying the Online Examination of the UIIC Assistant recruitment, will be eligible to get into this exam of Regional Language. Here, the Regional Language means, from whichever state or UT you are applying from for this exam, you should have a complete understanding of the local language of that location. The reading, writing and speaking ability of the respective Regional Languages is essential for a candidate to comprise. Candidates must submit necessary certificates related to their reserved category at the time of the Regional Language Tests to support their application. It is necessary to qualify the Online Test and Regional Language tests in order to get into the recruitment process for the UIIC Assistant. 

    Please note that the UIICL Assistant 2023 Online Test results were announced on March 21, 2024. Candidates were able check out their results on the official website of UIICL or in the UIIC Assistant Exam Result PDF . Congratulations to the candidates who cleared the UIICL Assistant Phase 1 exam, we wish you all the best for the Regional Language Test. Qualified candidates will get notified about the call letter release of the regional test through their registered email ids. We recommend you keep checking your email after every specific interval of time. 

    UIIC Assistant Exam Calendar

    The UIIC notification for the UIIC Assistant exam always has everything regarding the exam dates, centers and much more about this exam. Talking about the major dates related to this exam, the notification release date for 2023 was December 14, 2023 and the online registration window was open from December 16, 2023, and eligible candidates were able to apply for this exam till January 06, 2024. The exam dates are yet another major thing you should know. However, the dates for the UIIC Assistant exam for the 2024 exam are not yet released,. The exam for 2023 was held in February with the result out in March. Aspirants for the coming year would eagerly wait for the notification to be out soon. Apart from that, the admit card for the UIIC Assistant Phase I exam was 10 days before the exam date. Thus, with exam dates being closer than expected, we recommend you stay updated with these dates by logging on to the official website of the UIICL, i.e., uiic.co.in. However, please refer to the table below to check out the exam calendar of the UIIC Assistant exam 2023.  

    UIIC Assistant Exam Dates 2025

    Online Registration commences 16th December 2023
    Last Date for Registration of Online applications 06th January 2024
    Last Date for Payment of Application Fee 06th January 2024
    UIIC Assistant Exam Date March 21, 2024
    UIIC Assistant Final Result

    UIICL Assistant Application Fees

    The Application fee for the UIIC Assistant including all the services charges, was INR 1000/- and GST was applicable accordingly for the candidates in the General, OBC, and EWS categories. However, the UIIC Assistant Application Fees for SC/S, PWbD candidates, and Permanent Employees of the Company was INR 250/- excluding GST. While the rates mentioned was for the 2023 exam cycle, as mentioned earlier, any new information about the 2024 exam can only be confirmed with the announcement of the notification for 2024. Please refer to the table below to have a clear understanding of the application fees of the UIIC Assistant Exam 2023.  

    UIIC Assistant Exam Salary

    In the beginning, the total salary of a UIIC Assistant is around Rs. 37,000 per month in a big city. Additional allowances may change based on the work location. Besides these allowances, there are other advantages like fixed home medical benefits, being part of a group medical policy for hospital expense reimbursement, travel subsidy during leave, and various staff welfare programs, following the company's regulations. If there is any change in the salary for UIIC Assistant, it will be announced when the 2024 recruitment cycle begins. Please refer to the table below to know the complete pay level of a UIIC Assistant as of 2023.  

    UIICL Assistant Scale of pay: Rs. 22405-1305(1)-23710-1425(2)-26560-1605(5)-34585-1855(2)- 38295-2260(3)-45075-2345(2)-49765-

    Job Responsibilities of a UIIC Assistant

    • Customer Assistance: Help customers with insurance-related queries, providing information, and assisting in claim processing. 
    • Policy Handling: Manage and maintain insurance policies, ensuring accuracy and completeness of records. 
    • Documentation: Prepare and handle necessary paperwork, including policy documents and claims forms. 
    • Data Entry: Input and update customer information in the company's system accurately. 
    • Administrative Support: Assist in various administrative tasks, such as maintaining files, handling correspondence, and supporting day-to-day office operations. 

    UIIC Assistant Eligibility Criteria

    UIIC Assistant Age Criteria

    The Age Criteria and educational criteria to apply for the UIIC Assistant exam both is mentioned in the official notification of the UIIC Assistant. Before applying for the UIIC Assitant, it is essential for you to know about the eligibility criteria for this exam, as it will play an influential role to make you an ideal candidate. The minimum age to apply for the UIIC Assistant should not be less than 21 year. However, the maximum age to apply for this exam should not be more than 30 years. All the age criteria is applicable as on September 30, 2023. Please refer to the table below to understand the Age criteria for the UIIC Assitant Exam clearly.

    Name of the PostAge Criteria 
    UIIC Assistant Minimum Age - 21 Years / Maximum Age - 30 Years (as on 30.09.2023). Candidates born not earlier than 01.10.1993 and not later than 30.09.2002 (both days inclusive)

    However, some relaxations are given to candidates according to the categories. Thus, it is important for you to look at those relaxations whether you fall under that age relaxation or not. Refer to the table below to know the age relaxation given to various categories under the UIIC Assitant Application.

    CategoryAge Relaxation
    Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe 3 years
    Other Backward Classes 5 years
    Persons with Benchmark Disability 5 years
    Ex-Servicemen /Disabled Ex-servicemen 5 years
    Widows, Divorced women and women legally separated fromtheir Husbands, who have not remarried 5 years
    Persons ordinarily domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the Stateof Jammu & Kashmir during the period 1-1-80 to 31-12-89 5 years
    Resident of Assam State during the periodfrom 01.01.1980 to 15.08.1985 5 years
    Existing Confirmed Employees of Company 10 years

    UIIC Assistant Educational Criteria

    The Educational Qualification for the UIIC Assistant exam is quite simple, you have to graduate from a recognized university. Apart from that, there is a twist in the educational qualification for this exam, the candidate should possess the knowledge of Reading, Writing, and Speaking of Regional language of the State of Recruitment.

    Knowledge of Reading, Writing and Speaking of Regional language of the State of Recruitment is essential.
    PostEducation Criteria
    UIICL Assistant Graduate from a recognized University AND

    UIIC Assistant Online Course

    The UIIC Assitant exam is a great opportunity for students willing to build their careers in the Insurance sector of India. UIIC is a giant organization, and this opportunity is a gateway towards your dream career. Thus, it is essential to prepare for this exam wholeheartedly. As the notification has already been released, it will be beneficial if you start preparing for this exam right away. At ixamBee, our objective is to help students make their steps ahead toward their dream careers. Therefore, we have come up with a course on UIIC Assistant exam, i.e., UIIC Assistant Online Course. This course will give you access to expert guidance that will not only prepare you for the exam but also prepare you to become a UIIC Employee. Hence, it is beneficial if you prepare through this course and get a customized mentor facility from our faculties.

    UIIC Assistant Previous Year Cut off

    UIIC Assistant 2017 Mains Sectional Cut off 

    SectionsCategory & Code

    SC(01), ST(03), OBC(05), & Others

    UR (07)

    T1 (RE) (50)



    T2 (EL) (50)



    T3 (GA) (50)



    T4 (CK) (50)



    T5 (NA) (50)



    Uiicl Assistant FAQs

    For the UIIC Assistant Exam, there is no accurate date mentioned in the notification. Once the notification is out, aspirants can apply for the exam and await the offical exam dates accordingly. In the meantime, they can begin preparing for Phase 1 as they await the notification. .
    The UIIC Assistant Exam will consist of two phases: Online Exam, and Regional Language Test. Since the exam pattern for UIIC Assistant 2024 is not yet out, aspirants need to wait for the actual notification to begin preparing. Once the notification is out, the exam pattern and syllabus will be more clear.
    As of now, the UIIC (United India Insurance Company Limited) has set the maximum age limit for the post of Assistant at 30 years. Candidates applying for the Assistant position must ensure that they do not exceed this age limit.
    No, there will be no interview in the UIIC Assistant process. However, a Regional language test is there for the candidates qualifying the Phase 1/Online Examination of the UIIC Assistant Recruitment.
    In the Phase 1/Online Exam of UIIC Assistant, all the sections except the English Language section will be available in both English and Hindi languages. This provides candidates the option to attempt the questions in their preferred language, making the exam more accessible and accommodating for candidates from different linguistic backgrounds.
    In the Phase 1/Online Examination of the UIIC Assistant exam, there will be a negative marking system. For each incorrect response, one-fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty. Candidates should be cautious while answering to avoid unnecessary deductions.
    Yes, the candidates belonging to reserved categories are provided age relaxation in the UIIC Assistant exam. They must present the necessary documents as proof of their category during the verification process when requested by the authorities. This ensures that eligible candidates receive the appropriate benefits and opportunities.
    The Online Exam/Phase 1 of the UIIC Assistant 2024 exam is expected to be in online mode. The nature of the exam would be objective and you can attempt the exam bilingually except for the English Language section.
    The UIIC strategically allocates enough exam centres across different cities, ensuring fair and smooth conduct of the UIIC Assistant examination. While candidates can choose their preferred centre during the application process, the UIIC reserves the right to make changes if needed, ensuring efficient logistics and administration for many candidates.
    Once the UIIC Assistant notification 2024 is released, the SSC CGL online application process will begin. The UIIC Assistant recruitment for 2023 just ended with the declaration of the results for 2023 in March 2024.

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